path: root/src/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr/TextBPLayoutManager.java
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authorKaren Lease <klease@apache.org>2002-04-28 21:31:00 +0000
committerKaren Lease <klease@apache.org>2002-04-28 21:31:00 +0000
commite7182108a113301eec9213b41ead70994d2c6a75 (patch)
tree003518dc73a1a5c77441b90c64c4ef89774bf0ac /src/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr/TextBPLayoutManager.java
parent0b8f96f941357fb49da8eca12e60164b77e4db47 (diff)
New files for the BreakPoss(ibility) Layout Manager scheme
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xmlgraphics/fop/trunk@194759 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'src/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr/TextBPLayoutManager.java')
1 files changed, 412 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr/TextBPLayoutManager.java b/src/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr/TextBPLayoutManager.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c99cbc3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr/TextBPLayoutManager.java
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+ * $Id$
+ * Copyright (C) 2001 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ * For details on use and redistribution please refer to the
+ * LICENSE file included with these sources.
+ */
+package org.apache.fop.layoutmgr;
+import org.apache.fop.fo.FObj;
+import org.apache.fop.fo.TextInfo;
+import org.apache.fop.traits.SpaceVal;
+import org.apache.fop.area.Area;
+import org.apache.fop.area.LineArea;
+import org.apache.fop.area.MinOptMax;
+import org.apache.fop.area.Trait;
+import org.apache.fop.area.inline.InlineArea;
+import org.apache.fop.area.inline.Word;
+import org.apache.fop.area.inline.Space;
+import org.apache.fop.util.CharUtilities;
+import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.VerticalAlign;
+//import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.*;
+import java.util.Vector; // or use ArrayList ???
+ * LayoutManager for text (a sequence of characters) which generates one
+ * or more inline areas.
+ */
+public class TextBPLayoutManager extends AbstractBPLayoutManager {
+ /**
+ * Private class to store information about the break index.
+ * the field stores the index in the vector of AreaInfo which
+ * corresponds to this break position.
+ * Note: fields are directly readable in this class
+ */
+ private static class TextBreakPosition implements BreakPoss.Position {
+ short m_iAreaIndex;
+ TextBreakPosition(int iAreaIndex) {
+ m_iAreaIndex = (short)iAreaIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Store information about each potential word area.
+ * Index of character which ends the area, IPD of area, including
+ * any word-space and letter-space.
+ * Number of word-spaces?
+ */
+ private class AreaInfo {
+ short m_iStartIndex;
+ short m_iBreakIndex;
+ MinOptMax m_ipdArea;
+ AreaInfo(short iStartIndex, short iBreakIndex, MinOptMax ipdArea) {
+ m_iStartIndex = iStartIndex;
+ m_iBreakIndex = iBreakIndex;
+ m_ipdArea = ipdArea;
+ }
+ }
+ // Hold all possible breaks for the text in this LM's FO.
