#!/usr/bin/env bash # # ownCloud # # @author Vincent Petry # @author Morris Jobke # @author Robin McCorkell # @author Thomas Müller # @author Andreas Fischer # @author Joas Schilling # @author Lukas Reschke # @author Jörn Friedrich Dreyer # @copyright 2012-2015 Thomas Müller thomas.mueller@tmit.eu # DATABASENAME=oc_autotest DATABASEUSER=oc_autotest DATABASEHOST=localhost ADMINLOGIN=admin BASEDIR=$PWD PRIMARY_STORAGE_CONFIGS="local swift" DBCONFIGS="sqlite mysql mariadb pgsql oci mysqlmb4" # $PHP_EXE is run through 'which' and as such e.g. 'php' is usually # sufficient. Due to the behaviour of 'which', $PHP_EXE may also be a path # (absolute or not) to an executable, e.g. ./code/projects/php-src/sapi/cli/php. if [ -z "$PHP_EXE" ]; then PHP_EXE=php fi PHP=$(which "$PHP_EXE") PHPUNIT=$(which phpunit) set -e _XDEBUG_CONFIG=$XDEBUG_CONFIG unset XDEBUG_CONFIG function print_syntax { echo -e "Syntax: ./autotest.sh [dbconfigname] [testfile]\n" >&2 echo -e "\t\"dbconfigname\" can be one of: $DBCONFIGS" >&2 echo -e "\t\"testfile\" is the name of a test file, for example lib/template.php" >&2 echo -e "\nExample: ./autotest.sh sqlite lib/template.php" >&2 echo "will run the test suite from \"tests/lib/template.php\"" >&2 echo -e "\nIf no arguments are specified, all tests will be run with all database configs" >&2 } if [ -x "$PHP" ]; then echo "Using PHP executable $PHP" else echo "Could not find PHP executable $PHP_EXE" >&2 exit 3 fi if ! [ -x "$PHPUNIT" ]; then echo "phpunit executable not found, please install phpunit version >= 6.5" >&2 exit 3 fi # PHPUnit might also be installed via a facade binary script if [[ "$PHPUNIT" =~ \.phar$ ]]; then PHPUNIT=( "$PHP" "$PHPUNIT" ) else PHPUNIT=( "$PHPUNIT" ) fi PHPUNIT_VERSION=$($PHPUNIT --version | cut -d" " -f2) PHPUNIT_MAJOR_VERSION=$(echo "$PHPUNIT_VERSION" | cut -d"." -f1) PHPUNIT_MINOR_VERSION=$(echo "$PHPUNIT_VERSION" | cut -d"." -f2) if ! [ "$PHPUNIT_MAJOR_VERSION" -gt 6 -o \( "$PHPUNIT_MAJOR_VERSION" -eq 6 -a "$PHPUNIT_MINOR_VERSION" -ge 5 \) ]; then echo "phpunit version >= 6.5 required. Version found: $PHPUNIT_VERSION" >&2 exit 4 fi if ! [ \( -w config -a ! -f config/config.php \) -o \( -f config/config.php -a -w config/config.php \) ]; then echo "Please enable write permissions on config and config/config.php" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ "$1" ]; then FOUND=0 for DBCONFIG in $DBCONFIGS; do if [ "$1" = "$DBCONFIG" ]; then FOUND=1 break fi done if [ $FOUND = 0 ]; then echo -e "Unknown database config name \"$1\"\n" >&2 print_syntax exit 2 fi fi if [ "$PRIMARY_STORAGE_CONFIG" ]; then FOUND=0 for PSC in $PRIMARY_STORAGE_CONFIGS; do if [ "$PRIMARY_STORAGE_CONFIG" = "$PSC" ]; then FOUND=1 break fi done if [ $FOUND = 0 ]; then echo -e "Unknown primary storage config name \"$PRIMARY_STORAGE_CONFIG\"\n" >&2 print_syntax exit 2 fi else PRIMARY_STORAGE_CONFIG="local" fi # check for the presence of @since in all OCP methods $PHP build/OCPSinceChecker.php # Back up existing (dev) config if one exists and backup not already there if [ -f config/config.php ] && [ ! -f config/config-autotest-backup.php ]; then mv config/config.php config/config-autotest-backup.php fi function cleanup_config { if [ ! -z "$DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID" ]; then echo "Kill the docker $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID" docker stop "$DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID" docker rm -f "$DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID" fi cd "$BASEDIR" if [ "$PRIMARY_STORAGE_CONFIG" == "swift" ] ; then echo "Kill the swift docker" tests/objectstore/stop-swift-ceph.sh fi # Restore existing config if [ -f config/config-autotest-backup.php ]; then mv config/config-autotest-backup.php config/config.php fi # Remove autotest config if [ -f config/autoconfig.php ]; then rm config/autoconfig.php fi # Remove autotest swift storage config if [ -f config/autotest-storage-swift.config.php ]; then rm config/autotest-storage-swift.config.php fi # Remove autotest redis config if [ -f config/redis.config.php ]; then rm config/redis.config.php fi # Remove mysqlmb4.config.php rm -f config/mysqlmb4.config.php } # restore config on exit trap cleanup_config EXIT # use tmpfs for datadir - should speedup unit test execution if [ -d /dev/shm ]; then DATADIR=/dev/shm/data-autotest$EXECUTOR_NUMBER else DATADIR=$BASEDIR/data-autotest fi echo "Using database $DATABASENAME" function execute_tests { DB=$1 echo "Setup