path: root/src/documentation/content/xdocs
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authorWilliam Victor Mote <vmote@apache.org>2003-03-24 23:05:10 +0000
committerWilliam Victor Mote <vmote@apache.org>2003-03-24 23:05:10 +0000
commit100b4d202eb56f74bbfbac30785d25612a54e69b (patch)
treee315edc420c847931d7594d0e29cff2160f83d15 /src/documentation/content/xdocs
parentbbf8c4636d7552b8e54034ead140308ed978c153 (diff)
Move developer FAQs to the Developer FAQ document.
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xmlgraphics/fop/trunk@196131 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'src/documentation/content/xdocs')
2 files changed, 12 insertions, 1416 deletions
diff --git a/src/documentation/content/xdocs/dev/faq.xml b/src/documentation/content/xdocs/dev/faq.xml
index 16c3b2f19..d4c68e297 100644
--- a/src/documentation/content/xdocs/dev/faq.xml
+++ b/src/documentation/content/xdocs/dev/faq.xml
@@ -2,1418 +2,24 @@
-<faqs title="FOP FAQ">
- <part>
- <title>General questions</title>
- <faq>
- <question>What is FOP?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- FOP is a print formatter for <jump href="#XSLFO">XSL formatting
- objects</jump>.
- </p>
- <p>
- It can be used to render an XML file containing XSL formatting objects
- into a page layout. The main target is PDF but other rendering targets
- are supported, such as AWT, PCL, text and direct printing.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>What can I do with FOP?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- FOP provides both an application and a library that converts an XSL FO
- document into paginated output.
- </p>
- <p>
- The FOP command line application can be directly used to transform XML
- into PDF, PostScript, PCL and other formats, there is also an AWT
- based viewer integrated.
- </p>
- <p>
- The library can be used in servlets and other Java applications.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>What does "FOP" stand for?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- It's an acronym for <strong>F</strong>ormatting
- <strong>O</strong>bject <strong>P</strong>rocessor
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>How does FOP interact with other Apache Projects?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- FOP is distributed with <link
- href="http://xml.apache.org/cocoon">Cocoon</link> as a PDF serializer
- for XSL (FO) documents.
- </p>
- <p>
- <link href="http://xml.apache.org/batik">Batik</link> can be used with
- FOP to <link
- href="http://xml.apache.org/batik/svgrasterizer.html">transcode an SVG
- image</link> into a PDF document.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>What is XSL?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- XSL is a W3C standard concerned with publishing XML documents. It
- consists of two parts: <jump href="#XSLT">XSLT</jump> and <jump
- href="#XSLFO">XSLFO</jump>. The acronym expands to
- e<strong>X</strong>tensible <strong>S</strong>tylesheet
- <strong>L</strong>anguage.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq id="XSLFO">
- <question>What is XSLFO?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- XSLFO is an XML vocabulary that is used to specify a pagination and
- other styling for page layout output. The acronym &ldquo;FO&rdquo; stands for
- <strong>F</strong>ormatting <strong>O</strong>bjects. XSLFO can be
- used in conjunction with <jump href="#XSLT">XSLT</jump> to convert
- from any XML format into a paginated layout ready for printing or
- displaying.
- </p>
- <p>
- XSLFO defines a set of elements in XML that describes the way pages
- are set up. The contents of the pages are filled from flows. There can
- be static flows that appear on every page (for headers and footers)
- and the main flow which fills the body of the page.
- </p>
- <p>
- Synonyms: XSL FO, XSL (FO), XSL:FO, XSL-FO, Formatting Objects
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq id="XSLT">
- <question>What is XSLT?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- XSLT describes the transformation of arbitrary XML input into other
- XML (like XSLFO), HTML or plain text. The &ldquo;T&rdquo; comes from
- <strong>T</strong>ransformation. For historical reasons, a
- transformation is often also called a &ldquo;style sheet&rdquo;.
- </p>
- <p>
- Synonyms: XSL transformation, XSL:T, XSL style sheet.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>How can I contribute?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- There is always plenty of things to do. See <link href="../limitations.html">limitations</link>
- and <link href="../resources.html">bugzilla</link>.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- </part>
- <part>
- <title>Common stumbling blocks</title>
- <faq>
- <question>I get the error: [ERROR]: 'master-reference' for
- 'fo:page-sequence'matches no 'simple-page-master' or
- 'page-sequence-master'</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- FOP was changed to be in accordance with the latest standard
- (see <link href="../resources.html#w3-xsl">XSL
- standard</link>).The page master for a fo:page-sequence is
- now refereced by the master-reference attribute. Replace the
- master-name attributes of your fo:page-sequence elements by
- master-reference attributes. You have to do this also for
- fo:single-page-master-reference,
- fo:repeatable-page-master-reference and
- fo:conditional-page-master-reference elements in you page
- master definitions.
- </p>
- <p>
- See also <link href="../relnotes.html">release notes</link>.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>My PNG images don't work.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- The Jimi image library, which is used for processing images in PNG and
- other formats, was removed from the distribution for licensing
- reasons. You have to <fork href="http://java.sun.com">download</fork>
- and install it by yourself.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>I get a NoClassDefFound exception.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>This is typically a problem with your classpath.</p>
- <p>If you are running FOP from the command line:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>
- Use the fop.bat or fop.sh command file from the FOP distribution.
- Ensure the directory where FOP and these files have been installed
- is the current working directory.
- </li>
- <li>
- If this doesn't help, check whether still all the jar files
- mentioned in the classpath in the fop.bat file are in their
- respective places.
