/* @ITMillApache2LicenseForJavaFiles@ */ package com.vaadin.ui; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.vaadin.data.Container; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.BlurEvent; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.BlurListener; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.FocusEvent; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.FocusListener; import com.vaadin.terminal.PaintException; import com.vaadin.terminal.PaintTarget; import com.vaadin.terminal.Resource; import com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VFilterSelect; /** *

* A class representing a selection of items the user has selected in a UI. The * set of choices is presented as a set of {@link com.vaadin.data.Item}s in a * {@link com.vaadin.data.Container}. *

* *

* A Select component may be in single- or multiselect mode. * Multiselect mode means that more than one item can be selected * simultaneously. *

* * @author IT Mill Ltd. * @version * @VERSION@ * @since 3.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") @ClientWidget(VFilterSelect.class) public class Select extends AbstractSelect implements AbstractSelect.Filtering, FieldEvents.BlurNotifier, FieldEvents.FocusNotifier { private static final String BLUR_EVENT_ID = VFilterSelect.BLUR_EVENT_IDENTIFIER; private static final String FOCUS_EVENT_ID = VFilterSelect.FOCUS_EVENT_IDENTIFIER; /** * Holds value of property pageLength. 0 disables paging. */ protected int pageLength = 10; private int columns = 0; // Current page when the user is 'paging' trough options private int currentPage = -1; private int filteringMode = FILTERINGMODE_STARTSWITH; private String filterstring; private String prevfilterstring; private List filteredOptions; /** * Flag to indicate that request repaint is called by filter request only */ private boolean optionRequest; /* Constructors */ /* Component methods */ public Select() { super(); } public Select(String caption, Collection options) { super(caption, options); } public Select(String caption, Container dataSource) { super(caption, dataSource); } public Select(String caption) { super(caption); } /** * Paints the content of this component. * * @param target * the Paint Event. * @throws PaintException * if the paint operation failed. */ @Override public void paintContent(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException { if (isMultiSelect()) { // background compatibility hack. This object shouldn't be used for // multiselect lists anymore (ListSelect instead). This fallbacks to // a simpler paint method in super class. super.paintContent(target); return; } // clear caption change listeners getCaptionChangeListener().clear(); // The tab ordering number if (getTabIndex() != 0) { target.addAttribute("tabindex", getTabIndex()); } // If the field is modified, but not committed, set modified attribute if (isModified()) { target.addAttribute("modified", true); } // Adds the required attribute if (isRequired()) { target.addAttribute("required", true); } if (isNewItemsAllowed()) { target.addAttribute("allownewitem", true); } boolean needNullSelectOption = false; if (isNullSelectionAllowed()) { target.addAttribute("nullselect", true); needNullSelectOption = (getNullSelectionItemId() == null); if (!needNullSelectOption) { target.addAttribute("nullselectitem", true); } } // Constructs selected keys array String[] selectedKeys; if (isMultiSelect()) { selectedKeys = new String[((Set) getValue()).size()]; } else { selectedKeys = new String[(getValue() == null && getNullSelectionItemId() == null ? 0 : 1)]; } target.addAttribute("pagelength", pageLength); target.addAttribute("filteringmode", getFilteringMode()); // Paints the options and create array of selected id keys // TODO Also use conventional rendering if lazy loading is not supported // by terminal int keyIndex = 0; target.startTag("options"); if (currentPage < 0) { optionRequest = false; currentPage = 0; filterstring = ""; } List options = getFilteredOptions(); options = sanitetizeList(options, needNullSelectOption); final boolean paintNullSelection = needNullSelectOption && (currentPage == 0 && (getFilteringMode() == FILTERINGMODE_OFF || filterstring == null || filterstring.equals(""))); if (paintNullSelection) { target.startTag("so"); target.addAttribute("caption", ""); target.addAttribute("key", ""); target.endTag("so"); } final Iterator i = options.iterator(); // Paints the available selection options from data source while (i.hasNext()) { final Object id = i.next(); if (!isNullSelectionAllowed() && id != null && id.equals(getNullSelectionItemId()) && !isSelected(id)) { continue; } // Gets the option attribute values final String key = itemIdMapper.key(id); final String caption = getItemCaption(id); final Resource icon = getItemIcon(id); getCaptionChangeListener().addNotifierForItem(id); // Paints the option target.startTag("so"); if (icon != null) { target.addAttribute("icon", icon); } target.addAttribute("caption", caption); if (id != null && id.equals(getNullSelectionItemId())) { target.addAttribute("nullselection", true); } target.addAttribute("key", key); if (isSelected(id) && keyIndex < selectedKeys.length) { target.addAttribute("selected", true); selectedKeys[keyIndex++] = key; } target.endTag("so"); } target.endTag("options"); target.addAttribute("totalitems", size() + (needNullSelectOption ? 1 : 0)); if (filteredOptions != null) { target.addAttribute("totalMatches", filteredOptions.size() + (needNullSelectOption ? 