* Copyright 2000-2018 Vaadin Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.vaadin.data;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import com.vaadin.server.SerializableConsumer;
import com.vaadin.server.SerializableFunction;
import com.vaadin.server.SerializableSupplier;
* Represents the result of an operation that might fail, such as type
* conversion. A result may contain either a value, signifying a successful
* operation, or an error message in case of a failure.
* Result instances are created using the factory methods {@link #ok(R)} and
* {@link #error(String)}, denoting success and failure respectively.
* Unless otherwise specified, {@code Result} method arguments cannot be null.
* @param
* the result value type
* @since 8.0
public interface Result extends Serializable {
* Returns a successful result wrapping the given value.
* @param
* the result value type
* @param value
* the result value, can be null
* @return a successful result
public static Result ok(R value) {
return new SimpleResult<>(value, null);
* Returns a failure result wrapping the given error message.
* @param
* the result value type
* @param message
* the error message
* @return a failure result
public static Result error(String message) {
Objects.requireNonNull(message, "message cannot be null");
return new SimpleResult<>(null, message);
* Returns a Result representing the result of invoking the given supplier.
* If the supplier returns a value, returns a {@code Result.ok} of the
* value; if an exception is thrown, returns the message in a
* {@code Result.error}.
* @param
* the result value type
* @param supplier
* the supplier to run
* @param onError
* the function to provide the error message
* @return the result of invoking the supplier
public static Result of(SerializableSupplier supplier,
SerializableFunction onError) {
Objects.requireNonNull(supplier, "supplier cannot be null");
Objects.requireNonNull(onError, "onError cannot be null");
try {
return ok(supplier.get());
} catch (Exception e) {
return error(onError.apply(e));
* If this Result has a value, returns a Result of applying the given
* function to the value. Otherwise, returns a Result bearing the same error
* as this one. Note that any exceptions thrown by the mapping function are
* not wrapped but allowed to propagate.
* @param
* the type of the mapped value
* @param mapper
* the mapping function
* @return the mapped result
public default Result map(SerializableFunction mapper) {
return flatMap(value -> ok(mapper.apply(value)));
* If this Result has a value, applies the given Result-returning function
* to the value. Otherwise, returns a Result bearing the same error as this
* one. Note that any exceptions thrown by the mapping function are not
* wrapped but allowed to propagate.
* @param
* the type of the mapped value
* @param mapper
* the mapping function
* @return the mapped result
public Result flatMap(SerializableFunction> mapper);
* Invokes either the first callback or the second one, depending on whether
* this Result denotes a success or a failure, respectively.
* @param ifOk
* the function to call if success
* @param ifError
* the function to call if failure
public void handle(SerializableConsumer ifOk,
SerializableConsumer ifError);
* Applies the {@code consumer} if result is not an error.
* @param consumer
* consumer to apply in case it's not an error
public default void ifOk(SerializableConsumer consumer) {
handle(consumer, error -> {
* Applies the {@code consumer} if result is an error.
* @param consumer
* consumer to apply in case it's an error
public default void ifError(SerializableConsumer consumer) {
handle(value -> {
}, consumer);
* Checks if the result denotes an error.
* @return true
if the result denotes an error,
* false
public boolean isError();
* Returns an Optional of the result message, or an empty Optional if none.
* @return the optional message
public Optional getMessage();
* Return the value, if the result denotes success, otherwise throw an
* exception to be created by the provided supplier.
* @param
* Type of the exception to be thrown
* @param exceptionProvider
* The provider which will return the exception to be thrown
* based on the given error message
* @return the value
* @throws X
* if this result denotes an error
public R getOrThrow(
SerializableFunction exceptionProvider)
throws X;