- </li>
- </ul>
- <p>
- If you run FOP embedded in your servlet, web application or other Java
- application, check the classpath of the application.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>I get a NoSuchMethodException or a NoSuchFieldException
- exception.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- This is usually caused by an older version of one of the FOP jars or
- old XML tools in the classpath. Check in particular for parser.jar,
- jaxp.jar, xml4j.jar or lotusxsl.jar.
- </p>
- <p>
- Incompatible versions of Batik may also cause this problem. Use
- the version of Batik that comes with FOP.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>I get an OutOfMemoryException.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- FOP can consume quite a bit of memory, even though this has been
- continually improved. The memory consumption is partially inherent to
- the formatting process and partially caused by implementation
- choices. For certain layouts, all FO processors currently on the
- market have memory problems.
- </p>
- <p>
- Some hints regarding your document structure:
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li>
- Avoid forward references. Forward references cause all
- pages from the page with the reference on to be held in memory until
- the page with the referenced element is encountered. Common forward
- references are table of contents at the beginning of the document
- and the <link href="#pagenum">"page N of TOTAL"</link> in footers. Forward
- references may be required by the task, however, if you are getting
- a memory overflow you should at least check whether this is really
- as necessary as claimed. A TOC, for example, could often be placed
- at the end of the document without dimishing it's value too much,
- the paper can be reshuffled after printing, and you can use
- bookmarks in PDF.
- </li>
- <li>
- Avoid large images, especially if they are scaled down. Scale them
- outside of FOP and use the already scaled images for the FOP
- run. For many image formats it is mainly the size of the image file
- which matters, not width*height, so you can try other means like
- using a higher compression rate.
- </li>
- <li>
- Use multiple page sequences. FOP starts rendering after the end of a
- page sequence is encountered. While the actual rendering is done
- page by page, some memory allocated for other purposes could
- possibly be freed after the page sequence has been rendered.
- </li>
- <li>
- Increase memory settings of the JVM. Be aware that it
- is usually unwise to increase the memory allocated to the JVM beyond
- the amount of physical RAM, it will significantly slow down. YMMV.
- </li>
- </ul>
- <p>
- There are also some bugs which cause FOP to go into an nonterminating
- loop, which also often results in a memory overflow. A characteristic
- symptom are continuous <jump href="#boxoverflow">box
- overflows</jump>. Most of them are triggered by elements not fitting
- in the available space, like big images and improperly specified width
- of nested block elements. Look for such stuff and correct it.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>I get a MalformedURLException.</question>
- <answer>
- <anchor id="MalformedURL"/>
- <p>
- What you probably think of as "file names" are usually URLs, in
- particular the src attribute of fo:external-graphic.
- </p>
- <p>
- Because usage of URLs is growing, you should make yourself familiar
- with it. The relevant specification is <link
- href="http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt">RFC 2396</link>.
- </p>
- <p>
- In a nutshell, the correct syntax for an absolute file URL is
- <code>file:///some/path/file.ext</code> on Unix and
- <code>file:///z:/some/path/file.ext</code> on Windows systems. Note
- the triple slash, and also that only forward slashes are used, even on
- windows.
- </p>
- <p>
- A relative file URL starts with anything but a slash, and doesn't have
- the <code>file:</code> prefix, for example <code>file.ext</code>,
- <code>path/file.ext</code> or <code>../file.ext</code>. The string
- <code>file:path/file.ext</code> is <em>not</em> a relative URL,
- in fact, it isn't a valid URL at all. A relative URL is subject to a
- resolving process, which transforms it into an absolute
- URL.
- </p>
- <p>
- See Understanding URIs and URLs and Understanding
- URL resolving.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>I get an "[ERROR]: null", or a NullPointerException.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Most often, you supplied an invalid FO document to FOP. Currently only
- very common errors are intercepted and produce a comprehensible error
- message. If you forgot container elements like fo:page-sequence or
- fo:flow and put blocks and inline elements directly as children of
- fo:root or fo:page-sequence, you'll only get a
- NullPointerException. Check whether your FO file has a proper
- structure. In some cases there are mandatory properties, like the
- master-reference in fo:conditional-page-master-reference, check also
- whether you got them right.
- </p>
- <p>
- You can use the FOP DTD or FOP Schema to
- validate your soure. This will catch most, but still not all problems.
- </p>
- <p>
- If you use XSLT, problems in your style sheet and in your source XML
- also often produce a NullPointerException. Run the transformation
- separately to check for this, usually you'll get a detailed error
- message from the XSLT processor.
- </p>
- <p>
- If you turn on debugging with the "-d" option you may be able to
- see more detailed information.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>FOP hangs. FOP does not exit.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- The most likely reason is a known problem with the Java run time
- environment which is triggered by rendering SVGs. Suns JDK 1.4 does
- not have this problem. See also <jump href="#svghangs">FOP does not
- exit if a SVG is included</jump>.
- </p>
- <p>
- Another possibility is that FOP went into a non terminating
- loop. Usually this is indicated by lots of log messages of the form
- "[INFO]: [NNNN]" which indicate a new page has been started or <jump
- href="#boxoverflow">box overflows</jump>. After some time, FOP will
- crash with an OutOfMemoryException.
