/* ************************************************************************* IT Mill Toolkit Development of Browser User Interfaces Made Easy Copyright (C) 2000-2006 IT Mill Ltd ************************************************************************* This product is distributed under commercial license that can be found from the product package on license.pdf. Use of this product might require purchasing a commercial license from IT Mill Ltd. For guidelines on usage, see licensing-guidelines.html ************************************************************************* For more information, contact: IT Mill Ltd phone: +358 2 4802 7180 Ruukinkatu 2-4 fax: +358 2 4802 7181 20540, Turku email: info@itmill.com Finland company www: www.itmill.com Primary source for information and releases: www.itmill.com ********************************************************************** */ package com.itmill.toolkit.ui; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Map; import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.PaintException; import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.PaintTarget; import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.UploadStream; /** * Component for client file uploading. * * @author IT Mill Ltd. * @version * @VERSION@ * @since 3.0 */ public class Upload extends AbstractComponent implements Component.Focusable { /** * Upload buffer size. */ private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 64 * 1024; // 64k /** * Should the field be focused on next repaint? */ private boolean focus = false; /** * The tab order number of this field. */ private int tabIndex = 0; /** * The output of the upload is redirected to this receiver. */ private Receiver receiver; private long focusableId = -1; private boolean isUploading; private long contentLength = -1; private int totalBytes; private String buttonCaption = "Upload"; /** * ProgressListener to which information about progress is sent during * upload */ private ProgressListener progressListener; /* TODO: Add a default constructor, receive to temp file. */ /** * Creates a new instance of Upload that redirects the uploaded data to * given stream. * * @param caption * @param uploadReceiver */ public Upload(String caption, Receiver uploadReceiver) { focusableId = Window.getNewFocusableId(this); setCaption(caption); receiver = uploadReceiver; } /** * Gets the component type. * * @return Component type as string. */ public String getTag() { return "upload"; } public void receiveUpload(UploadStream upload) { if (!isUploading) { throw new IllegalStateException("uploading not started"); } // Gets file properties String filename = upload.getContentName(); String type = upload.getContentType(); fireStarted(filename, type); // Gets the output target stream OutputStream out = receiver.receiveUpload(filename, type); if (out == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Error getting outputstream from upload receiver"); } InputStream in = upload.getStream(); if (null == in) { // No file, for instance non-existent filename in html upload fireUploadInterrupted(filename, type, 0); endUpload(); return; } byte buffer[] = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; int bytesRead = 0; totalBytes = 0; try { while ((bytesRead = in.read(buffer)) > 0) { out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); totalBytes += bytesRead; if (progressListener != null && contentLength > 0) { // update progress if listener set and contentLength // received progressListener.updateProgress(totalBytes, contentLength); } } // upload successful out.close(); fireUploadSuccess(filename, type, totalBytes); endUpload(); requestRepaint(); } catch (IOException e) { // Download interrupted fireUploadInterrupted(filename, type, totalBytes); endUpload(); } } /** * Invoked when the value of a variable has changed. * * @see com.itmill.toolkit.ui.AbstractComponent#changeVariables(java.lang.Object, * java.util.Map) */ public void changeVariables(Object source, Map variables) { // NOP } /** * Paints the content of this component. * * @param target * Target to paint the content on. * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ public void paintContent(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException { // The field should be focused if (focus) { target.addAttribute("focus", true); } // The tab ordering number if (tabIndex >= 0) { target.addAttribute("tabindex", tabIndex); } target.addAttribute("state", isUploading); target.addAttribute("buttoncaption", buttonCaption); target.addVariable(this, "fake", true); target.addUploadStreamVariable(this, "stream"); } /** * Interface that must be implemented by the upload receivers. * * @author IT Mill Ltd. * @version * @VERSION@ * @since 3.0 */ public interface Receiver { /** * Invoked when a new upload arrives. * * @param filename * the desired filename of the upload, usually as * specified by the client. * @param MIMEType * the MIME type of the uploaded file. * @return Stream to which the uploaded file should be written. */ public OutputStream receiveUpload(String filename, String MIMEType); } /* Upload events ************************************************ */ private static final Method UPLOAD_FINISHED_METHOD; private static final Method UPLOAD_FAILED_METHOD; private static final Method UPLOAD_SUCCEEDED_METHOD; private static final Method UPLOAD_STARTED_METHOD; static { try { UPLOAD_FINISHED_METHOD = FinishedListener.class.getDeclaredMethod( "uploadFinished", new Class[] { FinishedEvent.class }); UPLOAD_FAILED_METHOD = FailedListener.class.getDeclaredMethod( "uploadFailed", new Class[] { FailedEvent.class }); UPLOAD_STARTED_METHOD = StartedListener.class.getDeclaredMethod( "uploadStarted", new Class[] { StartedEvent.class }); UPLOAD_SUCCEEDED_METHOD = SucceededListener.class .getDeclaredMethod("uploadSucceeded", new Class[] { SucceededEvent.class }); } catch (java.lang.NoSuchMethodException e) { // This should never happen throw new java.lang.RuntimeException("Internal error"); } } /** * Upload.Received event is sent when the upload receives a file, regardless * if the receival was successfull. * * @author IT Mill Ltd. * @version * @VERSION@ * @since 3.0 */ public class FinishedEvent extends Component.Event { /** * Serial generated by eclipse. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3257288015385670969L; /** * Length of the received file. */ private long length; /** * MIME type of the received file. */ private String type; /** * Received file name. */ private String filename; /** * * @param source * the source of the file. * @param filename * the received file name. * @param MIMEType * the MIME type of the received file. * @param length * the length of the received file. */ public FinishedEvent(Upload source, String filename, String MIMEType, long length) { super(source); type = MIMEType; this.filename = filename; this.length = length; } /** * Uploads where the event occurred. * * @return the Source of the event. */ public Upload getUpload() { return (Upload) getSource(); } /** * Gets the file name. * * @return the filename. */ public String getFilename() { return filename; } /** * Gets the MIME Type of the file. * * @return the MIME type. */ public String getMIMEType() { return type; } /** * Gets the length of the file. * * @return the length. */ public long getLength() { return length; } } /** * Upload.Interrupted event is sent when the upload is received, but the * reception is interrupted for some reason. * * @author IT Mill Ltd. * @version * @VERSION@ * @since 3.0 */ public class FailedEvent extends FinishedEvent { /** * Serial generated by eclipse. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3833746590157386293L; /** * * @param source * @param filename * @param MIMEType * @param length */ public FailedEvent(Upload source, String filename, String MIMEType, long length) { super(source, filename, MIMEType, length); } } /** * Upload.Success event is sent when the upload is received successfully. * * @author IT Mill Ltd. * @version * @VERSION@ * @since 3.0 */ public class SucceededEvent extends FinishedEvent { /** * Serial generated by eclipse. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3256445798169524023L; /** * * @param source * @param filename * @param MIMEType * @param length */ public SucceededEvent(Upload source, String filename, String MIMEType, long length) { super(source, filename, MIMEType, length); } } /** * Upload.Started event is sent when the upload is started to received. * * @author IT Mill Ltd. * @version * @VERSION@ * @since 5.0 */ public class StartedEvent extends Component.Event { /** * Serial generated by eclipse. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -3984393770487403525L; private String filename; private String type; /** * * @param source * @param filename * @param MIMEType * @param length */ public StartedEvent(Upload source, String filename, String MIMEType) { super(source); this.filename = filename; type = MIMEType; } /** * Uploads where the event occurred. * * @return the Source of the event. */ public Upload getUpload() { return (Upload) getSource(); } /** * Gets the file name. * * @return the filename. */ public String getFilename() { return filename; } /** * Gets the MIME Type of the file. * * @return the MIME type. */ public String getMIMEType() { return type; } } /** * Receives the events when the upload starts. * * @author IT Mill Ltd. * @version * @VERSION@ * @since 5.0 */ public interface StartedListener { /** * Upload has started. * * @param event * the Upload started event. */ public void uploadStarted(StartedEvent event); } /** * Receives the events when the uploads are ready. * * @author IT Mill Ltd. * @version * @VERSION@ * @since 3.0 */ public interface FinishedListener { /** * Upload has finished. * * @param event * the Upload finished event. */ public void uploadFinished(FinishedEvent event); } /** * Receives events when the uploads are finished, but unsuccessful. * * @author IT Mill Ltd. * @version * @VERSION@ * @since 3.0 */ public interface FailedListener { /** * Upload has finished unsuccessfully. * * @param event * the Upload failed event. */ public void uploadFailed(FailedEvent event); } /** * Receives events when the uploads are successfully finished. * * @author IT Mill Ltd. * @version * @VERSION@ * @since 3.0 */ public interface SucceededListener { /** * Upload successfull.. * * @param event * the Upload successfull event. */ public void uploadSucceeded(SucceededEvent event); } /** * Adds the upload started event listener. * * @param listener * the Listener to be added. */ public void addListener(StartedListener listener) { addListener(StartedEvent.class, listener, UPLOAD_STARTED_METHOD); } /** * Removes the upload started event listener. * * @param listener * the Listener to be removed. */ public void removeListener(StartedListener