path: root/hyph
diff options
authorWilliam Victor Mote <>2002-11-30 01:14:52 +0000
committerWilliam Victor Mote <>2002-11-30 01:14:52 +0000
commit016a452dc5811a6d58d54e3cc52bdec7e48744bb (patch)
tree9113ecbe8cccdf22a5d991cd91f72f880870a8fe /hyph
parent0438236a2c06687ddf27e63b2e020b3014dcc463 (diff)
white-space and line-ending fixes
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'hyph')
19 files changed, 418 insertions, 418 deletions
diff --git a/hyph/cs.xml b/hyph/cs.xml
index 4cda42fbc..983f30b8c 100644
--- a/hyph/cs.xml
+++ b/hyph/cs.xml
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
-<hyphen-char value="-"/>
+<hyphen-char value="-"/>
<hyphen-min before="2" after="2"/>
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ pro-jek-ční
diff --git a/hyph/da.xml b/hyph/da.xml
index 418a45474..8e05e1b72 100644
--- a/hyph/da.xml
+++ b/hyph/da.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE hyphenation-info SYSTEM "hyphenation.dtd">
This file contains the hyphenation patterns for danish.
Adapted from dkhyph.tex, dkcommon.tex and dkspecial.tex
originally created by Frank Jensen (
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ FOP adaptation by Carlos Villegas (
-<hyphen-char value="-"/>
+<hyphen-char value="-"/>
<hyphen-min before="2" after="2"/>
diff --git a/hyph/de.xml b/hyph/de.xml
index a1e9cd1e3..581b609de 100644
--- a/hyph/de.xml
+++ b/hyph/de.xml
@@ -7,17 +7,17 @@
Constructed by Carlos Villegas from TeX's dehypht.tex file
obtained from
- This file may be used, distributed and modified only according to
- LaTeX Project Public License:
+ This file may be used, distributed and modified only according to
+ LaTeX Project Public License:
- Please report errors in this file to the following address:
- [or yours] and not to the address of the
- original authors. You are not allowed to distribute this file under its
- original name in the TeX distribution."
+ Please report errors in this file to the following address:
+ [or yours] and not to the address of the
+ original authors. You are not allowed to distribute this file under its
+ original name in the TeX distribution."
Original comments preserved:
% This is `dehypht.tex' as of 03 March 1999.
@@ -242,11 +242,11 @@ zZ
-<!-- The <hyphen> element is equivalent to TeX's
+<!-- The <hyphen> element is equivalent to TeX's
\discretionary{pre-break text}{post-break text}{no-break text}
which handles words that change spelling when they are split
between lines. The hyphenation algorithm doesn't handle
- those cases, but they can be processed as exceptions.
+ those cases, but they can be processed as exceptions.
The following are some examples taken from the TeXbook.
ba<hyphen pre="k" no="c"/>ken
@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ sa1la 4s3alpi 6salter salz3a 1sam s5anb san2c 1sand s5angeh 6sanl
s1arm sa5ro 2s1art 6s1arz 1sas 1sat sat8a 2s1atl sa8tom 3s8aue s5auff
sau5i s6aur 2s1aus 5s6ause 2s1b2 2sca s4ce 8sch. 3scha. 5schade
3schaf 3schal sch5ame 8schanc 8schb 1sche 6schef 8schex 2schf 2schg
-2schh 1schi 2schk 5schlag 5schlu 6schm
+2schh 1schi 2schk 5schlag 5schlu 6schm
6schna 1scho 6schord 6schp 3schri 8schric 8schrig
8schrou 6schs 2scht sch3ta sch3tr 1schu 8schunt 6schv 2schz 5sch
5sch 2sco scre6 6scu 2s1d 1se se5an se1ap se6ben se5ec see5i6g
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ sta3la 6stale 4stalg 8stalk 8stamt 6st5anf 4stans 6stanw 6starb sta4te
6stz 1st 8stg 1st 1st 8stch 4str.
1su su2b1 3suc su1e su2fe su8mar 6sumfa 8sumk 2s1unt sup1p2 6s5u6ran
6surte 2s1v 2s1w 1sy 8syl. sy5la syn1 sy2na syne4 s1z s4zend 5s6zene.
-8szu 1s 6s5nd 6sugi 6su
+8szu 1s 6s5nd 6sugi 6su
5sm 2s12b 1sc s8di 1sn 5s
taats3 4tab. taba6k ta8ban tab2l ta6bre 4tabs t3absc
8tabz 6t3acht ta6der 6tadr tad6s tad2t 1tafe4 1tag ta6ga6 ta8gei
@@ -839,13 +839,13 @@ zu1b4 zu1f2 6z5uhr zun2a 8zunem zunf8 8zungl zu1o zup8fi zu1s8 zu1z
1ri 1ro r8sta r8ster 1ru se8n
8sta 8stes 6s5tete 3ta 1te 1ti
t8tr 1tu t8zei 1v 1a8 5a.
- 8as 1b8 1c 1d
-1e 5ec 8e8g 8e8h
+ 8as 1b8 1c 1d
+1e 5ec 8e8g 8e8h
21ei 8em 1f8 1g 1h
- 1i 1k 1l 1m
+ 1i 1k 1l 1m
mana8 1n 1o 1p8 5q
- 1r 1s2 st8 1ta
-1te t3hei 1ti 5to
+ 1r 1s2 st8 1ta
+1te t3hei 1ti 5to
1tr 1u8 65um 1v 1w
@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ zu1b4 zu1f2 6z5uhr zun2a 8zunem zunf8 8zungl zu1o zup8fi zu1s8 zu1z
% of a set of the internal TeX parameters including the trie memory
% size parameter specifying the used memory for the hyphenation
% patterns.
% Web2c 7.x (Source), teTeX 0.9 (Unix, Amiga), fpTeX (Win32)
% and newer:
% The used memory size of the true is usually set high enough.
@@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ zu1b4 zu1f2 6z5uhr zun2a 8zunem zunf8 8zungl zu1o zup8fi zu1s8 zu1z
%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
%% End of file `dehypht.tex'.
diff --git a/hyph/de_DR.xml b/hyph/de_DR.xml
index 540f1e693..135dc4711 100644
--- a/hyph/de_DR.xml
+++ b/hyph/de_DR.xml
@@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
Constructed by Carlos Villegas from TeX's dehyphn.tex file
obtained from
- This file may be used, distributed and modified only according to
- LaTeX Project Public License:
+ This file may be used, distributed and modified only according to
+ LaTeX Project Public License:
- Please report errors in this file to the following address:
- [or yours] and not to the address of the
- original authors. You are not allowed to distribute this file under its
- original name in the TeX distribution."
+ Please report errors in this file to the following address:
+ [or yours] and not to the address of the
+ original authors. You are not allowed to distribute this file under its
+ original name in the TeX distribution."
