package com.vaadin.navigator; /* @VaadinApache2LicenseForJavaFiles@ */ import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import com.vaadin.navigator.ViewChangeListener.ViewChangeEvent; import com.vaadin.terminal.Page; import com.vaadin.terminal.Page.FragmentChangedEvent; import com.vaadin.terminal.Page.FragmentChangedListener; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.ComponentContainer; import com.vaadin.ui.CssLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent; /** * Navigator utility that allows switching of views in a part of an application. * * The view switching can be based e.g. on URI fragments containing the view * name and parameters to the view. There are two types of parameters for views: * an optional parameter string that is included in the fragment (may be * bookmarkable). * * Views can be explicitly registered or dynamically generated and listening to * view changes is possible. * * Note that {@link Navigator} is not a component itself but comes with * {@link SimpleViewDisplay} which is a component that displays the selected * view as its contents. * * @author Vaadin Ltd * @since 7.0 */ public class Navigator implements Serializable { // TODO divert navigation e.g. if no permissions? Or just show another view // but keep URL? how best to intercept // TODO investigate relationship with TouchKit navigation support /** * Empty view component. */ public static class EmptyView extends CssLayout implements View { /** * Create minimally sized empty view. */ public EmptyView() { setWidth("0px"); setHeight("0px"); } public void navigateTo(String fragmentParameters) { // nothing to do } } /** * Fragment manager using URI fragments of a Page to track views and enable * listening to view changes. * * This class is mostly for internal use by Navigator, and is only public * and static to enable testing. */ public static class UriFragmentManager implements FragmentManager, FragmentChangedListener { private final Page page; private final Navigator navigator; /** * Create a new URIFragmentManager and attach it to listen to URI * fragment changes of a {@link Page}. * * @param page * page whose URI fragment to get and modify * @param navigator * {@link Navigator} to notify of fragment changes (using * {@link Navigator#navigateTo(String)} */ public UriFragmentManager(Page page, Navigator navigator) { = page; this.navigator = navigator; page.addListener(this); } public String getFragment() { return page.getFragment(); } public void setFragment(String fragment) { page.setFragment(fragment, false); } public void fragmentChanged(FragmentChangedEvent event) { UriFragmentManager.this.navigator.navigateTo(getFragment()); } } /** * View display that is a component itself and replaces its contents with * the view. * * This display only supports views that are {@link Component}s themselves. * Attempting to display a view that is not a component causes an exception * to be thrown. * * By default, the view display has full size. */ public static class SimpleViewDisplay extends CustomComponent implements ViewDisplay { /** * Create new {@link ViewDisplay} that is itself a component displaying * the view. */ public SimpleViewDisplay() { setSizeFull(); } public void showView(View view) { if (view instanceof Component) { setCompositionRoot((Component) view); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("View is not a component: " + view); } } } /** * View display that replaces the contents of a {@link ComponentContainer} * with the active {@link View}. * * All components of the container are removed before adding the new view to * it. * * This display only supports views that are {@link Component}s themselves. * Attempting to display a view that is not a component causes an exception * to be thrown. */ public static class ComponentContainerViewDisplay implements ViewDisplay { private final ComponentContainer container; /** * Create new {@link ViewDisplay} that updates a * {@link ComponentContainer} to show the view. */ public ComponentContainerViewDisplay(ComponentContainer container) { this.container = container; } public void showView(View view) { if (view instanceof Component) { container.removeAllComponents(); container.addComponent((Component) view); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("View is not a component: " + view); } } } /** * View provider which supports mapping a single view name to a single * pre-initialized view instance. * * For most cases, ClassBasedViewProvider should be used instead of this. */ public static class StaticViewProvider implements ViewProvider { private final String viewName; private final View view; /** * Create a new view provider which returns a pre-created view instance. * * @param viewName * name of the view (not null) * @param view * view instance to return (not null), reused on every * request */ public StaticViewProvider(String viewName, View view) { this.viewName = viewName; this.view = view; } public String getViewName(String viewAndParameters) { if (null == viewAndParameters) { return null; } if (viewAndParameters.startsWith(viewName)) { return viewName; } return null; } public View getView(String viewName) { if (this.viewName.equals(viewName)) { return view; } return null; } /** * Get the view name for this provider. * * @return view name for this provider */ public String getViewName() { return viewName; } } /** * View provider which maps a single view name to a class to instantiate for * the view. * * Note that the view class must be