--- title: TwinColSelect order: 20 layout: page --- [[components.twincolselect]] = [classname]#TwinColSelect# ifdef::web[] [.sampler] image:{live-demo-image}[alt="Live Demo", link="http://demo.vaadin.com/sampler/#ui/data-input/multiple-value/list-builder"] endif::web[] The [classname]#TwinColSelect# field provides a multiple selection component that shows two lists side by side, with the left column containing unselected items and the right column the selected items. The user can select items from the list on the left and click on the ">>" button to move them to the list on the right. Items can be deselected by selecting them in the right list and clicking on the "<<" button. [[figure.components.twincolselect.basic]] .Twin Column Selection image::img/twincolselect-basic.png[width=50%, scaledwidth=80%] [classname]#TwinColSelect# is always in multi-select mode, so its selection is always a collection of the item IDs of the selected items, that is, the items in the right column. The selection columns can have their own captions, separate from the overall component caption, which is managed by the containing layout. You can set the column captions with [methodname]#setLeftColumnCaption()# and [methodname]#setRightColumnCaption()#. [source, java] ---- TwinColSelect select = new TwinColSelect<>("Select Targets"); // Put some items in the select select.setItems("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune"); // Few items, so we can set rows to match item count select.setRows(select.size()); // Preselect a few items select.setSelection("Venus", "Earth", "Mars"); // Handle value changes select.onSelect(selectedItems -> layout.addComponent(new Label("Selected: " + selectedItems))); ---- See the http://demo.vaadin.com/book-examples-vaadin7/book#component.select.twincolselect.captions[on-line example, window="_blank"]. The resulting component is shown in <>. The [methodname]#setRows()# method sets the height of the component by the number of visible items in the selection boxes. Setting the height with [methodname]#setHeight()# to a defined value overrides the rows setting. Common selection component features are described in <>. == CSS Style Rules [source, css] ---- .v-select-twincol {} .v-select-twincol-options-caption {} .v-select-twincol-selections-caption {} .v-select-twincol-options {} .v-select-twincol-buttons {} .v-button {} .v-button-wrap {} .v-button-caption {} .v-select-twincol-deco {} .v-select-twincol-selections {} ---- The [classname]#TwinColSelect# component has an overall [literal]#++v-select-twincol++# style. If set, the left and right column captions have [literal]#++v-select-twincol-options-caption++# and [literal]#++v-select-twincol-options-caption++# style names, respectively. The left box, which displays the unselected items, has [literal]#++v-select-twincol-options-caption++# style and the right box, which displays the selected items, has [literal]#++v-select-twincol-options-selections++# style. Between them is the button area, which has overall [literal]#++v-select-twincol-buttons++# style; the actual buttons reuse the styles for the [classname]#Button# component. Between the buttons is a divider element with [literal]#++v-select-twincol-deco++# style.