listener) { removeListener(FinishedEvent.class, listener, UPLOAD_STARTED_METHOD); } /** * Adds the upload received event listener. * * @param listener * the Listener to be added. */ public void addListener(FinishedListener listener) { addListener(FinishedEvent.class, listener, UPLOAD_FINISHED_METHOD); } /** * Removes the upload received event listener. * * @param listener * the Listener to be removed. */ public void removeListener(FinishedListener listener) { removeListener(FinishedEvent.class, listener, UPLOAD_FINISHED_METHOD); } /** * Adds the upload interrupted event listener. * * @param listener * the Listener to be added. */ public void addListener(FailedListener listener) { addListener(FailedEvent.class, listener, UPLOAD_FAILED_METHOD); } /** * Removes the upload interrupted event listener. * * @param listener * the Listener to be removed. */ public void removeListener(FailedListener listener) { removeListener(FinishedEvent.class, listener, UPLOAD_FAILED_METHOD); } /** * Adds the upload success event listener. * * @param listener * the Listener to be added. */ public void addListener(SucceededListener listener) { addListener(SucceededEvent.class, listener, UPLOAD_SUCCEEDED_METHOD); } /** * Removes the upload success event listener. * * @param listener * the Listener to be removed. */ public void removeListener(SucceededListener listener) { removeListener(SucceededEvent.class, listener, UPLOAD_SUCCEEDED_METHOD); } /** * Emit upload received event. * * @param filename * @param MIMEType * @param length */ protected void fireStarted(String filename, String MIMEType) { fireEvent(new Upload.StartedEvent(this, filename, MIMEType)); } /** * Emit upload received event. * * @param filename * @param MIMEType * @param length */ protected void fireUploadReceived(String filename, String MIMEType, long length) { fireEvent(new Upload.FinishedEvent(this, filename, MIMEType, length)); } /** * Emits the upload interrupted event. * * @param filename * @param MIMEType * @param length */ protected void fireUploadInterrupted(String filename, String MIMEType, long length) { fireEvent(new Upload.FailedEvent(this, filename, MIMEType, length)); } /** * Emits the upload success event. * * @param filename * @param MIMEType * @param length * */ protected void fireUploadSuccess(String filename, String MIMEType, long length) { fireEvent(new Upload.SucceededEvent(this, filename, MIMEType, length)); } /** * Returns the current receiver. * * @return the Receiver. */ public Receiver getReceiver() { return receiver; } /** * Sets the receiver. * * @param receiver * the receiver to set. */ public void setReceiver(Receiver receiver) { this.receiver = receiver; } /** * Sets the focus to this component. * * @see com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Component.Focusable#focus() */ public void focus() { Window w = getWindow(); if (w != null) { w.setFocusedComponent(this); } } /** * Gets the Tabulator index of this Focusable component. * * @see com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Component.Focusable#getTabIndex() */ public int getTabIndex() { return tabIndex; } /** * Sets the Tabulator index of this Focusable component. * * @see com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Component.Focusable#setTabIndex(int) */ public void setTabIndex(int tabIndex) { this.tabIndex = tabIndex; } /** * Gets the unique ID of focusable. * * @see com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Component.Focusable#getFocusableId() */ public long getFocusableId() { return focusableId; } /** * Sets the size of the file currently being uploaded. * * @param contentLength */ public void setUploadSize(long contentLength) { this.contentLength = contentLength; } /** * Go into upload state. This is to prevent double uploading on same * component. */ public void startUpload() { if (isUploading) { throw new IllegalStateException("uploading already started"); } isUploading = true; } /** * Go into state where new uploading can begin. */ public void endUpload() { isUploading = false; contentLength = -1; } public boolean isUploading() { return isUploading; } /** * Gets read bytes of the file currently being uploaded. * * @return bytes */ public long getBytesRead() { return totalBytes; } /** * Returns size of file currently being uploaded. Value sane only during * upload. * * @return size in bytes */ public long getUploadSize() { return contentLength; } /** * Sets listener to track progress of upload. * * @param progressListener */ public void setProgressListener(ProgressListener progressListener) { this.progressListener = progressListener; } /** * Gets listener that tracks progress of upload. * * @return listener * */ public ProgressListener getProgressListener() { return progressListener; } /** * ProgressListener receives events to track progress of upload. */ public interface ProgressListener { /** * Updates progress to listener * * @param readBytes * bytes transferred * @param contentLength * total size of file currently being uploaded, -1 if * unknown */ public void updateProgress(long readBytes, long contentLength); } /** * @return String to be rendered into button that fires uploading */ public String getButtonCaption() { return buttonCaption; } /** * File uploads usually have button that starts actual upload progress. This * method is used to set text in that button. * * @param buttonCaption * text for uploads button. */ public void setButtonCaption(String buttonCaption) { this.buttonCaption = buttonCaption; } }