/* @ITMillApache2LicenseForJavaFiles@ */ package com.vaadin.ui; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Map; import com.vaadin.event.LayoutEvents.LayoutClickEvent; import com.vaadin.event.LayoutEvents.LayoutClickListener; import com.vaadin.terminal.PaintException; import com.vaadin.terminal.PaintTarget; import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.MouseEventDetails; import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VAbsoluteLayout; /** * AbsoluteLayout is a layout implementation that mimics html absolute * positioning. * */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") @ClientWidget(VAbsoluteLayout.class) public class AbsoluteLayout extends AbstractLayout { private static final String CLICK_EVENT = VAbsoluteLayout.CLICK_EVENT_IDENTIFIER; private Collection components = new LinkedHashSet(); private Map componentToCoordinates = new HashMap(); public AbsoluteLayout() { setSizeFull(); } public Iterator getComponentIterator() { return components.iterator(); } public void replaceComponent(Component oldComponent, Component newComponent) { ComponentPosition position = getPosition(oldComponent); removeComponent(oldComponent); addComponent(newComponent); componentToCoordinates.put(newComponent, position); } @Override public void addComponent(Component c) { components.add(c); super.addComponent(c); requestRepaint(); } @Override public void removeComponent(Component c) { components.remove(c); super.removeComponent(c); requestRepaint(); } public void addComponent(Component c, String cssPosition) { addComponent(c); getPosition(c).setCSSString(cssPosition); } public ComponentPosition getPosition(Component component) { if (componentToCoordinates.containsKey(component)) { return componentToCoordinates.get(component); } else { ComponentPosition coords = new ComponentPosition(); componentToCoordinates.put(component, coords); return coords; } } /** * TODO symmetric getters and setters for fields to make this simpler to use * in generic java tools * */ public class ComponentPosition implements Serializable { private int zIndex = -1; private float topValue = -1; private float rightValue = -1; private float bottomValue = -1; private float leftValue = -1; private int topUnits; private int rightUnits; private int bottomUnits; private int leftUnits; /** * Sets the position attributes using CSS syntax. Example usage: * *
         * setCSSString("top:10px;left:20%;z-index:16;");
* * @param css */ public void setCSSString(String css) { String[] cssProperties = css.split(";"); for (int i = 0; i < cssProperties.length; i++) { String[] keyValuePair = cssProperties[i].split(":"); String key = keyValuePair[0].trim(); if (key.equals("")) { continue; } if (key.equals("z-index")) { zIndex = Integer.parseInt(keyValuePair[1]); } else { String value; if (keyValuePair.length > 1) { value = keyValuePair[1].trim(); } else { value = ""; } String unit = value.replaceAll("[0-9\\.]+", ""); if (!unit.equals("")) { value = value.substring(0, value.indexOf(unit)).trim(); } float v = Float.parseFloat(value); int unitInt = parseCssUnit(unit); if (key.equals("top")) { topValue = v; topUnits = unitInt; } else if (key.equals("right")) { rightValue = v; rightUnits = unitInt; } else if (key.equals("bottom")) { bottomValue = v; bottomUnits = unitInt; } else if (key.equals("left")) { leftValue = v; leftUnits = unitInt; } } } requestRepaint(); } private int parseCssUnit(String string) { for (int i = 0; i < UNIT_SYMBOLS.length; i++) { if (UNIT_SYMBOLS[i].equals(string)) { return i; } } return 0; // defaults to px (eg. top:0;) } public String getCSSString() { String s = ""; if (topValue >= 0) { s += "top:" + topValue + UNIT_SYMBOLS[topUnits] + ";"; } if (rightValue >= 0) { s += "right:" + rightValue + UNIT_SYMBOLS[rightUnits] + ";"; } if (bottomValue >= 0) { s += "bottom:" + bottomValue + UNIT_SYMBOLS[bottomUnits] + ";"; } if (leftValue >= 0) { s += "left:" + leftValue + UNIT_SYMBOLS[leftUnits] + ";"; } if (zIndex >= 0) { s += "z-index:" + zIndex + ";"; } return s; } public void setTop(float topValue, int topUnits) { validateLength(topValue, topUnits); this.topValue = topValue; this.topUnits = topUnits; requestRepaint(); } public void setRight(float rightValue, int rightUnits) { validateLength(rightValue, rightUnits); this.rightValue = rightValue; this.rightUnits = rightUnits; requestRepaint(); } public void