- </p>
- <p>
- If you called the FOP command line application from some other
- programm, for example from Java using Runtime.exec(), it may hang
- while trying to write log entries to the output pipe. You have to read
- the FOP output regularly to empty the pipe buffer. It is best to avoid
- exec'ing FOP, use the library interface.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq id="boxoverflow">
- <question>FOP runs forever, writing lots of ">" to the log.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- There is something too large to fit into the intended place, usually a
- large image, a table whose rows are kept together or a block with a
- space-before or space-after larger than the page size. Catch the first
- page showing this phenomenon and check it. If it is not obvious which
- element causes the trouble, remove stuff until the problem goes
- away. Decrease the dimensions of the offending element or property, or
- increase the dimension of the enclosing element or container, or
- remove keep-with-* properties.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>FOP cannot find a file for fo:external-graphics.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- The src attribute of the fo:external-graphics element takes an URI,
- not a file name.
- </p>
- <p>
- Relative URLs are resolved against a base url. For
- the command line FOP application, the base is the directory of the
- input file, either the FO file or the XML source. If FOP is used
- embedded in a servlet you will need to set the base url on
- the user agent.
- </p>
- <p>
- See Understanding URIs and URLs and Understanding
- URL resolving.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>FOP does not find my fonts.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Did you get: &laquo;Failed to read font metrics file C:\foo\arial.xml
- : File "C:\foo\arial.xml" not found&raquo;? The value for the
- metrics-file attribute in the user config file is actually an URL, not
- a file name. Use "file:///C:/foo/arial.xml" instead.
- </p>
- <p>
- If you used a relative URL, make sure your application has the working
- directory you expect. Currently FOP does not use the baseDir for
- resolving relative URLs pointing to font metric files.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>Keep-with-next, keep-with-previous, keep-together
- don't work.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- These properties are not implemented, except for keep-with-next and
- keep-with-previous on table rows. In order to take advantage of them,
- you have to nest stuff to be kept together in a table.
- </p>
- <p>
- The concept is called &ldquo;blind table&rdquo;. The table is used for
- pure layout reasons and not obvious in the output.
- </p>
- <p>
- An example of an image and the image caption to be kept together:
- </p>
- <source><![CDATA[<fo:table table-layout="fixed" width="100%">
- <fo:table-column column-width="proportional-column-width(1)"/>
- <fo:table-body>
- <fo:table-row keep-with-next="always">
- <fo:table-cell>
- <fo:block>
- <fo:external-graphic src="foo.jpg"/>
- </fo:block>
- </fo:table-cell>
- </fo:table-row>
- <fo:table-row>
- <fo:table-cell>
- <fo:block>Image Caption</fo:block>
- </fo:table-cell>
- </fo:table-row>
- </fo:table-body>
- </fo:table>]]></source>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>My tables are missing, or missing their content.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Check for fo:table-body around the rows. FOP doesn't raise an error if
- it is omitted, it just drops the content.
- </p>
- <p>
- Also, the fo:table-with-caption element is not implemented, tables
- within such an element are dropped too. The DocBook style sheets
- generate fo:table-with-caption elements, so watch out.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>Text overflowing table cells and the like is not clipped. Long text
- flows into adjacent cells/block, obscuring stuff there.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Clipping as specified by the <code>overflow="hidden"</code> is not yet
- implemented. If you have long words overflowing table cells, try to
- get them hyphenated. Artificial names like product identifications or
- long numbers usually aren't hyphenated. You can try special processing
- at XSLT level, like
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li>
- clip long text,
- </li>
- <li>
- explicit wrapping+clipping,
- </li>
- <li>
- insert zero width spaces (U+200B or &amp;#x200B;) to allow FOP to
- wrap.
- </li>
- </ul>
- <p>
- Check the <link href="http://dpawson.co.uk/xsl">XSL FAQ</link> and the
- <link href="http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list/">XSL list
- archive</link> for how to perform these tasks.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>Page numbers are not properly right aligned.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- This happens for fo:page-number-citation elements if the citation
- occurs before FOP formatted the requested page, usually in TOC or
- index pages.
- </p>
- <p>
- It is caused by the problem that FOP has to guess how much space the
- yet unknown page number will occupy, and usually the guesses are
- somewhat off. You can try to use a non-proportional font like Courier
- to remedy this. However, this is likely to look ugly, and wont fix the
- problem completely.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>A graphic is not displayed.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Several possibilities:
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li>
- The graphic is too large to fit into the intended space.
- </li>
- <li>
- Some image format subclasses can't be handled, try to convert the
- graphic to a format subclass known to work. (Sorry, no list of
- formats known to work)
- </li>
- <li>
- Something else obscures the graphic, for example stuff from a static
- content (very rare, but has happened).
- </li>
- </ul>
- <p>
- See also supported image formats.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>Hyphenation does not work.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Set the language attribute somewhere. Check whether you use a language
- for which hyphenation is supported. Supported languages can be deduced
- from the files in the hyph directory of the FOP source distribution.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- </part>
- <part>
- <title>Embedding FOP. Using FOP in a servlet</title>
- <faq>
- <question>How do I use FOP in a servlet?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>Look at the servlet example.</p>
- <p>
- A rather minimal code snippet to demonstrate the basics:
- </p>
- <source>response.setContentType("application/pdf");
-Driver driver=new Driver( new InputSource("foo.fo"),
- response.getOutputStream());
- <p>
- Caveat: Internet Explorer will not automatically show the PDF. Thats a
- well known IEx problem, not with the servlet. You can download the PDF
- with IEx and view it later. There are other problems with this code.
- </p>
- <p>
- Please look into Howto embed FOP in a servlet for all
- kinds of details.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>How do I use FOP in a servlet with an XSLT transformation?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Use the TraxInputHandler if both the source XML and XSL are read from
- files.
