package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel;
import com.vaadin.shared.VBrowserDetails;
* Class used to query information about web browser.
* Browser details are detected only once and those are stored in this singleton
* class.
public class BrowserInfo {
private static final String BROWSER_OPERA = "op";
private static final String BROWSER_IE = "ie";
private static final String BROWSER_FIREFOX = "ff";
private static final String BROWSER_SAFARI = "sa";
public static final String ENGINE_GECKO = "gecko";
public static final String ENGINE_WEBKIT = "webkit";
public static final String ENGINE_PRESTO = "presto";
public static final String ENGINE_TRIDENT = "trident";
private static final String OS_WINDOWS = "win";
private static final String OS_LINUX = "lin";
private static final String OS_MACOSX = "mac";
private static final String OS_ANDROID = "android";
private static final String OS_IOS = "ios";
// Common CSS class for all touch devices
private static final String UI_TOUCH = "touch";
private static BrowserInfo instance;
private static String cssClass = null;
static {
// Add browser dependent v-* classnames to body to help css hacks
String browserClassnames = get().getCSSClass();
* Singleton method to get BrowserInfo object.
* @return instance of BrowserInfo object
public static BrowserInfo get() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new BrowserInfo();
return instance;
private VBrowserDetails browserDetails;
private boolean touchDevice;
private BrowserInfo() {
browserDetails = new VBrowserDetails(getBrowserString());
if (browserDetails.isIE()) {
// Use document mode instead user agent to accurately detect how we
// are rendering
int documentMode = getIEDocumentMode();
if (documentMode != -1) {
if (browserDetails.isChrome()) {
touchDevice = detectChromeTouchDevice();
} else {
touchDevice = detectTouchDevice();
private native boolean detectTouchDevice()
try { document.createEvent("TouchEvent");return true;} catch(e){return false;};
private native boolean detectChromeTouchDevice()
return ("ontouchstart" in window);
private native int getIEDocumentMode()
var mode = $wnd.document.documentMode;
if (!mode)
return -1;
return mode;
* Returns a string representing the browser in use, for use in CSS
* classnames. The classnames will be space separated abbreviations,
* optionally with a version appended.
* Abbreviations: Firefox: ff Internet Explorer: ie Safari: sa Opera: op
* Browsers that CSS-wise behave like each other will get the same
* abbreviation (this usually depends on the rendering engine).
* This is quite simple at the moment, more heuristics will be added when
* needed.
* Examples: Internet Explorer 6: ".v-ie .v-ie6 .v-ie60", Firefox 3.0.4:
* ".v-ff .v-ff3 .v-ff30", Opera 9.60: ".v-op .v-op9 .v-op960", Opera 10.10:
* ".v-op .v-op10 .v-op1010"
* @return
public String getCSSClass() {
String prefix = "v-";
if (cssClass == null) {
String browserIdentifier = "";
String majorVersionClass = "";
String minorVersionClass = "";
String browserEngineClass = "";
if (browserDetails.isFirefox()) {
browserIdentifier = BROWSER_FIREFOX;
majorVersionClass = browserIdentifier
+ browserDetails.getBrowserMajorVersion();
minorVersionClass = majorVersionClass
+ browserDetails.getBrowserMinorVersion();
browserEngineClass = ENGINE_GECKO;
} else if (browserDetails.isChrome()) {
// TODO update when Chrome is more stable
browserIdentifier = BROWSER_SAFARI;
majorVersionClass = "ch";
browserEngineClass = ENGINE_WEBKIT;
} else if (browserDetails.isSafari()) {
browserIdentifier = BROWSER_SAFARI;
majorVersionClass = browserIdentifier
+ browserDetails.getBrowserMajorVersion();
minorVersionClass = majorVersionClass
+ browserDetails.getBrowserMinorVersion();
browserEngineClass = ENGINE_WEBKIT;
} else if (browserDetails.isIE()) {
browserIdentifier = BROWSER_IE;
majorVersionClass = browserIdentifier
+ browserDetails.getBrowserMajorVersion();
minorVersionClass = majorVersionClass
+ browserDetails.getBrowserMinorVersion();
browserEngineClass = ENGINE_TRIDENT;
} else if (browserDetails.isOpera()) {
browserIdentifier = BROWSER_OPERA;
majorVersionClass = browserIdentifier
+ browserDetails.getBrowserMajorVersion();
minorVersionClass = majorVersionClass
+ browserDetails.getBrowserMinorVersion();
browserEngineClass = ENGINE_PRESTO;
cssClass = prefix + browserIdentifier;
if (!"".equals(majorVersionClass)) {
cssClass = cssClass + " " + prefix + majorVersionClass;
