title: Accordion
order: 10
layout: page

= Accordion

image:{live-demo-image}[alt="Live Demo", link="http://demo.vaadin.com/sampler/#ui/structure/accordion"]

[classname]#Accordion# is a multicomponent container similar to
[classname]#TabSheet#, except that the "tabs" are arranged vertically. Clicking
on a tab opens its contained component in the space between the tab and the next
one. You can use an [classname]#Accordion# identically to a
[classname]#TabSheet#, which it actually inherits. See
for more information.

The following example shows how you can create a simple accordion. As the
[classname]#Accordion# is rather naked alone, we put it inside a Panel that acts
as its caption and provides it a border.

[source, java]
// Create the accordion
Accordion accordion = new Accordion();

// Create the first tab, specify caption when adding
Layout tab1 = new VerticalLayout(); // Wrap in a layout
tab1.addComponent(new Image(null, // No component caption
    new ThemeResource("img/planets/Mercury.jpg")));
accordion.addTab(tab1, "Mercury",
    new ThemeResource("img/planets/Mercury_symbol.png"));

// This tab gets its caption from the component caption
Component tab2 = new Image("Venus",
    new ThemeResource("img/planets/Venus.jpg"));
    new ThemeResource("img/planets/Venus_symbol.png"));

// And so forth the other tabs...
String[] tabs = {"Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn"};
for (String caption: tabs) {
    String basename = "img/planets/" + caption;
    VerticalLayout tab = new VerticalLayout();
    tab.addComponent(new Image(null,
            new ThemeResource(basename + ".jpg")));
    accordion.addTab(tab, caption,
            new ThemeResource(basename + "_symbol.png"));

<<figure.accordion.example1>> shows what the example would look like with the
default theme.

.An Accordion
image::img/accordion-example1.png[width=40%, scaledwidth=55%]

== CSS Style Rules

[source, css]
.v-accordion {}
  .v-accordion-item-first {}
    .v-accordion-item-caption {}
      .v-caption {}
    .v-accordion-item-content {}
      .v-scollable {}

The top-level element of [classname]#Accordion# has the
[literal]#++v-accordion++# style. An [classname]#Accordion# consists of a
sequence of item elements, each of which has a caption element (the tab) and a
content area element.

The selected item (tab) has also the [literal]#++v-accordion-open++# style. The
content area is not shown for the closed items.