/* @ITMillApache2LicenseForJavaFiles@ */ package com.itmill.toolkit.ui; import java.io.Serializable; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.KeyMapper; import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.PaintException; import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.PaintTarget; import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.Resource; import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.Paintable.RepaintRequestListener; /** * Tabsheet component. * * @author IT Mill Ltd. * @version * @VERSION@ * @since 3.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class TabSheet extends AbstractComponentContainer implements RepaintRequestListener { /** * Linked list of component tabs. */ private final LinkedList tabs = new LinkedList(); /** * Selected tab. */ private Component selected = null; private final KeyMapper keyMapper = new KeyMapper(); /** * Holds the value of property tabsHIdden. */ private boolean tabsHidden; private LinkedList paintedTabs = new LinkedList(); /** * Constructs a new Tabsheet. Tabsheet is immediate by default. */ public TabSheet() { super(); // expand horizontally by default setWidth(100, UNITS_PERCENTAGE); setImmediate(true); } /** * Gets the component container iterator for going trough all the components * in the container. * * @return the Iterator of the components inside the container. */ public Iterator getComponentIterator() { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(tabs).iterator(); } /** * Removes the component from this container. * * @param c * the component to be removed. */ @Override public void removeComponent(Component c) { if (c != null && tabs.contains(c)) { super.removeComponent(c); keyMapper.remove(c); tabs.remove(c); if (c.equals(selected)) { if (tabs.isEmpty()) { selected = null; } else { selected = (Component) tabs.getFirst(); fireSelectedTabChange(); } } requestRepaint(); } } /** * Adds a new tab into TabSheet. Components caption and icon are rendered * into tab. * * @param c * the component to be added. */ @Override public void addComponent(Component c) { addTab(c); } /** * Adds a new tab into TabSheet. * * @param c * the component to be added onto tab. * @param caption * the caption to be set for the component and used rendered in * tab bar * @param icon * the icon to be set for the component and used rendered in tab * bar */ public void addTab(Component c, String caption, Resource icon) { if (c != null) { if (caption != null) { c.setCaption(caption); } if (icon != null) { c.setIcon(icon); } addTab(c); } } /** * Adds a new tab into TabSheet. Components caption and icon are rendered * into tab. * * @param c * the component to be added onto tab. */ public void addTab(Component c) { if (c != null) { tabs.addLast(c); if (selected == null) { selected = c; fireSelectedTabChange(); } super.addComponent(c); requestRepaint(); } } /** * Gets the component UIDL tag. * * @return the Component UIDL tag as string. */ @Override public String getTag() { return "tabsheet"; } /** * Moves all components from another container to this container. The * components are removed from the other container. * * @param source * the container components are removed from. */ @Override public void moveComponentsFrom(ComponentContainer source) { for (final Iterator i = source.getComponentIterator(); i.hasNext();) { final Component c = (Component) i.next(); String caption = null; Resource icon = null; if (TabSheet.class.isAssignableFrom(source.getClass())) { caption = ((TabSheet) source).getTabCaption(c); icon = ((TabSheet) source).getTabIcon(c); } source.removeComponent(c); addTab(c, caption, icon); } } /** * Paints the content of this component. * * @param event * the Paint Event. * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ @Override public void paintContent(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException { if (areTabsHidden()) { target.addAttribute("hidetabs", true); } target.startTag("tabs"); for (final Iterator i = getComponentIterator(); i.hasNext();) { final Component c = (Component) i.next(); /* * If we have no selection, if the current selection is invisible or * if the current selection is disabled (but the whole component is * not) we select this tab instead */ if (selected == null || !selected.isVisible() || (!selected.isEnabled() && isEnabled())) { selected = c; } target.startTag("tab"); if (!c.isEnabled() && c.isVisible()) { target.addAttribute("disabled", true); } if (!c.isVisible()) { target.addAttribute("hidden", true); } final Resource icon = getTabIcon(c); if (icon != null) { target.addAttribute("icon", icon); } final String caption = getTabCaption(c); if (caption != null && caption.length() > 0) { target.addAttribute("caption", caption); } if (c instanceof AbstractComponent) { AbstractComponent ac = (AbstractComponent) c; if (ac.getDescription() != null) { target.addAttribute("description", ac.getDescription()); } if (ac.getComponentError() != null) { ac.getComponentError().paint(target); } } target.addAttribute("key", keyMapper.key(c)); if (c.equals(selected)) { target.addAttribute("selected", true); c.paint(target); paintedTabs.add(c); } else if (paintedTabs.contains(c)) { c.paint(target); } else { c.requestRepaintRequests(); } target.endTag("tab"); } target.endTag("tabs"); if (selected != null) { target.addVariable(this, "selected", keyMapper.key(selected)); } } /** * Are tabs hidden. * * @return the Property visibility. */ public boolean areTabsHidden() { return