accessible by the class loader used by * the provider. This may require its visibility to be public. * * This class is primarily for internal use by {@link Navigator}. */ public static class ClassBasedViewProvider implements ViewProvider { private final String viewName; private final Class viewClass; /** * Create a new view provider which creates new view instances based on * a view class. * * @param viewName * name of the views to create (not null) * @param viewClass * class to instantiate when a view is requested (not null) */ public ClassBasedViewProvider(String viewName, Class viewClass) { if (null == viewName || null == viewClass) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "View name and class should not be null"); } this.viewName = viewName; this.viewClass = viewClass; } public String getViewName(String viewAndParameters) { if (null == viewAndParameters) { return null; } if (viewAndParameters.equals(viewName) || viewAndParameters.startsWith(viewName + "/")) { return viewName; } return null; } public View getView(String viewName) { if (this.viewName.equals(viewName)) { try { View view = viewClass.newInstance(); return view; } catch (InstantiationException e) { // TODO error handling throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // TODO error handling throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return null; } /** * Get the view name for this provider. * * @return view name for this provider */ public String getViewName() { return viewName; } /** * Get the view class for this provider. * * @return {@link View} class */ public Class getViewClass() { return viewClass; } } private final FragmentManager fragmentManager; private final ViewDisplay display; private View currentView = null; private List listeners = new LinkedList(); private List providers = new LinkedList(); /** * Create a navigator that is tracking the active view using URI fragments * of the current {@link Page} and replacing the contents of a * {@link ComponentContainer} with the active view. * * In case the container is not on the current page, use another * {@link Navigator#Navigator(Page, ViewDisplay)} with an explicitly created * {@link ComponentContainerViewDisplay}. * * All components of the container are removed each time before adding the * active {@link View}. Views must implement {@link Component} when using * this constructor. * *

* After all {@link View}s and {@link ViewProvider}s have been registered, * the application should trigger navigation to the current fragment using * e.g. * *

     * navigator.navigateTo(Page.getCurrent().getFragment());
* * @param container * ComponentContainer whose contents should be replaced with the * active view on view change */ public Navigator(ComponentContainer container) { display = new ComponentContainerViewDisplay(container); fragmentManager = new UriFragmentManager(Page.getCurrent(), this); } /** * Create a navigator that is tracking the active view using URI fragments. * *

* After all {@link View}s and {@link ViewProvider}s have been registered, * the application should trigger navigation to the current fragment using * e.g. * *

     * navigator.navigateTo(Page.getCurrent().getFragment());
* * @param page * whose URI fragments are used * @param display * where to display the views */ public Navigator(Page page, ViewDisplay display) { this.display = display; fragmentManager = new UriFragmentManager(page, this); } /** * Create a navigator. * * When a custom fragment manager is not needed, use the constructor * {@link #Navigator(Page, ViewDisplay)} which uses a URI fragment based * fragment manager. * * Note that navigation to the initial view must be performed explicitly by * the application after creating a Navigator using this constructor. * * @param fragmentManager * fragment manager keeping track of the active view and enabling * bookmarking and direct navigation * @param display * where to display the views */ public Navigator(FragmentManager fragmentManager, ViewDisplay display) { this.display = display; this.fragmentManager = fragmentManager; } /** * Navigate to a view and initialize the view with given parameters. * * The view string consists of a view name optionally followed by a slash * and (fragment) parameters. ViewProviders are used to find and create the * correct type of view. * * If multiple providers return a matching view, the view with the longest * name is selected. This way, e.g. hierarchies of subviews can be * registered like "admin/", "admin/users", "admin/settings" and the longest * match is used. * * If the view being deactivated indicates it wants a confirmation for the * navigation operation, the user is asked for the confirmation. * * Registered {@link ViewChangeListener}s are called upon successful view * change. * * @param viewAndParameters * view name and parameters */ public void navigateTo(String viewAndParameters) { String longestViewName = null; View viewWithLongestName = null; for (ViewProvider provider : providers) { String viewName = provider.getViewName(viewAndParameters); if (null != viewName && (longestViewName == null || viewName.length() > longestViewName .length())) { View view = provider.getView(viewName); if (null != view) { longestViewName = viewName; viewWithLongestName = view; } } } if (viewWithLongestName != null) { String parameters = null; if (viewAndParameters.length() > longestViewName.length() + 1) { parameters = viewAndParameters.substring(longestViewName .length() + 1); } navigateTo(viewWithLongestName, longestViewName, parameters); } // TODO