path: root/build.xml
diff options
authorJeremias Maerki <jeremias@apache.org>2002-08-07 14:18:36 +0000
committerJeremias Maerki <jeremias@apache.org>2002-08-07 14:18:36 +0000
commite3b6e3da3b59435c6190cdec99ec1b3547186533 (patch)
treee24a63ac69a8d92c2af58aff3bb799dbe906e3ab /build.xml
parent2df610235cd772c5b6c98052181b8c9c81c825d0 (diff)
<action dev="JM" type="update" context="build">
Improve build process for more flexibility when external jars change. Changed to use -projecthelp option from Ant 1.5 instead of "usage" target. </action> git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xmlgraphics/fop/trunk@195067 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'build.xml')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index 606daa487..80915ab57 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -108,67 +108,68 @@ Sometimes ant gives out this warnings, but the build is finished without any pro
<project default="package" basedir=".">
- <fileset dir="${basedir}" id="dist.bin">
- <include name="conf/**"/>
- <include name="docs/**"/>
- <include name="hyph/**"/>
- <include name="CHANGES"/>
- <include name="LICENSE"/>
- <include name="README"/>
- <include name="STATUS"/>
- <include name="fop.bat"/>
- <include name="fop.sh"/>
- <exclude name="src/**"/>
- <exclude name="dist/**"/>
- <exclude name="build/**"/>
- <exclude name="lib/**"/>
- </fileset>
- <fileset dir="${basedir}" id="dist.bin.lib">
- <include name="lib/xercesImpl-2.0.1.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/xalan-2.2D11.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/xml-apis.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/batik.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/avalon-framework-cvs-20020315.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/jimi*"/>
- </fileset>
+ <fileset dir="${basedir}" id="dist.bin">
+ <include name="conf/**"/>
+ <include name="docs/**"/>
+ <include name="hyph/**"/>
+ <include name="CHANGES"/>
+ <include name="LICENSE"/>
+ <include name="README"/>
+ <include name="STATUS"/>
+ <include name="fop.bat"/>
+ <include name="fop.sh"/>
+ <exclude name="src/**"/>
+ <exclude name="dist/**"/>
+ <exclude name="build/**"/>
+ <exclude name="lib/**"/>
+ </fileset>
+ <fileset dir="${basedir}" id="dist.bin.lib">
+ <include name="lib/xercesImpl-2.0.1.jar"/>
+ <include name="lib/xalan-2.3.1.jar"/>
+ <include name="lib/xml-apis.jar"/>
+ <include name="lib/batik.jar"/>
+ <include name="lib/avalon-framework*.jar"/>
+ <include name="lib/jimi*"/>
+ </fileset>
+ <fileset dir="${basedir}" id="dist.src">
+ <exclude name="lib/classes/**"/>
+ <exclude name="lib/org/**"/>
+ <exclude name="lib/src/**"/>
+ <exclude name="build/**"/>
+ <include name="src/**"/>
+ <include name="conf/**"/>
+ <include name="docs/**"/>
+ <include name="hyph/**"/>
+ <include name="lib/**"/>
+ <include name="CHANGES"/>
+ <include name="LICENSE"/>
+ <include name="README"/>
+ <include name="STATUS"/>
+ <include name="build*"/>
+ <include name="fop.bat"/>
+ <include name="fop.sh"/>
+ </fileset>
- <fileset dir="${basedir}" id="dist.src">
- <exclude name="lib/classes/**"/>
- <exclude name="lib/org/**"/>
- <exclude name="lib/src/**"/>
- <exclude name="build/**"/>
- <include name="src/**"/>
- <include name="conf/**"/>
- <include name="docs/**"/>
- <include name="hyph/**"/>
- <include name="lib/**"/>
- <include name="CHANGES"/>
- <include name="LICENSE"/>
- <include name="README"/>
- <include name="STATUS"/>
- <include name="build*"/>
- <include name="fop.bat"/>
- <include name="fop.sh"/>
+ <path id="libs-build-classpath">
+ <fileset dir="lib">
+ <include name="*.jar"/>
+ </path>
<path id="libs-run-classpath">
<fileset dir="lib">
<include name="*.jar"/>
+ <exclude name="ant.jar"/>
+ <exclude name="buildtools.jar"/>
+ <exclude name="stylebook.jar"/>
<fileset dir="build">
<include name="fop.jar"/>
- <path id="libs-build-classpath">
- <fileset dir="lib">
- <include name="stylebook*.jar"/>
- <include name="xalan*.jar"/>
- <include name="xerces*.jar"/>
- </fileset>
- </path>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Initialization target -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
@@ -203,8 +204,8 @@ Sometimes ant gives out this warnings, but the build is finished without any pro
<property name="doc.generator" value="org.apache.stylebook.StyleBook"/>
<property name="doc.generator.package" value="${lib.dir}/stylebook-1.0-b2.jar"/>
- <property name="viewer.resources.src.dir" value="./src/org/apache/fop/viewer/resources"/>
- <property name="viewer.images.src.dir" value="./src/org/apache/fop/viewer/Images"/>
+ <property name="viewer.resources.src.dir" value="./src/org/apache/fop/viewer/resources"/>
+ <property name="viewer.images.src.dir" value="./src/org/apache/fop/viewer/Images"/>
<property name="build.dir" value="./build"/>
<property name="build.src" value="./build/src"/>
@@ -213,8 +214,8 @@ Sometimes ant gives out this warnings, but the build is finished without any pro
<property name="build.docs" value="./build/docs"/>
<property name="build.javadocs" value="./build/javadocs"/>