Original comments preserved:
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ zZ
.aa6l .ab3a4s .ab3ei .abi2 .ab3it .ab1l .ab1r .ab3u .ad3o4r .alti6
-.ana3c .an5alg .an1e
+.ana3c .an5alg .an1e
.ang8s2t1 <!-- % .ang8s (des einzige Wort, das mit angs... beginnt !) -->
.an1s .ap1p .ar6sc .ar6ta .ar6tei .as2z
.au2f1 .au2s3 .be5erb .be3na .ber6t5r .bie6r5 .bim6s5t .brot3 .bru6s
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ zZ
.er6b5ei .er6bla .er6d5um .er3ei .er5er .er3in .er3o4b .erwi5s .es1p
.es8t1l .es8t1n <!-- % .es8t -->
.ex1a2 .ex3em .fal6sc .fe6st5a .flu4g3 .furch8 .ga6ner .ge3n4a
.halb5 .halbe6 .hal6br .haup4 .hau4t .heima6 .he4r3e
.her6za .he5x .hin3 .hir8sc .ho4c .hu3sa .hy5o .ibe5 .ima6ge .in1
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ zZ
aal5e aa6r5a a5arti aa2s1t aat2s 6aba ab3art 1abdr 6abel aben6dr
ab5erk ab5err ab5esse 1abf 1abg 1abh ab1ir 1abko a1bl ab1la
5ablag a6bla ab4ler ab1lu a8bl 5a6bl abma5c
-1abn ab1ra ab1re 5a6brec ab1ro
+1abn ab1ra ab1re 5a6brec ab1ro
ab8sk abs2z 3abtei ab1ur 1abw
5abze 5abzu ab1n abu8 a4ce. a5chal ach5art ach5au a1che
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ ah8 ai3d2s ai1e aif6 a3inse ai4re. a5isch. ais8e a3ismu ais6n
aiso6 a1j 1akad a4kade a1ke a1ki 1akko 5akro1 a5lal al5ans 3al8arm
al8beb al8berw alb5la 3album al1c a1le a6l5e6be a4l3ein a8lel a8lerb
a8lerh a6lert 5a6l5eth 1algi al4gli al3int al4lab al8lan al4l3ar
-alle3g a1lo a4l5ob al6schm al4the
+alle3g a1lo a4l5ob al6schm al4the
<!-- % altist5 -->
al4t3re 8a1lu alu5i a6lur
alu3ta a1l a6mate 8ame. 5a6meise am6m5ei am6mum am2n ampf3a
@@ -285,23 +285,23 @@ an5i8on an1kl an6kno an4kro 1anl anma5c anmar4 3annah anne4s3 a1no
5a6n1o2d 5a6n3oma 5a6nord 1anr an1sa 5anschl an4soz an1st 5anstal
an1s2z 5antenn an1th 5anw a5ny an4z3ed 5anzeig 5anzieh 3anzug
an1 5ans a1n an8d a1os a1pa 3apfel a2ph1t
-aph56 a1pi 8apl apo1c apo1s
+aph56 a1pi 8apl apo1c apo1s
a6pos2t <!-- % a6pos2te -->
a6poth 1appa ap1pr a1pr
a5p a3p a1ra a4r3af ar3all 3arbei 2arbt ar1c 2a1re ar3ein
ar2gl 2a1ri ari5es ar8kers ar6les ar4nan ar5o6ch ar1o2d a1rol ar3ony
a8ror a3ros ar5ox ar6schl 8artei ar6t5ri a1ru a1ry 1arzt arz1w
ar8z ar8m ar6 ar5m ar12 a1sa a6schec
-asch5l asch3m a6schn a3s4hi as1pa asp5l
+asch5l asch3m a6schn a3s4hi as1pa asp5l
<!-- % a8steb % ueberfluessig ? -->
-as5tev 1asth
+as5tev 1asth
<!-- % a6stoc % ueberfluessig ? -->
a1str ast3re 8a1ta ata5c ata3la a6tapf ata5pl a1te a6teli aten5a
ate5ran 6atf 6atg a1th at3hal 1athl 2a1ti 5atlant 3atlas 8atmus 6atn
a1to a6t5ops ato6ra a6t5ort. 4a1tr a6t5ru at2t1h at5t6h 6a1tu
atz1w a1t a1t au1a au6bre auch3a au1e aue4l 5aufent
3auff 3aufga 1aufn auf1t 3auftr 1aufw 3auge. au4kle aule8s 6aum
-au8mar aum5p 1ausb 3ausd 1ausf 1ausg au8sin
+au8mar aum5p 1ausb 3ausd 1ausf 1ausg au8sin
<!-- % 3auss -->
au4sta 1ausw 1ausz
aut5eng au1th 1auto aue8 a1v ave5r6a aver6i a1w a6wes a1x
@@ -311,15 +311,15 @@ ban6k5r ba5ot bardi6n ba1ro basten6 bau3sp 2b1b bb6le b2bli 2b1c 2b1d
8beff be1g2 beh8 bei1s 6b5eisen bei3tr b8el bel8o belu3t be3nac
bend6o be6ners be6nerw be4nor ben4se6 bens5el be1n be1n
be1o2 b8er. be1ra be8rac ber8gab. ber1r be1r bes8c bes5erh
-bes2p be5tha bet5sc be1un be1ur 8bex be6zwec 2b1f8
+bes2p be5tha bet5sc be1un be1ur 8bex be6zwec 2b1f8
<!-- % bfe6st5e -->
bga2s5 bge1 2b1h bhole6 1bi bi1bl b6ie bi1el bi1la bil5 bi1na
<!-- % bi5str -->
bi6stu bi5tr bit4t5r b1j 2b1k2 bk6 bl8 b6la.
6b1lad 6blag 8blam 1blat b8latt 3blau. b6lav 3ble. b1leb b1led
-8b1leg 8b1leh 8bleid 8bleih 6b3lein
+8b1leg 8b1leh 8bleid 8bleih 6b3lein
<!-- % blei3s -->
ble4m3o 4blich b4lind
8bling b2lio 5blit b4litz b1loh 8b1los 1blu 5blum 2blun blut3a blut5sc
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ bo1ch bo5d6s boe5 8boff 8bonk bo1ra b1ort 2b1p2 b1q 1br brail6 brast8
bre4a b5red 8bref 8b5riem b6riga bro1s b1rup b2ruz 8brh
brs5c 8bs b1sa b8sang b2s1ar b1sc bs3erl bs3erz b8sof b1s2p
bst1h b3stru b5st b6sun 2b1t b2t1h 1bu bu1ie bul6k b8ure bu6sin
-6b1v 2b1w 1by1 by6te. 8b1z
+6b1v 2b1w 1by1 by6te. 8b1z
<!-- % bzi1s % ueberfluessig ? -->
1b b56s5 1b
b65bere bge6 bgel5e br6sc 1ca cag6 ca5la ca6re
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ d5de d3d2h ddmme8 1de 2deal de5an de3cha de1e defe6 6deff 2d1ehr
der5um de4s3am de4s3an de4sau de6sil de4sin de8sor de4spr de2su 8deul
de5us. 2d1f df2l 2d1g 2d1h 1di dia5c di5ara dice5 di3chr di5ena di1gn
di1la dil8s di1na 8dind 6dinf 4d3inh 2d1ins di5o6d di3p4t di8sen dis1p
-di5s8per di6s5to
+di5s8per di6s5to
dis3tr <!-- % dis5tra -->
di8tan di8tin d1j 6dje 2dju 2d1k 2d1l 2d1m
2d1n6 dni6 dnje6 1do 6d5obe do6berf 6d5ony do3ran 6dord 2d1org dor4t3h
@@ -359,10 +359,10 @@ d1ric 8drind droi6 dro5x 1dru 8drut drs5c 1dr dr5b
dr8sc 2ds d1sa d6san dsat6 d1sc 5d6scha. 5dschik dse8e d8serg
8dsl d1sp d4spak ds2po d8sp d1st d1s 2dt d1ta d1te d1ti
d1to dt1s6 d1tu d5t 1du du5als du1b6 du1e duf4t3r 4d3uh du5ie
-8duml 8dumw 2d1und du8ni 6d5unt dur2c durch3 6durl 6dursa 8durt
+8duml 8dumw 2d1und du8ni 6d5unt dur2c durch3 6durl 6dursa 8durt
dus1t <!-- % du1s -->
du8schr 2d1v 2d1w dwa8l 2d1z 1d 6dh 8dnd d6r
-d8bl d5l dr6fl d8sc d54st
+d8bl d5l dr6fl d8sc d54st
<!-- % ds3te -->
1d ea4ben e1ac e1ah e1akt e1al. e5alf e1alg e5a8lin e1alk e1all
e5alp e1alt e5alw e1am e1and ea6nim e1ar. e5arf e1ark e5arm e3art
@@ -435,11 +435,11 @@ ga5ro 6g3arti ga8sa ga8sc ga6stre 2g1atm 6g5auf gau5fr g5aus 2g1b g5c
6gd g1da 1ge ge1a2 ge6an ge8at. ge1e2 ge6es gef2 8geff ge1g2l ge1im
4g3eise geist5r gel8bra gelt8s ge5l ge8nin gen3k 6g5entf
ge3n ge1or ge1ra ge6rab ger8au 8gerh ger8ins ge1ro 6g5erz.
