/* @VaadinApache2LicenseForJavaFiles@ */ package com.vaadin.shared; import java.io.Serializable; /** * Helper class to store and transfer mouse event details. */ public class MouseEventDetails implements Serializable { // From com.google.gwt.dom.client.NativeEvent public static final int BUTTON_LEFT = 1; public static final int BUTTON_MIDDLE = 4; public static final int BUTTON_RIGHT = 2; private static final char DELIM = ','; // From com.google.gwt.user.client.Event private static final int ONDBLCLICK = 0x00002; private int button; private int clientX; private int clientY; private boolean altKey; private boolean ctrlKey; private boolean metaKey; private boolean shiftKey; private int type; private int relativeX = -1; private int relativeY = -1; public int getButton() { return button; } public int getClientX() { return clientX; } public int getClientY() { return clientY; } public boolean isAltKey() { return altKey; } public boolean isCtrlKey() { return ctrlKey; } public boolean isMetaKey() { return metaKey; } public boolean isShiftKey() { return shiftKey; } public int getRelativeX() { return relativeX; } public int getRelativeY() { return relativeY; } public void setButton(int button) { this.button = button; } public void setClientX(int clientX) { this.clientX = clientX; } public void setClientY(int clientY) { this.clientY = clientY; } public void setAltKey(boolean altKey) { this.altKey = altKey; } public void setCtrlKey(boolean ctrlKey) { this.ctrlKey = ctrlKey; } public void setMetaKey(boolean metaKey) { this.metaKey = metaKey; } public void setShiftKey(boolean shiftKey) { this.shiftKey = shiftKey; } public void setType(int type) { this.type = type; } public void setRelativeX(int relativeX) { this.relativeX = relativeX; } public void setRelativeY(int relativeY) { this.relativeY = relativeY; } public MouseEventDetails() { } @Override public String toString() { return serialize(); } public String serialize() { return "" + button + DELIM + clientX + DELIM + clientY + DELIM + altKey + DELIM + ctrlKey + DELIM + metaKey + DELIM + shiftKey + DELIM + type + DELIM + relativeX + DELIM + relativeY; } public static MouseEventDetails deSerialize(String serializedString) { MouseEventDetails instance = new MouseEventDetails(); String[] fields = serializedString.split(","); instance.button = Integer.parseInt(fields[0]); instance.clientX = Integer.parseInt(fields[1]); instance.clientY = Integer.parseInt(fields[2]); instance.altKey = Boolean.valueOf(fields[3]).booleanValue(); instance.ctrlKey = Boolean.valueOf(fields[4]).booleanValue(); instance.metaKey = Boolean.valueOf(fields[5]).booleanValue(); instance.shiftKey = Boolean.valueOf(fields[6]).booleanValue(); instance.type = Integer.parseInt(fields[7]); instance.relativeX = Integer.parseInt(fields[8]); instance.relativeY = Integer.parseInt(fields[9]); return instance; } public String getButtonName() { if (button == BUTTON_LEFT) { return "left"; } else if (button == BUTTON_RIGHT) { return "right"; } else if (button == BUTTON_MIDDLE) { return "middle"; } return ""; } public int getType() { return type; } public boolean isDoubleClick() { return type == ONDBLCLICK; } }