/* * Copyright 2000-2013 Vaadin Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.vaadin.ui; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import com.vaadin.server.ComponentSizeValidator; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinService; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinSession; /** * Abstract base class for component containers that have only one child * component. * * For component containers that support multiple children, inherit * {@link AbstractComponentContainer} instead of this class. * * @since 7.0 */ public abstract class AbstractSingleComponentContainer extends AbstractComponent implements SingleComponentContainer { private Component content; @Override public int getComponentCount() { return (content != null) ? 1 : 0; } @Override public Iterator<Component> iterator() { if (content != null) { return Collections.singletonList(content).iterator(); } else { return Collections.<Component> emptyList().iterator(); } } /* documented in interface */ @Override public void addComponentAttachListener(ComponentAttachListener listener) { addListener(ComponentAttachEvent.class, listener, ComponentAttachListener.attachMethod); } /* documented in interface */ @Override public void removeComponentAttachListener(ComponentAttachListener listener) { removeListener(ComponentAttachEvent.class, listener, ComponentAttachListener.attachMethod); } /* documented in interface */ @Override public void addComponentDetachListener(ComponentDetachListener listener) { addListener(ComponentDetachEvent.class, listener, ComponentDetachListener.detachMethod); } /* documented in interface */ @Override public void removeComponentDetachListener(ComponentDetachListener listener) { removeListener(ComponentDetachEvent.class, listener, ComponentDetachListener.detachMethod); } /** * Fires the component attached event. This is called by the * {@link #setContent(Component)} method after the component has been set as * the content. * * @param component * the component that has been added to this container. */ protected void fireComponentAttachEvent(Component component) { fireEvent(new ComponentAttachEvent(this, component)); } /** * Fires the component detached event. This is called by the * {@link #setContent(Component)} method after the content component has * been replaced by other content. * * @param component * the component that has been removed from this container. */ protected void fireComponentDetachEvent(Component component) { fireEvent(new ComponentDetachEvent(this, component)); } @Override public Component getContent() { return content; } /** * Sets the content of this container. The content is a component that * serves as the outermost item of the visual contents. * * The content must always be set, either with a constructor parameter or by * calling this method. * * Previous versions of Vaadin used a {@link VerticalLayout} with margins * enabled as the default content but that is no longer the case. * * @param content * a component (typically a layout) to use as content */ @Override public void setContent(Component content) { Component oldContent = getContent(); if (oldContent == content) { // do not set the same content twice return; } if (oldContent != null && oldContent.getParent() == this) { oldContent.setParent(null); fireComponentDetachEvent(oldContent); } this.content = content; if (content != null) { removeFromParent(content); content.setParent(this); fireComponentAttachEvent(content); } markAsDirty(); } /** * Utility method for removing a component from its parent (if possible). * * @param content * component to remove */ // TODO move utility method elsewhere? public static void removeFromParent(Component content) throws IllegalArgumentException { // Verify the appropriate session is locked UI parentUI = content.getUI(); if (parentUI != null) { VaadinSession parentSession = parentUI.getSession(); if (parentSession != null && !parentSession.hasLock()) { String message = "Cannot remove from parent when the session is not locked."; if (VaadinService.isOtherSessionLocked(parentSession)) { message += " Furthermore, there is another locked session, indicating that the component might be about to be moved from one session to another."; } throw new IllegalStateException(message); } } HasComponents parent = content.getParent(); if (parent instanceof ComponentContainer) { // If the component already has a parent, try to remove it ComponentContainer oldParent = (ComponentContainer) parent; oldParent.removeComponent(content); } else if (parent instanceof SingleComponentContainer) { SingleComponentContainer oldParent = (SingleComponentContainer) parent; if (oldParent.getContent() == content) { oldParent.setContent(null); } } else if (parent != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Content is already attached to another parent"); } } // the setHeight()/setWidth() methods duplicated and simplified from // AbstractComponentContainer @Override public void setWidth(float width, Unit unit) { /* * child tree repaints may be needed, due to our fall back support for * invalid relative sizes */ boolean dirtyChild = false; boolean childrenMayBecomeUndefined = false; if (getWidth() == SIZE_UNDEFINED && width != SIZE_UNDEFINED) { // children currently in invalid state may need repaint dirtyChild = getInvalidSizedChild(false); } else if ((width == SIZE_UNDEFINED && getWidth() != SIZE_UNDEFINED) || (unit == Unit.PERCENTAGE && getWidthUnits() != Unit.PERCENTAGE && !ComponentSizeValidator .parentCanDefineWidth(this))) { /* * relative width children may get to invalid state if width becomes * invalid. Width may also become invalid if units become percentage * due to the fallback support */ childrenMayBecomeUndefined = true; dirtyChild = getInvalidSizedChild(false); } super.setWidth(width, unit); repaintChangedChildTree(dirtyChild, childrenMayBecomeUndefined, false); } private void repaintChangedChildTree(boolean invalidChild, boolean childrenMayBecomeUndefined, boolean vertical) { if (getContent() == null) { return; } boolean needRepaint = false; if (childrenMayBecomeUndefined) { // if became invalid now needRepaint = !invalidChild && getInvalidSizedChild(vertical); } else if (invalidChild) { // if not still invalid needRepaint = !getInvalidSizedChild(vertical); } if (needRepaint) { getContent().markAsDirtyRecursive(); } } private boolean getInvalidSizedChild(final boolean vertical) { Component content = getContent(); if (content == null) { return false; } if (vertical) { return !ComponentSizeValidator.checkHeights(content); } else { return !ComponentSizeValidator.checkWidths(content); } } @Override public void setHeight(float height, Unit unit) { /* * child tree repaints may be needed, due to our fall back support for * invalid relative sizes */ boolean dirtyChild = false; boolean childrenMayBecomeUndefined = false; if (getHeight() == SIZE_UNDEFINED && height != SIZE_UNDEFINED) { // children currently in invalid state may need repaint dirtyChild = getInvalidSizedChild(true); } else if ((height == SIZE_UNDEFINED && getHeight() != SIZE_UNDEFINED) || (unit == Unit.PERCENTAGE && getHeightUnits() != Unit.PERCENTAGE && !ComponentSizeValidator .parentCanDefineHeight(this))) { /* * relative height children may get to invalid state if height * becomes invalid. Height may also become invalid if units become * percentage due to the fallback support. */ childrenMayBecomeUndefined = true; dirtyChild = getInvalidSizedChild(true); } super.setHeight(height, unit); repaintChangedChildTree(dirtyChild, childrenMayBecomeUndefined, true); } }