/* * Copyright 2011 Vaadin Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.vaadin.ui; import java.io.Serializable; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Map; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.BlurEvent; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.BlurListener; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.BlurNotifier; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.FocusEvent; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.FocusListener; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.FocusNotifier; import com.vaadin.event.MouseEvents.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.event.ShortcutAction; import com.vaadin.event.ShortcutAction.KeyCode; import com.vaadin.event.ShortcutAction.ModifierKey; import com.vaadin.event.ShortcutListener; import com.vaadin.shared.MouseEventDetails; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.window.WindowServerRpc; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.window.WindowState; import com.vaadin.terminal.PaintException; import com.vaadin.terminal.PaintTarget; import com.vaadin.terminal.Vaadin6Component; /** * A component that represents a floating popup window that can be added to a * {@link UI}. A window is added to a {@code UI} using * {@link UI#addWindow(Window)}.


* The contents of a window is set using {@link #setContent(ComponentContainer)} * or by using the {@link #Window(String, ComponentContainer)} constructor. The * contents can in turn contain other components. By default, a * {@link VerticalLayout} is used as content. *


* A window can be positioned on the screen using absolute coordinates (pixels) * or set to be centered using {@link #center()} *


* The caption is displayed in the window header. *


* In Vaadin versions prior to 7.0.0, Window was also used as application level * windows. This function is now covered by the {@link UI} class. *

* * @author Vaadin Ltd. * @since 3.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class Window extends Panel implements FocusNotifier, BlurNotifier, Vaadin6Component { private WindowServerRpc rpc = new WindowServerRpc() { @Override public void click(MouseEventDetails mouseDetails) { fireEvent(new ClickEvent(Window.this, mouseDetails)); } }; /** * Creates a new unnamed window with a default layout. */ public Window() { this("", null); } /** * Creates a new unnamed window with a default layout and given title. * * @param caption * the title of the window. */ public Window(String caption) { this(caption, null); } /** * Creates a new unnamed window with the given content and title. * * @param caption * the title of the window. * @param content * the contents of the window */ public Window(String caption, ComponentContainer content) { super(caption, content); registerRpc(rpc); setSizeUndefined(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.vaadin.ui.Panel#addComponent(com.vaadin.ui.Component) */ @Override public void addComponent(Component c) { if (c instanceof Window) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Window cannot be added to another via addComponent. " + "Use addWindow(Window) instead."); } super.addComponent(c); } /* ********************************************************************* */ /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.vaadin.ui.Panel#paintContent(com.vaadin.terminal.PaintTarget) */ @Override public synchronized void paintContent(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException { if (bringToFront != null) { target.addAttribute("bringToFront", bringToFront.intValue()); bringToFront = null; } // Contents of the window panel is painted super.paintContent(target); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.vaadin.ui.Panel#changeVariables(java.lang.Object, java.util.Map) */ @Override public void changeVariables(Object source, Map variables) { // TODO Are these for top level windows or sub windows? boolean sizeHasChanged = false; // size is handled in super class, but resize events only in windows -> // so detect if size change occurs before super.changeVariables() if (variables.containsKey("height") && (getHeightUnits() != Unit.PIXELS || (Integer) variables .get("height") != getHeight())) { sizeHasChanged = true; } if (variables.containsKey("width") && (getWidthUnits() != Unit.PIXELS || (Integer) variables .get("width") != getWidth())) { sizeHasChanged = true; } super.changeVariables(source, variables); // Positioning final Integer positionx = (Integer) variables.get("positionx"); if (positionx != null) { final int x = positionx.intValue(); // This is information from the client so it is already using the // position. No need to repaint. setPositionX(x < 0 ? -1 : x); } final Integer positiony = (Integer) variables.get("positiony"); if (positiony != null) { final int y = positiony.intValue(); // This is information from the client so it is already using the // position. No need to repaint. setPositionY(y < 0 ? -1 : y); } if (isClosable()) { // Closing final Boolean close = (Boolean) variables.get("close"); if (close != null && close.booleanValue()) { close(); } } // fire event if size has really changed if (sizeHasChanged) { fireResize(); } if (variables.containsKey(FocusEvent.EVENT_ID)) { fireEvent(new FocusEvent(this)); } else if (variables.containsKey(BlurEvent.EVENT_ID)) { fireEvent(new BlurEvent(this)); } } /** * Method that handles window closing (from UI). * *