- </p>
- <p>
- A demonstration:
- </p>
- <source>response.setContentType("application/pdf");
-XSLTInputHandler input
- =new XSLTInputHandler(new File("foo.xml"), new File("foo.xsl"));
-Driver driver=new Driver();
-driver.render(input.getParser(), input.getInputSource());</source>
- <p>
- This minimal code snippet has the same problems as the one from the
- question above. Please inform yourself about the details.
- </p>
- <p>
- If your source XML is generated on the fly, for example from a
- database, a web service, or another servlet, you have to create a
- transformer object explicitely and use a SAX event stream to feed the
- transformation result into FOP.
- </p>
- <p>
- A demonstration:
- </p>
- <source>response.setContentType("application/pdf");
-Driver driver =new Driver();
-Transformer transformer=TransformerFactory.newInstance()
- .newTransformer(new StreamSource("foo.xsl"));
-transformer.transform(xmlsource, new SAXResult(driver.getContentHandler()));</source>
- <p>
- You don't have to call run() or render() on the driver object.
- </p>
- <p>
- The <code>xmlsource</code> is a placeholder for your actual XML
- source. You can supply a <code>new StreamSource( new
- StringReader(xmlstring))</code> if you have to read the XML from a
- string. Constructing an XML string and reparse it is not always a good
- iea, consider to use a SAXSource if you generate your XML. You can, of
- course, supply a DOMSource or whatever you like. You can also use
- dynamically generated XSL if you want to.
- </p>
- <p>
- Because you have an explicit transformer object, you can set
- parameters for the transformation run too.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>How do I pass parameters to the XSLT transformation?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- See the end of the answer for the question above.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>How do I use my own fonts when running FOP from a servlet?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Declare the fonts in the <code>userconfig.xml</code> file as
- usual. See <jump href="#usercfg">loading the user configuration
- file</jump> for further steps.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>How do I set the base URL in a servlet environment?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Use:
- </p>
- <p>
- You need to use the FOUserAgent that contains a base url.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>I keep getting NoClassDefFound and other exceptions. How do I
- get FOP working for various servlet engines?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- There are various classpath issues, and possible conflicts with
- existing XML/XSLT libraries. Because servlet containers often use
- their own classloaders for loading webapps, bugs and security problems
- can be bothersome as well.
- </p>
- <p>
- Tomcat comes with detailed instructions for installing FOP and Cocoon,
- check the documentation. There are known bugs to be circumvented, in
- particular in Tomcat 4.0.3.
- </p>
- <p>
- Websphere 3.5: See next question.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>FOP in IBM Websphere 3.5</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Put a copy of a working parser in some directory where WebSphere can
- access it, for example, if /usr/webapps/yourapp/servlets is the
- classpath for your servlets, copy the Xerces jar into it (any other
- directory would also be fine). Do not add the jar to the servlet
- classpath, but add it to the classpath of the application server which
- contains your web application. In the WebSphere administration
- console, click on the "environment" button in the "general" tab. Fill
- CLASSPATH in the "variable name" box and
- /usr/webapps/yourapp/servlets/Xerces.jar (or whatever your complete
- path is) in the value box, press "OK", then apply the change and
- restart the application server.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>FOP and multithreading</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- FOP is not completely thread safe. At the very least you'll have to
- create a Driver object for every thread unless you prefer your threads
- being blocked.
- </p>
- <p>
- Even though the relevant methods of the Driver object are
- synchronized, there are still problems because FOP uses static
- variables for configuration data and loading images. Be sure not
- to change the configuration data while there is a Driver object
- rendering. It is recommended to setup the configuration only
- once while initialising the servlet. If you have to change the
- configuration data more often, or if you have several servlets
- within the same webapp using FOP, consider implementing a
- singleton class encapsulating both the configuration settings
- and running FOP in synchronized methods.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- </part>
- <part>
- <title>Batik/SVG specific questions</title>
- <faq>
- <question>SVG text rendered in bad quality. How do I put SVG text as text
- into PDF?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- There is an implementation of a Batik bridge and text painter
- that handles SVG text nodes.
- If it is possible for this to draw the text as PDF text in the
- PDF document then it will do so otherwise the stroking
- text painter is used. There are some cases that are not implemented
- yet such as tspan and outlined text. See
- <link href="svg.html">SVG page</link> for more details.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>How do I use FOP with SVG on headless servers?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Batik uses AWT classes for rendering SVG, which in turn needs an X
- server on Unixish systems. If you run a server without X, or if you
- can't connect to the X server due to security restrictions or
- policies, SVG rendering will fail.
- </p>
- <p>
- There are still several options:
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li>
- If you are using JDK 1.4, start it with the -Djava.awt.headless=true
- command line option.
- </li>
- <li>
- Install a X server which provides an im-memory framebuffer without
- actually using a screen device or any display hardware, like Xvfb.
- </li>
- <li>
- Use a toolkit which emulates AWT without the need of an underlying X
- server, like <link
- href="http://www.eteks.com/pja/en">PJA</link>. The PJA toolkit is
- free and comes with detailed installation instructions.
- </li>
- </ul>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq id="svghangs">
- <question>FOP does not exit if a SVG is included.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Applies to older FOP versions and JDK 1.3 and older. That's because
- there is an AWT thread hanging around. The solution is to put a
- System.exit(0) somewhere.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>Problems with SVG referring to gradients etc. using
- "uri(#stuff)" (MalformedURLException or stuff not found)</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- This is really a "resolving relative URI" problem with some
- twists. The problem is that the <code>#stuff</code> URL fragment
- identifier is resolved within the current SVG document. So the
- reference must be valid within the XML subset and it cannot
- reference other SVG documents in the same XML file. Some options
- to try:
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li>
- Put the SVG into a separate file and use it with
- fo:external-graphics.
