path: root/src
diff options
authorKaren Lease <klease@apache.org>2000-12-16 21:57:06 +0000
committerKaren Lease <klease@apache.org>2000-12-16 21:57:06 +0000
commit40959556d3eaa2bac9d3943ccf8e904b3a8a9ba5 (patch)
treea20dd0d8bd5cf5a8367fb73a5e6cc201d75d1fd1 /src
parent0368d11ef81d15428c1943b3d9d73b2598286d4b (diff)
Improve handling of compound properties
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xmlgraphics/fop/trunk@193880 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 328 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/src/codegen/foproperties.xml b/src/codegen/foproperties.xml
index 6e6f47650..e4c5bdccb 100644
--- a/src/codegen/foproperties.xml
+++ b/src/codegen/foproperties.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- <datatype-conversion type="String" varname="strval">
+ <datatype-conversion from-type="String" varname="strval">
new ColorType(strval)</datatype-conversion>
<property type="generic">
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<keyword-equiv match="auto" eval="true">0</keyword-equiv>
<keyword-equiv match="always" eval="true">-1</keyword-equiv>
-<!-- <compound>
+<!-- <compound>
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
- <subproperty>
+ <subproperty set-by-shorthand="true">
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
- <default>0pt</default>
+ <default subproperty="length">0pt</default>
<property type="generic">
@@ -67,18 +67,36 @@
-<!-- Before and After border width props -->
+<!-- Before, After, Start, End border width props -->
+<!-- CondLength, but adds keyword values both to the "shorthand" setting
+ and to the length component. So we redefine the components here,
+ rather than doing a "use-generic" on GenericCondLength.
<property type="generic">
- <use-generic>GenericCondLength</use-generic>
<keyword-equiv match="thin" eval="true">0.5pt</keyword-equiv>
<keyword-equiv match="medium" eval="true">1pt</keyword-equiv>
<keyword-equiv match="thick" eval="true">2pt</keyword-equiv>
- <default>0pt</default>
+ <datatype>CondLength</datatype>
+ <compound>
+ <subproperty set-by-shorthand="true">
+ <name>length</name>
+ <datatype>Length</datatype>
+ <keyword-equiv match="thin" eval="true">0.5pt</keyword-equiv>
+ <keyword-equiv match="medium" eval="true">1pt</keyword-equiv>
+ <keyword-equiv match="thick" eval="true">2pt</keyword-equiv>
+ <default>medium</default>
+ </subproperty>
+ <subproperty>
+ <name>conditionality</name>
+ <datatype>String</datatype> <!-- NCName or Enum ??? -->
+ </subproperty>
+ </compound>
-<!-- Start and End border width, all "absolute" borderwidth props -->
+<!-- Left, Right, Top, Bottom borderwidth props -->
<property type="generic">
@@ -127,27 +145,31 @@
- <default>0pt</default>
- <subproperty>
+ <subproperty set-by-shorthand="true">
+ <default>0pt</default>
- <subproperty>
+ <subproperty set-by-shorthand="true">
+ <default>0pt</default>
- <subproperty>
+ <subproperty set-by-shorthand="true">
+ <default>0pt</default>
+ <default>0</default>
<datatype>String</datatype> <!-- NCName or Enum ??? -->
+ <default>discard</default>
@@ -157,7 +179,7 @@
<!-- percent refers to inherited font size -->
- <percent-ok base="INH-FONTSIZE"></percent-ok>
+ <percent-ok base="INH_FONTSIZE"/>
@@ -375,11 +397,11 @@
<default contextdep="true">normal</default>
<keyword-equiv match="normal" eval="true">1.2em</keyword-equiv>
- <datatype-conversion type="Number" varname="numval">
+ <datatype-conversion from-type="Number" varname="numval">
new PercentLength(numval.doubleValue(),
<!-- percent refers to font size -->
- <percent-ok base="FONTSIZE"></percent-ok>
+ <percent-ok base="FONTSIZE"/>
@@ -433,18 +455,22 @@
+ <default subproperty="conditionality">retain</default>
+ <default subproperty="conditionality">retain</default>
- <use-generic>GenericPadding</use-generic>
+ <use-generic>GenericCondPadding</use-generic>
+ <default subproperty="conditionality">discard</default>
- <use-generic>GenericPadding</use-generic>
+ <use-generic>GenericCondPadding</use-generic>
+ <default subproperty="conditionality">discard</default>
@@ -487,6 +513,7 @@
+ <default subproperty="conditionality">retain</default>
@@ -501,6 +528,7 @@
+ <default subproperty="conditionality">retain</default>
@@ -514,7 +542,8 @@
- <use-generic>GenericBorderWidth</use-generic>
+ <use-generic>GenericCondBorderWidth</use-generic>
