#coding=UTF-8 ## Collection of helpers for Build scripts ## import sys, argparse, subprocess, platform from xml.etree import ElementTree from os.path import join, isdir, isfile, basename, exists from os import listdir, makedirs from shutil import copy, rmtree from glob import glob # Directory where the resulting war files are stored resultPath = join("result", "demos") if not exists(resultPath): makedirs(resultPath) elif not isdir(resultPath): print("Result path is not a directory.") sys.exit(1) args = None # Default argument parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Automated staging validation") group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument("--version", help="Vaadin version to use") parser.add_argument("--maven", help="Additional maven command line parameters", default=None) parser.add_argument("--fwRepo", help="Framework staging repository URL", default=None) parser.add_argument("--pluginRepo", help="Maven plugin repository URL", default=None) # Parse command line arguments <version> def parseArgs(): # If no args, give help if len(sys.argv) == 1: args = parser.parse_args(["-h"]) else: args = parser.parse_args() return args # Function for determining the path for an executable def getCommand(command): # This method uses .split("\n")[0] which basically chooses the first result where/which returns. # Fixes the case with multiple maven installations available on PATH if platform.system() == "Windows": try: return subprocess.check_output(["where", "%s.cmd" % (command)], universal_newlines=True).split("\n")[0] except: try: return subprocess.check_output(["where", "%s.bat" % (command)], universal_newlines=True).split("\n")[0] except: print("Unable to locate command %s with where. Is it in your PATH?" % (command)) else: try: return subprocess.check_output(["which", command], universal_newlines=True).split("\n")[0] except: print("Unable to locate command %s with which. Is it in your PATH?" % (command)) return None mavenCmd = getCommand("mvn") dockerCmd = getCommand("docker") # Get command line arguments. Parses arguments if needed. def getArgs(): global args if args is None: args = parseArgs() return args # Maven Package and Validation def mavenValidate(artifactId, mvnCmd = mavenCmd, logFile = sys.stdout, version = None, mavenParams = None): if version is None: version = getArgs().version if mavenParams is None: mavenParams = getArgs().maven print("Do maven clean package validate") cmd = [mvnCmd] cmd.append("-Dvaadin.version=%s" % (version)) # Enforcer does not always seem to take vaadin.version into account, skip until this can be resolved cmd.append("-Denforcer.skip=true") if mavenParams is not None: cmd.extend(mavenParams.strip('"').split(" ")) cmd.extend(["clean", "package", "validate"]) print("executing: %s" % (" ".join(cmd))) subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=join(resultPath, artifactId), stdout=logFile) # Collect .war files to given folder with given naming def copyWarFiles(artifactId, resultDir = resultPath, name = None): if name is None: name = artifactId copiedWars = [] warFiles = glob(join(resultDir, artifactId, "target", "*.war")) warFiles.extend(glob(join(resultDir, artifactId, "*", "target", "*.war"))) for warFile in warFiles: if len(warFiles) == 1: deployName = "%s.war" % (name) else: deployName = "%s-%d.war" % (name, warFiles.index(warFile)) print("Copying .war file %s as %s to result folder" % (basename(warFile), deployName)) copy(warFile, join(resultDir, deployName)) copiedWars.append(join(resultDir, deployName)) return copiedWars # Generates and modifies a maven pom file def generateArchetype(archetype, artifactId, repo, logFile, group="testpkg", archetypeGroup="com.vaadin"): # Generate the required command line for archetype generation args = getArgs() cmd = [mavenCmd, "archetype:generate"] cmd.append("-DarchetypeGroupId=%s" % (archetypeGroup)) cmd.append("-DarchetypeArtifactId=%s" % (archetype)) cmd.append("-DarchetypeVersion=%s" % (args.version)) if repo is not None: cmd.append("-DarchetypeRepository=%s" % repo) cmd.append("-DgroupId=%s" % (group)) cmd.append("-DartifactId=%s" % (artifactId)) cmd.append("-Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT") cmd.append("-DinteractiveMode=false") if hasattr(args, "maven") and args.maven is not None: cmd.extend(args.maven.strip('"').split(" ")) # Generate pom.xml print("Generating archetype %s" % (archetype)) subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=resultPath, stdout=logFile) # Add a repository of repoType to given repoNode with id and URL def addRepo(repoNode, repoType, id, url): newRepo = ElementTree.SubElement(repoNode, repoType) idElem = ElementTree.SubElement(newRepo, "id") idElem.text = id urlElem = ElementTree.SubElement(newRepo, "url") urlElem.text = url # Get a logfile for given artifact def getLogFile(artifact, resultDir = resultPath): return open(join(resultDir, "%s.log" % (artifact)), 'w') def removeDir(subdir): if '..' in subdir or '/' in subdir: # Dangerous relative paths. return rmtree(join(resultPath, subdir)) def dockerWrap(imageVersion, imageName = "demo-validation"): dockerFileContent = """FROM jtomass/alpine-jre-bash:latest LABEL maintainer="FrameworkTeam" COPY ./*.war /var/lib/jetty/webapps/ USER root RUN mkdir /opt RUN chown -R jetty:jetty /opt COPY ./index-generate.sh /opt/ RUN chmod +x /opt/index-generate.sh USER jetty RUN /opt/index-generate.sh RUN mkdir -p /var/lib/jetty/webapps/root && \ cp /opt/index.html /var/lib/jetty/webapps/root && \ chmod 644 /var/lib/jetty/webapps/root/index.html EXPOSE 8080 """ indexGenerateScript = """#!/bin/ash wars="/var/lib/jetty/webapps" OUTPUT="/opt/index.html" echo "<UL>" > $OUTPUT cd $wars for war in `ls -1 *.war`; do nowar=`echo "$war" | sed -e 's/\(^.*\)\(.war$\)/\\1/'` echo "<LI><a href=\"/$nowar/\">$nowar</a></LI>" >> $OUTPUT done echo "</UL>" >> $OUTPUT """ with open(join(resultPath, "Dockerfile"), "w") as dockerFile: dockerFile.write(dockerFileContent) with open(join(resultPath, "index-generate.sh"), "w") as indexScript: indexScript.write(indexGenerateScript) # build image cmd = [dockerCmd, "build", "-t", "%s:%s" % (imageName, imageVersion), resultPath] subprocess.check_call(cmd) # save to tgz cmd = [dockerCmd, "save", imageName] dockerSave = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) subprocess.check_call(["gzip"], stdin=dockerSave.stdout, stdout=open(join(resultPath, "%s-%s.tgz" % (imageName, imageVersion)), "w")) dockerSave.wait() # delete from docker cmd = [dockerCmd, "rmi", "%s:%s" % (imageName, imageVersion)] subprocess.check_call(cmd)