-ge1r ge1r ge1s ges2p
+ge1r ge1r ge1s ges2p
ge2s7te. ge2s7ten ge2s7ter ge2s7tik
ge5unt 4g3ex3 2g1f8 2g1g g1ha 6g1hei
5ghel. g5henn 6g1hi g1ho 1ghr g1h 1gi gi5la gi8me. gi1na
gis1tr <!-- % gi3str % lat. Trennregeln ? -->
g1j 2g1k 8gl. 1glad g5lag glan4z3 1glas 6glass 5glaub
g3lauf 1gle. g5leb 3gleic g3lein 5gleis 1glem 2gler 8g3leu gli8a
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ go1ra 8gord 2g1p2 g1q 1gr4 g5rahm gra8m gra4s3t 6g1rec gre6ge 4g3reic
g5reit 8grenn gri4e g5riem 5grif 2grig g5ring 6groh 2grot gro6
4grut 2gs gs1ab g5sah gs1ak gs1an gs8and gs1ar gs1au g1sc
gs1ef g5seil gs5ein g2s1er gs1in g2s1o gso2r gs1pr g2s1u 2g1t g3te
-g2t1h 1gu gu5as gu2e 2gue. 6gued 4g3uh 8gums 6g5unt
+g2t1h 1gu gu5as gu2e 2gue. 6gued 4g3uh 8gums 6g5unt
<!-- % gu1s -->
gut3h gu2tu
4g1v 2g1w gy1n g1z 1g 8g8m 6grm 1g 1g
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ i1tu it6z5erg it6z1w i1t it6r5e itt2 itts5
i1t i1u iu6r 2i1v i6vad iva8tin i8vei i6v5ene i8verh i2vob i8vur
i1w iwi2 i5xa i1xe i1z ize8n i8zir i6z5w i8m i16r
i5t. i5v i18 i8 i65ers ja5la
-je2t3r 6jm 5jo jo5as jo1ra jou6l ju5cha jugen4 jugend5 jung5s6
+je2t3r 6jm 5jo jo5as jo1ra jou6l ju5cha jugen4 jugend5 jung5s6
<!-- % ju1s -->
3j 1ka 8kachs 8kakz ka1la kal5d kam5t ka1na 2kanl 8kapf ka6pl
ka5r6a 6k3arbe ka1ro kar6p5f 4k3arti 8karz ka1r kasi5e ka6teb
@@ -530,11 +530,11 @@ ko1i koi8t ko6min ko1op ko1or ko6pht ko3ra kor6d5er ko5ru ko5t6sc k3ou
2krip 6kroba 2ks k1sa k6sab ksal8s k8samt k6san k1sc k2s1ex k5spat
k5spe k8spil ks6por k1spr kst8 k2s1uf 2k1t kta8l kt5a6re k8tein kte8re
k2t1h k8tinf kt3rec kt1s 1ku ku1ch kuck8 k3uhr ku5ie kum2s1 kunfts5
-kun2s kunst3 ku8rau ku4ro kurz1
+kun2s kunst3 ku8rau ku4ro kurz1
<!-- % ku1st -->
-4kusti ku1ta ku8
+4kusti ku1ta ku8
6k1v 2k1w ky5n 2k1z 1k k4m 4k3mi kse5 1k
-k1c k1s 1k k1c kr6sc
+k1c k1s 1k k1c kr6sc
<!-- % k1s -->
8labf 8labh lab2r 2l1abs lach3r la8dr 5ladu 8ladv 6laff laf5t la2gn
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ l8ergr 6lerkl 6l5erzie 8ler 8lesel lesi5e le3sko le3tha let1s
5leuc 4leuro leu4s3t le5xe 6lexp l1f 2l1g lgend8 l8gh lglie3 lglied6
6l1h 1li li1ar li1as 2lick li8dr li1en lien6n li8ers li8ert 2lie
3lig li8ga8b li1g6n li1l8a 8limb li1na 4l3indu lings5
-4l3inh 6linj link4s3 4linkt 2lint 8linv
+4l3inh 6linj link4s3 4linkt 2lint 8linv
<!-- % lion5s6t -->
4lipp 5lipt 4lisam
livi5e 6l1j 6l1k l8keim l8kj lk2l lko8f lkor8 lk2sa lk2se 6ll l1la
@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ l5s6la l1sp ls4por ls2pu l1str l8suni l1s 2l1t lt5amp l4t3ein
l5ten l6t5eng l6t5erp l4t3hei lt3her l2t1ho l6t5i6b lti1l l8tr
lt1sc lt6ser lt4s3o lt5ums lu8br lu2dr lu1en8 8lu8fe luft3a luf8tr
lu6g5r 2luh l1uhr lu5it 5luk 2l1umf 2l1umw 1lun 6l5u6nio 4l3unte lu5ol
-4lurg 6lurs l3urt lu4sto
+4lurg 6lurs l3urt lu4sto
lus1tr <!-- % lu3str % lat. Trennregeln ? -->
lu6st5re lu8su lu6tal lu6t5e6g lu8terg
lu3the lu6t5or lu2t1r lu65 l1v lve5r6u 2l1w 1ly lya6
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ me8 2m1f6 2m1g 2m1h 1mi mi1a mi6ale mi1la 2m1imm mi1na
mi5n mi4s3an mit1h mi5t6ra 3mitt mitta8 mi65 6mj
2m1k8 2m1l 2m1m m6mad m6m5ak m8menth m8mentw mme6ra m2mn mm5sp mm5ums
mmut5s m8mn m1n8 m5ni 1mo mo5ar mo4dr 8mof mo8gal mo4kla mol5d
-m2on mon8do mo4n3od
+m2on mon8do mo4n3od
mon2s1tr <!-- % lat. Trennregeln ? -->
mont8a 6m5ony mopa6 mo1ra mor8d5a mo1sc mo1sp 5mot
moy5 2mp m1pa mpfa6 mpf3l mphe6 m1pi mpin6 m1pl mp2li m2plu mpo8ste
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ nflei8 nf5lin nft8st n8g5ac ng5d ng8en nge8ram ngg2 ng1h n6glic ng3rip
ng8ru ng2se4 ng2si n2g1um n1gy n8gl n1h nhe6r5e 1ni ni1bl
ni5ch ni8dee n6ie ni1en nie6s5te niet5h ni8etn 4n3i6gel n6ik
ni1la 2n1imp ni5na 2n1ind 8ninf 6n5inh ni8nit 6n5inn 2n1ins 4n1int
nis1tr <!-- % ni3str % lat. Trennregeln ? -->
ni1th ni1tr n1j n6ji n8kad nk5ans n1ke n8kerla n1ki nk5inh
n5kl n1k2n n8k5not nk3rot n8kr nk5spo nk6t5r n8kuh
@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ noche8 no6die no4dis no8ia no5isc 6n5o6leu no4mal noni6er 2n1onk n1ony
4n3o4per 6nopf 6nopti no3ra no4ram nor6da 4n1org 2n1ort n6os no1st
8nost. no8tan no8ter noty6pe 6n5ox n1p2 n1q n1r nrs3 6ns n1sac
ns3ang n1sc n8self n8s5erf n8serg n6serk ns5erw n8sint n1s2pe n1spr
<!-- % n5s6te. -->
n6stob n1str n1ta n4t3a4go nt5anh nt3ark nt3art
n1te nt3eis nte5n6ar nte8nei nter3a nte6rei nt1ha nt6har n3ther nt5hie
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ nu1a nu5el nu5en 4n1uhr nu5ie 8numl 6n5ums 6n5umw 2n1und 6nuni 6n5unr
2n1unt 2nup 2nu6r n5uri nu3skr nu5ta n1v 8n1w 1nys n1za n6zab n2z1ar
n6zaus nzi4ga n8zof n6z5unt n1zw n6zwir 1nc 5ne 5ni
n8l n6m n6re n5rz 5nus n1l
-1nt n5z 5n. 6n12b 5n
+1nt n5z 5n. 6n12b 5n
o5ab. oa2l o8ala o1a2m o1an ob1ac obe4ra o6berh 5o4bers o4beru
obe6ser 1obj o1bl o2bli ob5sk 3obst. ob8sta obst5re ob5sz o1che
oche8b o8chec o3chi och1l och3m ocho8f o3chro och3to o3chu och1w o1d
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ og2n o1ha o1he o6h5eis o1hi ohl1a oh1le oh4l3er 5ohm. oh2ni o1ho
oh1re oh1ru o1hu oh1w o1hy o1h o5ia o1id. o8idi oi8dr o5ids
o5isch. oiset6 o1ism o3ist. o5i6tu o1j o1k ok2l ok3lau o8kl
1okta o1la old5am old5r o1le ole5in ole1r ole3u ol6gl ol2kl olk4s1
-ol8lak ol8lauf. ol6lel ol8less o1lo
+ol8lak ol8lauf. ol6lel ol8less o1lo
ol1s ol2ster
ol6sk o1lu oly1e2 5olym