+ <default subproperty="conditionality">discard</default>
@@ -528,7 +557,8 @@
- <use-generic>GenericBorderWidth</use-generic>
+ <use-generic>GenericCondBorderWidth</use-generic>
+ <default subproperty="conditionality">discard</default>
@@ -671,7 +701,7 @@
- <percent-ok base="CONTAINING-BOX"></percent-ok>
+ <percent-ok base="CONTAINING_BOX"/>
@@ -769,27 +799,29 @@
- <class-name>LeaderLength</class-name>
- <default>12.0pt</default>
+ <percent-ok base="CONTAINING_BOX"/>
- <subproperty>
+ <subproperty set-by-shorthand="true">
+ <default>0pt</default>
+ <percent-ok base="CONTAINING_BOX"/>
- <subproperty>
+ <subproperty set-by-shorthand="true">
+ <default>12.0pt</default>
+ <percent-ok base="CONTAINING_BOX"/>
- <subproperty>
+ <subproperty set-by-shorthand="true">
+ <default contextdep="true">100%</default>
+ <percent-ok base="CONTAINING_BOX"/>
-<!-- <percent-ok base="CONTAINING-BOX"></percent-ok>
- <datatype-conversion type="Length" varname="lenval">
- new LengthRange(lenval)</datatype-conversion> -->
@@ -799,7 +831,8 @@
<default contextdep="true">use-font-metrics</default>
<keyword-equiv match="use-font-metrics" eval="true">0pt</keyword-equiv>
- <percent-ok base="CONTAINING-BOX"/>
+ <percent-ok base="CONTAINING_BOX"/>
@@ -892,7 +925,6 @@
@@ -901,7 +933,6 @@
diff --git a/src/codegen/properties.xsl b/src/codegen/properties.xsl
index 5f0d252ee..95f768a60 100644
--- a/src/codegen/properties.xsl
+++ b/src/codegen/properties.xsl
@@ -8,6 +8,124 @@
<xsl:output method="text" />
+<!-- Content of element is code to calculate the base length -->
+<xsl:template match="percent-ok">
+ /** Return object used to calculate base Length
+ * for percent specifications.
+ */
+ public PercentBase getPercentBase(final FObj fo, final PropertyList propertyList) {
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="@base">
+ return new LengthBase(fo, propertyList, LengthBase.<xsl:value-of select="@base"/>);
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ return (new LengthBase(fo, propertyList, LengthBase.CUSTOM_BASE ) {
+ public int getBaseLength() {
+ return (<xsl:value-of select="."/>);
+ }
+ });
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ }
+<!-- Look for "auto" length keyword -->
+<xsl:template match="auto-ok">
+ protected boolean isAutoLengthAllowed() {
+ return true;
+ }
+<!-- Look for keyword equivalents. Value is the new expression -->
+<xsl:template match="keyword-equiv[1]">
+ protected String checkValueKeywords(String value) {
+ <xsl:for-each select="../keyword-equiv">
+ if (value.equals("<xsl:value-of select="@match"/>")) {
+ return new String("<xsl:value-of select="."/>");
+ }
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ return super.checkValueKeywords(value);
+ }
+<xsl:template match="keyword-equiv[position()>1]"/>
+<!-- Generate code to convert from other datatypes to property datatype -->
+<xsl:template match='datatype-conversion[1]'>
+ <xsl:variable name="propclass">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="../compound">
+ <xsl:call-template name="propclass">
+ <xsl:with-param name="prop"
+ select="../compound/subproperty[@set-by-shorthand]"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:when><xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="propclass">
+ <xsl:with-param name="prop" select=".."/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ // See if other value types are acceptable
+ protected Property convertPropertyDatatype(Property p,
+ PropertyList propertyList, FObj fo) {
+ <xsl:for-each select="../datatype-conversion">
+ {
+ <xsl:variable name="dtc">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="@vartype">
+ <xsl:value-of select="@vartype"/>
+ </xsl:when><xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="@from-type"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$dtc"/><xsl:text> </xsl:text> <xsl:value-of select="@varname"/> =
+ p.get<xsl:value-of select="@from-type"/>();
+ if (<xsl:value-of select="@varname"/> != null) {
+ return new <xsl:value-of select="$propclass"/>(
+ <xsl:value-of select='.'/>);
+ }
+ }
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ return super.convertPropertyDatatype(p, propertyList, fo);
+ }
+<xsl:template match="datatype-conversion[position()>1]"/>
+<!-- generate getDefaultForXXX for property components -->
+<xsl:template match="default[@subproperty]" priority="2">
