package; import com.vaadin.ui.Accordion; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.Layout.MarginHandler; import com.vaadin.ui.LegacyWindow; import com.vaadin.ui.TextArea; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; public class Ticket2040 extends com.vaadin.server.LegacyApplication { TextField f = new TextField(); @Override public void init() { LegacyWindow main = new LegacyWindow(); setMainWindow(main); main.getContent().setSizeFull(); ((MarginHandler) main.getContent()).setMargin(true); setTheme("tests-tickets"); Accordion ts; ts = new Accordion(); ts.setSizeFull(); ts.setWidth("300px"); TextArea l = new TextArea("DSFS"); l.setRows(2); l.setStyleName("red"); l.setSizeFull(); ts.addTab(l, "100% h component", null); Label testContent = new Label( "TabSheet by default uses caption, icon, errors etc. from Components. "); testContent.setCaption("Introduction to test"); ts.addTab(testContent); // main.addComponent(ts); ts = new Accordion(); ts.setSizeFull(); ts.setHeight("200px"); ts.setWidth("300px"); l = new TextArea("DSFS"); l.setRows(2); l.setStyleName("red"); l.setSizeFull(); ts.addTab(l, "200px h component", null); testContent = new Label( "TabSheet by default uses caption, icon, errors etc. from Components. "); testContent.setCaption("Introduction to test"); ts.addTab(testContent); main.addComponent(ts); ts = new Accordion(); ts.setSizeFull(); ts.setHeight("50%"); ts.setWidth("300px"); l = new TextArea("DSFS"); l.setRows(2); l.setStyleName("red"); l.setSizeFull(); ts.addTab(l, "50% h component", null); testContent = new Label( "TabSheet by default uses caption, icon, errors etc. from Components. "); testContent.setCaption("Introduction to test"); ts.addTab(testContent); // main.addComponent(ts); } }