path: root/src/documentation/content/xdocs/trunk
diff options
authorJeremias Maerki <jeremias@apache.org>2010-08-03 13:44:54 +0000
committerJeremias Maerki <jeremias@apache.org>2010-08-03 13:44:54 +0000
commit3800fbcd385314883c58c7ca69ceea56ad39e538 (patch)
tree72c862829dc28c62592ffe1bc4113450edfc991e /src/documentation/content/xdocs/trunk
parent06dd1be43df5f16d023abf3b5673fbfc43b3a4df (diff)
Bugzilla #44460:
Added support for PDF file attachments (embedded files) including basic-link support to reference them. Based on work submitted by: Andrejus Chaliapinas <a.chaliapinas.at.infosana.com> I've changed and improved his patch extensively and added some documentation. git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xmlgraphics/fop/trunk@981875 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'src/documentation/content/xdocs/trunk')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/src/documentation/content/xdocs/trunk/output.xml b/src/documentation/content/xdocs/trunk/output.xml
index d1ab9e19f..1766cd493 100644
--- a/src/documentation/content/xdocs/trunk/output.xml
+++ b/src/documentation/content/xdocs/trunk/output.xml
@@ -194,32 +194,76 @@ out = proc.getOutputStream();]]></source>
- <p>
- Check the iText tutorial and documentation for setting access flags, password,
- encryption strength and other parameters.
- </p>
- </section>
- <section id="pdf-watermark">
- <title>Watermarks</title>
- <p>
- In addition to the <a href="#pdf-postprocess">PDF Post-processing</a> options, consider the following workarounds:
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li>
- Use a background image for the body region.
- </li>
- <li>
- (submitted by Trevor Campbell) Place an image in a
- region that overlaps the flowing text. For example, make
- region-before large enough to contain your image. Then include a
- block (if necessary, use an absolutely positioned block-container)
- containing the watermark image in the static-content for the
- region-before. Note that the image will be drawn on top of the
- normal content.
- </li>
- </ul>
+ <p>
+ Check the iText tutorial and documentation for setting access flags, password,
+ encryption strength and other parameters.
+ </p>
+ </section>
+ <section id="pdf-watermark">
+ <title>Watermarks</title>
+ <p>
+ In addition to the <a href="#pdf-postprocess">PDF Post-processing</a> options, consider the following workarounds:
+ </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Use a background image for the body region.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ (submitted by Trevor Campbell) Place an image in a
+ region that overlaps the flowing text. For example, make
+ region-before large enough to contain your image. Then include a
+ block (if necessary, use an absolutely positioned block-container)
+ containing the watermark image in the static-content for the
+ region-before. Note that the image will be drawn on top of the
+ normal content.
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ <section id="pdf-extensions">
+ <title>Extensions</title>
+ <p>The PDF Renderer supports some PDF specific extensions which can be embedded
+ into the input FO document. To use the extensions the appropriate namespace must
+ be declared in the fo:root element like this:</p>
+ <source><![CDATA[
+<fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format"
+ xmlns:pdf="http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/extensions/pdf">
+ ]]></source>
+ <section id="pdf-embedded-file">
+ <title>Embedded Files</title>
+ <p>
+ It is possible to attach/embed arbitrary files into a PDF file. You can give a name and
+ a description of the file. Example:
+ </p>
+ <source><![CDATA[
+ <fo:declarations>
+ <pdf:embedded-file filename="image.jpg" src="url(file:///C:/Temp/myimage.jpg)" description="My image"/>
+ <pdf:embedded-file src="url(file:///C:/Temp/MyTextDoc.odt)"/>
+ </fo:declarations>
+ ]]></source>
+ <p>
+ <code>pdf:embedded-file</code> must be a child of <code>fo:declarations</code>.
+ The "src" property is used to reference the file that is to be embedded. This property
+ uses the "uri-specification" datatype from the XSL-FO specification.
+ The "filename" property is optional. If it is missing the filename is automatically set
+ from the URI/IRI of the "src" property. An optional description can also be added to
+ further describe the file attachment.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ It is also possible to reference an embedded file from an <code>fo:basic-link</code>.
+ Use the special "embedded-file:" URI scheme with the filename as single argument after
+ the URI scheme. Example:
+ </p>
+ <source><![CDATA[
+<fo:basic-link external-destination="url(embedded-file:image.jpg)">Attached Image</fo:basic-link>
+ <p>
+ Note: Not all PDF Viewers (including some Acrobat Versions) will open the embedded file
+ when clicking on the link. In that case, the user will have to open he attachment via
+ the separate list of file attachments.
+ </p>
+ </section>
+ </section>
<section id="ps">