* By default, sub-windows are removed from their respective parent windows * and thus visually closed on browser-side. Browser-level windows also * closed on the client-side, but they are not implicitly removed from the * application. *

* *

* To explicitly close a sub-window, use {@link #removeWindow(Window)}. To * react to a window being closed (after it is closed), register a * {@link CloseListener}. *

*/ public void close() { UI uI = getUI(); // Don't do anything if not attached to a UI if (uI != null) { // focus is restored to the parent window uI.focus(); // subwindow is removed from the UI uI.removeWindow(this); } } /** * Gets the distance of Window left border in pixels from left border of the * containing (main window). * * @return the Distance of Window left border in pixels from left border of * the containing (main window). or -1 if unspecified. * @since 4.0.0 */ public int getPositionX() { return getState().getPositionX(); } /** * Sets the distance of Window left border in pixels from left border of the * containing (main window). * * @param positionX * the Distance of Window left border in pixels from left border * of the containing (main window). or -1 if unspecified. * @since 4.0.0 */ public void setPositionX(int positionX) { getState().setPositionX(positionX); getState().setCentered(false); } /** * Gets the distance of Window top border in pixels from top border of the * containing (main window). * * @return Distance of Window top border in pixels from top border of the * containing (main window). or -1 if unspecified . * * @since 4.0.0 */ public int getPositionY() { return getState().getPositionY(); } /** * Sets the distance of Window top border in pixels from top border of the * containing (main window). * * @param positionY * the Distance of Window top border in pixels from top border of * the containing (main window). or -1 if unspecified * * @since 4.0.0 */ public void setPositionY(int positionY) { getState().setPositionY(positionY); getState().setCentered(false); } private static final Method WINDOW_CLOSE_METHOD; static { try { WINDOW_CLOSE_METHOD = CloseListener.class.getDeclaredMethod( "windowClose", new Class[] { CloseEvent.class }); } catch (final java.lang.NoSuchMethodException e) { // This should never happen throw new java.lang.RuntimeException( "Internal error, window close method not found"); } } public class CloseEvent extends Component.Event { /** * * @param source */ public CloseEvent(Component source) { super(source); } /** * Gets the Window. * * @return the window. */ public Window getWindow() { return (Window) getSource(); } } /** * An interface used for listening to Window close events. Add the * CloseListener to a browser level window or a sub window and * {@link CloseListener#windowClose(CloseEvent)} will be called whenever the * user closes the window. * *

* Since Vaadin 6.5, removing a window using {@link #removeWindow(Window)} * fires the CloseListener. *

*/ public interface CloseListener extends Serializable { /** * Called when the user closes a window. Use * {@link CloseEvent#getWindow()} to get a reference to the * {@link Window} that was closed. * * @param e * Event containing */ public void windowClose(CloseEvent e); } /** * Adds a CloseListener to the window. * * For a sub window the CloseListener is fired when the user closes it * (clicks on the close button). * * For a browser level window the CloseListener is fired when the browser * level window is closed. Note that closing a browser level window does not * mean it will be destroyed. Also note that Opera does not send events like * all other browsers and therefore the close listener might not be called * if Opera is used. * *

* Since Vaadin 6.5, removing windows using {@link #removeWindow(Window)} * does fire the CloseListener. *

* * @param listener * the CloseListener to add. */ public void addListener(CloseListener listener) { addListener(CloseEvent.class, listener, WINDOW_CLOSE_METHOD); } /** * Removes the CloseListener from the window. * *

* For more information on CloseListeners see {@link CloseListener}. *

* * @param listener * the CloseListener to remove. */ public void removeListener(CloseListener listener) { removeListener(CloseEvent.class, listener, WINDOW_CLOSE_METHOD); } protected void fireClose() { fireEvent(new Window.CloseEvent(this)); } /** * Method for the resize event. */ private static final Method WINDOW_RESIZE_METHOD; static { try { WINDOW_RESIZE_METHOD = ResizeListener.class.getDeclaredMethod( "windowResized", new Class[] { ResizeEvent.class }); } catch (final java.lang.NoSuchMethodException e) { // This should never happen throw new java.lang.RuntimeException( "Internal error, window resized method not found"); } } /** * Resize events are fired whenever the client-side fires a resize-event * (e.g. the browser window is resized). The frequency may vary across * browsers. */ public class ResizeEvent extends Component.Event { /** * * @param source */ public ResizeEvent(Component source) { super(source); } /** * Get the window form which this event originated * * @return the window */ public Window getWindow() { return (Window) getSource(); } } /** * Listener for window resize events. * * @see com.vaadin.ui.Window.ResizeEvent */ public interface ResizeListener extends Serializable { public void windowResized(ResizeEvent e); } /** * Add a resize listener. * * @param listener */ public void addListener(ResizeListener listener) { addListener(ResizeEvent.class, listener, WINDOW_RESIZE_METHOD); } /** * Remove a resize listener. * * @param listener */ public void removeListener(ResizeListener listener) { removeListener(ResizeEvent.class, listener); } /** * Fire the resize event. */ protected void fireResize() { fireEvent(new ResizeEvent(this)); } /** * Used to keep the right order of windows if multiple windows are brought * to front in a single changeset. If this is not used, the order is quite * random (depends on the order getting to dirty list. e.g. which window got * variable changes). */ private Integer bringToFront = null; /** * If there are currently several windows visible, calling this method makes * this window topmost. *

* This method can only be called if this window connected a UI. Else an * illegal state exception is thrown. Also if there are modal windows and * this window is not modal, and illegal state exception is thrown. *

*/ public void bringToFront() { UI uI = getUI(); if (uI == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Window must be attached to parent before calling bringToFront method."); } int maxBringToFront = -1; for (Window w : uI.getWindows()) { if (!isModal() && w.isModal()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "The UI contains modal windows, non-modal window cannot be brought to front."); } if (w.bringToFront != null) { maxBringToFront = Math.max(maxBringToFront, w.bringToFront.intValue()); } } bringToFront = Integer.valueOf(maxBringToFront + 1); markAsDirty(); } /** * Sets sub-window modal, so that widgets behind it cannot be accessed. * Note: affects sub-windows only. * * @param modal * true if modality is to be turned on */ public void setModal(boolean modal) { getState().setModal(modal); center(); } /** * @return true if this window is modal. */ public boolean isModal() { return getState().isModal(); } /** * Sets sub-window resizable. Note: affects sub-windows only. * * @param resizable * true if resizability is to be turned on */ public void setResizable(boolean resizable) { getState().setResizable(resizable); } /** * * @return true if window is resizable by the end-user, otherwise false. */ public boolean isResizable() { return getState().isResizable(); } /** * * @return true if a delay is used before recalculating sizes, false if * sizes are recalculated immediately. */ public boolean isResizeLazy() { return getState().isResizeLazy(); } /** * Should resize operations be lazy, i.e. should there be a delay before * layout sizes are recalculated. Speeds up resize operations in slow UIs * with the penalty of slightly decreased usability. * * Note, some browser send false resize events for the browser window and * are therefore always lazy. * * @param resizeLazy * true to use a delay before recalculating sizes, false to * calculate immediately. */ public void setResizeLazy(boolean resizeLazy) { getState().setResizeLazy(resizeLazy); } /** * Sets this window to be centered relative to its parent window. Affects * sub-windows only. If the window is resized as a result of the size of its * content changing, it will keep itself centered as long as its position is * not explicitly changed programmatically or by the user. *

* NOTE: This method has several issues as currently implemented. * Please refer to http://dev.vaadin.com/ticket/8971 for details. */ public void center() { getState().setCentered(true); } /** * Returns the closable status of the sub window. If a sub window is * closable it typically shows an X in the upper right corner. Clicking on * the X sends a close event to the server. Setting closable to false will * remove the X from the sub window and prevent the user from closing the * window. * * Note! For historical reasons readonly controls the closability of the sub * window and therefore readonly and closable affect each other. Setting * readonly to true will set closable to false and vice versa. *

* Closable only applies to sub windows, not to browser level windows. * * @return true if the sub window can be closed by the user. */ public boolean isClosable() { return !isReadOnly(); } /** * Sets the closable status for the sub window. If a sub window is closable * it typically shows an X in the upper right corner. Clicking on the X * sends a close event to the server. Setting closable to false will remove * the X from the sub window and prevent the user from closing the window. * * Note! For historical reasons readonly controls the closability of the sub * window and therefore readonly and closable affect each other. Setting * readonly to true will set closable to false and vice versa. *

* Closable only applies to sub windows, not to browser level windows. * * @param closable * determines if the sub window can be closed by the user. */ public void setClosable(boolean closable) { setReadOnly(!closable); } /** * Indicates whether a sub window can be dragged or not. By default a sub * window is draggable. *