o2mab om6an o8mau ombe4 o8merz om5sp o1mu o8munt o1m o1m
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ ph3tha 4ph3the phu6 6phz pi1en pi5err pi1la pi1na 5pinse pioni8e 1pis
pi1s2k pi1th p1k pl8 5pla p2lau 4plei p3lein 2pler 6p5les 2plig p6lik
6p5ling p2liz plo8min 6p1m p1n 1p2o 8poh 5pol po8lan poly1 po3ny po1ra
2porn por4t3h po5r 5poti p1pa p6p5ei ppe6la pp5f p2p1h p1pi pp1l
-ppp6 pp5ren
+ppp6 pp5ren
pp1s pp2ste
p5p pr6 3preis 1pres 2p3rig 5prinz 1prob 1prod
5prog pro8pt pro6t5a prote5i 8pro pr3l 1prs
@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ r5er re2sa re8schm 2ress re5u8ni 6rewo 2r1ex r1f r8ferd rf4lie
r2hy 5rhyt ri1ar ri5cha rid2g r2ie rieg4s5 ri8ei ri1el ri6ele ri1en
ri3er. ri5ers. ri6fan ri8fer ri8fr 1r2ig ri8kn ri5la rim8
ri1na r8inde rin4ga rin6gr 1rinn 6rinner rino1 r8insp 4rinst
-ri1n ri5o6ch ri1o2d ri3o6st 2r1ir r2is ri3sko ri8spr
+ri1n ri5o6ch ri1o2d ri3o6st 2r1ir r2is ri3sko ri8spr
<!-- % ri8st -->
ri5sv r2it 6r5i6tal ri5tr ri6ve. 8r1j 6rk r1ke rkehrs5 r1ki r3klin
r1k2n rk3str rk4t3an rk6to r6kuh rk4s3t r1l r5li rline5a 6r1m
@@ -700,17 +700,17 @@ r6manl rma4p r4m3aph r8minf r8mob rm5sa 2rn r1na rna8be r5ne rn2ei
r6neif r6nex r6nh rn1k r1no r6n5oc rn1sp r1n r1n ro6bern
6robs ro1ch 3rock. ro5de ro1e 4rofe ro8hert 1rohr ro5id ro1in ro5isc
6rolym r2on 6roog ro6phan r3ort ro1s2p ro5s6w ro4tau ro1tr ro6ts 5rout
-r1p rpe8re rp2f r2ps r2pt r1q 2rr r1ra r1re rrer6
+r1p rpe8re rp2f r2ps r2pt r1q 2rr r1ra r1re rrer6
rr6hos r5rh
r1ri r1ro rro8f rr8or rror5a r1ru r3ry r1r r1r r1r
r2ste r2sti <!-- % aber: 3ste... s.u.! -->
r6sab r4sanf rse6e rse5na r2sh r6ska r6ski rs2kl r8sko r2sl rs2p
r6stauf r8sterw r8stran rswi3d4 r2sz 2r1t rt3art r8taut r5tei rt5eige
r8tepe r4t3erh r8terla r4t3hei r5t6hu r4t3int rt5reif rt1sc rt6ser
rt6s5o rt6s5u rt5und r8turt rube6 ru1en 1r4uf ruf4st ru1ie 2r1umg
2r1uml 2rums run8der run4d5r 6rundz 6runf 8runs 2r1unt 2r1ur r6us
rus1tr <!-- % ru3str % lat. Trennregeln ? -->
ru6tr 1ruts r1v rven1 rvi2c r1w r1x r1za rz5ac r6z5al
r8z1ar r8zerd r6z5erf rz8erh rz4t3h r8zum r4ste ru8sc
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ sa1la 4s3alpi 6salter salz3a 1sam s5anb san2c 1sand s5angeh 6sanl
s1arm sa5ro 2s1art 6s1arz 1sas 1sat sat8a 2s1atl sa8tom 3s8aue s5auff
sau5i s6aur 2s1aus 5s6ause 2s1b2 2sca s4ce 8sch. 3scha. 5schade
3schaf 3schal sch5ame 8schanc 8schb 1sche 6schef 8schex 2schf 2schg
-2schh 1schi 2schk 5schlag 5schlu 6schm
+2schh 1schi 2schk 5schlag 5schlu 6schm
6schna 1scho 6schord 6schp 3schri 8schric 8schrig
8schrou 6schs 2scht sch3ta sch3tr 1schu 8schunt 6schv 2schz 5sch
5sch 2sco scre6 6scu 2s1d 1se se5an se1ap se6ben se5ec see5i6g
@@ -740,51 +740,51 @@ so1ra 2s1ord 4sorga sou5c so3un 4s3ox sp2 8spaa 5spal 1span 2spap
s2pec s4peis 1spek s6perg 4spers s6pes 2s1pf 8sphi 1s2ph 1spi
spi4e 6s5pig 6spinse 2spis 2spla 2spol 5s6pom 6s5pos 6spoti 1spra
3s8prec 6spreis 5spring 6sprob 1spru s2pul 1s2pur 6spy 5spn
-1sp s1q 2s1r
+1sp s1q 2s1r
<!-- % 2s1s2 -->
<!-- % 2s1sa 2s1se 2s1si 2s1so 2s1s 2s1s 2s1s 2s1sch -->
-2ssa 2sse 2ssi 2sso 2ss 2ss 2ss 2s1sch
-sse8nu ssini6s ssoi6r 2st.
-1sta 4stafe 2stag
-sta3la 6stale
+2ssa 2sse 2ssi 2sso 2ss 2ss 2ss 2s1sch
+sse8nu ssini6s ssoi6r 2st.
+1sta 4stafe 2stag
+sta3la 6stale
8stalk 8stamt 6st5anf 4stans 6stanw 6starb sta4te
-6staus 2stb 6stc 6std
+6staus 2stb 6stc 6std
s1te <!-- % 1ste -->
<!-- % 8stemb % ueberfluessig ? -->
<!-- % 8stese % ueberfluessig ? -->
-8stesse 6stf 2stg 2sth st1ha st3hei s8t1hi st1ho st5hu
+8stesse 6stf 2stg 2sth st1ha st3hei s8t1hi st1ho st5hu
s1ti <!-- % 1sti -->
s2ti4el <!-- % sti4el -->
<!-- % sti3na -->
6s2tind <!-- % 6stind -->
-2stk 2stl 2stm
+2stk 2stl 2stm
1sto 6stoll. 4st3ope
-6stopf. 6stord 6stp
+6stopf. 6stord 6stp
<!-- % 5stra. % ueberfluessig ? -->
s3tral <!-- % 3s4tral % lat. Trennregeln ? -->
-6s5traum 3stra
-3strec 6s3tref 8streib 5streif 6streno 6stres 6strev
+6s5traum 3stra
+3strec 6s3tref 8streib 5streif 6streno 6stres 6strev
<!-- % 5s6tria % lat. Trennregeln ? -->
<!-- % 5strik % ueberfluessig ? -->
8s2t1ris <!-- % 8strisi -->
<!-- % 3s4troa % ueberfluessig ? -->
s8troma st5rose 4struf 3strum
-6strg 2st1s6 2stt
+6strg 2st1s6 2stt
1stu stu5a 4stuc 2stue 8stun. 2stv 2stw s2tyl
-6stz 1st 8stg
+6stz 1st 8stg
1st 8stch 4str.
1su su2b1 3suc su1e su2fe su8mar 6sumfa 8sumk 2s1unt sup1p2 6s5u6ran
6surte 2s1v 2s1w 1sy 8syl. sy5la syn1 sy2na syne4 s1z s4zend 5s6zene.
-8szu 1s 6s5nd 6sugi 6su
+8szu 1s 6s5nd 6sugi 6su
5sm 2s12b 1sc s8di 1sn 5s
taats3 4tab. taba6k ta8ban tab2l ta6bre 4tabs t3absc
8tabz 6t3acht ta6der 6tadr tad6s tad2t 1tafe4 1tag ta6ga6 ta8gei
@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ ti1a2m ti1b tie6fer ti1en ti8gerz tig3l ti8kin ti5lat 1tilg t1ind
tin4k3l ti3spa ti5str 5tite ti5tr ti8vel ti8vr 2t1j 2t1k2 2t1l tl8a
2t1m8 2t1n 3tobe 8tobj to3cha 5tocht 8tock tode4 to8del to8du to1e
6t5o6fen to1in toi6r 5toll. to8mene t2ons 2t1ony to4per 5topf. 6topt
to1s to2ste
to6ska tos2l 2toti to1tr t8ou 2t1p2 6t1q tr6 tra5cha
tra8far traf5t 1trag tra6gl tra6gr t3rahm 1trai t6rans tra3sc tra6st
@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ tri6o5d trizi5 tro1a 3troc trocke6 troi8d tro8man. tro3ny 5tropf
5trb tr3bu t1rc t1rs 2ts ts1ab t1sac tsa8d
ts1ak t6s5alt ts1an ts1ar ts3auf t3schr t5sch tse6e tsee5i
tsein6s ts3ent ts1er t8serf t4serk t8sh 5t6sik t4s3int ts5ort.