+ private Vector m_vecAreaInfo;
+ /** Non-space characters on which we can end a line. */
+ static private final String s_breakChars = "-/" ;
+ private char[] chars;
+ private TextInfo textInfo;
+ private static final char NEWLINE = '\n';
+ private static final char RETURN = '\r';
+ private static final char TAB = '\t';
+ private static final char SPACE = ' ';
+ private static final char LINEBREAK = '\u2028';
+ private static final char ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE = '\u200B';
+ // byte order mark
+ private static final char ZERO_WIDTH_NOBREAK_SPACE = '\uFEFF';
+ /* values that prev (below) may take */
+ protected static final int NOTHING = 0;
+ protected static final int WHITESPACE = 1;
+ protected static final int TEXT = 2;
+ /** Start index of first character in this parent Area */
+ private short m_iAreaStart = 0;
+ /** Start index of next "word" */
+ private short m_iNextStart = 0;
+ /** Size since last makeArea call, except for last break */
+ private MinOptMax m_ipdTotal ;
+ /** Size including last break possibility returned */
+ // private MinOptMax m_nextIPD= new MinOptMax(0);
+ /** size of a space character (U+0020) glyph in current font */
+ private int m_spaceIPD;
+ /** 1/2 of word-spacing value */
+ private SpaceVal m_halfWS;
+ /** Number of space characters after previous possible break position. */
+ private int m_iNbSpacesPending;
+ public TextBPLayoutManager(FObj fobj, char[] chars,
+ TextInfo textInfo) {
+ super(fobj);
+ this.chars = chars;
+ this.textInfo = textInfo;
+ this.m_vecAreaInfo = new Vector(chars.length/5); // Guess
+ // With CID fonts, space isn't neccesary currentFontState.width(32)
+ m_spaceIPD = CharUtilities.getCharWidth(' ', textInfo.fs);
+ // Make half-space: <space> on either side of a word-space)
+ SpaceVal ws = textInfo.wordSpacing;
+ m_halfWS = new SpaceVal(MinOptMax.multiply(ws.space, 0.5),
+ ws.bConditional, ws.bForcing,
+ ws.iPrecedence);
+ }
+ public boolean generatesInlineAreas() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* METHODS FROM LeafNodeLayoutManager,
+ * used in Keiron's implemenation, but not here (yet at least).
+ */
+ public int size() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ public InlineArea get(int index) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate inline areas for words in text.
+ */
+ public boolean generateAreas() {
+ // Handle white-space characteristics. Maybe there is no area to
+ // generate....
+ // Iterate over characters and make text areas.
+ // Add each one to parent. Handle word-space.
+ return false;
+ }
+ // NOTE: currently not used. Remove if decide it isn't necessary!
+// /**
+// * Get the BreakPoss at the start of the next line.
+// * @param bpPrevEnd The BreakPoss at the end of the previous line
+// * or null if we should return the point at the beginning of this
+// * text run.
+// */
+// public BreakPoss getStartBreakPoss(LayoutContext lc,
+// BreakPoss.Position bpPrevEnd) {
+// BreakPoss bp = null;
+// if (bpPrevEnd == null) {
+// bp = new BreakPoss(this, new TextBreakPosition(0));
+// // Set minimum bpd (character ascent and descent)
+// // Or do this at the line level???
+// }
+// else {
+// // Skip suppressible white-space
+// // ASSERT (((TextBreakPosition)bpPrevEnd).m_iAreaIndex =
+// // m_iNextStart)
+// if ((lc.flags & LayoutContext.SUPPRESS_LEADING_SPACE)!=0) {
+// /* Skip any leading word-space characters. */
+// for (; m_iNextStart < chars.length &&
+// chars[m_iNextStart]==SPACE; m_iNextStart++);
+// }
+// // If now at end, nothing to compose here!
+// if (m_iNextStart >= chars.length) {
+// return null; // Or an "empty" BreakPoss?
+// }
+// else {
+// bp = new BreakPoss(this,
+// new TextBreakPosition(m_iNextStart));
+// }
+// }
+// return bp;
+// }
+ /**
+ * Return value indicating whether the next area to be generated could
+ * start a new line. This should only be called in the "START" condition
+ * if a previous inline BP couldn't end the line.
+ * Return true if the first character is a potential linebreak character.
+ */
+ public boolean canBreakBefore(LayoutContext context) {
+ char c = chars[m_iNextStart];
+ return ((c == NEWLINE) ||
+ ((context.flags & LayoutContext.LINEBREAK_AT_LF_ONLY)==0 &&
+ (CharUtilities.isSpace(c) || s_breakChars.indexOf(c)>=0)));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the next break possibility that fits the constraints.
+ * @param context An object specifying the flags and input information
+ * concerning the context of the BreakPoss.
+ * @para prevPos An object specifying the previous Position returned
+ * by a BreakPoss from this LM. It may be earlier than the current
+ * pointer when doing hyphenation or starting a new line.
+ * @return BreakPoss An object containing information about the next
+ * legal break position or the end of the text run if no break
+ * was found.
+ * <p>Assumptions: white-space-treatment and
+ * linefeed-treatment processing
+ * are already done, so there are no TAB or RETURN characters remaining.