+ <xsl:variable name="spname">
+ <xsl:call-template name="makeClassName">
+ <xsl:with-param name="propstr" select="@subproperty"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ protected String getDefaultFor<xsl:value-of select='$spname'/>() {
+ return "<xsl:value-of select='.'/>";
+ }
+<!-- generate default "make" method for non-compound properties -->
+<xsl:template match="default[not(../compound)]" priority="1">
+ <xsl:if test='not(@contextdep = "true")'>
+ private Property m_defaultProp=null;
+ </xsl:if>
+ public Property make(PropertyList propertyList) throws FOPException {
+ <xsl:choose><xsl:when test='@contextdep="true"'>
+ return make(propertyList, "<xsl:value-of select='.'/>", propertyList.getParentFObj());
+ </xsl:when><xsl:otherwise>
+ if (m_defaultProp == null) {
+ m_defaultProp=make(propertyList, "<xsl:value-of select='.'/>", propertyList.getParentFObj());
+ }
+ return m_defaultProp;
+ </xsl:otherwise></xsl:choose>
+ }
+<xsl:template match="text()"/>
<!-- Ignore properties which reference others. Only for mapping! -->
<xsl:template match="property[@type='ref']"/>
@@ -92,9 +210,31 @@ public class <xsl:value-of select="$classname"/> extends <xsl:value-of select="
<!-- Look for compound properties -->
<xsl:if test="compound">
<xsl:for-each select="compound/subproperty">
- final private static Property.Maker s_<xsl:value-of select="name"/>Maker =
+ <xsl:variable name="spname">
+ <xsl:call-template name="makeClassName">
+ <xsl:with-param name="propstr" select="name"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test='*[local-name(.)!="name" and local-name(.)!="datatype"]'>
+ static private class SP_<xsl:value-of select="$spname"/>Maker
+ extends <xsl:value-of select="datatype"/>Property.Maker {
+ SP_<xsl:value-of select="$spname"/>Maker(String sPropName) {
+ super(sPropName);
+ }
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="percent-ok|auto-ok|keyword-equiv|datatype-conversion"/>
+ }
+ final private static Property.Maker s_<xsl:value-of select="$spname"/>Maker =
+ new SP_<xsl:value-of select="$spname"/>Maker(
+ "<xsl:value-of select='../../name'/>.<xsl:value-of select='name'/>");
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ final private static Property.Maker s_<xsl:value-of select="$spname"/>Maker =
new <xsl:value-of select="datatype"/>Property.Maker(
"<xsl:value-of select='../../name'/>.<xsl:value-of select='name'/>");
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
@@ -109,8 +249,13 @@ public class <xsl:value-of select="$classname"/> extends <xsl:value-of select="
<xsl:if test="compound">
protected Property.Maker getSubpropMaker(String subprop) {
<xsl:for-each select="compound/subproperty">
+ <xsl:variable name="spname">
+ <xsl:call-template name="makeClassName">
+ <xsl:with-param name="propstr" select="name"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:variable>
if (subprop.equals("<xsl:value-of select='name'/>"))
- return s_<xsl:value-of select="name"/>Maker;
+ return s_<xsl:value-of select="$spname"/>Maker;
return super.getSubpropMaker(subprop);
@@ -120,13 +265,13 @@ public class <xsl:value-of select="$classname"/> extends <xsl:value-of select="
<xsl:value-of select="datatype"/> val =
((<xsl:value-of select="$propclass"/>)baseProp).get<xsl:value-of select="datatype"/>();
<xsl:for-each select="compound/subproperty">
- <xsl:variable name="capname">
- <xsl:call-template name="capfirst">
- <xsl:with-param name="str" select="name"/>
+ <xsl:variable name="spname">
+ <xsl:call-template name="makeClassName">
+ <xsl:with-param name="propstr" select="name"/>
if (subpropName.equals("<xsl:value-of select='name'/>"))
- val.set<xsl:value-of select='$capname'/>(subProp.get<xsl:value-of select='datatype'/>());
+ val.set<xsl:value-of select='$spname'/>(subProp.get<xsl:value-of select='datatype'/>(), false);
return super.setSubprop(baseProp, subpropName, subProp);
@@ -137,22 +282,110 @@ public class <xsl:value-of select="$classname"/> extends <xsl:value-of select="
<xsl:value-of select="datatype"/> val =
((<xsl:value-of select="$propclass"/>)baseProp).get<xsl:value-of select="datatype"/>();
<xsl:for-each select="compound/subproperty">
- <xsl:variable name="capname">
- <xsl:call-template name="capfirst">
- <xsl:with-param name="str" select="name"/>
+ <xsl:variable name="spname">
+ <xsl:call-template name="makeClassName">
+ <xsl:with-param name="propstr" select="name"/>