if no view is found, what to do? } /** * Internal method activating a view, setting its parameters and calling * listeners. * * This method also verifies that the user is allowed to perform the * navigation operation. * * @param view * view to activate * @param viewName * (optional) name of the view or null not to set the fragment * @param fragmentParameters * parameters passed in the fragment for the view */ protected void navigateTo(View view, String viewName, String fragmentParameters) { ViewChangeEvent event = new ViewChangeEvent(this, currentView, view, viewName, fragmentParameters); if (!isViewChangeAllowed(event)) { return; } if (null != viewName && getFragmentManager() != null) { String currentFragment = viewName; if (fragmentParameters != null) { currentFragment += "/" + fragmentParameters; } if (!currentFragment.equals(getFragmentManager().getFragment())) { getFragmentManager().setFragment(currentFragment); } } view.navigateTo(fragmentParameters); currentView = view; if (display != null) { display.showView(view); } fireViewChange(event); } /** * Check whether view change is allowed. * * All related listeners are called. The view change is blocked if any of * them wants to block the navigation operation. * * The view change listeners may also e.g. open a warning or question dialog * and save the parameters to re-initiate the navigation operation upon user * action. * * @param event * view change event (not null, view change not yet performed) * @return true if the view change should be allowed, false to silently * block the navigation operation */ protected boolean isViewChangeAllowed(ViewChangeEvent event) { for (ViewChangeListener l : listeners) { if (!l.isViewChangeAllowed(event)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Return the fragment manager that is used to get, listen to and manipulate * the URI fragment or other source of navigation information. * * @return fragment manager in use */ protected FragmentManager getFragmentManager() { return fragmentManager; } /** * Returns the ViewDisplay used by the navigator. Unless another display is * specified, a {@link SimpleViewDisplay} (which is a {@link Component}) is * used by default. * * @return current ViewDisplay */ public ViewDisplay getDisplay() { return display; } /** * Fire an event when the current view has changed. * * @param event * view change event (not null) */ protected void fireViewChange(ViewChangeEvent event) { for (ViewChangeListener l : listeners) { l.navigatorViewChanged(event); } } /** * Register a static, pre-initialized view instance for a view name. * * Registering another view with a name that is already registered * overwrites the old registration of the same type. * * @param viewName * String that identifies a view (not null nor empty string) * @param view * {@link View} instance (not null) */ public void addView(String viewName, View view) { // Check parameters if (viewName == null || view == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "view and viewName must be non-null"); } removeView(viewName); registerProvider(new StaticViewProvider(viewName, view)); } /** * Register for a view name a view class. * * Registering another view with a name that is already registered * overwrites the old registration of the same type. * * A new view instance is created every time a view is requested. * * @param viewName * String that identifies a view (not null nor empty string) * @param viewClass * {@link View} class to instantiate when a view is requested * (not null) */ public void addView(String viewName, Class viewClass) { // Check parameters if (viewName == null || viewClass == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "view and viewClass must be non-null"); } removeView(viewName); registerProvider(new ClassBasedViewProvider(viewName, viewClass)); } /** * Remove view from navigator. * * This method only applies to views registered using * {@link #addView(String, View)} or {@link #addView(String, Class)}. * * @param viewName * name of the view to remove */ public void removeView(String viewName) { Iterator it = providers.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ViewProvider provider =; if (provider instanceof StaticViewProvider) { StaticViewProvider staticProvider = (StaticViewProvider) provider; if (staticProvider.getViewName().equals(viewName)) { it.remove(); } } else if (provider instanceof ClassBasedViewProvider) { ClassBasedViewProvider classBasedProvider = (ClassBasedViewProvider) provider; if (classBasedProvider.getViewName().equals(viewName)) { it.remove(); } } } } /** * Register a view provider (factory). * * Providers are called in order of registration until one that can handle * the requested view name is found. * * @param provider * provider to register */ public void registerProvider(ViewProvider provider) { providers.add(provider); } /** * Unregister a view provider (factory). * * @param provider * provider to unregister */ public void unregisterProvider(ViewProvider provider) { providers.remove(provider); } /** * Listen to changes of the active view. * * The listener will get notified after the view has changed. * * @param listener * Listener to invoke after view changes. */ public void addListener(ViewChangeListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } /** * Remove a view change listener. * * @param listener * Listener to remove. */ public void removeListener(ViewChangeListener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } }