package; import com.vaadin.LegacyApplication; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.UI.LegacyWindow; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; public class Ticket2209OL2 extends LegacyApplication { private VerticalLayout gl; private ComboBox combo; private Label labelLong; @Override public void init() { setMainWindow(new LegacyWindow()); getMainWindow().getContent().setWidth("250px"); gl = new VerticalLayout(); gl.setSizeUndefined(); gl.setStyleName("borders"); getMainWindow().addComponent(gl); setTheme("tests-tickets"); combo = new ComboBox("Combo caption"); labelLong = new Label( "This should stay on one line or to wrap to multiple lines? At leas it should display all the text?. " + "A long label, longer than the combo box. Why doesn't it affect the width? And why is the gridlayout so high?" + "A long label, longer than the combo box. Why doesn't it affect the width? And why is the gridlayout so high?" + "A long label, longer than the combo box. Why doesn't it affect the width? And why is the gridlayout so high?" + "A long label, longer than the combo box. Why doesn't it affect the width? And why is the gridlayout so high?" + "A long label, longer than the combo box. Why doesn't it affect the width? And why is the gridlayout so high?" + "A long label, longer than the combo box. Why doesn't it affect the width? And why is the gridlayout so high?" + "A long label, longer than the combo box. Why doesn't it affect the width? And why is the gridlayout so high?" + "A long label, longer than the combo box. Why doesn't it affect the width? And why is the gridlayout so high?" + "A long label, longer than the combo box. Why doesn't it affect the width? And why is the gridlayout so high?" + "A long label, longer than the combo box. Why doesn't it affect the width? And why is the gridlayout so high?" + "A long label, longer than the combo box. Why doesn't it affect the width? And why is the gridlayout so high?" + "A long label, longer than the combo box. Why doesn't it affect the width? And why is the gridlayout so high?"); gl.addComponent(combo); gl.addComponent(labelLong); Button b = new Button("Add label text", new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { labelLong.setValue(labelLong.getValue() + "-12345"); } }); getMainWindow().addComponent(b); } }