 * Copyright 2000-2013 Vaadin Ltd.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

package com.vaadin.ui;

import org.json.JSONException;

import com.vaadin.data.Property;
import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.BlurEvent;
import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.BlurListener;
import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.FocusAndBlurServerRpcImpl;
import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.FocusEvent;
import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.FocusListener;
import com.vaadin.shared.MouseEventDetails;
import com.vaadin.shared.ui.checkbox.CheckBoxServerRpc;
import com.vaadin.shared.ui.checkbox.CheckBoxState;

public class CheckBox extends AbstractField<Boolean> {

    private CheckBoxServerRpc rpc = new CheckBoxServerRpc() {

        public void setChecked(boolean checked,
                MouseEventDetails mouseEventDetails) {
            if (isReadOnly()) {

             * Client side updates the state before sending the event so we need
             * to make sure the cached state is updated to match the client. If
             * we do not do this, a reverting setValue() call in a listener will
             * not cause the new state to be sent to the client.
             * See #11028, #10030.
            try {
                        .put("checked", checked);
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);

            final Boolean oldValue = getValue();
            final Boolean newValue = checked;

            if (!newValue.equals(oldValue)) {
                // The event is only sent if the switch state is changed


    FocusAndBlurServerRpcImpl focusBlurRpc = new FocusAndBlurServerRpcImpl(this) {
        protected void fireEvent(Event event) {

     * Creates a new checkbox.
    public CheckBox() {

     * Creates a new checkbox with a set caption.
     * @param caption
     *            the Checkbox caption.
    public CheckBox(String caption) {

     * Creates a new checkbox with a caption and a set initial state.
     * @param caption
     *            the caption of the checkbox
     * @param initialState
     *            the initial state of the checkbox
    public CheckBox(String caption, boolean initialState) {

     * Creates a new checkbox that is connected to a boolean property.
     * @param state
     *            the Initial state of the switch-button.
     * @param dataSource
    public CheckBox(String caption, Property<?> dataSource) {

    public Class<Boolean> getType() {
        return Boolean.class;

    protected CheckBoxState getState() {
        return (CheckBoxState) super.getState();

     * Overridden to keep the shared state in sync with the AbstractField
     * internal value. Should be removed once AbstractField is refactored to use
     * shared state.
     * See tickets #10921 and #11064.
    protected void setInternalValue(Boolean newValue) {
        if (newValue == null) {
            newValue = false;
        getState().checked = newValue;

    public void addBlurListener(BlurListener listener) {
        addListener(BlurEvent.EVENT_ID, BlurEvent.class, listener,

     * @deprecated As of 7.0, replaced by {@link #addBlurListener(BlurListener)}
    public void addListener(BlurListener listener) {

    public void removeBlurListener(BlurListener listener) {
        removeListener(BlurEvent.EVENT_ID, BlurEvent.class, listener);

     * @deprecated As of 7.0, replaced by
     *             {@link #removeBlurListener(BlurListener)}
    public void removeListener(BlurListener listener) {

    public void addFocusListener(FocusListener listener) {
        addListener(FocusEvent.EVENT_ID, FocusEvent.class, listener,

     * @deprecated As of 7.0, replaced by
     *             {@link #addFocusListener(FocusListener)}
    public void addListener(FocusListener listener) {

    public void removeFocusListener(FocusListener listener) {
        removeListener(FocusEvent.EVENT_ID, FocusEvent.class, listener);

     * @deprecated As of 7.0, replaced by
     *             {@link #removeFocusListener(FocusListener)}
    public void removeListener(FocusListener listener) {

     * Get the boolean value of the button state.
     * @return True iff the button is pressed down or checked.
     * @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link #getValue()} instead and, if needed,
     *             handle null values.
    public boolean booleanValue() {
        Boolean value = getValue();
        return (null == value) ? false : value.booleanValue();