environment for $DB testing on $PRIMARY_STORAGE_CONFIG storage ..." # back to root folder cd "$BASEDIR" # revert changes to tests/data git checkout tests/data # reset data directory rm -rf "$DATADIR" mkdir "$DATADIR" if [ "$PRIMARY_STORAGE_CONFIG" == "swift" ] ; then tests/objectstore/start-swift-ceph.sh cp tests/objectstore/swift.config.php config/autotest-storage-swift.config.php fi cp tests/preseed-config.php config/config.php if [ "$ENABLE_REDIS" == "true" ] ; then cp tests/redis.config.php config/redis.config.php elif [ "$ENABLE_REDIS_CLUSTER" == "true" ] ; then cp tests/redis-cluster.config.php config/redis.config.php fi _DB=$DB # drop database if [ "$DB" == "mysql" ] ; then if [ ! -z "$USEDOCKER" ] ; then echo "Fire up the mysql docker" DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run \ -v $BASEDIR/tests/docker/mariadb:/etc/mysql/conf.d \ -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=owncloud \ -e MYSQL_USER="$DATABASEUSER" \ -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=owncloud \ -e MYSQL_DATABASE="$DATABASENAME" \ -d mysql) DATABASEHOST=$(docker inspect --format="{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" "$DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID") else if [ -z "$DRONE" ] ; then # no need to drop the DB when we are on CI if [ "mysql" != "$(mysql --version | grep -o mysql)" ] ; then echo "Your mysql binary is not provided by mysql" echo "To use the docker container set the USEDOCKER environment variable" exit -1 fi mysql -u "$DATABASEUSER" -powncloud -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS $DATABASENAME" -h $DATABASEHOST || true else DATABASEHOST=mysql fi fi echo "Waiting for MySQL initialisation ..." if ! apps/files_external/tests/env/wait-for-connection $DATABASEHOST 3306 600; then echo "[ERROR] Waited 600 seconds, no response" >&2 exit 1 fi fi if [ "$DB" == "mysqlmb4" ] ; then if [ ! -z "$USEDOCKER" ] ; then echo "Fire up the mysql docker" DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run \ -v $BASEDIR/tests/docker/mysqlmb4:/etc/mysql/conf.d \ -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=owncloud \ -e MYSQL_USER="$DATABASEUSER" \ -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=owncloud \ -e MYSQL_DATABASE="$DATABASENAME" \ -d mysql:5.7 \ --innodb_large_prefix=true \ --innodb_file_format=barracuda \ --innodb_file_per_table=true) DATABASEHOST=$(docker inspect --format="{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" "$DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID") else if [ -z "$DRONE" ] ; then # no need to drop the DB when we are on CI if [ "mysql" != "$(mysql --version | grep -o mysql)" ] ; then echo "Your mysql binary is not provided by mysql" echo "To use the docker container set the USEDOCKER environment variable" exit -1 fi mysql -u "$DATABASEUSER" -powncloud -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS $DATABASENAME" -h $DATABASEHOST || true else DATABASEHOST=mysqlmb4 fi fi echo "Waiting for MySQL(utf8mb4) initialisation ..." if ! apps/files_external/tests/env/wait-for-connection $DATABASEHOST 3306 600; then echo "[ERROR] Waited 600 seconds, no response" >&2 exit 1 fi sleep 1 echo "MySQL(utf8mb4) is up." _DB="mysql" cp tests/docker/mysqlmb4.config.php config fi if [ "$DB" == "mariadb" ] ; then if [ ! -z "$USEDOCKER" ] ; then echo "Fire up the mariadb docker" DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run \ -v $BASEDIR/tests/docker/mariadb:/etc/mysql/conf.d \ -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=owncloud \ -e MYSQL_USER="$DATABASEUSER" \ -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=owncloud \ -e MYSQL_DATABASE="$DATABASENAME" \ -d mariadb) DATABASEHOST=$(docker inspect --format="{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" "$DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID") echo "Waiting for MariaDB initialisation ..." if ! apps/files_external/tests/env/wait-for-connection $DATABASEHOST 3306 600; then echo "[ERROR] Waited 600 seconds, no response" >&2 exit 1 fi echo "MariaDB is up." else if [ -z "$DRONE" ] ; then # no need to drop the DB when we are on CI if [ "MariaDB" != "$(mysql --version | grep -o MariaDB)" ] ; then echo "Your mysql binary is not provided by MariaDB" echo "To use the docker container set the USEDOCKER environment variable" exit -1 fi mysql -u "$DATABASEUSER" -powncloud -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS $DATABASENAME" -h $DATABASEHOST || true else