1 : 0)); } // Paint variables target.addVariable(this, "selected", selectedKeys); if (isNewItemsAllowed()) { target.addVariable(this, "newitem", ""); } target.addVariable(this, "filter", filterstring); target.addVariable(this, "page", currentPage); currentPage = -1; // current page is always set by client optionRequest = true; // Hide the error indicator if needed if (isRequired() && isEmpty() && getComponentError() == null && getErrorMessage() != null) { target.addAttribute("hideErrors", true); } } /** * Makes correct sublist of given list of options. * * If paint is not an option request (affected by page or filter change), * page will be the one where possible selection exists. * * Detects proper first and last item in list to return right page of * options. Also, if the current page is beyond the end of the list, it will * be adjusted. * * @param options * @param needNullSelectOption * flag to indicate if nullselect option needs to be taken into * consideration */ private List sanitetizeList(List options, boolean needNullSelectOption) { if (options.size() > pageLength) { int first = currentPage * pageLength; int last = first + pageLength; if (needNullSelectOption) { if (currentPage > 0) { first--; } last--; } if (options.size() < last) { last = options.size(); } if (!optionRequest) { // TODO ensure proper page if (!isMultiSelect()) { Object selection = getValue(); if (selection != null) { int index = options.indexOf(selection); if (index != -1 && (index < first || index >= last)) { int newPage = (index + (needNullSelectOption ? 1 : 0)) / pageLength; currentPage = newPage; return sanitetizeList(options, needNullSelectOption); } } } } // adjust the current page if beyond the end of the list if (first >= last && currentPage > 0) { currentPage -= (first - last + pageLength) / pageLength; return sanitetizeList(options, needNullSelectOption); } return options.subList(first, last); } else { return options; } } protected List getFilteredOptions() { if (filterstring == null || filterstring.equals("") || filteringMode == FILTERINGMODE_OFF) { prevfilterstring = null; filteredOptions = new LinkedList(getItemIds()); return filteredOptions; } if (filterstring.equals(prevfilterstring)) { return filteredOptions; } Collection items; if (prevfilterstring != null && filterstring.startsWith(prevfilterstring)) { items = filteredOptions; } else { items = getItemIds(); } prevfilterstring = filterstring; filteredOptions = new LinkedList(); for (final Iterator it = items.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final Object itemId = it.next(); String caption = getItemCaption(itemId); if (caption == null || caption.equals("")) { continue; } else { caption = caption.toLowerCase(); } switch (filteringMode) { case FILTERINGMODE_CONTAINS: if (caption.indexOf(filterstring) > -1) { filteredOptions.add(itemId); } break; case FILTERINGMODE_STARTSWITH: default: if (caption.startsWith(filterstring)) { filteredOptions.add(itemId); } break; } } return filteredOptions; } /** * Invoked when the value of a variable has changed. * * @see com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent#changeVariables(java.lang.Object, * java.util.Map) */ @Override public void changeVariables(Object source, Map variables) { // Not calling super.changeVariables due the history of select // component hierarchy // Selection change if (variables.containsKey("selected")) { final String[] ka = (String[]) variables.get("selected"); if (isMultiSelect()) { // Multiselect mode // TODO Optimize by adding repaintNotNeeded whan applicaple // Converts the key-array to id-set final LinkedList s = new LinkedList(); for (int i = 0; i < ka.length; i++) { final Object id = itemIdMapper.get(ka[i]); if (id != null && containsId(id)) { s.add(id); } } // Limits the deselection to the set of visible items // (non-visible items can not be deselected) final Collection visible = getVisibleItemIds(); if (visible != null) { Set newsel = (Set) getValue(); if (newsel == null) { newsel = new HashSet(); } else { newsel = new HashSet(newsel); } newsel.removeAll(visible); newsel.addAll(s); setValue(newsel, true); } } else { // Single select mode if (ka.length == 0) { // Allows deselection only if the deselected item is visible final Object current = getValue(); final Collection visible = getVisibleItemIds(); if (visible != null && visible.contains(current)) { setValue(null, true); } } else { final Object id = itemIdMapper.get(ka[0]); if (id != null && id.equals(getNullSelectionItemId())) { setValue(null, true); } else { setValue(id, true); } } } } String newFilter; if ((newFilter = (String) variables.get("filter")) != null) { // this is a filter request currentPage = ((Integer) variables.get("page")).intValue(); filterstring = newFilter; if (filterstring != null) { filterstring = filterstring.toLowerCase(); } optionRepaint(); } else if (isNewItemsAllowed()) { // New option entered (and it is allowed) final String newitem = (String) variables.get("newitem"); if (newitem != null && newitem.length() > 0) { getNewItemHandler().addNewItem(newitem); // rebuild list filterstring = null; prevfilterstring = null; } } if (variables.containsKey(FOCUS_EVENT_ID)) { fireEvent(new FocusEvent(this)); } if (variables.containsKey(BLUR_EVENT_ID)) { fireEvent(new BlurEvent(this)); } } @Override public void requestRepaint() { super.requestRepaint(); optionRequest = false; prevfilterstring = filterstring; filterstring = null; } private void optionRepaint() { super.requestRepaint(); } public void setFilteringMode(int filteringMode) { this.filteringMode = filteringMode; } public int getFilteringMode() { return filteringMode; } /** * Note, one should use more generic setWidth(String) method instead of * this. This now days actually converts columns to width with em css unit. * * Sets the number of columns in the editor. If the number of columns is set * 0, the actual number of displayed columns is determined implicitly by the * adapter. * * @deprecated * * @param columns * the number of columns to set. */ @Deprecated public void setColumns(int columns) { if (columns < 0) { columns = 0; } if (this.columns != columns) { this.columns = columns; setWidth(columns, Select.UNITS_EM); requestRepaint(); } } /** * @deprecated see setter function * @return */ @Deprecated public int getColumns() { return columns; } public void addListener(BlurListener listener) { addListener(BLUR_EVENT_ID, BlurEvent.class, listener, BlurListener.blurMethod); } public void removeListener(BlurListener listener) { removeListener(BLUR_EVENT_ID, BlurEvent.class, listener); } public void addListener(FocusListener listener) { addListener(FOCUS_EVENT_ID, FocusEvent.class, listener, FocusListener.focusMethod); } public void removeListener(FocusListener listener) { removeListener(FOCUS_EVENT_ID, FocusEvent.class, listener); } }