-t5s6por t6sprei
+t5s6por t6sprei
t1st t2ste
t6s5tanz ts1th t6stit t4s3tor 1t2sua t2s1uf
t8sum. t2s1u8n t2s1ur 2t1t tt5eif tte6sa tt1ha tt8ret tt1sc tt8ser
@@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ u8rap ur5a6ri u8ratt u1re ur3eig ur8gri u1ri ur5ins 3urlau urmen6
ur8nan u1ro 3ursac ur8sau ur8sei ur4sk 3urtei u1ru uru5i6 uru6r u1ry
ur2za ur6z ur56m u5r u1r urck3 u1sa
usa4gi u2s1ar u2s1au u8schec usch5wi u2s1ei use8kel u8sl u4st3a4b
<!-- % u3s4ter -->
u2s1uf u8surn ut1ac u1tal uta8m u1tan ut1ar u1tas ut1au
u1te u8teic u4tent u8terf u6terin u4t3hei ut5ho ut1hu u1ti utine5
@@ -858,14 +858,14 @@ uen5e 8vanb 6vang 6varb var8d va6t5a va8tei
va2t1r 2v1b 6v5c 6vd 1ve 6ve5g6 ver1 ver5b verb8l ve2re2 verg8 ve2ru8
ve1s ve2s3p ve3xe 2v1f 2v1g 6v5h vi6el vie6w5 vi1g4 vi8leh vil6le.
8vint vi1ru vi1tr 2v1k 2v1l 2v1m 4v5n 8vo8f voi6le vol8lend vol8li
-v2or1 vo2re vo8rin vo2ro 2v1p 8vra v6re
+v2or1 vo2re vo8rin vo2ro 2v1p 8vra v6re
2v2s <!-- % 2v1s -->
2v1t 2v1v 4v3w 2v1z
waffe8 wa6g5n 1wah wah8n wa5la wal8din wal6ta wan4dr 5ware wa8ru
war4za 1was w5c w1d 5wech we6fl 1weg we8geng weg5h weg3l we2g1r
weh6r5er 5weise weit3r wel2t welt3r we6rat 8werc 5werdu wer4fl 5werk.
-wer4ka wer8ku wer4ta wer8term we2sp
+wer4ka wer8ku wer4ta wer8term we2sp
<!-- % we6s4teu -->
we8st wet8ta wich6s5t 1wid wi2dr wiede4 wieder5 wik6 wim6ma
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ w1sk 6w5t 5wunde. wun6gr wu1sc wu2t1 6w5w wy5a wrme5 w1sc
8x3p2 x1r x1s6 8x1t x6tak x8terf x2t1h 1xu xu1e x5ul 6x3w x1z 5ya.
y5an. y5ank y1b y1c y6cha y4chia y1d yen6n y5ern y1g y5h y5in y1j
y1k2 y1lak yl1al yla8m y5lax y1le y1lo y5lu y8mn ym1p2 y3mu y1na yno2d
-yn1t y1on. y1o4p y5ou ypo1 y1pr y8ps y1r yri3e yr1r2
+yn1t y1on. y1o4p y5ou ypo1 y1pr y8ps y1r yri3e yr1r2
<!-- % y1s -->
ys5iat ys8ty
y1t y3w y1z y8m z5a6b zab5l 8za6d 1zah za5is 4z3ak 6z1am 5zange.
@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ zu1b4 zu1f2 6z5uhr zun2a 8zunem zunf8 8zungl zu1o zup8fi zu1s8 zu1z
ter5it 6thy 1ti 3tk 1to t8schl
ts1p 5tu ub1l u1e 1ug u8ga
u5i 1um. 1us. 1u 1z
-1b 1che 5chi
+1b 1che 5chi
ch8s2tei <!-- % ch8stei -->
ch8str cht6
56dem 5ffn 1he h1l8 h1re 1hu
@@ -920,23 +920,23 @@ zu1b4 zu1f2 6z5uhr zun2a 8zunem zunf8 8zungl zu1o zup8fi zu1s8 zu1z
3k 1le l4l5a l8lo l4ps l6s5c
1lu n8da n8fei nk5l n8za n6zw
5pi 1re 8rei r8fl r8fr r8geng
-1ri 1ro r8sta
+1ri 1ro r8sta
<!-- % r8ster -->
1ru se8n
-8sta 8stes
+8sta 8stes
<!-- % 6s5tete -->
3ta 1te 1ti
t8tr 1tu t8zei 1v 1a8 5a.
-8as 1b8 1c 1d
-1e 5ec 8e8g 8e8h
+8as 1b8 1c 1d
+1e 5ec 8e8g 8e8h
21ei 8em 1f8 1g 1h
-1i 1k 1l 1m
+1i 1k 1l 1m
<!-- % mana8 % ueberfluessig ? -->
1n 1o 1p8 5q
-1r 1s2 st8 1ta
-1te t3hei 1ti 5to
+1r 1s2 st8 1ta
+1te t3hei 1ti 5to
1tr 1u8 65um 1v 1w
<!-- % st -->
@@ -950,10 +950,10 @@ ve2ste
-3s2tein 3s2teig 3s2teif
-3s2tell 3s2telz
+3s2tein 3s2teig 3s2teif
+3s2tell 3s2telz
s3s2ter t3s2tern
@@ -963,14 +963,14 @@ s3s2ter t3s2tern
<!-- % 3s2tiefel -->
<!-- % 3s2tiel s.o. -->
<!-- % -->
@@ -986,13 +986,13 @@ o2s1tul <!-- % R27 -->
<!-- % -->
<!-- % eszet -->
<!-- % -->
s2s1b8 <!-- % ss1b8 %1b8 -->
<!-- % 1c -->
s2s3d <!-- % 1d -->
s2s5ec <!-- % 5ec -->
<!-- % 8sse8g % 8e8g -->
@@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@ s2s3z <!-- % ss1z 1z -->
% for example, `german.sty' (\lccode change for ^^Y = \ss in OT1,
% \left-/\righthyphenmin settings).
% Warum ist diese Version "vorlaeufig" ?
% Diese Trennmuster fuer die neue deutsche Rechtschreibung
@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ s2s3z <!-- % ss1z 1z -->
% Sobald Trennmuster fuer die neue deutsche Rechtschreibung
% verfuegbar sind, die von Grund auf neu berechnet wurden, sollten
% die vorliegenden Muster nicht laenger verwendet werden.
% Versionsgeschichte
@@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@ s2s3z <!-- % ss1z 1z -->
%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
%% End of file `dehyphn.tex'.
diff --git a/hyph/el.xml b/hyph/el.xml
index f6dcbe73d..f430bd0f7 100644
--- a/hyph/el.xml
+++ b/hyph/el.xml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-7"?>
<!DOCTYPE hyphenation-info SYSTEM "hyphenation.dtd">
-<!-- these hyphenation rules have been created for FOP by Dimitris Kamenopoulos (
- They support modern (monotonico) greek. They are
- based on the excellent hyphenation file GRMTex.tex
- by Dimitrios Fillipou.
- found in the TexGreek distribution. However there are quite a few differences. In particular, this file contains real greek characters rather than their latin tex subtitutes and so it is a rewrite, not a copy. Therefore, since it hasn't been tested as much as its tex predecessor, do contact me if you spot any errors.-->
+<!-- these hyphenation rules have been created for FOP by Dimitris Kamenopoulos (
+ They support modern (monotonico) greek. They are
+ based on the excellent hyphenation file GRMTex.tex
+ by Dimitrios Fillipou.