tabsHidden; } /** * Setter for property tabsHidden. * * @param tabsHidden * True if the tabs should be hidden. */ public void hideTabs(boolean tabsHidden) { this.tabsHidden = tabsHidden; requestRepaint(); } /** * Gets the caption for a component. * * @param c * the component. */ public String getTabCaption(Component c) { if (c.getCaption() == null) { return ""; } else { return c.getCaption(); } } /** * Sets tabs captions. * * @param c * the component. * @param caption * the caption to set. */ public void setTabCaption(Component c, String caption) { if (tabs.contains(c)) { c.setCaption(caption); } } /** * Gets the icon for a component. * * @param c * the component. */ public Resource getTabIcon(Component c) { return c.getIcon(); } /** * Sets overridden icon for given component. * * Normally TabSheet uses icon from component * * @param c * @param icon */ public void setTabIcon(Component c, Resource icon) { if (tabs.contains(c)) { c.setIcon(icon); } } /** * Sets the selected tab. * * @param c */ public void setSelectedTab(Component c) { if (c != null && tabs.contains(c) && !selected.equals(c)) { selected = c; fireSelectedTabChange(); requestRepaint(); } } /** * Gets the selected tab. * * @return the selected tab. */ public Component getSelectedTab() { return selected; } /** * Invoked when the value of a variable has changed. * * @see com.itmill.toolkit.ui.AbstractComponent#changeVariables(java.lang.Object, * java.util.Map) */ @Override public void changeVariables(Object source, Map variables) { if (variables.containsKey("selected")) { setSelectedTab((Component) keyMapper.get((String) variables .get("selected"))); } } /* Documented in superclass */ public void replaceComponent(Component oldComponent, Component newComponent) { if (selected == oldComponent) { // keep selection w/o selectedTabChange event selected = newComponent; } // Gets the captions final String oldCaption = getTabCaption(oldComponent); final Resource oldIcon = getTabIcon(oldComponent); final String newCaption = getTabCaption(newComponent); final Resource newIcon = getTabIcon(newComponent); // Gets the locations int oldLocation = -1; int newLocation = -1; int location = 0; for (final Iterator i = tabs.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final Component component = (Component) i.next(); if (component == oldComponent) { oldLocation = location; } if (component == newComponent) { newLocation = location; } location++; } if (oldLocation == -1) { addComponent(newComponent); } else if (newLocation == -1) { removeComponent(oldComponent); keyMapper.remove(oldComponent); addComponent(newComponent); tabs.remove(newComponent); tabs.add(oldLocation, newComponent); setTabCaption(newComponent, oldCaption); setTabIcon(newComponent, oldIcon); } else { if (oldLocation > newLocation) { tabs.remove(oldComponent); tabs.add(newLocation, oldComponent); tabs.remove(newComponent); tabs.add(oldLocation, newComponent); } else { tabs.remove(newComponent); tabs.add(oldLocation, newComponent); tabs.remove(oldComponent); tabs.add(newLocation, oldComponent); } setTabCaption(newComponent, oldCaption); setTabIcon(newComponent, oldIcon); setTabCaption(oldComponent, newCaption); setTabIcon(oldComponent, newIcon); requestRepaint(); } } /* Click event */ private static final Method SELECTED_TAB_CHANGE_METHOD; static { try { SELECTED_TAB_CHANGE_METHOD = SelectedTabChangeListener.class .getDeclaredMethod("selectedTabChange", new Class[] { SelectedTabChangeEvent.class }); } catch (final java.lang.NoSuchMethodException e) { // This should never happen throw new java.lang.RuntimeException( "Internal error finding methods in TabSheet"); } } /** * Selected Tab Change event. This event is thrown, when the selected tab in * the tab sheet is changed. * * @author IT Mill Ltd. * @version * @VERSION@ * @since 3.0 */ public class SelectedTabChangeEvent extends Component.Event { /** * New instance of selected tab change event * * @param source * the Source of the event. */ public SelectedTabChangeEvent(Component source) { super(source); } /** * TabSheet where the event occurred. * * @return the Source of the event. */ public TabSheet getTabSheet() { return (TabSheet) getSource(); } } /** * Selected Tab Change Event listener * * @author IT Mill Ltd. * * @version * @VERSION@ * @since 3.0 */ public interface SelectedTabChangeListener extends Serializable { /** * Visible tab in tab sheet has has been changed. * * @param event * the Selected tab change event. */ public void selectedTabChange(SelectedTabChangeEvent event); } /** * Adds the selected tab change listener * * @param listener * the Listener to be added. */ public void addListener(SelectedTabChangeListener listener) { addListener(SelectedTabChangeEvent.class, listener, SELECTED_TAB_CHANGE_METHOD); } /** * Removes the selected tab change listener * * @param listener * the Listener to be removed. */ public void removeListener(SelectedTabChangeListener listener) { removeListener(SelectedTabChangeEvent.class, listener, SELECTED_TAB_CHANGE_METHOD); } /** * Emits the options change event. */ protected void fireSelectedTabChange() { fireEvent(new SelectedTabChangeEvent(this)); } /* * If child is not rendered on the client we need to repaint on child * repaint due the way captions and icons are handled. */ public void repaintRequested(RepaintRequestEvent event) { if (!paintedTabs.contains(event.getPaintable())) { requestRepaint(); } } @Override public void detach() { super.detach(); paintedTabs.clear(); } }