setBottom(float bottomValue, int units) { validateLength(bottomValue, units); this.bottomValue = bottomValue; bottomUnits = units; requestRepaint(); } public void setLeft(float leftValue, int units) { validateLength(leftValue, units); this.leftValue = leftValue; leftUnits = units; requestRepaint(); } public void setZIndex(int zIndex) { this.zIndex = zIndex; requestRepaint(); } public void setTopValue(float topValue) { validateLength(topValue, topUnits); this.topValue = topValue; requestRepaint(); } public float getTopValue() { return topValue; } /** * @return the rightValue */ public float getRightValue() { return rightValue; } /** * @param rightValue * the rightValue to set */ public void setRightValue(float rightValue) { validateLength(rightValue, rightUnits); this.rightValue = rightValue; requestRepaint(); } /** * @return the bottomValue */ public float getBottomValue() { return bottomValue; } /** * @param bottomValue * the bottomValue to set */ public void setBottomValue(float bottomValue) { validateLength(bottomValue, bottomUnits); this.bottomValue = bottomValue; requestRepaint(); } /** * @return the leftValue */ public float getLeftValue() { return leftValue; } /** * @param leftValue * the leftValue to set */ public void setLeftValue(float leftValue) { validateLength(leftValue, leftUnits); this.leftValue = leftValue; requestRepaint(); } /** * @return the topUnits */ public int getTopUnits() { return topUnits; } /** * @param topUnits * the topUnits to set */ public void setTopUnits(int topUnits) { validateLength(topValue, topUnits); this.topUnits = topUnits; requestRepaint(); } /** * @return the rightUnits */ public int getRightUnits() { return rightUnits; } /** * @param rightUnits * the rightUnits to set */ public void setRightUnits(int rightUnits) { validateLength(rightValue, rightUnits); this.rightUnits = rightUnits; requestRepaint(); } /** * @return the bottomUnits */ public int getBottomUnits() { return bottomUnits; } /** * @param bottomUnits * the bottomUnits to set */ public void setBottomUnits(int bottomUnits) { validateLength(bottomValue, bottomUnits); this.bottomUnits = bottomUnits; requestRepaint(); } /** * @return the leftUnits */ public int getLeftUnits() { return leftUnits; } /** * @param leftUnits * the leftUnits to set */ public void setLeftUnits(int leftUnits) { validateLength(leftValue, leftUnits); this.leftUnits = leftUnits; requestRepaint(); } /** * @return the zIndex */ public int getZIndex() { return zIndex; } @Override public String toString() { return getCSSString(); } } @Override public void paintContent(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException { super.paintContent(target); for (Component component : components) { target.startTag("cc"); target.addAttribute("css", getPosition(component).getCSSString()); component.paint(target); target.endTag("cc"); } } private static void validateLength(float topValue, int topUnits2) { // TODO throw on invalid value } @Override public void changeVariables(Object source, Map variables) { super.changeVariables(source, variables); if (variables.containsKey(CLICK_EVENT)) { fireClick((Map) variables.get(CLICK_EVENT)); } } private void fireClick(Map parameters) { MouseEventDetails mouseDetails = MouseEventDetails .deSerialize((String) parameters.get("mouseDetails")); Component childComponent = (Component) parameters.get("component"); fireEvent(new LayoutClickEvent(this, mouseDetails, childComponent)); } /** * Add a click listener to the layout. The listener is called whenever the * user clicks inside the layout. Also when the click targets a component * inside the Panel, provided the targeted component does not prevent the * click event from propagating. * * The child component that was clicked is included in the * {@link LayoutClickEvent}. * * Use {@link #removeListener(LayoutClickListener)} to remove the listener. * * @param listener * The listener to add */ public void addListener(LayoutClickListener listener) { addListener(CLICK_EVENT, LayoutClickEvent.class, listener, LayoutClickListener.clickMethod); } /** * Remove a click listener from the layout. The listener should earlier have * been added using {@link #addListener(LayoutClickListener)}. * * @param listener * The listener to remove */ public void removeListener(LayoutClickListener listener) { removeListener(CLICK_EVENT, LayoutClickEvent.class, listener); } }