#coding=UTF-8 # See BuildArchetypes for details on environment # BuildDemos needs git in PATH and depends on gitpython library # gitpython can be installed with python installer script "pip": # pip install gitpython # # Deployment dependency: requests # pip install requests # Deploy depends on .deployUrl and .deployCredentials files in home folder import sys, os from os.path import join, isfile from fnmatch import fnmatch from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree # Validated demos. name -> git url demos = { "dashboard" : "https://github.com/vaadin/dashboard-demo.git", "addressbook" : "https://github.com/vaadin/addressbook.git", "sampler" : "demos/sampler" # "my-demo" : ("my_demo_url_or_path", "my-demo-dev-branch") } def checkout(folder, url, repoBranch = "master"): Repo.clone_from(url, join(resultPath, folder), branch = repoBranch) if __name__ == "__main__": # Do imports. try: from git import Repo except: print("BuildDemos depends on gitpython. Install it with `pip install gitpython`") sys.exit(1) from BuildHelpers import updateRepositories, mavenValidate, copyWarFiles, getLogFile, removeDir, getArgs, mavenInstall, resultPath, readPomFile, parser from DeployHelpers import deployWar # Add command line agrument for ignoring failing demos parser.add_argument("--ignore", type=str, help="Ignored demos", default="") args = getArgs() demosFailed = False ignoredDemos = args.ignore.split(",") wars = [] for demo in demos: print("Validating demo %s" % (demo)) try: repo = demos[demo] if (isinstance(repo, tuple)): checkout(demo, repo[0], repo[1]) else: checkout(demo, repo) if hasattr(args, "fwRepo") and args.fwRepo is not None: updateRepositories(join(resultPath, demo), args.fwRepo) if hasattr(args, "pluginRepo") and args.pluginRepo is not None: updateRepositories(join(resultPath, demo), args.pluginRepo, postfix="plugin") mavenValidate(demo, logFile=getLogFile(demo)) wars.extend(copyWarFiles(demo)) print("%s demo validation succeeded!" % (demo)) except Exception as e: print("%s demo validation failed: %s" % (demo, e)) if demo not in ignoredDemos: demosFailed = True except EnvironmentError as e: print("%s demo validation failed: %s" % (demo, e)) if demo not in ignoredDemos: demosFailed = True try: removeDir(demo) except: pass print("") for war in wars: try: deployWar(war) except Exception as e: print("War %s failed to deploy: %s" % (war, e)) demosFailed = True if demosFailed: sys.exit(1)