--- title: Installing order: 2 layout: page --- [[jpacontainer.installation]] = Installing Vaadin JPAContainer can be installed either as an installation package, downloaded from the Vaadin Directory, or as a Maven dependency. You can also create a new JPAContainer-enabled Vaadin project using a Maven archetype. [[jpacontainer.installation.download]] == Downloading the Package Vaadin JPAContainer is available for download from the link:http://vaadin.com/directory[Vaadin Directory]. Please see <> for basic instructions for downloading from Directory. The download page also gives the dependency declaration needed for retrieving the library with Maven. JPAContainer is a purely server-side component, so it does not include a widget set that you would need to compile. [[jpacontainer.installation.package]] == Installation Package Content Once extracted to a local folder, the contents of the installation directory are as follows: [filename]#README#:: A readme file describing the package contents. [filename]#LICENSE#:: The full license text for the library. [filename]#vaadin-jpacontainer-3.x.x.jar#:: The actual Vaadin JPAContainer library. [filename]#vaadin-jpacontainer-3.x.x-sources.jar#:: Source JAR for the library. You can use it for example in Eclipse by associating the JavaDoc JAR with the JPAContainer JAR in the build path settings of your project. [filename]#jpacontainer-tutorial.pdf#:: The tutorial in PDF format. [filename]#jpacontainer-tutorial-html#:: The tutorial in HTML format. [filename]#jpacontainer-addressbook-demo#:: The JPAContainer AddressBook Demo project covered in this tutorial. You can compile and package the application as a WAR with " [command]#mvn# [parameter]#package#" or launch it in the Jetty web browser with " [command]#mvn# [parameter]#jetty:run#". You can also import the demo project in Eclipse. [[jpacontainer.installation.maven]] == Downloading with Maven The link:http://vaadin.com/directory[download page in Vaadin Directory] gives the dependency declaration needed for retrieving the Vaadin JPAContainer library with Maven. ---- com.vaadin.addon jpacontainer-addon 3.1.0 ---- Use the [literal]#++LATEST++# version tag to automatically download the latest stable release or use a specific version number as done above. See <> for detailed instructions for using a Vaadin add-on with Maven. [[jpacontainer.installation.maven.archetype]] === Using the Maven Archetype If you wish to create a new JPAContainer-enabled Vaadin project with Maven, you can use the [literal]#++vaadin-archetype-jpacontainer++# archetype. Please see <> for details on creating a Vaadin project with a Maven archetype. [[jpacontainer.installation.libraries]] == Including Libraries in Your Project The Vaadin JPAContainer JAR must be included in the library folder of the web application. It is located in [filename]#WEB-INF/lib# path in a web application. In a normal Eclipse web projects the path is [filename]#WebContent/WEB-INF/lib#. In Maven projects the JARs are automatically included in the folder, as long as the dependencies are defined correctly. You will need the following JARs: * Vaadin Framework Library * Vaadin JPAContainer * Java Persistence API 2.0 (javax.persistence package) * JPA implementation (EclipseLink, Hibernate, ...) * Database driver or embedded engine (H2, HSQLDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ...) If you use Eclipse, the Vaadin Framework library is automatically downloaded and updated by the Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse. To use bean validation, you need an implementation of the Bean Validation, such as Hibernate Validator.//TODO elaborate [[jpacontainer.installation.configuration]] == Persistence Configuration Persistence configuration is done in a [filename]#persistence.xml# file. In a regular Eclipse project, it should be located in [filename]#WebContent/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF#. In a Maven project, it should be in [filename]#src/main/resources/META-INF#. The configuration includes the following: * The persistence unit * The persistence provider * The database driver and connection * Logging The [filename]#persistence.xml# file is packaged as [filename]#WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml# in the WAR. This is done automatically in a Maven build at the package phase. [[jpacontainer.installation.configuration.schema]] === Persistence XML Schema The beginning of a [filename]#persistence.xml# file defines the used schema and namespaces: ---- ---- [[jpacontainer.installation.configuration.unit]] === Defining the Persistence Unit The root element of the persistence definition is persistence-unit. The name of the persistence unit is needed for creating [classname]#JPAContainer# instances from a [classname]#JPAContainerFactory#, as described in <> or when creating a JPA entity manager. ---- ---- Persistence provider is the JPA provider implementation used. For example, the JPAContainer AddressBook demo uses the EclipseLink JPA, which is defined as follows: ---- org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider ---- The persistent classes need to be listed with a [literal]#++++# element. Alternatively, you can allow including unlisted classes for persistence by overriding the [literal]#++exclude-unlisted-classes++# default as follows: ---- false ---- JPA provider specific parameters are given under the [literal]#++properties++# element. ---- ... ---- In the following section we give parameters for the EclipseLink JPA and H2 database used in the JPAContainer AddressBook Demo. Please refer to the documentation of the JPA provider you use for a complete reference of parameters. [[jpacontainer.installation.configuration.database]] === Database Connection EclipseLink allows using JDBC for database connection. For example, if we use the the H2 database, we define its driver here as follows: ---- ---- Database connection is specified with a URL. For example, using an embedded H2 database stored in the home directory it would be as follows: ---- ---- A hint: when using an embedded H2 database while developing a Vaadin application in Eclipse, you may want to add [literal]#++;FILE_LOCK=NO++# to the URL to avoid locking issues when redeploying. We can just use the default user name and password for the H2 database: ---- ---- [[jpacontainer.installation.configuration.logging]] === Logging Configuration JPA implementations as well as database engines like to produce logs and they should be configured in the persistence configuration. For example, if using EclipseLink JPA, you can get log that includes all SQL statements with the [literal]#++FINE++# logging level: ---- ---- [[jpacontainer.installation.configuration.other]] === Other Settings The rest is some Data Definition Language settings for EclipseLink. During development, when we use generated example data, we want EclipseLink to drop tables before trying to create them. In production environments, you should use [literal]#++create-tables++#. ---- ---- And there is no need to generate SQL files, just execute them directly to the database. ---- ---- [[jpacontainer.installation.troubleshooting]] == Troubleshooting Below are some typical errors that you might get when using JPA. These are not specific to JPAContainer. [classname]#javax.persistence.PersistenceException#: No Persistence provider for EntityManager:: The most typical cases for this error are that the persistence unit name is wrong in the source code or in the [filename]#persistence.xml# file, or that the [filename]#persistence.xml# is at a wrong place or has some other problem. Make sure that the persistence unit name matches and the [filename]#persistence.xml# is in [filename]#WEB-INF/classes/META-INF# folder in the deployment. [classname]#java.lang.IllegalArgumentException#: The class is not an entity:: The class is missing from the set of persistent entities. If the [filename]#persistence.xml# does not have [parameter]#exclude-unlisted-classes# defined as [literal]#++false++#, the persistent entity classes should be listed with [literal]#++++# elements.