--- title: Overview order: 1 layout: page --- [[layout.overview]] = Overview The user interface components in Vaadin can roughly be divided in two groups: components that the user can interact with and layout components for placing the other components to specific places in the user interface. The layout components are identical in their purpose to layout managers in regular desktop frameworks for Java and you can use plain Java to accomplish sophisticated component layouting. You start by creating a content layout for the UI and then add other layout components hierarchically, and finally the interaction components as the leaves of the component tree. [source, java] ---- // Set the root layout for the UI VerticalLayout content = new VerticalLayout(); setContent(content); // Add the topmost component. content.addComponent(new Label("The Ultimate Cat Finder")); // Add a horizontal layout for the bottom part. HorizontalLayout bottom = new HorizontalLayout(); content.addComponent(bottom); bottom.addComponent(new Tree("Major Planets and Their Moons")); bottom.addComponent(new Panel()); ... ---- Or in the declarative format: [source, html] ---- The Ultimate Cat Finder ---- You will usually need to tune the layout components a bit by setting sizes, expansion ratios, alignments, spacings, and so on. The general settings are described in <>. Layouts are coupled with themes that specify various layout features, such as backgrounds, borders, text alignment, and so on. Definition and use of themes is described in <>. You can see a finished version of the above example in <>. [[figure.layout.intro.simple]] .Layout Example image::img/layout-intro-example-1.png[]