- </li>
- <li>
- Use a separate SVG file which contains only the gradient (and
- perhaps other SVG stuff you want to reference) and point an absolute
- URL to it:
- <code>fill="url(file:///c:/refstuff/grad.svg#PurpleToWhite)"</code>.
- </li>
- <li>
- Same as above but use a relative URL:
- <code>fill="url(grad.svg#PurpleToWhite)"</code>. This may be easier
- to deploy.
- </li>
- <li>
- Make sure that the reference is valid in the current SVG document.
- </li>
- </ul>
- <p>
- In any case, the referenced stuff has to be pointed to by an URL. It
- doesn't necessarily have to be a file URL, HTTP should also
- work. Also, expect a performance hit in all cases, because another XML
- file has to be retrieved and parsed.
- </p>
- <p>
- Ultimately, both FOP and especially Batik should be fixed to make
- your code work as expected, but this will not only take some time
- but also some effort by a standard committee in order to make the
- semantics of this kind of references in embedded SVG clearer.
- </p>
- <p>See also <link href="#MalformedURL">MalformedURLException</link></p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- </part>
- <part>
- <title>PDF specific (includes Acrobat peculiarities)</title>
- <faq>
- <question>How do I embed fonts in PDF?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- See the <link href="fonts.html">Fonts</link> page for information
- about embedding fonts.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>Characters not displayed, or displayed incorrectly, or displayed as "#"</question>
- <answer>
- <p>Answers are that fonts must be available for the output format, and
- the selected font must contain glyphs for the desired character.
- PDF has a set of <link href="../output.html#pdf-fonts">defined fonts</link>, other fonts can be embedded following the
-<link href="fonts.html">instructions</link>.
-To find out if the characters you need are in the core fonts then
-(todo - find a glyph font table for the fonts).
- <p> For example, for most symbols, the symbol font has to be selected
- explicitely (in future it should be possible to specify a list of fonts
-where it will select the font for the specified character):
-<p> &lt;fo:inline font-family="Symbol">&amp;#x2205;&lt;/fo:inline></p>
-<p> gives EMPTY SET while the same characters in the default font results
- in AE LIGATURE (which happens to occupy the same place in the default
- font as the EMPTY SET in the Symbol font). The "#" shows up if the
- selected font does not define a glyph for the translated index.</p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>PDF encryption, PDF protection (read-only)</question>
- <answer>
- <p>use some other tool to postprocess the PDF (itext, or something?)</p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>Watermarks</question>
- <answer>
- <p> Answer: see 3.3, or use a a region overlapping the flowing text and put
- an image there:
- <p> > From: Trevor_Campbell@kaz.com.au
- Use the region-before. Make it large enough to contain your image and then
- include a block (and if required an absolutely positioned block-container)
- with your image in the static-content for the region-before.
- Could use some code here...
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>PDF prints contorted</question>
- <answer>
- <p>Check paper size in Acrobat settings and "fit to page" (or something)</p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>Controlling Acrobat bookmark display</question>
- <answer>
- <p> Not possible with FOP. Postprocess the PDF.</p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>PDF (more precise: Acrobat Reader) and IEx</question>
- <answer>
- <p>see #later</p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- </part>
- <part>
- <title>IEx specific stuff</title>
- <faq>
- <question>The FOP servlet is called multiple times.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- This is a problem of Internet Explorer requesting the content several
- times. Some suggestions:
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li>
- Use a URL ending in <code>.pdf</code>, like
- <code>http://myserver/servlet/stuff.pdf</code>. Yes, the servlet can
- be configured to handle this. If the URL has to contain parameters,
- try to have both the base URL as well as the last parameter end in
- <code>.pdf</code>, if necessary append a dummy parameter, like
- <code>http://myserver/servlet/stuff.pdf?par1=a&amp;par2=b&amp;d=.pdf</code>. The
- effect may depend on IEx version.
- </li>
- <li>
- Give IEx the opportunity to cache. In particular, ensure the server
- does not set any headers causing IEx not to cache the content. This
- may be a real problem if the document is sent over HTTPS. Consult
- your server manual.
- </li>
- <li>
- Cache in the server. Including a parameter in the URL which has a
- timestamp as the value may help you to decide whether a request is
- repeated. IEx is reported to retrieve a document up to three times,
- but never more often.
- </li>
- </ul>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>How do I print PDF directly from the browser?</question>
+<faqs title="FOP Developer FAQ">
+ <part id="documentation">
+ <title>Documentation</title>
+ <faq id="javadoc_location">
+ <question>How do I get the javadocs for FOP?</question>
- <p>
- It depends whether you mean "printing to a printer under control of the
- server" or "printing on the client's printer".
- </p>
- <p>
- For the first problem, look at the print servlet in the FOP
- examples. You'll have to gather any printer settings in an HTML form
- and send it to the server.
- </p>
- <p>
- For the second task, you can use some client side script to start
- Acrobat Reader in print mode, or use a Java applet based on the FOP
- print servlet. This depends heavily on the client installation and
- should not relied on except in tightly controlled environments.