DATABASEHOST=mariadb fi fi echo "Waiting for MariaDB initialisation ..." if ! apps/files_external/tests/env/wait-for-connection $DATABASEHOST 3306 600; then echo "[ERROR] Waited 600 seconds, no response" >&2 exit 1 fi #Reset _DB to mysql since that is what we use internally _DB="mysql" fi if [ "$DB" == "pgsql" ] ; then if [ ! -z "$USEDOCKER" ] ; then echo "Fire up the postgres docker" DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run -e POSTGRES_USER="$DATABASEUSER" -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=owncloud -d postgres) DATABASEHOST=$(docker inspect --format="{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" "$DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID") echo "Waiting for Postgres initialisation ..." # grep exits on the first match and then the script continues docker logs -f "$DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID" 2>&1 | grep -q "database system is ready to accept connections" echo "Postgres is up." else if [ ! -z "$DRONE" ] ; then DATABASEHOST="postgres-$POSTGRES" fi echo "Waiting for Postgres to be available ..." if ! apps/files_external/tests/env/wait-for-connection $DATABASEHOST 5432 60; then echo "[ERROR] Waited 60 seconds for $DATABASEHOST, no response" >&2 exit 1 fi echo "Give it 10 additional seconds ..." sleep 10 if [ -z "$DRONE" ] ; then # no need to drop the DB when we are on CI dropdb -U "$DATABASEUSER" "$DATABASENAME" || true fi fi fi if [ "$DB" == "oci" ] ; then echo "Fire up the oracle docker" DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run -d deepdiver/docker-oracle-xe-11g) DATABASEHOST=$(docker inspect --format="{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" "$DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID") echo "Waiting for Oracle initialization ... " # Try to connect to the OCI host via sqlplus to ensure that the connection is already running for i in {1..48} do if sqlplus "autotest/owncloud@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=$DATABASEHOST)(Port=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=XE)))" < /dev/null | grep 'Connected to'; then break; fi sleep 5 done DATABASEUSER=autotest DATABASENAME='XE' fi # trigger installation echo "Installing ...." "$PHP" ./occ maintenance:install -vvv --database="$_DB" --database-name="$DATABASENAME" --database-host="$DATABASEHOST" --database-user="$DATABASEUSER" --database-pass=owncloud --database-table-prefix=oc_ --admin-user="$ADMINLOGIN" --admin-pass=admin --data-dir="$DATADIR" #test execution echo "Testing with $DB ..." cd tests rm -rf "coverage-html-$DB" mkdir "coverage-html-$DB" "$PHP" -f enable_all.php | grep -i -C9999 error && echo "Error during setup" && exit 101 if [[ "$_XDEBUG_CONFIG" ]]; then export XDEBUG_CONFIG=$_XDEBUG_CONFIG fi GROUP='' if [ "$TEST_SELECTION" == "QUICKDB" ]; then GROUP='--group DB --exclude-group=SLOWDB' fi if [ "$TEST_SELECTION" == "DB" ]; then GROUP='--group DB,SLOWDB' fi if [ "$TEST_SELECTION" == "NODB" ]; then GROUP='--exclude-group DB,SLOWDB' fi if [ "$TEST_SELECTION" == "PRIMARY-s3" ]; then GROUP='--group PRIMARY-s3' fi if [ "$TEST_SELECTION" == "PRIMARY-azure" ]; then GROUP='--group PRIMARY-azure' fi if [ "$TEST_SELECTION" == "PRIMARY-swift" ]; then GROUP='--group PRIMARY-swift' fi COVER='' if [ -z "$NOCOVERAGE" ]; then COVER="--coverage-clover autotest-clover-$DB.xml --coverage-html coverage-html-$DB" else echo "No coverage" fi echo "${PHPUNIT[@]}" --configuration phpunit-autotest.xml $GROUP $COVER --log-junit "autotest-results-$DB.xml" "$2" "$3" "${PHPUNIT[@]}" --configuration phpunit-autotest.xml $GROUP $COVER --log-junit "autotest-results-$DB.xml" "$2" "$3" RESULT=$? if [ "$PRIMARY_STORAGE_CONFIG" == "swift" ] ; then cd .. echo "Kill the swift docker" tests/objectstore/stop-swift-ceph.sh fi if [ ! -z "$DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID" ] ; then echo "Kill the docker $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID" docker stop $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID docker rm -f $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID unset DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID fi } # # start test execution # if [ -z "$1" ] then # run all known database configs for DBCONFIG in $DBCONFIGS; do execute_tests "$DBCONFIG" done else FILENAME="$2" if [ ! -z "$2" ] && [ ! -f "tests/$FILENAME" ] && [ "${FILENAME:0:2}" != "--" ]; then FILENAME="../$FILENAME" fi execute_tests "$1" "$FILENAME" "$3" fi # # NOTES on mysql: # - CREATE DATABASE oc_autotest; # - CREATE USER 'oc_autotest'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'owncloud'; # - grant all on oc_autotest.