* Draggable only applies to sub windows, not to browser level windows. * * @param draggable * true if the sub window can be dragged by the user */ public boolean isDraggable() { return getState().isDraggable(); } /** * Enables or disables that a sub window can be dragged (moved) by the user. * By default a sub window is draggable. *

* Draggable only applies to sub windows, not to browser level windows. * * @param draggable * true if the sub window can be dragged by the user */ public void setDraggable(boolean draggable) { getState().setDraggable(draggable); } /* * Actions */ protected CloseShortcut closeShortcut; /** * Makes is possible to close the window by pressing the given * {@link KeyCode} and (optional) {@link ModifierKey}s.
* Note that this shortcut only reacts while the window has focus, closing * itself - if you want to close a subwindow from a parent window, use * {@link #addAction(com.vaadin.event.Action)} of the parent window instead. * * @param keyCode * the keycode for invoking the shortcut * @param modifiers * the (optional) modifiers for invoking the shortcut, null for * none */ public void setCloseShortcut(int keyCode, int... modifiers) { if (closeShortcut != null) { removeAction(closeShortcut); } closeShortcut = new CloseShortcut(this, keyCode, modifiers); addAction(closeShortcut); } /** * Removes the keyboard shortcut previously set with * {@link #setCloseShortcut(int, int...)}. */ public void removeCloseShortcut() { if (closeShortcut != null) { removeAction(closeShortcut); closeShortcut = null; } } /** * A {@link ShortcutListener} specifically made to define a keyboard * shortcut that closes the window. * *

     *  // within the window using helper
     *  subWindow.setCloseShortcut(KeyCode.ESCAPE, null);
     *  // or globally
     *  getWindow().addAction(new Window.CloseShortcut(subWindow, KeyCode.ESCAPE));
* */ public static class CloseShortcut extends ShortcutListener { protected Window window; /** * Creates a keyboard shortcut for closing the given window using the * shorthand notation defined in {@link ShortcutAction}. * * @param window * to be closed when the shortcut is invoked * @param shorthandCaption * the caption with shortcut keycode and modifiers indicated */ public CloseShortcut(Window window, String shorthandCaption) { super(shorthandCaption); this.window = window; } /** * Creates a keyboard shortcut for closing the given window using the * given {@link KeyCode} and {@link ModifierKey}s. * * @param window * to be closed when the shortcut is invoked * @param keyCode * KeyCode to react to * @param modifiers * optional modifiers for shortcut */ public CloseShortcut(Window window, int keyCode, int... modifiers) { super(null, keyCode, modifiers); this.window = window; } /** * Creates a keyboard shortcut for closing the given window using the * given {@link KeyCode}. * * @param window * to be closed when the shortcut is invoked * @param keyCode * KeyCode to react to */ public CloseShortcut(Window window, int keyCode) { this(window, keyCode, null); } @Override public void handleAction(Object sender, Object target) { window.close(); } } /** * Note, that focus/blur listeners in Window class are only supported by sub * windows. Also note that Window is not considered focused if its contained * component currently has focus. * * @see com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.FocusNotifier#addListener(com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.FocusListener) */ @Override public void addListener(FocusListener listener) { addListener(FocusEvent.EVENT_ID, FocusEvent.class, listener, FocusListener.focusMethod); } @Override public void removeListener(FocusListener listener) { removeListener(FocusEvent.EVENT_ID, FocusEvent.class, listener); } /** * Note, that focus/blur listeners in Window class are only supported by sub * windows. Also note that Window is not considered focused if its contained * component currently has focus. * * @see com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.BlurNotifier#addListener(com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.BlurListener) */ @Override public void addListener(BlurListener listener) { addListener(BlurEvent.EVENT_ID, BlurEvent.class, listener, BlurListener.blurMethod); } @Override public void removeListener(BlurListener listener) { removeListener(BlurEvent.EVENT_ID, BlurEvent.class, listener); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * If the window is a sub-window focusing will cause the sub-window to be * brought on top of other sub-windows on gain keyboard focus. */ @Override public void focus() { /* * When focusing a sub-window it basically means it should be brought to * the front. Instead of just moving the keyboard focus we focus the * window and bring it top-most. */ super.focus(); bringToFront(); } @Override protected WindowState getState() { return (WindowState) super.getState(); } }