- </p>
- <p>
- See also http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=fop-dev&amp;m=101065988325115&amp;w=2
- </p>
+ <p>Currently, the only way to get FOP javadocs is to <link href="download.html">
+ Download the source code</link> and then <link href="compiling.html">Build
+ FOP</link> using the ant build task "javadocs".</p>
- <title>More general questions regarding XSLT and XSLFO and basic XML</title>
+ <title>Further Help</title>
- <question>(FO) How do I vertically center an image or a table (or
- whatever)?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Use display-align="center". FOP implements this for block containers
- and table cell. A small self-contained document centering an image on
- a page:
- </p>
- <source><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format"
- xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
- <fo:layout-master-set>
- <fo:simple-page-master master-name="content"
- page-width="210mm" page-height="297mm">
- <fo:region-body/>
- </fo:simple-page-master>
- </fo:layout-master-set>
- <fo:page-sequence master-reference="content">
- <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
- <fo:table table-layout="fixed" width="100%">
- <fo:table-column column-width="proportional-column-width(1)"/>
- <fo:table-body>
- <fo:table-row height="297mm">
- <fo:table-cell display-align="center">
- <fo:block text-align="center">
- <fo:external-graphic src="fop.jpg"/>
- </fo:block>
- </fo:table-cell>
- </fo:table-row>
- </fo:table-body>
- </fo:table>
- </fo:flow>
- </fo:page-sequence>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>(FO) How to get page numbers printed on the "outer side" of the
- page (for books, obviously)?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- That's about different static content on <jump
- href="#oddeven">odd/even pages</jump>.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>(FO) How do I get a special header on the first page?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- You can insert it into the flow instead of the static content.
- Alternatively, use a page master referring to different page masters
- for the first page and the rest. It is quite similar to the odd/even
- page mechanism. A code sample:
- </p>
- <source><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format">
- <fo:layout-master-set>
- <fo:simple-page-master master-name="first"
- page-height="297mm" page-width="210mm"
- margin-top="20mm" margin-bottom="20mm"
- margin-left="25mm" margin-right="25mm">
- <fo:region-body margin-bottom="20mm"/>
- <fo:region-after region-name="footer-first" extent="20mm"/>
- </fo:simple-page-master>
- <fo:simple-page-master master-name="rest"
- page-height="297mm" page-width="210mm"
- margin-top="20mm" margin-bottom="20mm"
- margin-left="25mm" margin-right="25mm">
- <fo:region-body margin-bottom="20mm"/>
- <fo:region-after region-name="footer-rest" extent="20mm"/>
- </fo:simple-page-master>
- <fo:page-sequence-master master-name="document">
- <fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives>
- <fo:conditional-page-master-reference page-position="first"
- master-reference="first"/>
- <fo:conditional-page-master-reference page-position="rest"
- master-reference="rest"/>
- </fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives>
- </fo:page-sequence-master>
- </fo:layout-master-set>
- <fo:page-sequence master-reference="document">
- <fo:static-content flow-name="footer-first">
- <fo:block text-align="center">First page.</fo:block>
- </fo:static-content>
- <fo:static-content flow-name="footer-rest">
- <fo:block text-align-last="center">Other page.</fo:block>
- </fo:static-content>
- <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
- <fo:block/>
- <fo:block break-before="page"/>
- <fo:block break-before="page"/>
- </fo:flow>
- </fo:page-sequence>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq id="oddeven">
- <question>(FO) Different static content for odd/even pages</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- There are examples in the FO distribution and in the XSL FAQ FO
- section http://www.dpawson.co.uk/xsl/sect3/index.html
- </p>
- <p>
- Define a page master with alternating pages masters for odd and even
- pages, specify appropriate regions in these page masters, and be sure
- to give them different names. You use these names to put different
- static content in these regions. A self contained document
- demonstrating this:
- </p>
- <source><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format">
- <fo:layout-master-set>
- <fo:simple-page-master master-name="even"
- page-height="297mm" page-width="210mm"
- margin-top="20mm" margin-bottom="20mm"
- margin-left="25mm" margin-right="25mm">
- <fo:region-body margin-bottom="20mm"/>
- <fo:region-after region-name="footer-even" extent="20mm"/>
- </fo:simple-page-master>
- <fo:simple-page-master master-name="odd"
- page-height="297mm" page-width="210mm"
- margin-top="20mm" margin-bottom="20mm"
- margin-left="25mm" margin-right="25mm">
- <fo:region-body margin-bottom="20mm"/>
- <fo:region-after region-name="footer-odd" extent="20mm"/>
- </fo:simple-page-master>
- <fo:page-sequence-master master-name="document">
- <fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives>
- <fo:conditional-page-master-reference odd-or-even="even"
- master-reference="even"/>
- <fo:conditional-page-master-reference odd-or-even="odd"
- master-reference="odd"/>
- </fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives>
- </fo:page-sequence-master>
- </fo:layout-master-set>
- <fo:page-sequence master-reference="document">
- <fo:static-content flow-name="footer-even">
- <fo:block text-align="start"><fo:page-number/></fo:block>
- </fo:static-content>
- <fo:static-content flow-name="footer-odd">
- <fo:block text-align-last="end"><fo:page-number/></fo:block>
- </fo:static-content>
- <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
- <fo:block/>
- <fo:block break-before="page"/>
- </fo:flow>
- </fo:page-sequence>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>(FO) How do I omit my headers on a blank page? How do I write
- "This page is left blank" on an intentionally blank page?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- A blank page can be forced by a <code>break-before="page-even"</code>
- or similar properties, or by a force-page-count="end-on-odd" on a page
- sequence, which ensures a new chapter or something starts on the
- preferred page.