+ found in the TexGreek distribution. However there are quite a few differences. In particular, this file contains real greek characters rather than their latin tex subtitutes and so it is a rewrite, not a copy. Therefore, since it hasn't been tested as much as its tex predecessor, do contact me if you spot any errors.-->
<hyphen-char value="-" />
@@ -53,86 +53,86 @@
@@ -241,28 +241,28 @@
@@ -279,84 +279,84 @@
diff --git a/hyph/en.xml b/hyph/en.xml
index 7d7137e23..999205c81 100644
--- a/hyph/en.xml
+++ b/hyph/en.xml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<!DOCTYPE hyphenation-info SYSTEM "hyphenation.dtd">
Hyphenation information for US English
- Created by Carlos Villegas from TeX's original (Liang's) hyphenation
+ Created by Carlos Villegas from TeX's original (Liang's) hyphenation
-<hyphen-char value="-"/>
+<hyphen-char value="-"/>
<hyphen-min before="3" after="2"/>
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ ret-ri-bu-tion
<!-- % The Plain TeX hyphenation tables [NOT TO BE CHANGED IN ANY WAY!] -->
diff --git a/hyph/en_GB.xml b/hyph/en_GB.xml
index af5d8ca08..684aa1c08 100644
--- a/hyph/en_GB.xml
+++ b/hyph/en_GB.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<!DOCTYPE hyphenation-info SYSTEM "hyphenation.dtd">
% Created by Jeff Kingston, 16 November 1996, from a TeX
% hyphenation file with the following header comment:
@@ -10,18 +10,18 @@
% Version 1.0. Released 17 April 1992.
% Created by Dominik Wujastyk and Graham Toal using Frank Liang's PATGEN 1.0.
-% Like the US patterns, these UK patterns correctly hyphenate about 90% of
-% the words in the input list, and produce no hyphens not in the list
+% Like the US patterns, these UK patterns correctly hyphenate about 90% of
+% the words in the input list, and produce no hyphens not in the list
% (see TeXbook pp. 451-2).
% These patterns are based on a file of 114925 British-hyphenated words
% generously made available to Dominik Wujastyk by Oxford University Press.
-% This list of words is copyright to the OUP and may not be redistributed.
-% The hyphenation break points in the words in the abovementioned file is
+% This list of words is copyright to the OUP and may not be redistributed.
+% The hyphenation break points in the words in the abovementioned file is
% also copyright to the OUP.
-% We are very grateful to Oxford University Press for allowing us to use
-% their list of hyphenated words to produce the following TeX hyphenation
+% We are very grateful to Oxford University Press for allowing us to use
+% their list of hyphenated words to produce the following TeX hyphenation
% patterns. This file of hyphenation patterns may be freely distributed.
% These patterns require a value of about 14000 for TeX's pattern memory size.
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
-<hyphen-char value="-"/>
+<hyphen-char value="-"/>
<hyphen-min before="3" after="2"/>
diff --git a/hyph/en_US.xml b/hyph/en_US.xml
index 70428b25c..9978049c0 100644
--- a/hyph/en_US.xml
+++ b/hyph/en_US.xml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<!DOCTYPE hyphenation-info SYSTEM "hyphenation.dtd">
Hyphenation information for US English
- Created by Carlos Villegas from TeX original (Liang's) hyphenation
+ Created by Carlos Villegas from TeX original (Liang's) hyphenation
patterns and G.D.C. Kuiken's additions (see comments in the middle).
-<hyphen-char value="-"/>
+<hyphen-char value="-"/>
<hyphen-min before="3" after="2"/>
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ ret-ri-bu-tion
@@ -4504,7 +4504,7 @@ zo5ol
% Patterns for standard Hyphenation Pattern Memory of 8000.
% Can be used with all standard TeX versions.
% Hyphenation trie becomes 6661 with 229 ops.
@@ -4518,7 +4518,7 @@ z4zy
% Can be used freely for non-commercial purposes.
% Copyright 1990 G.D.C. Kuiken. e-mail:
% Postal address: P.O. Box 65791, NL 2506 EB Den Haag, Holland.
- % Patterns of March 1, 1990.
+ % Patterns of March 1, 1990.
diff --git a/hyph/es.xml b/hyph/es.xml
index 15c3c3fee..3ded3df59 100644
--- a/hyph/es.xml
+++ b/hyph/es.xml
@@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ zZ
% details on use of the mail server.
% Rules mentioned below are those described in that paper. After
-% several unsatisfactory attempts to pretend I knew better, these
-% patterns closely follow that paper. Pattern 'tl' is not considered.
+% several unsatisfactory attempts to pretend I knew better, these
+% patterns closely follow that paper. Pattern 'tl' is not considered.
% It is conflictive and ftc does not use it either.
-% These patterns have been generated by version 1.2,
-% is a sh script that allows a number of choices.
+% These patterns have been generated by version 1.2,
+% is a sh script that allows a number of choices.
% Full benefit from some of these options can only be
% obtained if appropriate fonts are available.
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ zZ
% but the copyright is essentially a hold-harmless clause. That
% is, use it at will, but don't sue me if you don't like it.
% These patterns and the generating sh script are Copyright (c) GMV 1991
% These patterns were developed for internal GMV use and are made
@@ -98,17 +98,17 @@ zZ
% expected to provide back-benefits to GMV in that it can help keeping
% GMV in the mainstream of spanish users. However, this is given
% for free and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Under no circumstances can Julio
-% Sanchez, GMV, Jos'e A. Ma~nas or any agents or representatives thereof
+% Sanchez, GMV, Jos'e A. Ma~nas or any agents or representatives thereof
% be held responsible for any errors in this software nor for any damages
% derived from its use, even in case any of the above has been notified
% of the possibility of such damages. If any such situation arises, you
% responsible for repair. Use of this software is an explicit
-% acceptance of these conditions.
+% acceptance of these conditions.
% You can use this software for any purpose. You cannot delete this
-% copyright notice. If you change this software, you must include
-% comments explaining who, when and why. You are kindly requested to
-% send any changes to If you change the generating
+% copyright notice. If you change this software, you must include
+% comments explaining who, when and why. You are kindly requested to
+% send any changes to If you change the generating
% script, you must include code in it such that any output is clearly
% labeled as generated by a modified script.
@@ -141,50 +141,50 @@ zZ
% Rule SR2
% Attach vowel groups to left consonant
-1ba 1be 1bo 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1bi 1bu 1b
-1ca 1ce 1co 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1ci 1cu 1c
-1da 1de 1do 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1di 1du 1d
-1fa 1fe 1fo 1f 1f 1f 1f 1f 1fi 1fu 1f
-1ga 1ge 1go 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1gi 1gu 1g
-1ja 1je 1jo 1j 1j 1j 1j 1j 1ji 1ju 1j
-1ka 1ke 1ko 1k 1k 1k 1k 1k 1ki 1ku 1k
-1la 1le 1lo 1l 1l 1l 1l 1l 1li 1lu 1l
-1ma 1me 1mo 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1mi 1mu 1m
-1na 1ne 1no 1n 1n 1n 1n 1n 1ni 1nu 1n
-1pa 1pe 1po 1p 1p 1p 1p 1p 1pi 1pu 1p
-1qa 1qe 1qo 1q 1q 1q 1q 1q 1qi 1qu 1q
-1ra 1re 1ro 1r 1r 1r 1r 1r 1ri 1ru 1r
-1sa 1se 1so 1s 1s 1s 1s 1s 1si 1su 1s
-1ta 1te 1to 1t 1t 1t 1t 1t 1ti 1tu 1t
-1va 1ve 1vo 1v 1v 1v 1v 1v 1vi 1vu 1v
-1wa 1we 1wo 1w 1w 1w 1w 1w 1wi 1wu 1w
-1xa 1xe 1xo 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1xi 1xu 1x
-1ya 1ye 1yo 1y 1y 1y 1y 1y 1yi 1yu 1y
-1za 1ze 1zo 1z 1z 1z 1z 1z 1zi 1zu 1z
-1a 1e 1o 1 1 1 1 1 1i 1u 1
+1ba 1be 1bo 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1bi 1bu 1b
+1ca 1ce 1co 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1ci 1cu 1c
+1da 1de 1do 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1di 1du 1d
+1fa 1fe 1fo 1f 1f 1f 1f 1f 1fi 1fu 1f
+1ga 1ge 1go 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1gi 1gu 1g
+1ja 1je 1jo 1j 1j 1j 1j 1j 1ji 1ju 1j
+1ka 1ke 1ko 1k 1k 1k 1k 1k 1ki 1ku 1k
+1la 1le 1lo 1l 1l 1l 1l 1l 1li 1lu 1l
+1ma 1me 1mo 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1mi 1mu 1m
+1na 1ne 1no 1n 1n 1n 1n 1n 1ni 1nu 1n
+1pa 1pe 1po 1p 1p 1p 1p 1p 1pi 1pu 1p
+1qa 1qe 1qo 1q 1q 1q 1q 1q 1qi 1qu 1q
+1ra 1re 1ro 1r 1r 1r 1r 1r 1ri 1ru 1r
+1sa 1se 1so 1s 1s 1s 1s 1s 1si 1su 1s
+1ta 1te 1to 1t 1t 1t 1t 1t 1ti 1tu 1t
+1va 1ve 1vo 1v 1v 1v 1v 1v 1vi 1vu 1v
+1wa 1we 1wo 1w 1w 1w 1w 1w 1wi 1wu 1w
+1xa 1xe 1xo 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1xi 1xu 1x
+1ya 1ye 1yo 1y 1y 1y 1y 1y 1yi 1yu 1y
+1za 1ze 1zo 1z 1z 1z 1z 1z 1zi 1zu 1z
+1a 1e 1o 1 1 1 1 1 1i 1u 1
% Rule SR3
-% Build legal consonant groups, leave other consonants bound to
+% Build legal consonant groups, leave other consonants bound to
% the previous group. This overrides part of the SR2 pattern
% group.
