package; import java.util.List; import com.vaadin.tests.components.ComponentTestCase; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.NativeSelect; public class NativeSelects extends ComponentTestCase { NativeSelect label[] = new NativeSelect[20]; @Override protected Class getTestClass() { return NativeSelect.class; } @Override protected void initializeComponents() { NativeSelect s; s = createNativeSelect(null); s.setWidth(null); addTestComponent(s); s = createNativeSelect("Undefined wide, empty select"); s.setWidth(null); addTestComponent(s); s = createNativeSelect("Undefined wide select with 5 items"); s.setWidth(null); addItem(s, "The first item"); addItem(s, "The second item"); addItem(s, "The third item"); addItem(s, "The fourth item"); addItem(s, "The fifth item"); addTestComponent(s); s = createNativeSelect("Undefined wide select with 50 items"); s.setWidth(null); populate(s, 50); addTestComponent(s); s = createNativeSelect(null); s.setWidth("100px"); addTestComponent(s); s = createNativeSelect("100px wide, empty select"); s.setWidth("100px"); addTestComponent(s); s = createNativeSelect("150px wide select with 5 items"); s.setWidth("150px"); addItem(s, "The first item"); addItem(s, "The second item"); addItem(s, "The third item"); addItem(s, "The fourth item"); addItem(s, "The fifth item"); addTestComponent(s); s = createNativeSelect("200px wide select with 50 items"); s.setWidth("200px"); populate(s, 50); addTestComponent(s); } private void populate(NativeSelect s, int nr) { String text = " an item "; String caption = ""; for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { caption += text; } else { caption += i; } addItem(s, caption); } } private void addItem(NativeSelect s, String string) { Object id = s.addItem(); s.getItem(id).getItemProperty(CAPTION).setValue(string); } private NativeSelect createNativeSelect(String caption) { NativeSelect s = new NativeSelect(); s.addContainerProperty(CAPTION, String.class, ""); s.setItemCaptionPropertyId(CAPTION); s.setCaption(caption); s.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); return s; } @Override protected String getDescription() { return "A generic test for Labels in different configurations"; } @Override protected void createCustomActions(List actions) { actions.add(createBooleanAction("Null selection allowed", false, new Command() { @Override public void execute(NativeSelect c, Boolean value, Object data) { c.setNullSelectionAllowed(value); } })); } }