* to 'oc_autotest'@'localhost'; # # - for parallel executor support with EXECUTOR_NUMBER=0: # - CREATE DATABASE oc_autotest0; # - CREATE USER 'oc_autotest0'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'owncloud'; # - grant all on oc_autotest0.* to 'oc_autotest0'@'localhost'; # # NOTES on pgsql: # - su - postgres # - createuser -P oc_autotest (enter password and enable superuser) # - to enable dropdb I decided to add following line to pg_hba.conf # (this is not the safest way but I don't care for the testing machine): # local all all trust # # - for parallel executor support with EXECUTOR_NUMBER=0: # - createuser -P oc_autotest0 (enter password and enable superuser) # # NOTES on oci: # - it's a pure nightmare to install Oracle on a Linux-System # - DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! # - if you really need it: we feel sorry for you # > 163 164
/* *************************************************************************
IT Mill Toolkit
Development of Browser User Interfaces Made Easy
Copyright (C) 2000-2006 IT Mill Ltd
This product is distributed under commercial license that can be found
from the product package on license.pdf. Use of this product might
require purchasing a commercial license from IT Mill Ltd. For guidelines
on usage, see licensing-guidelines.html
For more information, contact:
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package com.itmill.toolkit.demo.features;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.*;
import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
public class FeatureFrameWindow extends Feature implements Button.ClickListener {
private Button addButton = new Button("Add to application", this, "addWin");
private Button removeButton = new Button("Remove from application", this,
private FrameWindow demoWindow;
private HashMap windowToFramesetMap = new HashMap();
private int count = 0;
protected Component getDemoComponent() {
OrderedLayout l = new OrderedLayout();
demoWindow = new FrameWindow("Feature Test Window");
// Properties
propertyPanel = new PropertyPanel(demoWindow);
Form ap = propertyPanel.createBeanPropertySet(new String[] { "width",
"height", "name", "border", "theme" });
ap.replaceWithSelect("border", new Object[] {
new Integer(Window.BORDER_DEFAULT),
new Integer(Window.BORDER_NONE),
new Integer(Window.BORDER_MINIMAL) }, new Object[] { "Default",
"None", "Minimal" });
propertyPanel.addProperties("FrameWindow Properties", ap);
return l;
protected String getDescriptionXHTML() {
return "<p>This component implements a window that contains a hierarchical set of frames. "
+ "Each frame can contain a web-page, window or a set of frames that divides the space "
+ "horizontally or vertically.</p>";
protected String getExampleSrc() {
return "FrameWindow f = new FrameWindow(\"Frame example\");\n"
+ "f.getFrameset().newFrame(window);\n"
+ "f.getFrameset().newFrame(resource,\"targetName\");\n";
protected String getImage() {
return "framewindow.jpg";
protected String getTitle() {
return "FrameWindow";
public void addWin() {
public void delWin() {
private void updateWinStatus() {
if (demoWindow.getApplication() == null) {
} else {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
if (event.getButton().getCaption().equals("Remove")) {
Window w = event.getButton().getWindow();
FrameWindow.Frameset fs = (FrameWindow.Frameset) windowToFramesetMap
if (fs == demoWindow.getFrameset() && fs.size() <= 1) {
// Do not remove the last frame
} else if (fs.size() > 1) {
} else {
FrameWindow.Frameset p = fs.getParentFrameset();
if (p != demoWindow.getFrameset() || p.size() > 1)
if (p.size() == 0)
if (event.getButton().getCaption().equals("Split")) {
Window w = event.getButton().getWindow();
FrameWindow.Frameset fs = (FrameWindow.Frameset) windowToFramesetMap
int index = 0;
List l = fs.getFrames();
while (index < l.size() && fs.getFrame(index).getWindow() != w)
if (index > fs.size())
index = fs.size();
fs = fs.newFrameset((Math.random() > 0.5), index);
for (int i = 2 + (int) (Math.random() * 2.0); i > 0; i--)
private Window createFrame(FrameWindow.Frameset fs) {
Window w = new Window();
w.addComponent(new Label("<b>Frame: " + (++count) + "</b>",
w.addComponent(new Button("Split", this));
w.addComponent(new Button("Remove", this));
windowToFramesetMap.put(w, fs);
return w;