+ * white-space-collapse handling is also done
+ * (but perhaps this shouldn't be true!)
+ * There may be LINEFEED characters if they weren't converted
+ * into spaces. A LINEFEED always forces a break.
+ */
+ public BreakPoss getNextBreakPoss(LayoutContext context,
+ BreakPoss.Position prevPos) {
+ /* On first call in a new Line, the START_AREA
+ * flag in LC is set.
+ */
+ int iFlags = 0;
+ if ((context.flags & LayoutContext.START_AREA)!=0) {
+ /* This could be first call on this LM, or the first call
+ * in a new (possible) LineArea.
+ */
+ m_ipdTotal = new MinOptMax(0);
+ iFlags |= BreakPoss.ISFIRST;
+ }
+ if (prevPos != null) {
+ TextBreakPosition tbp = (TextBreakPosition)prevPos;
+ AreaInfo ai =
+ (AreaInfo) m_vecAreaInfo.elementAt(tbp.m_iAreaIndex);
+ if (ai.m_iBreakIndex != m_iNextStart) {
+ m_iNextStart = ai.m_iBreakIndex;
+ m_vecAreaInfo.setSize(tbp.m_iAreaIndex+1);
+ System.err.println("Discarded previous text break pos");
+ }
+ }
+ if ((context.flags & LayoutContext.SUPPRESS_LEADING_SPACE)!=0) {
+ /* If any leading space characters, ignore them. */
+ // NOTE: Skips word-space chars only, not other white-space!
+ for (; m_iNextStart < chars.length &&
+ chars[m_iNextStart]==SPACE; m_iNextStart++);
+ // If now at end, nothing to compose here!
+ if (m_iNextStart >= chars.length) {
+ return null; // Or an "empty" BreakPoss?
+ }
+ }
+ // Start of this "word", plus any non-suppressed leading space
+ // This is any kind of white-space, not just word spaces
+ short iThisStart = m_iNextStart;
+ MinOptMax spaceIPD = new MinOptMax(0); // Variable IPD
+ int wordIPD = 0; // Non-stretching IPD (length in base units)
+ // Handle inter-character spacing (word-space + letter-space)
+ // What about context.getPendingSpace() on first char in word?
+ SpaceSpecifier pendingSpace = new SpaceSpecifier(false);
+ for (; m_iNextStart < chars.length; m_iNextStart++) {
+ char c = chars[m_iNextStart];
+ if (CharUtilities.isAnySpace(c)==false) break;
+ if (c==SPACE) {
+ pendingSpace.addSpace(m_halfWS);
+ spaceIPD.add(pendingSpace.resolve(false));
+ wordIPD += m_spaceIPD; // Space glyph IPD
+ pendingSpace.clear();
+ pendingSpace.addSpace(m_halfWS);
+ }
+ else {
+ // If we have letter-space, so we apply this to fixed-
+ // width spaces (which are not word-space) also?
+ spaceIPD.add(pendingSpace.resolve(false));
+ pendingSpace.clear();
+ wordIPD += CharUtilities.getCharWidth(c, textInfo.fs);
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_iNextStart < chars.length) {
+ spaceIPD.add(pendingSpace.resolve(false));
+ }
+ else {
+ // This FO ended with spaces. Return the BP
+ iFlags |= BreakPoss.ALL_ARE_SUPPRESS_AT_LB;
+ // lc.trailingSpaceSeq.addSpace(m_halfWS);
+ // Need to make SpaceSpecifier from m_halfWS!
+ // Or at least a spaceval
+ return makeBreakPoss(iThisStart, spaceIPD, 0, pendingSpace,
+ iFlags);
+ }
+ // Look for a legal line-break: breakable white-space and certain
+ // characters such as '-' which can serve as word breaks.
