package com.vaadin.tests.components; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.CheckBox; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.Field; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.NativeSelect; public abstract class ComponentTestCase extends AbstractComponentTestCase { protected static final Object CAPTION = "caption"; private HorizontalLayout actionLayout; @Override protected final void setup() { // Create action layout so it appears before the components actionLayout = createActionLayout(); addComponent(actionLayout); super.setup(); // Create actions and add to layout populateActionLayout(); } protected void populateActionLayout() { for (Component c : createActions()) { addAction(c); } } private void addAction(Component c) { actionLayout.addComponent(c); actionLayout.setComponentAlignment(c, Alignment.BOTTOM_LEFT); } /** * Override to provide custom actions for the test case. * * @param actions * Array with default actions. Add custom actions to this. Never * null. */ protected void createCustomActions(List actions) { } /** * Method that creates the "actions" shown in the upper part of the screen. * Override this only if you do not want the default actions. Custom actions * can be added through #createCustomActions(); * * @return A List with actions to which more actions can be added. */ protected List createActions() { ArrayList actions = new ArrayList(); actions.add(createEnabledAction(true)); actions.add(createReadonlyAction(false)); actions.add(createErrorIndicatorAction(false)); if (Field.class.isAssignableFrom(getTestClass())) { actions.add(createRequiredAction(false)); } createCustomActions(actions); return actions; } private HorizontalLayout createActionLayout() { HorizontalLayout actionLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); actionLayout.setSpacing(true); actionLayout.setMargin(true); return actionLayout; } protected Component createErrorIndicatorAction(boolean initialState) { return createBooleanAction("Error indicators", initialState, errorIndicatorCommand); } protected Component createEnabledAction(boolean initialState) { return createBooleanAction("Enabled", initialState, enabledCommand); } protected Component createReadonlyAction(boolean initialState) { return createBooleanAction("Readonly", initialState, readonlyCommand); } protected Component createRequiredAction(boolean initialState) { return createBooleanAction("Required", initialState, requiredCommand); } protected Component createBooleanAction(String caption, boolean initialState, final Command command) { CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox(caption); checkBox.addListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { boolean enabled = (Boolean) event.getProperty().getValue(); doCommand(command, enabled); } }); checkBox.setValue(initialState); checkBox.setImmediate(true); checkBox.setId("checkboxaction-" + caption); // Set default value for all components doCommand(command, initialState); return checkBox; } protected Component createButtonAction(String caption, final Command command) { Button button = new Button(caption); button.setData(Boolean.FALSE); button.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { Button b = event.getButton(); boolean state = (Boolean) b.getData(); b.setData(!state); doCommand(command, state); } }); button.setId("buttonaction-" + caption); button.setImmediate(true); return button; } protected Component createSelectAction(String caption, LinkedHashMap options, String initialValue, final Command command) { final String CAPTION = "caption"; final String VALUE = "value"; final NativeSelect select = new NativeSelect(caption); select.addContainerProperty(CAPTION, String.class, ""); select.addContainerProperty(VALUE, Object.class, ""); select.setItemCaptionPropertyId(CAPTION); select.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); select.addListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { Object itemId = event.getProperty().getValue(); Item item = select.getItem(itemId); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") TYPE value = (TYPE) item.getItemProperty(VALUE).getValue(); doCommand(command, value); } }); for (String itemCaption : options.keySet()) { Object itemId = new Object(); Item i = select.addItem(itemId); i.getItemProperty(CAPTION).setValue(itemCaption); i.getItemProperty(VALUE).setValue(options.get(itemCaption)); if (itemCaption.equals(initialValue)) { select.setValue(itemId); } } select.setId("selectaction-" + caption); select.setImmediate(true); return select; } }