-1c2ha 1c2he 1c2ho 1c2h 1c2h 1c2h 1c2h 1c2h 1c2hi 1c2hu 1c2h
-1l2la 1l2le 1l2lo 1l2l 1l2l 1l2l 1l2l 1l2l 1l2li 1l2lu 1l2l
-1r2ra 1r2re 1r2ro 1r2r 1r2r 1r2r 1r2r 1r2r 1r2ri 1r2ru 1r2r
-1b2la 1b2le 1b2lo 1b2l 1b2l 1b2l 1b2l 1b2l 1b2li 1b2lu 1b2l
-1b2ra 1b2re 1b2ro 1b2r 1b2r 1b2r 1b2r 1b2r 1b2ri 1b2ru 1b2r
-1c2la 1c2le 1c2lo 1c2l 1c2l 1c2l 1c2l 1c2l 1c2li 1c2lu 1c2l
-1c2ra 1c2re 1c2ro 1c2r 1c2r 1c2r 1c2r 1c2r 1c2ri 1c2ru 1c2r
-1d2ra 1d2re 1d2ro 1d2r 1d2r 1d2r 1d2r 1d2r 1d2ri 1d2ru 1d2r
-1f2la 1f2le 1f2lo 1f2l 1f2l 1f2l 1f2l 1f2l 1f2li 1f2lu 1f2l
-1f2ra 1f2re 1f2ro 1f2r 1f2r 1f2r 1f2r 1f2r 1f2ri 1f2ru 1f2r
-1g2la 1g2le 1g2lo 1g2l 1g2l 1g2l 1g2l 1g2l 1g2li 1g2lu 1g2l
-1g2ra 1g2re 1g2ro 1g2r 1g2r 1g2r 1g2r 1g2r 1g2ri 1g2ru 1g2r
-1k2la 1k2le 1k2lo 1k2l 1k2l 1k2l 1k2l 1k2l 1k2li 1k2lu 1k2l
-1k2ra 1k2re 1k2ro 1k2r 1k2r 1k2r 1k2r 1k2r 1k2ri 1k2ru 1k2r
-1p2la 1p2le 1p2lo 1p2l 1p2l 1p2l 1p2l 1p2l 1p2li 1p2lu 1p2l
-1p2ra 1p2re 1p2ro 1p2r 1p2r 1p2r 1p2r 1p2r 1p2ri 1p2ru 1p2r
-1t2ra 1t2re 1t2ro 1t2r 1t2r 1t2r 1t2r 1t2r 1t2ri 1t2ru 1t2r
+1c2ha 1c2he 1c2ho 1c2h 1c2h 1c2h 1c2h 1c2h 1c2hi 1c2hu 1c2h
+1l2la 1l2le 1l2lo 1l2l 1l2l 1l2l 1l2l 1l2l 1l2li 1l2lu 1l2l
+1r2ra 1r2re 1r2ro 1r2r 1r2r 1r2r 1r2r 1r2r 1r2ri 1r2ru 1r2r
+1b2la 1b2le 1b2lo 1b2l 1b2l 1b2l 1b2l 1b2l 1b2li 1b2lu 1b2l
+1b2ra 1b2re 1b2ro 1b2r 1b2r 1b2r 1b2r 1b2r 1b2ri 1b2ru 1b2r
+1c2la 1c2le 1c2lo 1c2l 1c2l 1c2l 1c2l 1c2l 1c2li 1c2lu 1c2l
+1c2ra 1c2re 1c2ro 1c2r 1c2r 1c2r 1c2r 1c2r 1c2ri 1c2ru 1c2r
+1d2ra 1d2re 1d2ro 1d2r 1d2r 1d2r 1d2r 1d2r 1d2ri 1d2ru 1d2r
+1f2la 1f2le 1f2lo 1f2l 1f2l 1f2l 1f2l 1f2l 1f2li 1f2lu 1f2l
+1f2ra 1f2re 1f2ro 1f2r 1f2r 1f2r 1f2r 1f2r 1f2ri 1f2ru 1f2r
+1g2la 1g2le 1g2lo 1g2l 1g2l 1g2l 1g2l 1g2l 1g2li 1g2lu 1g2l
+1g2ra 1g2re 1g2ro 1g2r 1g2r 1g2r 1g2r 1g2r 1g2ri 1g2ru 1g2r
+1k2la 1k2le 1k2lo 1k2l 1k2l 1k2l 1k2l 1k2l 1k2li 1k2lu 1k2l
+1k2ra 1k2re 1k2ro 1k2r 1k2r 1k2r 1k2r 1k2r 1k2ri 1k2ru 1k2r
+1p2la 1p2le 1p2lo 1p2l 1p2l 1p2l 1p2l 1p2l 1p2li 1p2lu 1p2l
+1p2ra 1p2re 1p2ro 1p2r 1p2r 1p2r 1p2r 1p2r 1p2ri 1p2ru 1p2r
+1t2ra 1t2re 1t2ro 1t2r 1t2r 1t2r 1t2r 1t2r 1t2ri 1t2ru 1t2r
% Rule SR4 is implicitly implemented by the default values
% Rule HE1 is implemented by TeX parameters \lefthyphenmin and
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ zZ
% Rule HE2
% Break between a consonant and an h
-b1h d1h f1h g1h j1h k1h l1h m1h n1h p1h q1h r1h s1h t1h v1h w1h x1h y1h z1h 1h
+b1h d1h f1h g1h j1h k1h l1h m1h n1h p1h q1h r1h s1h t1h v1h w1h x1h y1h z1h 1h
<!-- % We now avoid some problematic breaks. -->
su2b2r su2b2l
diff --git a/hyph/fr.xml b/hyph/fr.xml
index 9b163f2e1..e6f8d9fc5 100644
--- a/hyph/fr.xml
+++ b/hyph/fr.xml
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ zZ
% f7hyph.tex % French hyphenation patterns (7-bit OT1 encoding)
% f7hyph.tex is ONLY for people having a MlTeX engine and CMR fonts.
-% \message{f7hyph.tex french hyphenation patterns. 7-bit OT1 encoding
+% \message{f7hyph.tex french hyphenation patterns. 7-bit OT1 encoding
% (V2.0) 05/20/94}
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ zZ
%% checksum = "20125 1319 2460 29960"
-%%%%%%%% The most famous good guys who worked hard to obtain something usable.
+%%%%%%%% The most famous good guys who worked hard to obtain something usable.
% Jacques Desarmenien, Universite de Strasbourg :
% - << how to run TeX in a French environment: hyphenation, fonts,
% typography. >> in Tugboat, 5 (1984) 91-102. and TeX85 conference
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ g1s2
<!-- % ill patterns missing from nb list -->
- il2l
+ il2l
diff --git a/hyph/hu.xml b/hyph/hu.xml
index c0d04b8dc..0a58dd038 100644
--- a/hyph/hu.xml
+++ b/hyph/hu.xml
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ zZ
-% 1C(s/z/y)V (V <> y)
-% 1C(s/z/y)y occus at the end of names, so I added some of them
+% 1C(s/z/y)V (V <> y)
+% 1C(s/z/y)y occus at the end of names, so I added some of them
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ zZ
-<!-- % V1V -->
+<!-- % V1V -->
@@ -699,14 +699,14 @@ u1
-<!-- % ketts Consonantes: c/d/s/z 2 h/s/z - exceptions later -->
+<!-- % ketts Consonantes: c/d/s/z 2 h/s/z - exceptions later -->
<!-- %d2zs -->
-<!-- % long Consonantes: - exceptions later -->
+<!-- % long Consonantes: - exceptions later -->
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ g2gy
-<!-- % all exceptions (mainly composita/pounds) in a single row -->
+<!-- % all exceptions (mainly composita/pounds) in a single row -->
@@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@ hvely2k1ujj
-i2i2i<!-- % not to hyphenate roman numerals -->
+i2i2i<!-- % not to hyphenate roman numerals -->
diff --git a/hyph/hyphenation.dtd b/hyph/hyphenation.dtd
index 4b4c2a066..1b63645b7 100644
--- a/hyph/hyphenation.dtd
+++ b/hyph/hyphenation.dtd
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<!-- Default minimun length in characters of hyphenated word fragments
before and after the line break. For some languages this is not
only for aesthetic purposes, wrong hyphens may be generated if this
- is not accounted for.