+ // Don't look for hyphenation points here though
+ for (; m_iNextStart < chars.length; m_iNextStart++) {
+ char c = chars[m_iNextStart];
+ if ((c == NEWLINE) ||
+ // Include any breakable white-space as break char
+ // even if fixed width
+ (textInfo.bWrap &&
+ (CharUtilities.isSpace(c) ||
+ s_breakChars.indexOf(c)>=0))) {
+ iFlags |= BreakPoss.CAN_BREAK_AFTER;
+ if (c != SPACE) {
+ m_iNextStart++;
+ if (c != NEWLINE) {
+ wordIPD += CharUtilities.getCharWidth(c, textInfo.fs);
+ }
+ else {
+ iFlags |= BreakPoss.FORCE;
+ }
+ }
+ return makeBreakPoss(iThisStart, spaceIPD, wordIPD, null,
+ iFlags);
+ }
+ wordIPD += CharUtilities.getCharWidth(c, textInfo.fs);
+ // Note, if a normal non-breaking space, is it stretchable???
+ // If so, keep a count of these embedded spaces.
+ }
+ return makeBreakPoss(iThisStart, spaceIPD, wordIPD, null, iFlags);
+ }
+ private BreakPoss makeBreakPoss(short iWordStart, MinOptMax spaceIPD,
+ int wordDim,
+ SpaceSpecifier trailingSpace,
+ int flags)
+ {
+ MinOptMax ipd = new MinOptMax(wordDim);
+ ipd.add(spaceIPD);
+ // Position is the index of the info for this word in the vector
+ m_vecAreaInfo.add(new AreaInfo(iWordStart, m_iNextStart, ipd));
+ BreakPoss bp =
+ new BreakPoss(this,
+ new TextBreakPosition(m_vecAreaInfo.size()-1));
+ ipd.add(m_ipdTotal); // sum of all words so far in line
+ bp.setStackingSize(ipd);
+ m_ipdTotal = ipd;
+ // TODO: make this correct (see Keiron's code below!)
+ bp.setNonStackingSize(new MinOptMax(textInfo.lineHeight));
+ /* Set max ascender and descender (offset from baseline),
+ * used for calculating the bpd of the line area containing
+ * this text.
+ */
+ //bp.setDescender(textInfo.fs.getDescender());
+ //bp.setAscender(textInfo.fs.getAscender());
+ if (m_iNextStart == chars.length) {
+ flags |= BreakPoss.ISLAST;
+ setFinished(true);
+ }
+ bp.setFlag(flags);
+ if (trailingSpace != null) {
+ bp.setTrailingSpace(trailingSpace);
+ }
+ return bp;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add an area for each word and space (or one big one????)
+ */
+ public void addAreas(PositionIterator posIter) {
+ // Add word areas
+ TextBreakPosition tbpStart, tbpNext;
+ while (posIter.hasNext()) {
+ tbpNext = (TextBreakPosition)posIter.next();
+ // System.err.println("tbp.pos = " + tbpNext.m_iAreaIndex);
+ AreaInfo ai = (AreaInfo)m_vecAreaInfo.
+ elementAt(tbpNext.m_iAreaIndex);
+ // Make an area containing all characters between start and end.
+ Word word = createWord(new String(chars, ai.m_iStartIndex,
+ ai.m_iBreakIndex- ai.m_iStartIndex),
+ ai.m_ipdArea.opt);
+ parentLM.addChild(word);
+ }
+ }
+ protected Word createWord(String str, int width) {
+ Word curWordArea = new Word();
+ curWordArea.setWidth(width);
+ curWordArea.setHeight(textInfo.fs.getAscender() - textInfo.fs.getDescender());
+ curWordArea.setOffset(textInfo.fs.getAscender());
+ curWordArea.info = new LayoutInfo();
+ curWordArea.info.lead = textInfo.fs.getAscender();
+ curWordArea.info.alignment = VerticalAlign.BASELINE;
+ curWordArea.info.blOffset = true;
+ curWordArea.setWord(str);
+ Trait prop = new Trait();
+ prop.propType = Trait.FONT_STATE;
+ prop.data = textInfo.fs;
+ curWordArea.addTrait(prop);
+ return curWordArea;
+ }