- <property name="viewer.resources.dest.dir" value="${build.dest}/org/apache/fop/viewer/resources"/>
- <property name="viewer.images.dest.dir" value="${build.dest}/org/apache/fop/viewer/Images"/>
+ <property name="viewer.resources.dest.dir" value="${build.dest}/org/apache/fop/viewer/resources"/>
+ <property name="viewer.images.dest.dir" value="${build.dest}/org/apache/fop/viewer/Images"/>
<property name="dist.bin.dir" value="./dist-bin"/>
<property name="dist.src.dir" value="./dist-src"/>
@@ -265,7 +266,6 @@ Sometimes ant gives out this warnings, but the build is finished without any pro
<taskdef name="runTest" classname="org.apache.fop.tools.anttasks.RunTest"/>
<property name="main.class" value="org.apache.fop.apps.Fop"/>
- <property name="runtime.classpath" value="lib/xerces-1.4.3.jar lib/xalan-2.2D11.jar lib/batik.jar lib/jimi-1.0.jar lib/avalon-framework-cvs-20020315.jar"/>
@@ -281,28 +281,7 @@ Sometimes ant gives out this warnings, but the build is finished without any pro
<!-- Help on usage -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<target name="usage">
- <echo message=""/>
- <echo message=""/>
- <echo message="${Name} Build file"/>
- <echo message="-------------------------------------------------------------"/>
- <echo message=""/>
- <echo message=" available targets are:"/>
- <echo message=""/>
- <echo message=" package --> generates the ${name}.jar file (default)"/>
- <echo message=" codegen --> generates the java files from the xml resources"/>
- <echo message=" compile --> compiles the source code"/>
- <echo message=" htmldoc --> generates the HTML documentation"/>
- <echo message=" javadocs --> generates the API documentation (java 1.2 only)"/>
- <echo message=" pdfdoc --> generates the PDF documentation"/>
- <echo message=" dist --> generates the ${Name} distribution as .tar.gz and .zip"/>
- <echo message=" clean --> cleans up the directory (except for the dist files)"/>
- <echo message=" distclean --> cleans up the directory"/>
- <echo message=" site --> generates the ${Name} web site (not yet implemented)"/>
- <echo message=""/>
- <echo message=" See the comments inside the build.xml file for more details."/>
- <echo message="-------------------------------------------------------------"/>
- <echo message=""/>
- <echo message=""/>
+ <echo message="Use the -projecthelp option instead" />
<!-- =================================================================== -->
@@ -327,10 +306,10 @@ Sometimes ant gives out this warnings, but the build is finished without any pro
<!-- compiles hyphenation patterns -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
- <target name="hyphenation" depends="prepare" >
+ <target name="hyphenation" depends="prepare">
<serHyph includes="*.xml"
- targetDir="${build.dest}/hyph" />
+ targetDir="${build.dest}/hyph"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
@@ -354,7 +333,7 @@ Sometimes ant gives out this warnings, but the build is finished without any pro
<target name="prepare-trax" if="trax.present">
- <echo message="JAXP1.1 transforms is present. Installing TRaX support"/>
+ <echo message="JAXP1.1 transforms is present. Installing TRaX support"/>
<copy todir="${build.src}">
<fileset dir="${src.dir}" includes="**/${xsltransform},**/${trax},**/apps/TraxInputHandler.java"/>
@@ -375,7 +354,7 @@ Sometimes ant gives out this warnings, but the build is finished without any pro
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Generate the source code -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
- <target name="codegen" depends="prepare">
+ <target name="codegen" depends="prepare" description="Generates the java files from the xml resources">
<!-- resetting codegen directory -->
<echo message="Resetting codegen directory"/>
@@ -435,51 +414,55 @@ Sometimes ant gives out this warnings, but the build is finished without any pro
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Compiles the source directory -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
- <target name="compile" depends="codegen, prepare-src">
+ <target name="compile" depends="codegen, prepare-src" description="Compiles the source code">
<echo message="Compiling the sources "/>
<!-- create directories -->
<mkdir dir="${build.dest}"/>
- <mkdir dir="${viewer.resources.dest.dir}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${viewer.resources.dest.dir}"/>
<copy todir="${viewer.resources.dest.dir}">
<fileset dir="${viewer.resources.src.dir}"/>
- <mkdir dir="${viewer.images.dest.dir}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${viewer.images.dest.dir}"/>
<copy todir="${viewer.images.dest.dir}">
<fileset dir="${viewer.images.src.dir}"/>
- <javac srcdir="${build.src}"
- destdir="${build.dest}"
- debug="${debug}"
- deprecation="${deprecation}"
- optimize="${optimize}"
- excludes="**/*${ignore_this},${jimi}"/>
+ <javac destdir="${build.dest}" debug="${debug}" deprecation="${deprecation}" optimize="${optimize}">
+ <src path="${build.src}"/>
+ <classpath refid="libs-build-classpath"/>
+ <exclude name="**/${ignore_this}"/>
+ <exclude name="${jimi}"/>
+ </javac>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Creates the class package -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
- <target name="package" depends="compile,hyphenation">
+ <target name="package" depends="compile,hyphenation" description="Generates the jar files">
<echo message="Creating the jar file ${build.dir}/${name}.jar"/>
<format property="ts" pattern="yyyyMMdd-HHmmss-z"/>
+ <pathconvert property="manifest-classpath" dirsep="/" pathsep=" " refid="libs-run-classpath">
+ <map from="${basedir}${file.separator}lib${file.separator}" to=""/>
+ <map from="${basedir}${file.separator}build${file.separator}fop.jar" to=""/>
+ </pathconvert>
<jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${name}.jar"
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="${main.class}"/>
- <attribute name="Class-Path" value="${runtime.classpath}"/>
+ <attribute name="Class-Path" value="${manifest-classpath}"/>
<attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="${Name}"/>
<attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${version}"/>
<attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="Apache Software Foundation (http://xml.apache.org/fop/)"/>
- <attribute name="Build-Id" value="${ts} (${user.name} [${os.name} ${os.version} ${os.arch}])"/>
+ <attribute name="Build-Id" value="${ts} (${user.name} [${os.name} ${os.version} ${os.arch}, Java ${java.runtime.version}])"/>
- <target name="pdf-transcoder" depends="compile">
+ <target name="pdf-transcoder" depends="compile" description="Generates the jar for the pdf transcoder for Batik">
<echo message="Creating the jar file ${build.dir}/pdf-transcoder.jar"/>
<property name="pdf-transcoder.name" value="FOP PDF Transcoder"/>
@@ -498,12 +481,12 @@ Sometimes ant gives out this warnings, but the build is finished without any pro
<attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="${pdf-transcoder.name}"/>
<attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${pdf-transcoder.version}"/>
<attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="Apache Software Foundation (http://xml.apache.org/fop/)"/>
- <attribute name="Build-Id" value="${ts} (${user.name} [${os.name} ${os.version} ${os.arch}])"/>
+ <attribute name="Build-Id" value="${ts} (${user.name} [${os.name} ${os.version} ${os.arch}, Java ${java.runtime.version}])"/>
- <target name="test" depends="package">
+ <target name="test" depends="package" description="Runs the test suite">
<echo message="Testing build in jar file ${build.dir}/${name}.jar against reference"/>
<runTest testSuite="basictests.xml" basedir="test/" reference="test/reference/fop.jar"
refVersion="FOP 1.0dev"/>
@@ -536,12 +519,13 @@ Sometimes ant gives out this warnings, but the build is finished without any pro
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Creates the API documentation -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
- <target name="javadocs" depends="prepare-src">
+ <target name="javadocs" depends="prepare-src" description="Generates javadocs">
<echo message="Producing the javadoc files "/>
<mkdir dir="${build.javadocs}"/>
<javadoc packagenames="${packages}"
+ classpathref="libs-build-classpath"
windowtitle="${Name} API"
@@ -552,9 +536,9 @@ Sometimes ant gives out this warnings, but the build is finished without any pro
- <target name="html" depends="javadocs, htmldoc"/>
+ <target name="html" depends="javadocs, htmldoc" description="Generates javadocs and documentation in html format"/>
- <target name="htmldoc" depends= "html-fop, html-design"/>
+ <target name="htmldoc" depends= "html-fop, html-design" description="Generates documentation in html format"/>
<target name="html-fop" depends="prepare-src">
<copy file="${xdocs}/fop.xml"
@@ -590,7 +574,7 @@ Sometimes ant gives out this warnings, but the build is finished without any pro
- <target name="pdfdoc" depends="package">
+ <target name="pdfdoc" depends="package" description="Generates the documentation in pdf format">
<copy file="${xdocs}/fop.xml"
@@ -606,7 +590,7 @@ Sometimes ant gives out this warnings, but the build is finished without any pro
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Creates the distribution -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
- <target name="dist" depends="dist-src,dist-bin"/>
+ <target name="dist" depends="dist-src,dist-bin" description="Generates the distribution package"/>
<target name="dist-bin" depends="package">
<echo message="Building the binary distribution files (zip,tar)"/>
@@ -650,11 +634,11 @@ Sometimes ant gives out this warnings, but the build is finished without any pro
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Clean targets -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
- <target name="clean" depends="init">
+ <target name="clean" depends="init" description="Cleans the build directory">
<delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
- <target name="distclean" depends="clean">
+ <target name="distclean" depends="clean" description="Cleans the distribution target directories">
<delete dir="${dist.src.dir}"/>
<delete dir="${dist.bin.dir}"/>