package; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Random; import com.vaadin.Application; import; import; import com.vaadin.server.Resource; import com.vaadin.server.ThemeResource; import com.vaadin.server.UserError; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.Field; import com.vaadin.ui.Form; import com.vaadin.ui.FormLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Layout; import com.vaadin.ui.Layout.AlignmentHandler; import com.vaadin.ui.Panel; import com.vaadin.ui.UI.LegacyWindow; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; public class Ticket1878 extends Application.LegacyApplication { private Layout orderedLayout; private Layout gridLayout; private Layout formLayout; private GridLayout mainLayout; private Button switchToGridButton; private Button switchToOrderedButton; private Button switchToFormsButton; @Override public void init() { LegacyWindow w = new LegacyWindow(getClass().getSimpleName()); setMainWindow(w); // setTheme("tests-tickets"); mainLayout = new GridLayout(1, 2); w.setContent(mainLayout); orderedLayout = createOL(); gridLayout = createGL(); formLayout = createForms(); switchToGridButton = new Button("Switch to GridLayout", new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { changeLayout(switchToGridButton, gridLayout); } }); switchToOrderedButton = new Button("Switch to OrderedLayout", new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { changeLayout(switchToOrderedButton, orderedLayout); } }); switchToOrderedButton.setEnabled(false); switchToFormsButton = new Button("Switch to Form", new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { changeLayout(switchToFormsButton, formLayout); } }); HorizontalLayout buttonLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); buttonLayout.addComponent(switchToOrderedButton); buttonLayout.addComponent(switchToGridButton); buttonLayout.addComponent(switchToFormsButton); mainLayout.addComponent(buttonLayout); mainLayout.addComponent(orderedLayout); // w.setContent(orderedLayout); } private static Layout createOL() { GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(1, 5); GridLayout l1 = new GridLayout(1, 3); createLayout(l1, new HorizontalLayout(), "1000px", "150px", "100%", null, true); createLayout(l1, new HorizontalLayout(), "1000px", "150px", "50px", null, false); GridLayout l2 = new GridLayout(6, 1); createLayout(l2, new VerticalLayout(), "200px", "500px", true); createLayout(l2, new VerticalLayout(), "200px", "500px", "100%", null, true); createLayout(l2, new VerticalLayout(), "150px", "500px", true); createLayout(l2, new VerticalLayout(), "150px", "500px", "100%", null, true); createLayout(l2, new VerticalLayout(), "100px", "500px", true); createLayout(l2, new VerticalLayout(), "100px", "500px", "100%", null, true); layout.addComponent(l1); layout.addComponent(l2); return layout; } private static Layout createGL() { GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(1, 5); GridLayout l1 = new GridLayout(1, 3); createLayout(l1, new GridLayout(8, 1), "1000px", "150px", "100%", null, true); createLayout(l1, new GridLayout(8, 1), "1000px", "150px", "50px", null, false); GridLayout l2 = new GridLayout(6, 1); createLayout(l2, new GridLayout(1, 8), "200px", "500px", true); createLayout(l2, new GridLayout(1, 8), "200px", "500px", "100%", null, true); createLayout(l2, new GridLayout(1, 8), "150px", "500px", true); createLayout(l2, new GridLayout(1, 8), "150px", "500px", "100%", null, true); createLayout(l2, new GridLayout(1, 8), "100px", "500px", true); createLayout(l2, new GridLayout(1, 8), "100px", "500px", "100%", null, true); layout.addComponent(l1); layout.addComponent(l2); return layout; } public class FormObject { private String stringValue = "abc"; private int intValue = 1; private long longValue = 2L; private Date dateValue = new Date(34587034750L); public String getStringValue() { return stringValue; } public void setStringValue(String stringValue) { this.stringValue = stringValue; } public int getIntValue() { return intValue; } public void setIntValue(int intValue) { this.intValue = intValue; } public long getLongValue() { return longValue; } public void setLongValue(long longValue) { this.longValue = longValue; } public Date getDateValue() { return dateValue; } public void setDateValue(Date dateValue) { this.dateValue = dateValue; } } private Layout createForms() { GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(1, 5); Form form; Random r = new Random(); GridLayout l1 = new GridLayout(1, 3); form = createForm(l1, "200px", "500px"); BeanItem item = new BeanItem(new FormObject()); form.setItemDataSource(item); for (Iterator i = item.getItemPropertyIds().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Object property =; Field f = form.getField(property); f.setRequired(r.nextBoolean()); if (r.nextBoolean()) { f.setIcon(new ThemeResource("icons/16/document-add.png")); } if (r.nextBoolean()) { f.setCaption(null); } f.addValidator(new StringLengthValidator("Error", 10, 8, false)); } // createLayout(l1, new // ExpandLayout(ExpandLayout.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL), // "1000px", "150px", "50px", null, false); // GridLayout l2 = new GridLayout(6, 1); // createLayout(l2, new ExpandLayout(ExpandLayout.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL), // "200px", "500px", true); // createLayout(l2, new ExpandLayout(ExpandLayout.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL), // "200px", "500px", "100%", null, true); // createLayout(l2, new ExpandLayout(ExpandLayout.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL), // "150px", "500px", true); // createLayout(l2, new ExpandLayout(ExpandLayout.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL), // "150px", "500px", "100%", null, true); // createLayout(l2, new ExpandLayout(ExpandLayout.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL), // "100px", "500px", true); // createLayout(l2, new ExpandLayout(ExpandLayout.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL), // "100px", "500px", "100%", null, true); layout.addComponent(l1); // layout.addComponent(l2); return layout; } private Form createForm(GridLayout parentLayout, String w, String h) { FormLayout formLayout = new FormLayout(); Form form = new Form(formLayout); Panel p = new Panel("Form " + w + "x" + h); p.setWidth(w); p.setHeight(h); p.getContent().setSizeFull(); parentLayout.addComponent(p); p.addComponent(form); formLayout.setSizeFull(); return form; } protected void changeLayout(Button b, Layout newLayout) { switchToOrderedButton.setEnabled(true); switchToGridButton.setEnabled(true); switchToFormsButton.setEnabled(true); b.setEnabled(false); Iterator i = mainLayout.getComponentIterator();; Layout l = (Layout); mainLayout.replaceComponent(l, newLayout); } private static void createLayout(GridLayout parentLayout, Layout newLayout, String w, String h, boolean align) { createLayout(parentLayout, newLayout, w, h, null, null, align); } private static void createLayout(GridLayout parentLayout, Layout newLayout, String w, String h, String componentWidth, String componentHeight, boolean align) { String dirText = "V"; String type; if (newLayout instanceof VerticalLayout) { type = "OL"; } else if (newLayout instanceof HorizontalLayout) { dirText = "H"; type = "OL"; } else { if (((GridLayout) newLayout).getColumns() != 1) { dirText = "H"; } type = "GL"; } String alignText = align ? "-A" : ""; String cWidth = componentWidth == null ? "" : " - " + componentWidth; Panel p = new Panel(type + "/" + dirText + alignText + " " + w + "x" + h + cWidth, newLayout); p.setWidth(w); p.setHeight(h); newLayout.setSizeFull(); String captions[] = new String[] { "TextField with caption", null }; Resource icons[] = new Resource[] { new ThemeResource("icons/16/document-delete.png"), null }; boolean required[] = new boolean[] { true, false }; TextField fields[][] = new TextField[captions.length][icons.length]; for (int caption = 0; caption < captions.length; caption++) { for (int icon = 0; icon < icons.length; icon++) { for (int req = 0; req < required.length; req++) { TextField tf = createTextFieldWithError(captions[caption], icons[icon], required[req]); fields[caption][icon] = tf; if (componentWidth != null) { tf.setWidth(componentWidth); tf.setValue(tf.getValue() + " w:" + componentWidth); } if (componentHeight != null) { tf.setHeight(componentWidth); tf.setValue(tf.getValue() + " h:" + componentHeight); } p.addComponent(tf); if (align) { ((AlignmentHandler) newLayout).setComponentAlignment( tf, Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT); } } } } parentLayout.addComponent(p); } // private static void createGridLayout(GridLayout parentLayout, int dir, // String w, String h) { // createGridLayout(parentLayout, dir, w, h, null, null); // } // private static void createGridLayout(GridLayout parentLayout, int dir, // String w, String h, String componentWidth, String componentHeight) { // GridLayout gl; // if (dir == OrderedLayout.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { // gl = new GridLayout(8, 1); // } else { // gl = new GridLayout(1, 8); // } // // String dirText = (dir == OrderedLayout.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL ? "H" // : "V"); // String cWidth = componentWidth == null ? "" : " - " + componentWidth; // Panel p = new Panel("GL/" + dirText + " " + w + "x" + h + cWidth, gl); // // p.setWidth(w); // p.setHeight(h); // // gl.setSizeFull(); // // String captions[] = new String[] { "TextField with caption", null }; // Resource icons[] = new Resource[] { // new ThemeResource("icons/16/document-delete.png"), null }; // boolean required[] = new boolean[] { true, false }; // TextField fields[][] = new TextField[captions.length][icons.length]; // for (int caption = 0; caption < captions.length; caption++) { // for (int icon = 0; icon < icons.length; icon++) { // for (int req = 0; req < required.length; req++) { // TextField tf = createTextFieldWithError(captions[caption], // icons[icon], required[req]); // // fields[caption][icon] = tf; // if (componentWidth != null) { // tf.setWidth(componentWidth); // } // // if (componentHeight != null) { // tf.setHeight(componentWidth); // } // // p.addComponent(tf); // gl.setComponentAlignment(tf, OrderedLayout.ALIGNMENT_LEFT, // OrderedLayout.ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM); // } // } // } // // parentLayout.addComponent(p); // // } private static TextField createTextFieldWithError(String caption, Resource icon, boolean required) { TextField tf = new TextField(); tf.setCaption(caption); tf.setIcon(icon); tf.setRequired(required); tf.setComponentError(new UserError("Test error message")); return tf; } }