if (subpropName.equals("<xsl:value-of select='name'/>"))
return new <xsl:value-of select='datatype'/>Property(
- val.get<xsl:value-of select='$capname'/>());
+ val.get<xsl:value-of select='$spname'/>());
return super.getSubpropValue(baseProp, subpropName);
-<xsl:if test='not(default/@contextdep = "true")'>
+<!-- some subproperty default is context dependent; don't cache default! -->
+<xsl:when test='.//default[@contextdep="true"]'>
+ public Property make(PropertyList propertyList) throws FOPException {
+ return makeCompound(propertyList, propertyList.getParentFObj());
+ }
private Property m_defaultProp=null;
+ public Property make(PropertyList propertyList) throws FOPException {
+ if (m_defaultProp == null) {
+ m_defaultProp=makeCompound(propertyList, propertyList.getParentFObj());
+ }
+ return m_defaultProp;
+ }
+ protected Property makeCompound(PropertyList pList, FObj fo) throws FOPException {
+ <xsl:value-of select="datatype"/> p = new <xsl:value-of select="datatype"/>();
+ Property subProp;
+ <xsl:for-each select="compound/subproperty/name">
+ <xsl:variable name="spname">
+ <xsl:call-template name="makeClassName">
+ <xsl:with-param name="propstr" select="."/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ // set default for subprop <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ subProp = getSubpropMaker("<xsl:value-of select='.'/>").make(pList,
+ getDefaultFor<xsl:value-of select='$spname'/>(), fo);
+ p.set<xsl:value-of select='$spname'/>(subProp.get<xsl:value-of select='../datatype'/>(), true);
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ return new <xsl:value-of select="$propclass"/>(p);
+ }
+ <!-- generate a "getDefaultForXXX" for each subproperty XXX -->
+ <xsl:for-each select="compound/subproperty">
+ <xsl:variable name="spname">
+ <xsl:call-template name="makeClassName">
+ <xsl:with-param name="propstr" select="name"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ protected String getDefaultFor<xsl:value-of select='$spname'/>() {
+ <xsl:choose><xsl:when test="default">
+ return "<xsl:value-of select='default'/>";
+ </xsl:when><xsl:otherwise>
+ return "";
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ }
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ /** Set the appropriate components when the "base" property is set. */
+ protected Property convertProperty(Property p, PropertyList pList,FObj fo)
+ throws FOPException
+ {
+<xsl:variable name="spdt">
+ <xsl:call-template name="check-subprop-datatype">
+ <xsl:with-param name="dtlist"
+ select="compound/subproperty[@set-by-shorthand='true']/datatype"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ Property sub= getSubpropMaker("<xsl:value-of select='compound/subproperty[@set-by-shorthand="true"]/name'/>").convertProperty(p,pList,fo);
+ if (sub != null) {
+ <xsl:value-of select='$spdt'/> spval=sub.get<xsl:value-of select='$spdt'/>();
+ <xsl:value-of select='$spdt'/> spval=p.get<xsl:value-of select='$spdt'/>();
+ if (spval == null) {
+ // NOTE: must convert to the component datatype, not compound!
+ Property pconv = convertPropertyDatatype(p, pList, fo);
+ if (pconv != null) {
+ spval=pconv.get<xsl:value-of select='$spdt'/>();
+ }
+ }
+ if (spval != null) {
+ Property prop = makeCompound(pList, fo);
+ <xsl:value-of select='datatype'/> pval = prop.get<xsl:value-of select='datatype'/>();
+<xsl:for-each select="compound/subproperty[@set-by-shorthand='true']">
+ <xsl:variable name="spname"><xsl:call-template name="makeClassName">
+ <xsl:with-param name="propstr" select="name"/>
+ </xsl:call-template></xsl:variable>
+ pval.set<xsl:value-of select='$spname'/>(spval, false);
+ return prop;
+ }
+ else {
+ // throw some kind of exception!
+ throw new FOPException("Can't convert value to <xsl:value-of select='$spdt'/> type");
+ }
+ }
+</xsl:if> <!-- property/compound -->
<xsl:if test="inherited">
public boolean isInherited() { return <xsl:value-of select="inherited"/>; }
@@ -165,55 +398,6 @@ public class <xsl:value-of select="$classname"/> extends <xsl:value-of select="
-<!-- Content of element is code to calculate the base length -->
-<xsl:if test="percent-ok">
- static class PropLengthBase extends LengthBase {
- private FObj fo;
- private PropertyList propertyList ;
- public PropLengthBase(FObj fo, PropertyList plist) {
- this.fo = fo;
- // get from FO????
- this.propertyList = plist;
- //this.propertyList = fo.getProperties();
- }
- public int getBaseLength() {
- <xsl:when test="percent-ok/@base='FONTSIZE'">
- return propertyList.get("font-size").getLength().mvalue();
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:when test="percent-ok/@base='INH-FONTSIZE'">
- return propertyList.getInherited("font-size").getLength().mvalue();
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:when test="percent-ok/@base='CONTAINING-BOX'">
- <!-- should probably distinguish width and height... -->
- return fo.getContainingWidth();
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- return <xsl:value-of select="percent-ok"/>;
- </xsl:otherwise>
- }
- }
- /** Return instance of internal class to calculate base Length
- * for percent specifications.
- */
- public PercentBase getPercentBase(final FObj fo,
- final PropertyList propertyList) {
- return new PropLengthBase(fo, propertyList);
- }
-<!-- Look for "auto" length keyword -->
-<xsl:if test="auto-ok">
- protected boolean isAutoLengthAllowed() {
- return true;
- }
<!-- Handle enumerated values -->
<xsl:if test="enumeration/value">
protected Property findConstant(String value) {
@@ -224,62 +408,6 @@ public class <xsl:value-of select="$classname"/> extends <xsl:value-of select="
-<!-- Look for keyword equivalents. Value is the new expression -->
-<xsl:if test="keyword-equiv">
- protected String checkValueKeywords(String value) {
- <xsl:for-each select="keyword-equiv">
- if (value.equals("<xsl:value-of select="@match"/>")) {
- return new String("<xsl:value-of select="."/>");
- }
- </xsl:for-each>
- return super.checkValueKeywords(value);
- }
-<!-- Generate code to convert from other datatypes to property datatype -->
-<xsl:if test='datatype-conversion'>
- // See if other value types are acceptable
- protected Property convertPropertyDatatype(Property p,
- PropertyList propertyList, FObj fo) {
- <xsl:for-each select="datatype-conversion">
- {
- <xsl:variable name="dtc">
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="@vartype">
- <xsl:value-of select="@vartype"/>
- </xsl:when><xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:value-of select="@type"/>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:variable>
- <xsl:value-of select="$dtc"/><xsl:text> </xsl:text> <xsl:value-of select="@varname"/> =
- p.get<xsl:value-of select="@type"/>();
- if (<xsl:value-of select="@varname"/> != null) {
- return new <xsl:value-of select="$propclass"/>(
- <xsl:value-of select='.'/>);
- }
- }
- </xsl:for-each>
- return super.convertPropertyDatatype(p, propertyList, fo);
- }
-<xsl:if test="default">
- public Property make(PropertyList propertyList, boolean bForceNew) throws FOPException {
- <xsl:choose><xsl:when test='default/@contextdep="true"'>
- return make(propertyList, "<xsl:value-of select="default"/>", null);
- </xsl:when><xsl:otherwise>
- if (bForceNew) {
- // Make a new property instead of using the static default
- return make(propertyList, "<xsl:value-of select="default"/>", null);
- }
- if (m_defaultProp == null)
- m_defaultProp=make(propertyList, "<xsl:value-of select="default"/>", null);
- return m_defaultProp;
- </xsl:otherwise></xsl:choose>
- }
<!-- Currently only works for Enum values -->
<xsl:if test="derive">
public Property compute(PropertyList propertyList) {
@@ -296,6 +424,7 @@ public class <xsl:value-of select="$classname"/> extends <xsl:value-of select="
return computedProperty;
+<xsl:apply-templates select="percent-ok|auto-ok|default|keyword-equiv|datatype-conversion"/>
</xsl:if> <!-- need to create a class -->
@@ -304,6 +433,22 @@ public class <xsl:value-of select="$classname"/> extends <xsl:value-of select="
<!-- avoid unwanted output to placeholder file -->
<xsl:template match="localname"/>
+<!-- Check that each member of the nodeset dtlist has the same value.
+ Print a message if any member of dtlist is different
+ from the first member. Return the first member.
+ -->
+<xsl:template name="check-subprop-datatype">
+ <xsl:param name="dtlist"/>
+ <xsl:variable name="dt"><xsl:value-of select='$dtlist[1]'/></xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:for-each select="$dtlist">
+ <xsl:if test=". != $dt">
+ <xsl:message>
+ <xsl:text>Conflict between subproperty datatypes: </xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select='.'/> != <xsl:value-of select='$dt'/>
+ </xsl:message>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <xsl:value-of select='$dt'/>