package com.itmill.toolkit.automatedtests.featurebrowser; import; import; import; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.BaseFieldFactory; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Button; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Component; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.CustomComponent; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Field; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Form; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.TextField; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Button.ClickEvent; /** * This example demonstrates the most important features of the Form component: * binding Form to a JavaBean so that form fields are automatically generated * from the bean properties, creation of custom field editors using a * FieldFactory, customizing the form without FieldFactory, buffering * (commit/discard) and validation. Please note that the example is quite a bit * more complex than real use, as it tries to demonstrate more features than * needed in general case. */ public class FormExample extends CustomComponent { static final String cities[] = { "Amsterdam", "Berlin", "Helsinki", "Hong Kong", "London", "Luxemburg", "New York", "Oslo", "Paris", "Rome", "Stockholm", "Tokyo", "Turku" }; /** Compose the demo. */ public FormExample() { // Example data model final Address dataModel = new Address(); Button peekDataModelState = new Button("Show the data model state", new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { getWindow().showNotification( dataModel.getAddressAsText()); } }); // Example form final AddressForm form = new AddressForm("Contact Information"); form.setDataSource(dataModel); form .setDescription("Please enter valid name and address. Fields marked with * are required. " + "If you try to commit with invalid values, a form error message is displayed. " + "(Address is required but failing to give it a value does not display an error.)"); // Layout the example VerticalLayout root = new VerticalLayout(); root.setMargin(true); root.setSpacing(true); root.addComponent(form); root.addComponent(peekDataModelState); setCompositionRoot(root); } public static class AddressForm extends Form { public AddressForm(String caption) { setCaption(caption); // Use custom field factory to modify the defaults on how the // components are created setFieldFactory(new MyFieldFactory()); // Add Commit and Discard controls to the form. Button commit = new Button("Save", this, "commit"); Button discard = new Button("Reset", this, "discard"); HorizontalLayout footer = new HorizontalLayout(); footer.addComponent(commit); footer.addComponent(discard); setFooter(footer); } public void setDataSource(Address dataModel) { // Set the form to edit given datamodel by converting pojo used as // the datamodel to Item setItemDataSource(new BeanItem(dataModel)); // Ensure that the fields are shown in correct order as the // datamodel does not force any specific order. setVisibleItemProperties(new String[] { "name", "streetAddress", "postalCode", "city" }); // For examples sake, customize some of the form fields directly // here. The alternative way is to use custom field factory as shown // above. getField("name").setRequired(true); getField("name").setRequiredError("Name is missing"); getField("streetAddress").setRequired(true); // No error message getField("postalCode").setRequired(true); // No error message replaceWithSelect("city", cities, cities).setNewItemsAllowed(true); // Set the form to act immediately on user input. This is // automatically transports data between the client and the server // to do server-side validation. setImmediate(true); // Enable buffering so that commit() must be called for the form // before input is written to the data. (Form input is not written // immediately through to the underlying object.) setWriteThrough(false); } } /** * This is example on how to customize field creation. Any kind of field * components could be created on the fly. */ static class MyFieldFactory extends BaseFieldFactory { @Override public Field createField(Item item, Object propertyId, Component uiContext) { Field field = super.createField(item, propertyId, uiContext); if ("postalCode".equals(propertyId)) { ((TextField) field).setColumns(5); field.addValidator(new PostalCodeValidator()); } return field; } } /** * This is an example of how to create a custom validator for automatic * input validation. */ static class PostalCodeValidator implements Validator { public boolean isValid(Object value) { if (value == null || !(value instanceof String)) { return false; } return ((String) value).matches("[0-9]{5}"); } public void validate(Object value) throws InvalidValueException { if (!isValid(value)) { throw new InvalidValueException( "Postal code must be a five digit number."); } } } /** * Contact information data model created as POJO. Note that in many cases * it would be a good idea to implement Item -interface for the datamodel to * make it directly bindable to form (without BeanItem wrapper) */ public static class Address { String name = ""; String streetAddress = ""; String postalCode = ""; String city; public String getAddressAsText() { return name + "\n" + streetAddress + "\n" + postalCode + " " + (city == null ? "" : city); } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setStreetAddress(String address) { streetAddress = address; } public String getStreetAddress() { return streetAddress; } public void setPostalCode(String postalCode) { this.postalCode = postalCode; } public String getPostalCode() { return postalCode; } public void setCity(String city) { = city; } public String getCity() { return city; } } }