+ is not accounted for.
<!ELEMENT hyphen-min EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST hyphen-min before CDATA #REQUIRED>
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
of words. -->
<!ELEMENT patterns (#PCDATA)>
-<!-- A "full hyphen" equivalent to TeX's \discretionary
+<!-- A "full hyphen" equivalent to TeX's \discretionary
with pre-break, post-break and no-break attributes.
To be used in the exceptions list, the hyphen character is not
automatically added -->
diff --git a/hyph/it.xml b/hyph/it.xml
index 948a1c2bb..01183487a 100644
--- a/hyph/it.xml
+++ b/hyph/it.xml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE hyphenation-info SYSTEM "hyphenation.dtd">
<!-- Created by Stphane Bline - Peregrine Systems -
- Conversion of the original TEX italian hyphenation patterns written by
+ Conversion of the original TEX italian hyphenation patterns written by
Claudio Beccari (
Use of the original work granted by the author.
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ zZ
a1ia a1ie a1io a1iu a1uo a1ya 2at.
-e1iu e2w
+e1iu e2w
o1ia o1ie o1io o1iu
1b 2bb 2bc 2bd 2bf 2bm 2bn 2bp 2bs 2bt 2bv
diff --git a/hyph/nl.xml b/hyph/nl.xml
index 2877794b2..ad75699e9 100644
--- a/hyph/nl.xml
+++ b/hyph/nl.xml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE hyphenation-info SYSTEM "hyphenation.dtd">
- PURPOSE: 8-bit hyphenation patterns based upon the new Dutch spelling, officially since 1 August 1996.
- These patterns follow the new hyphenation rules in the `Woordenlijst Nederlandse Taal, SDU Uitgevers,
- Den Haag 1995' (the so called `Groene Boekje') described in section 5.2 (Het afbreekteken).
- Also handles words derived from other languages (`bastaard woorden') according to the new rules.
- Hyphenation information for Dutch
- Original (TeX) author: Piet Tutelaers
- Transformed to XML by: Reinout Verkerk (
+ PURPOSE: 8-bit hyphenation patterns based upon the new Dutch spelling, officially since 1 August 1996.
+ These patterns follow the new hyphenation rules in the `Woordenlijst Nederlandse Taal, SDU Uitgevers,
+ Den Haag 1995' (the so called `Groene Boekje') described in section 5.2 (Het afbreekteken).
+ Also handles words derived from other languages (`bastaard woorden') according to the new rules.
+ Hyphenation information for Dutch
+ Original (TeX) author: Piet Tutelaers
+ Transformed to XML by: Reinout Verkerk (
Character encoding corrections by: Carlos Villegas (
-<hyphen-char value="-"/>
+<hyphen-char value="-"/>
<hyphen-min before="3" after="2"/>
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ wa-ter-staats-in-ge-ni-eur
<!-- % The Plain TeX hyphenation tables [NOT TO BE CHANGED IN ANY WAY!] -->
diff --git a/hyph/pl.xml b/hyph/pl.xml
index adc7a7a34..312a8ed96 100644
--- a/hyph/pl.xml
+++ b/hyph/pl.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
Hyphenation patterns for Polish.
Constructed by Marcin Kuthan <> from TeX's plhypht.tex file.
Original comments preserved:
% This is PLHYPH.TeX - the Polish hyphenation patterns
diff --git a/hyph/pt.xml b/hyph/pt.xml
index 263d6abe2..8f98de4ff 100644
--- a/hyph/pt.xml
+++ b/hyph/pt.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Converted from pthyph.tex to XML by Paulo Soares ( Added accented characters
support. Original comments follow.
% Tabela TeX de separacao de silabas para portugues.
% The Portuguese TeX hyphenation table.
% (C) 1987 by Pedro J. de Rezende
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ support. Original comments follow.
% Permission is hereby granted to copy and distribute this material provided
% that the copies are not made or distributed for commercial or lucrative
-% purpose.
+% purpose.
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ ec-le-si-as-ti-cos
<!-- % The Plain TeX hyphenation tables [NOT TO BE CHANGED IN ANY WAY!] -->
diff --git a/hyph/readme b/hyph/readme
index e9a23ad93..5425ce20e 100644
--- a/hyph/readme
+++ b/hyph/readme
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-Fop comes with some hyphenation pattern. If you need a hyphenation
-pattern which isn't included in the distribution, do the following:
+Fop comes with some hyphenation pattern. If you need a hyphenation
+pattern which isn't included in the distribution, do the following:
-1. get the TeX hyphenation pattern file and turn it into an xml file
+1. get the TeX hyphenation pattern file and turn it into an xml file
which conforms to the hyphenation.dtd in the sub directory /hyph
-2. name this new file following this schema: languageCode_countryCode.xml.
- If you don't need a country code, leave it away, p.e. the file name
- for an American english hyphenation pattern would look like this:
- en_US.xml.
- For an Italian file: it.xml.
- Language and country codes must be the same as in xsl:fo, that is follow
- ISO 639 <> and
- ISO 3166 <>
- respectively.
+2. name this new file following this schema: languageCode_countryCode.xml.
+ If you don't need a country code, leave it away, p.e. the file name
+ for an American english hyphenation pattern would look like this:
+ en_US.xml.
+ For an Italian file: it.xml.
+ Language and country codes must be the same as in xsl:fo, that is follow
+ ISO 639 <> and
+ ISO 3166 <>
+ respectively.
NOTE: The ISO 639/ISO 3166 convention is that language names are
written in lower case, while country codes are written in upper case.
3. If you have build your new hyphenation pattern file successfully there are
- two ways to make it accessible to Fop.
- a) Put this new file into the directory /hyph and rebuild Fop. The file will
+ two ways to make it accessible to Fop.
+ a) Put this new file into the directory /hyph and rebuild Fop. The file will
be picked up and added to the fop.jar.
b) Put the file into a directory of your choice and specify this directory
in the userconfig.xml in the entry <hyphenation-dir>
-4. If the license of your hyphenation pattern file does allow it, please send
- it to the list fop-dev, so it can be made part of the Fop distribution.
+4. If the license of your hyphenation pattern file does allow it, please send
+ it to the list fop-dev, so it can be made part of the Fop distribution.
the following hyphenation patterns are part of the Fop distribution
diff --git a/hyph/ru.xml b/hyph/ru.xml
index eb5bc7a68..3b8667219 100644
--- a/hyph/ru.xml
+++ b/hyph/ru.xml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hyphenation-info SYSTEM "hyphenation.dtd">
Hyphenation information for Russian language
- Created by Alex "Achtung" Alishevskikh [] from TeX's hyphenation
+ Created by Alex "Achtung" Alishevskikh [] from TeX's hyphenation
patterns originally written (thnx!) by:
1) TeX russian patterns by D. Vulis (with corrections by A. Lebedev)
- 2) TeX russian patterns by A. Slepukhin
+ 2) TeX russian patterns by A. Slepukhin
-<hyphen-char value="-"/>
+<hyphen-char value="-"/>
<hyphen-min before="2" after="2"/>
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
% This code is based on the patterns originally written by Dimitri Vulis.
% The corrections were made by Alexander Lebedev, 1998-1999.
% Version: 10/08/99 -->
diff --git a/hyph/tr.xml b/hyph/tr.xml
index 3ddea082b..526904b36 100755
--- a/hyph/tr.xml
+++ b/hyph/tr.xml
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ dD
- <!-- gbreve -->
+ <!-- gbreve -->
I <!-- idotless I -->
i <!--i Iabovedot -->