/* * Copyright 2000-2014 Vaadin Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.vaadin.tests.themes.valo; import org.junit.Test; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import com.vaadin.testbench.elements.ButtonElement; import com.vaadin.testbench.elements.CheckBoxElement; import com.vaadin.testbench.elements.CssLayoutElement; import com.vaadin.testbench.elements.LabelElement; import com.vaadin.testbench.elements.TreeElement; import com.vaadin.tests.tb3.MultiBrowserTest; public class ValoThemeUITest extends MultiBrowserTest { @Test public void labels() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Labels"); compareScreen("labels"); } @Test public void buttonsLinks() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Buttons & Links", "Buttons"); compareScreen("buttonsLinks_with_disabled"); } @Test public void textFields() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Text Fields 123", "Text Fields"); compareScreen("textFields"); } @Test public void common() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Common UI Elements"); compareScreen("common"); } @Test public void datefields() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Date Fields"); // Note that this can look broken in IE9 because of some browser // rendering issue... The problem seems to be in the customized // horizontal layout in the test app compareScreen("datefields-with-range"); } @Test public void comboboxes() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Combo Boxes"); compareScreen("comboboxes"); } @Test public void selects() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Selects"); compareScreen("selects"); } @Test public void checkboxes() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Check Boxes & Option Groups", "Check Boxes"); compareScreen("checkboxes_with_readonly"); } @Test public void sliders() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Sliders & Progress Bars", "Sliders"); compareScreen("sliders"); } @Test public void colorpickers() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Color Pickers"); compareScreen("colorpickers"); } @Test public void menubars() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Menu Bars"); compareScreen("menubars"); } @Test public void trees() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Trees"); selectTreeNodeByCaption("Quid securi"); compareScreen("trees"); } private void selectTreeNodeByCaption(String string) { WebElement e = $(TreeElement.class).first().findElement( By.xpath("//div[@class='v-tree-node-caption']//span[text()='" + string + "']")); e.click(); } @Test public void tables() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Tables"); check("Components in Cells"); compareScreen("tables"); } @Test public void treeTables() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Tables"); check("Hierarchical"); check("Footer"); compareScreen("treetables"); } @Test public void dragging() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Drag and Drop", "Dragging Components"); compareScreen("dragging"); } @Test public void panels() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Panels", "Panels & Layout panels"); compareScreen("panels"); } @Test public void splitpanels() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Split Panels"); compareScreen("splitpanels"); } @Test public void tabs() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Tabs 123", "Tabs"); compareScreen("tabs"); } @Test public void tabsClosable() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Tabs 123", "Tabs"); check("Closable"); check("Disable tabs"); check("Overflow"); compareScreen("tabs-closable-disabled"); } @Test public void tabsClosableUnframed() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Tabs 123", "Tabs"); check("Closable"); // Framed option is checked by default so we are actually unchecking check("Framed"); check("Overflow"); compareScreen("tabs-closable-unframed"); } @Test public void tabsAlignRight() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Tabs 123", "Tabs"); check("Right-aligned tabs"); compareScreen("tabs-align-right"); } /** * workaround for http://dev.vaadin.com/ticket/13763 */ private void check(String caption) { click($(CheckBoxElement.class).caption(caption).first()); } @Test public void tabsAlignCenter() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Tabs 123", "Tabs"); check("Centered tabs"); compareScreen("tabs-align-center"); } @Test public void tabsIconsOnTop() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Tabs 123", "Tabs"); check("Icons on top"); compareScreen("tabs-icons-on-top"); } @Test public void tabsEqualCompactPadded() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Tabs 123", "Tabs"); check("Equal-width tabs"); check("Padded tabbar"); check("Compact"); compareScreen("tabs-equal-compact-padded"); } @Test public void accordions() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Accordions"); compareScreen("accordions"); } @Test public void popupviews() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); open("Popup Views"); scrollTo(500, 0); compareScreen("popupviews"); } @Test public void calendar() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); scrollTo(500, 0); open("Calendar"); compareScreen("calendar"); } @Test public void forms() throws Exception { openTestURL("test"); scrollTo(500, 0); open("Forms"); compareScreen("forms"); } private void open(String link) { open(link, link); } private void open(String link, String caption) { open(link, caption, 10); } // FIXME: Remove this once click works properly on IE... private void open(String link, String caption, int tries) { if (tries <= 0) { throw new RuntimeException( "Tried many times but was not able to click the link..."); } $(ButtonElement.class).caption(link).first().click(); CssLayoutElement content = wrap(CssLayoutElement.class, findElement(By.className("valo-content"))); LabelElement captionElem = content.$(LabelElement.class).first(); if (!captionElem.getText().equals(caption)) { // IE ... why you fail clicks System.err.println("Extra click needed on '" + link + "' on remote " + getDesiredCapabilities() + " " + getRemoteControlName()); open(link, caption, tries - 1); } else { // Done opening, scroll left panel to the top again for consistency scrollTo(0, 0); } } private void scrollTo(int top, int left) { CssLayoutElement testMenu = $(CssLayoutElement.class).id("testMenu"); testBenchElement(testMenu).scroll(top); testBenchElement(testMenu).scrollLeft(left); } @Override protected boolean requireWindowFocusForIE() { return true; } @Override protected boolean usePersistentHoverForIE() { return false; } }