package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT.UncaughtExceptionHandler;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptObject;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.JsArrayString;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler.ScheduledCommand;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Command;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Timer;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window;
import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.UnknownComponentConnector;
public class ApplicationConfiguration implements EntryPoint {
* Helper class for reading configuration options from the bootstap
* javascript
* @since 7.0
private static class JsoConfiguration extends JavaScriptObject {
protected JsoConfiguration() {
// JSO Constructor
* Reads a configuration parameter as a string. Please note that the
* javascript value of the parameter should also be a string, or else an
* undefined exception may be thrown.
* @param name
* name of the configuration parameter
* @return value of the configuration parameter, or null
* not defined
private native String getConfigString(String name)
var value = this.getConfig(name);
if (value === null || value === undefined) {
return null;
} else {
return value +"";
* Reads a configuration parameter as a boolean object. Please note that
* the javascript value of the parameter should also be a boolean, or
* else an undefined exception may be thrown.
* @param name
* name of the configuration parameter
* @return boolean value of the configuration paramter, or
* null
if no value is defined
private native Boolean getConfigBoolean(String name)
var value = this.getConfig(name);
if (value === null || value === undefined) {
return null;
} else {
// $entry not needed as function is not exported
return @java.lang.Boolean::valueOf(Z)(value);
* Reads a configuration parameter as an integer object. Please note
* that the javascript value of the parameter should also be an integer,
* or else an undefined exception may be thrown.
* @param name
* name of the configuration parameter
* @return integer value of the configuration paramter, or
* null
if no value is defined
private native Integer getConfigInteger(String name)
var value = this.getConfig(name);
if (value === null || value === undefined) {
return null;
} else {
// $entry not needed as function is not exported
return @java.lang.Integer::valueOf(I)(value);
* Reads a configuration parameter as an {@link ErrorMessage} object.
* Please note that the javascript value of the parameter should also be
* an object with appropriate fields, or else an undefined exception may
* be thrown when calling this method or when calling methods on the
* returned object.
* @param name
* name of the configuration parameter
* @return error message with the given name, or null
if no
* value is defined
private native ErrorMessage getConfigError(String name)
return this.getConfig(name);
* Returns a native javascript object containing version information
* from the server.
* @return a javascript object with the version information
private native JavaScriptObject getVersionInfoJSObject()
return this.getConfig("versionInfo");
* Gets the version of the Vaadin framework used on the server.
* @return a string with the version
* @see com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.AbstractApplicationServlet#VERSION
private native String getVaadinVersion()
return this.getConfig("versionInfo").vaadinVersion;
* Gets the version of the application running on the server.
* @return a string with the application version
* @see com.vaadin.Application#getVersion()
private native String getApplicationVersion()
return this.getConfig("versionInfo").applicationVersion;
private native String getUIDL()
return this.getConfig("uidl");
* Wraps a native javascript object containing fields for an error message
* @since 7.0
public static final class ErrorMessage extends JavaScriptObject {
protected ErrorMessage() {
// JSO constructor
public final native String getCaption()
return this.caption;
public final native String getMessage()
return this.message;
public final native String getUrl()
return this.url;
* Builds number. For example 0-custom_tag in 5.0.0-custom_tag.
public static final String VERSION;
/* Initialize version numbers from string replaced by build-script. */
static {
if ("@VERSION@".equals("@" + "VERSION" + "@")) {
} else {
private static WidgetSet widgetSet = GWT.create(WidgetSet.class);
private String id;
private String themeUri;
private String appUri;
private int rootId;
private boolean standalone;
private ErrorMessage communicationError;
private ErrorMessage authorizationError;
private boolean useDebugIdInDom = true;
private boolean usePortletURLs = false;
private String portletUidlURLBase;
private HashMap unknownComponents;
private Class extends ServerConnector>[] classes = new Class[1024];
private boolean browserDetailsSent = false;
private boolean widgetsetVersionSent = false;
static// TODO consider to make this hashmap per application
LinkedList callbacks = new LinkedList();
private static int dependenciesLoading;
private static ArrayList runningApplications = new ArrayList();
private Map componentInheritanceMap = new HashMap();
private Map tagToServerSideClassName = new HashMap();
public boolean usePortletURLs() {
return usePortletURLs;
public String getPortletUidlURLBase() {
return portletUidlURLBase;
public String getRootPanelId() {
return id;
* Gets the application base URI. Using this other than as the download
* action URI can cause problems in Portlet 2.0 deployments.