- </p>
- <p>
- You can define a conditional page master with a page master specific
- for blank pages. This allows you to specify static content for blank
- pages (by definition, a page is blank if no content from a flow is
- rendered on the page). You can omit your normal headers and footers,
- and use for example an extended header to print the "..left blank"
- statement.
- </p>
- <source><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format">
- <fo:layout-master-set>
- <fo:simple-page-master master-name="normal"
- page-height="297mm" page-width="210mm"
- margin-top="20mm" margin-bottom="20mm"
- margin-left="25mm" margin-right="25mm">
- <fo:region-body margin-bottom="20mm"/>
- <fo:region-after region-name="footer-normal" extent="20mm"/>
- </fo:simple-page-master>
- <fo:simple-page-master master-name="blank"
- page-height="297mm" page-width="210mm"
- margin-top="20mm" margin-bottom="20mm"
- margin-left="25mm" margin-right="25mm">
- <fo:region-body/>
- <fo:region-before region-name="header-blank" extent="297mm"/>
- </fo:simple-page-master>
- <fo:page-sequence-master master-name="document">
- <fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives>
- <fo:conditional-page-master-reference blank-or-not-blank="not-blank"
- master-reference="normal"/>
- <fo:conditional-page-master-reference blank-or-not-blank="blank"
- master-reference="blank"/>
- </fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives>
- </fo:page-sequence-master>
- </fo:layout-master-set>
- <fo:page-sequence master-reference="document" force-page-count="end-on-even">
- <fo:static-content flow-name="footer-normal">
- <fo:block text-align="center">Normal footer</fo:block>
- </fo:static-content>
- <fo:static-content flow-name="header-blank">
- <fo:block space-before="100mm" text-align-last="center">
- Intentionally left blank.</fo:block>
- </fo:static-content>
- <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
- <fo:block/>
- </fo:flow>
- </fo:page-sequence>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>(FO) How to get Euro sign/checkbox/some other stuff</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Try to look it up in the Unicode reference at the <link
- href="http://www.unicode.org">Unicode Consortium</link>, in
- particular search the <link
- href="http://www.unicode.org/charts/charindex.html">reference by
- name</link>. Use <link
- href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006#sec-references">XML
- character references</link> to put the character into your source
- XML, XSLT or FO.
- </p>
- <p>
- Watch out for font traps, see #, change font temporarily using
- fo:inline if necessary.
- </p>
- <p>
- Alternative: Use an embedded graphic: GIF, PNG, SVG, whatever.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>(FO) How do I keep linebreaks/hard spaces? How do I get
- preformatted text displayed as expected.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- The specification provides some properties for this: <link
- href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/slice7.html#white-space-collapse">white
- space collapsing</link> and <link
- href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/slice7.html#linefeed-treatment">line
- feed treatment</link>. In FOP, use white-space-collapse="false" on an
- enclosing block. This will also preserve line breaks (which is
- actually a bug, expect this to be changed).
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>(FO) How do I print the total number of pages, like in "page 1
- of 12"</question>
- <answer>
- <anchor id="pagenum"/>
- <p>
- </p>
- <p>
- Put an empty block with an id at the end of the flow:
- </p>
- <source><![CDATA[<fo:flow ...>
- ...
- <fo:block id="last-page"/>
- </fo:flow>]]></source>
- <p>
- Get the number of the last page as follows:
- </p>
- <source><![CDATA[ <fo:page-nuber-citation ref-id="last-page"/>]]></source>
- <p>
- This does not work for all problems, for example if you have multiple
- page sequences, an initial page number different from 1, or if you
- force a certain page count, thereby producing blank pages at the end.
- </p>
- <p>
- There is no reliable way to get the real total page count with FO
- mechanisms, you can only get <em>page numbers</em>.
- </p>
- <p>
- The FOP library provides a method to get the total page count after a
- FO document has been rendered. You can implement your own wrapper to
- do a dummy rendering, inquire the total page count and the perform the
- real rendering, passing the total page count to the XSLT processor to
- splice it into the generated FO. A sample code:
- </p>
- <source><![CDATA[import org.apache.fop.apps.*;
-import org.xml.sax.*;
-import java.io.*;
-import javax.xml.transform.*;
-import javax.xml.transform.sax.*;
-import javax.xml.transform.stream.*;
-class rendtest {
- public static void main(String args[]) {
- try {
- Driver driver=new Driver();
- driver.setOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(args[2]));
- driver.setRenderer(Driver.RENDER_PDF);
- Transformer transformer=TransformerFactory.newInstance()
- .newTransformer(new StreamSource(new File(args[1])));
- transformer.setParameter("page-count","#");
- transformer.transform(new StreamSource(new File(args[0])),
- new SAXResult(driver.getContentHandler()));
- String pageCount=Integer.toString(driver.getResults().getPageCount());
- driver=new Driver();
- driver.setOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(args[2]));
- driver.setRenderer(Driver.RENDER_PDF);
- transformer=TransformerFactory.newInstance()
- .newTransformer(new StreamSource(new File(args[1])));
- transformer.setParameter("page-count",pageCount);
- transformer.transform(new StreamSource(new File(args[0])),
- new SAXResult(driver.getContentHandler()));
- }
- catch( Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- <p>
- Declare and use the parameter "page-count" in your XSLT. Be aware you
- may run into convergence problems: replacing the "#" placeholder from
- the first run by the actual page count may change it.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>(FO) The header overlaps body content. The body extends into
- footer.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Contrary to popular opinion, the regions on a page may overlap.