if (!"".equals(minorVersionClass)) {
cssClass = cssClass + " " + prefix + minorVersionClass;
if (!"".equals(browserEngineClass)) {
cssClass = cssClass + " " + prefix + browserEngineClass;
String osClass = getOperatingSystemClass();
if (osClass != null) {
cssClass = cssClass + " " + prefix + osClass;
if (isTouchDevice()) {
cssClass = cssClass + " " + prefix + UI_TOUCH;
return cssClass;
private String getOperatingSystemClass() {
if (browserDetails.isAndroid()) {
return OS_ANDROID;
} else if (browserDetails.isIOS()) {
return OS_IOS;
} else if (browserDetails.isWindows()) {
return OS_WINDOWS;
} else if (browserDetails.isLinux()) {
return OS_LINUX;
} else if (browserDetails.isMacOSX()) {
return OS_MACOSX;
// Unknown OS
return null;
public boolean isIE() {
return browserDetails.isIE();
public boolean isFirefox() {
return browserDetails.isFirefox();
public boolean isSafari() {
return browserDetails.isSafari();
public boolean isIE8() {
return isIE() && browserDetails.getBrowserMajorVersion() == 8;
public boolean isIE9() {
return isIE() && browserDetails.getBrowserMajorVersion() == 9;
public boolean isChrome() {
return browserDetails.isChrome();
public boolean isGecko() {
return browserDetails.isGecko();
public boolean isWebkit() {
return browserDetails.isWebKit();
* Returns the Gecko version if the browser is Gecko based. The Gecko
* version for Firefox 2 is 1.8 and 1.9 for Firefox 3.
* @return The Gecko version or -1 if the browser is not Gecko based
public float getGeckoVersion() {
if (!browserDetails.isGecko()) {
return -1;
return browserDetails.getBrowserEngineVersion();
* Returns the WebKit version if the browser is WebKit based. The WebKit
* version returned is the major version e.g., 523.
* @return The WebKit version or -1 if the browser is not WebKit based
public float getWebkitVersion() {
if (!browserDetails.isWebKit()) {
return -1;
return browserDetails.getBrowserEngineVersion();
public float getIEVersion() {
if (!browserDetails.isIE()) {
return -1;
return browserDetails.getBrowserMajorVersion();
public float getOperaVersion() {
if (!browserDetails.isOpera()) {
return -1;
return browserDetails.getBrowserMajorVersion();
public boolean isOpera() {
return browserDetails.isOpera();
public boolean isOpera10() {
return browserDetails.isOpera()
&& browserDetails.getBrowserMajorVersion() == 10;
public boolean isOpera11() {
return browserDetails.isOpera()
&& browserDetails.getBrowserMajorVersion() == 11;
public native static String getBrowserString()
return $wnd.navigator.userAgent;
public native int getScreenWidth()
return $wnd.screen.width;
public native int getScreenHeight()
return $wnd.screen.height;
* @return true if the browser runs on a touch based device.
public boolean isTouchDevice() {
return touchDevice;
* Indicates whether the browser might require juggling to properly update
* sizes inside elements with overflow: auto.
* @return true
if the browser requires the workaround,
* otherwise false
public boolean requiresOverflowAutoFix() {
return (getWebkitVersion() > 0 || getOperaVersion() >= 11)
&& Util.getNativeScrollbarSize() > 0;
* Checks if the browser is run on iOS
* @return true if the browser is run on iOS, false otherwise
public boolean isIOS() {
return browserDetails.isIOS();
* Checks if the browser is run on Android
* @return true if the browser is run on Android, false otherwise
public boolean isAndroid() {
return browserDetails.isAndroid();
* Checks if the browser is capable of handling scrolling natively or if a
* touch scroll helper is needed for scrolling.
* @return true if browser needs a touch scroll helper, false if the browser
* can handle scrolling natively
public boolean requiresTouchScrollDelegate() {
if (!isTouchDevice()) {
return false;
if (isAndroid() && isWebkit() && getWebkitVersion() >= 534) {
return false;
// Cannot enable native touch scrolling on iOS 5 until #8792 is resolved
// if (isIOS() && isWebkit() && getWebkitVersion() >= 534) {
// return false;
// }
return true;
* Tests if this is an Android devices with a broken scrollTop
* implementation
* @return true if scrollTop cannot be trusted on this device, false
* otherwise
public boolean isAndroidWithBrokenScrollTop() {
return isAndroid()
&& (getOperatingSystemMajorVersion() == 3 || getOperatingSystemMajorVersion() == 4);
private int getOperatingSystemMajorVersion() {
return browserDetails.getOperatingSystemMajorVersion();