* @return application base URI
public String getApplicationUri() {
return appUri;
public String getThemeName() {
String uri = getThemeUri();
String themeName = uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf('/'));
themeName = themeName.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "");
return themeName;
public String getThemeUri() {
return themeUri;
public void setAppId(String appId) {
id = appId;
* Gets the initial UIDL from the DOM, if it was provided during the init
* process.
* @return
public String getUIDL() {
return getJsoConfiguration(id).getUIDL();
* @return true if the application is served by std. Vaadin servlet and is
* considered to be the only or main content of the host page.
public boolean isStandalone() {
return standalone;
* Gets the root if of this application instance. The root id should be
* included in every request originating from this instance in order to
* associate it with the right Root instance on the server.
* @return the root id
public int getRootId() {
return rootId;
public JavaScriptObject getVersionInfoJSObject() {
return getJsoConfiguration(id).getVersionInfoJSObject();
public ErrorMessage getCommunicationError() {
return communicationError;
public ErrorMessage getAuthorizationError() {
return authorizationError;
* Reads the configuration values defined by the bootstrap javascript.
private void loadFromDOM() {
JsoConfiguration jsoConfiguration = getJsoConfiguration(id);
appUri = jsoConfiguration.getConfigString("appUri");
if (appUri != null && !appUri.endsWith("/")) {
appUri += '/';
themeUri = jsoConfiguration.getConfigString("themeUri");
rootId = jsoConfiguration.getConfigInteger("rootId").intValue();
// null -> true
useDebugIdInDom = jsoConfiguration.getConfigBoolean("useDebugIdInDom") != Boolean.FALSE;
// null -> false
usePortletURLs = jsoConfiguration.getConfigBoolean("usePortletURLs") == Boolean.TRUE;
portletUidlURLBase = jsoConfiguration
// null -> false
standalone = jsoConfiguration.getConfigBoolean("standalone") == Boolean.TRUE;
communicationError = jsoConfiguration.getConfigError("comErrMsg");
authorizationError = jsoConfiguration.getConfigError("authErrMsg");
// boostrap sets initPending to false if it has sent the browser details
if (jsoConfiguration.getConfigBoolean("initPending") == Boolean.FALSE) {
* Starts the application with a given id by reading the configuration
* options stored by the bootstrap javascript.
* @param applicationId
* id of the application to load, this is also the id of the html
* element into which the application should be rendered.
public static void startApplication(final String applicationId) {
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute() {
ApplicationConfiguration appConf = getConfigFromDOM(applicationId);
ApplicationConnection a = GWT
a.init(widgetSet, appConf);
public static List getRunningApplications() {
return runningApplications;
* Gets the configuration object for a specific application from the
* bootstrap javascript.
* @param appId
* the id of the application to get configuration data for
* @return a native javascript object containing the configuration data
private native static JsoConfiguration getJsoConfiguration(String appId)
return $wnd.vaadin.getApp(appId);
public static ApplicationConfiguration getConfigFromDOM(String appId) {
ApplicationConfiguration conf = new ApplicationConfiguration();
return conf;
public String getServletVersion() {
return getJsoConfiguration(id).getVaadinVersion();
public String getApplicationVersion() {
return getJsoConfiguration(id).getApplicationVersion();
public boolean useDebugIdInDOM() {
return useDebugIdInDom;
public Class extends ServerConnector> getConnectorClassByEncodedTag(
int tag) {
try {
return classes[tag];
} catch (Exception e) {
// component was not present in mappings
return UnknownComponentConnector.class;
public void addComponentInheritanceInfo(ValueMap valueMap) {
JsArrayString keyArray = valueMap.getKeyArray();
for (int i = 0; i < keyArray.length(); i++) {
String key = keyArray.get(i);
int value = valueMap.getInt(key);
componentInheritanceMap.put(Integer.parseInt(key), value);
public void addComponentMappings(ValueMap valueMap, WidgetSet widgetSet) {
JsArrayString keyArray = valueMap.getKeyArray();
for (int i = 0; i < keyArray.length(); i++) {
String key = keyArray.get(i).intern();
int value = valueMap.getInt(key);
tagToServerSideClassName.put(value, key);
for (int i = 0; i < keyArray.length(); i++) {
String key = keyArray.get(i).intern();
int value = valueMap.getInt(key);
classes[value] = widgetSet.getConnectorClassByTag(value, this);
if (classes[value] == UnknownComponentConnector.class) {
if (unknownComponents == null) {
unknownComponents = new HashMap();
unknownComponents.put(value, key);
public Integer getParentTag(int tag) {
return componentInheritanceMap.get(tag);
public String getServerSideClassNameForTag(Integer tag) {
return tagToServerSideClassName.get(tag);
String getUnknownServerClassNameByTag(int tag) {
if (unknownComponents != null) {
return unknownComponents.get(tag);
return null;
* @param c
static void runWhenDependenciesLoaded(Command c) {
if (dependenciesLoading == 0) {
} else {
static void startDependencyLoading() {
static void endDependencyLoading() {
if (dependenciesLoading == 0 && !callbacks.isEmpty()) {
for (Command cmd : callbacks) {
} else if (dependenciesLoading == 0 && deferredWidgetLoader != null) {
* This loop loads widget implementation that should be loaded deferred.
static class DeferredWidgetLoader extends Timer {
private static final int FREE_LIMIT = 4;
private static final int FREE_CHECK_TIMEOUT = 100;
int communicationFree = 0;
int nextWidgetIndex = 0;
private boolean pending;
public DeferredWidgetLoader() {
public void trigger() {
if (!pending) {
public void schedule(int delayMillis) {
pending = true;
public void run() {
pending = false;
if (!isBusy()) {
Class extends ServerConnector> nextType = getNextType();
if (nextType == null) {
// ensured that all widgets are loaded
deferredWidgetLoader = null;
} else {
communicationFree = 0;
} else {
private Class extends ServerConnector> getNextType() {
Class extends ServerConnector>[] deferredLoadedConnectors = widgetSet
if (deferredLoadedConnectors.length <= nextWidgetIndex) {
return null;
} else {
return deferredLoadedConnectors[nextWidgetIndex++];
private boolean isBusy() {
if (dependenciesLoading > 0) {
communicationFree = 0;
return true;
for (ApplicationConnection app : runningApplications) {
if (app.hasActiveRequest()) {
// if an UIDL request or widget loading is active, mark as
// busy
communicationFree = 0;
return true;
return communicationFree < FREE_LIMIT;
private static DeferredWidgetLoader deferredWidgetLoader;
public void onModuleLoad() {
// Prepare VConsole for debugging
if (isDebugMode()) {
Console console = GWT.create(Console.class);
} else {
VConsole.setImplementation((Console) GWT.create(NullConsole.class));
* Display some sort of error of exceptions in web mode to debug
* console. After this, exceptions are reported to VConsole and possible
* GWT hosted mode.
GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
public void onUncaughtException(Throwable e) {
* Note in case of null console (without ?debug) we eat
* exceptions. "a1 is not an object" style errors helps nobody,
* especially end user. It does not work tells just as much.
if (SuperDevMode.enableBasedOnParameter()) {
// Do not start any application as super dev mode will refresh the
// page once done compiling
deferredWidgetLoader = new DeferredWidgetLoader();
* Registers that callback that the bootstrap javascript uses to start
* applications once the widgetset is loaded and all required information is
* available
* @param widgetsetName
* the name of this widgetset
public native static void registerCallback(String widgetsetName)
var callbackHandler = $entry(@com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ApplicationConfiguration::startApplication(Ljava/lang/String;));
$wnd.vaadin.registerWidgetset(widgetsetName, callbackHandler);
* Checks if client side is in debug mode. Practically this is invoked by
* adding ?debug parameter to URI.
* @return true if client side is currently been debugged
public static boolean isDebugMode() {
return isDebugAvailable()
&& Window.Location.getParameter("debug") != null;
private native static boolean isDebugAvailable()
if($wnd.vaadin.debug) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Checks whether debug logging should be quiet
* @return true
if debug logging should be quiet
public static boolean isQuietDebugMode() {
String debugParameter = Window.Location.getParameter("debug");
return isDebugAvailable() && debugParameter != null
&& debugParameter.startsWith("q");
* Checks whether information from the web browser (e.g. uri fragment and
* screen size) has been sent to the server.
* @return true
if browser information has already been sent
* @see ApplicationConnection#getNativeBrowserDetailsParameters(String)
public boolean isBrowserDetailsSent() {
return browserDetailsSent;
* Registers that the browser details have been sent.
* {@link #isBrowserDetailsSent()} will return
* after this method has been invoked.
public void setBrowserDetailsSent() {
browserDetailsSent = true;
* Checks whether the widget set version has been sent to the server. It is
* sent in the first UIDL request.
* @return true
if browser information has already been sent
* @see ApplicationConnection#getNativeBrowserDetailsParameters(String)
public boolean isWidgetsetVersionSent() {
return widgetsetVersionSent;
* Registers that the widget set version has been sent to the server.
public void setWidgetsetVersionSent() {
widgetsetVersionSent = true;