- Defining a certain body region does not automatically constrain other
- regions, this has to be done explicitely.
- </p>
- <p>
- If you have a header region with an extent of 20mm, you should define
- a margin for the body region of at least 20mm too, otherwise the
- header content may overwrite some stuff in the body region. This
- applies similarly to the extent of the after region and the bottom
- margin of the body region.
- </p>
- <p>
- The overlap effect can be used creatively for some purposes.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>(FO) How do I get lines in the document, as separators, side
- bars or folding marks?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Several possibilities:
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li>
- Use fo:leader (look up the details in the <link
- href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/slice6.html#fo_leader">XSLFO
- specification</link>, or use a book). For horizontal lines only.
- </li>
- <li>
- Use a solid border on a suitable fo:block. Horizontal and vertical
- lines only.
- </li>
- <li>
- Insert a graphic. GIF, PNG SVG, whatever.
- </li>
- </ul>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>(XML) Complaints about &amp;nbsp;. How do I get a non-breaking
- space in FO?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Use &amp;#160; everywhere. In your own XML, you could also use a DTD
- which declares the entity.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>(XML) There are complaints about undefined entities, for example
- complaints about &amp;uuml; which used to work in HTML. How do I enter
- special characters like in HTML?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Don't use names as in HTML, use numbers (unless you have a DTD which
- declares the entities). For predefined HTML entities and their Unicode
- codepoints see <link
- href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/sgml/entities.html">Character entity
- references in HTML 4</link>
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>(XML) There are complaints about illegal characters and entities
- in the input.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Make sure ampersands in text and attributes are written as &amp;amp;,
- "&lt;" is written as &amp;lt; and ">" as &amp;gt;. It's not necessary
- everywhere but do it just to be sure.
- </p>
- <p>
- The XML parser should give the proper line and possibly column for
- offending characters.
- </p>
- <p>
- Refer to the <link href="../resources.html">XML specification</link> or to a good tutorial for
- details of the XML file format.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq>
- <question>(XML) There are complaints about illegal bytes or characters in
- the input. There are odd characters in the result.</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- Usually, this is a character encoding problem. See <link
- href="http://www.dpawson.co.uk/xsl">XSL FAQ</link>. Many software
- packages producing XML, in particular most XSLT processors, produce by
- default UTF-8 encoded files. If you view them with something not aware
- of the encoding, like Notepad for Win95/98/ME/NT, funny characters are
- displayed. A &Aring; is a giveaway.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- </part>
- <part>
- <title>General suggestions. How to solve problems</title>
- <faq>
- <question>Where to post bugs</question>
- <answer>
- <p>
- See docs. See also <jump href="#postquestions">"where to post
- questions"</jump>.
- </p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- <faq id="postquestions">
- <question>Where to post questions.</question>
+ <question>I don't see my question addressed here. Are there other FAQs?</question>
- <p>
- Decide where to post:
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li>
- You get exceptions. First, check the FAQ whether the exception is
- mentioned. ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException and
- NoSuchFieldException problems are almost always a problem with the
- local environment. Check <link
- href="http://nagoya.apache.org">bugzilla</link>. If still not found,
- post to fop-dev.
- </li>
- <li>
- Something doesn't work with FOP but works with another formatter
- (AntennaHouse, PassiveTex). Check whether this is already mentioned
- in the release notes, the FOP limitations document or the FAQ. Post
- to fop-dev or open a bug on <link
- href="http://nagoya.apache.org">bugzilla</link>.
- </li>
- <li>
- Question about how to use FOP, how to perform certain tasks with FOP
- or how to integrate FOP into another application should be posted to
- fop-user.
- </li>
- <li>
- XSLT specific stuff sould go to the <link
- href="http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list/">XSL
- list</link>. This includes problems with the language and XSLT
- How-Tos.
- </li>
- <li>
- Problems specific to a certain XSLT processor, like Xalan, Saxon or
- MSXML, should be handled by processor specific lists. This includes
- problems with deployment, processor specific extensions, suspected
- bugs and processor specific APIs.
- </li>
- <li>
- Problems with servlet containers should be asked on the vendor
- specific lists for these software packets.
- </li>
- <li>
- More general questions regarding Java, including deployment, Java
- APIs, classpath issues and property definitions should be redirected
- to some Java specific list.
- </li>
- </ul>
+ <p>Yes. See also the <link href="../faq.html">FOP General FAQs</link>.</p>
diff --git a/src/documentation/content/xdocs/faq.xml b/src/documentation/content/xdocs/faq.xml
index 3bf567e7d..9fd96ee01 100644
--- a/src/documentation/content/xdocs/faq.xml
+++ b/src/documentation/content/xdocs/faq.xml
@@ -1647,17 +1647,6 @@ class rendtest {
- <part id="part_developer">
- <title>General Developer Questions</title>
- <faq id="javadoc_location">
- <question>How do I get the javadocs for FOP?</question>
- <answer>
- <p>Currently, the only way to get FOP javadocs is to <link href="download.html">
- Download the source code</link> and then <link href="compiling.html">Build
- FOP</link> using the ant build task "javadocs".</p>
- </answer>
- </faq>
- </part>
<part id="part_help">
<title>General suggestions. How to solve problems.</title>
<faq id="bugs">
@@ -1674,6 +1663,7 @@ class rendtest {
should I post them?</question>
+ <li>If your question is a development-related question, please see the <link href="dev/faq.html">Developer FAQs</link>.</li>
If you have a runtime exception or other runtime problem: