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2 files changed, 327 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/src/java/org/apache/fop/pdf/PDFColor.java b/src/java/org/apache/fop/pdf/PDFColor.java
index 6b3b16db7..37e75dcfb 100644
--- a/src/java/org/apache/fop/pdf/PDFColor.java
+++ b/src/java/org/apache/fop/pdf/PDFColor.java
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
+ * Copyright 1999-2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -55,6 +55,21 @@ public class PDFColor extends PDFPathPaint {
+ * Create a PDF color from a java.awt.Color object.
+ *
+ * @param col the sRGB color
+ */
+ public PDFColor(java.awt.Color col) {
+ this.colorSpace = new PDFColorSpace(PDFColorSpace.DEVICE_RGB);
+ float[] comps = new float[3];
+ comps = col.getColorComponents(comps);
+ this.red = comps[0];
+ this.green = comps[1];
+ this.blue = comps[2];
+ }
+ /**
* Create a PDF color with int values ranging from 0 to 255
* @param theRed the red integer value
diff --git a/src/java/org/apache/fop/render/pdf/PDFRenderer.java b/src/java/org/apache/fop/render/pdf/PDFRenderer.java
index 6ccdb0d20..7ab7e4d9b 100644
--- a/src/java/org/apache/fop/render/pdf/PDFRenderer.java
+++ b/src/java/org/apache/fop/render/pdf/PDFRenderer.java
@@ -651,48 +651,265 @@ public class PDFRenderer extends PrintRenderer {
+ boolean b[] = new boolean[] {
+ (bpsBefore != null), (bpsEnd != null),
+ (bpsAfter != null), (bpsStart != null)};
+ float bw[] = new float[] {
+ (b[0] ? bpsBefore.width / 1000f : 0.0f),
+ (b[1] ? bpsEnd.width / 1000f : 0.0f),
+ (b[2] ? bpsAfter.width / 1000f : 0.0f),
+ (b[3] ? bpsStart.width / 1000f : 0.0f)};
+ boolean slant[] = new boolean[] {
+ (b[3] && b[0]), (b[0] && b[1]), (b[1] && b[2]), (b[2] && b[3])};
if (bpsBefore != null) {
- float bwidth = bpsBefore.width / 1000f;
- updateColor(bpsBefore.color, false, null);
- updateLineStyle(bpsBefore.style);
- updateLineWidth(bwidth);
- float y1 = starty + bwidth / 2;
- drawLine(startx, y1, startx + width, y1);
+ float sx1 = startx;
+ float sx2 = (slant[0] ? sx1 + bw[3] : sx1);
+ float ex1 = startx + width;
+ float ex2 = (slant[1] ? ex1 - bw[1] : ex1);
+ float outery = starty;
+ float innery = outery + bw[0];
+ saveGraphicsState();
+ moveTo(sx1, outery);
+ lineTo(ex1, outery);
+ lineTo(ex2, innery);
+ lineTo(sx2, innery);
+ closePath();
+ clip();
+ drawBorderLine(sx1, outery, ex1, innery, true, true, bpsBefore.style, bpsBefore.color);
+ restoreGraphicsState();
- if (bpsAfter != null) {
+ if (bpsEnd != null) {
- float bwidth = bpsAfter.width / 1000f;
- updateColor(bpsAfter.color, false, null);
- updateLineStyle(bpsAfter.style);
- updateLineWidth(bwidth);
- float y1 = starty - bwidth / 2;
- drawLine(startx, y1 + height, startx + width, y1 + height);
+ float sy1 = starty;
+ float sy2 = (slant[1] ? sy1 + bw[0] : sy1);
+ float ey1 = starty + height;
+ float ey2 = (slant[2] ? ey1 - bw[2] : ey1);
+ float outerx = startx + width;
+ float innerx = outerx - bw[1];
+ saveGraphicsState();
+ moveTo(outerx, sy1);
+ lineTo(outerx, ey1);
+ lineTo(innerx, ey2);
+ lineTo(innerx, sy2);
+ closePath();
+ clip();
+ drawBorderLine(innerx, sy1, outerx, ey1, false, false, bpsEnd.style, bpsEnd.color);
+ restoreGraphicsState();
- if (bpsStart != null) {
+ if (bpsAfter != null) {
- float bwidth = bpsStart.width / 1000f;
- updateColor(bpsStart.color, false, null);
- updateLineStyle(bpsStart.style);
- updateLineWidth(bwidth);
- float x1 = startx + bwidth / 2;
- drawLine(x1, starty, x1, starty + height);
+ float sx1 = startx;
+ float sx2 = (slant[3] ? sx1 + bw[3] : sx1);
+ float ex1 = startx + width;
+ float ex2 = (slant[2] ? ex1 - bw[1] : ex1);
+ float outery = starty + height;
+ float innery = outery - bw[2];
+ saveGraphicsState();
+ moveTo(ex1, outery);
+ lineTo(sx1, outery);
+ lineTo(sx2, innery);
+ lineTo(ex2, innery);
+ closePath();
+ clip();
+ drawBorderLine(sx1, innery, ex1, outery, true, false, bpsAfter.style, bpsAfter.color);
+ restoreGraphicsState();
- if (bpsEnd != null) {
+ if (bpsStart != null) {
- float bwidth = bpsEnd.width / 1000f;
- updateColor(bpsEnd.color, false, null);
- updateLineStyle(bpsEnd.style);
- updateLineWidth(bwidth);
- float x1 = startx - bwidth / 2;
- drawLine(x1 + width, starty, x1 + width, starty + height);
+ float sy1 = starty;
+ float sy2 = (slant[0] ? sy1 + bw[0] : sy1);
+ float ey1 = sy1 + height;
+ float ey2 = (slant[3] ? ey1 - bw[2] : ey1);
+ float outerx = startx;
+ float innerx = outerx + bw[3];
+ saveGraphicsState();
+ moveTo(outerx, ey1);
+ lineTo(outerx, sy1);
+ lineTo(innerx, sy2);
+ lineTo(innerx, ey2);
+ closePath();
+ clip();
+ drawBorderLine(outerx, sy1, innerx, ey1, false, true, bpsStart.style, bpsStart.color);
+ restoreGraphicsState();
+ private Color lightenColor(Color col, float factor) {
+ float[] cols = new float[3];
+ cols = col.getColorComponents(cols);
+ if (factor > 0) {
+ cols[0] += (1.0 - cols[0]) * factor;
+ cols[1] += (1.0 - cols[1]) * factor;
+ cols[2] += (1.0 - cols[2]) * factor;
+ } else {
+ cols[0] -= cols[0] * -factor;
+ cols[1] -= cols[1] * -factor;
+ cols[2] -= cols[2] * -factor;
+ }
+ return new Color(cols[0], cols[1], cols[2]);
+ }
+ private void drawBorderLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,
+ boolean horz, boolean startOrBefore, int style, ColorType col) {
+ float w = x2 - x1;
+ float h = y2 - y1;
+ if ((w < 0) || (h < 0)) {
+ getLogger().error("Negative extent received. Border won't be painted.");
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (style) {
+ case Constants.EN_DASHED:
+ setColor(toColor(col), false, null);
+ if (horz) {
+ float unit = Math.abs(2 * h);
+ int rep = (int)(w / unit);
+ if (rep % 2 == 0) {
+ rep++;
+ }
+ unit = w / rep;
+ currentStream.add("[" + unit + "] 0 d ");
+ currentStream.add(h + " w\n");
+ float ym = y1 + (h / 2);
+ currentStream.add(x1 + " " + ym + " m " + x2 + " " + ym + " l S\n");
+ } else {
+ float unit = Math.abs(2 * w);
+ int rep = (int)(h / unit);
+ if (rep % 2 == 0) {
+ rep++;
+ }
+ unit = h / rep;
+ currentStream.add("[" + unit + "] 0 d ");
+ currentStream.add(w + " w\n");
+ float xm = x1 + (w / 2);
+ currentStream.add(xm + " " + y1 + " m " + xm + " " + y2 + " l S\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case Constants.EN_DOTTED:
+ setColor(toColor(col), false, null);
+ currentStream.add("1 J ");
+ if (horz) {
+ float unit = Math.abs(2 * h);
+ int rep = (int)(w / unit);
+ if (rep % 2 == 0) {
+ rep++;
+ }
+ unit = w / rep;
+ currentStream.add("[0 " + unit + "] 0 d ");
+ currentStream.add(h + " w\n");
+ float ym = y1 + (h / 2);
+ currentStream.add(x1 + " " + ym + " m " + x2 + " " + ym + " l S\n");
+ } else {
+ float unit = Math.abs(2 * w);
+ int rep = (int)(h / unit);
+ if (rep % 2 == 0) {
+ rep++;
+ }
+ unit = h / rep;
+ currentStream.add("[0 " + unit + " ] 0 d ");
+ currentStream.add(w + " w\n");
+ float xm = x1 + (w / 2);
+ currentStream.add(xm + " " + y1 + " m " + xm + " " + y2 + " l S\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case Constants.EN_DOUBLE:
+ setColor(toColor(col), false, null);
+ currentStream.add("[] 0 d ");
+ if (horz) {
+ float h3 = h / 3;
+ currentStream.add(h3 + " w\n");
+ float ym1 = y1 + (h3 / 2);
+ float ym2 = ym1 + h3 + h3;
+ currentStream.add(x1 + " " + ym1 + " m " + x2 + " " + ym1 + " l S\n");
+ currentStream.add(x1 + " " + ym2 + " m " + x2 + " " + ym2 + " l S\n");
+ } else {
+ float w3 = w / 3;
+ currentStream.add(w3 + " w\n");
+ float xm1 = x1 + (w3 / 2);
+ float xm2 = xm1 + w3 + w3;
+ currentStream.add(xm1 + " " + y1 + " m " + xm1 + " " + y2 + " l S\n");
+ currentStream.add(xm2 + " " + y1 + " m " + xm2 + " " + y2 + " l S\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case Constants.EN_GROOVE:
+ case Constants.EN_RIDGE:
+ {
+ float colFactor = (style == EN_GROOVE ? 0.4f : -0.4f);
+ currentStream.add("[] 0 d ");
+ Color c = toColor(col);
+ if (horz) {
+ Color uppercol = lightenColor(c, -colFactor);
+ Color lowercol = lightenColor(c, colFactor);
+ float h3 = h / 3;
+ currentStream.add(h3 + " w\n");
+ float ym1 = y1 + (h3 / 2);
+ setColor(uppercol, false, null);
+ currentStream.add(x1 + " " + ym1 + " m " + x2 + " " + ym1 + " l S\n");
+ setColor(c, false, null);
+ currentStream.add(x1 + " " + (ym1 + h3) + " m " + x2 + " " + (ym1 + h3) + " l S\n");
+ setColor(lowercol, false, null);
+ currentStream.add(x1 + " " + (ym1 + h3 + h3) + " m " + x2 + " " + (ym1 + h3 + h3) + " l S\n");
+ } else {
+ Color leftcol = lightenColor(c, -colFactor);
+ Color rightcol = lightenColor(c, colFactor);
+ float w3 = w / 3;
+ currentStream.add(w3 + " w\n");
+ float xm1 = x1 + (w3 / 2);
+ setColor(leftcol, false, null);
+ currentStream.add(xm1 + " " + y1 + " m " + xm1 + " " + y2 + " l S\n");
+ setColor(c, false, null);
+ currentStream.add((xm1 + w3) + " " + y1 + " m " + (xm1 + w3) + " " + y2 + " l S\n");
+ setColor(rightcol, false, null);
+ currentStream.add((xm1 + w3 + w3) + " " + y1 + " m " + (xm1 + w3 + w3) + " " + y2 + " l S\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Constants.EN_INSET:
+ case Constants.EN_OUTSET:
+ {
+ float colFactor = (style == EN_OUTSET ? 0.4f : -0.4f);
+ currentStream.add("[] 0 d ");
+ Color c = toColor(col);
+ if (horz) {
+ c = lightenColor(c, (startOrBefore ? 1 : -1) * colFactor);
+ currentStream.add(h + " w\n");
+ float ym1 = y1 + (h / 2);
+ setColor(c, false, null);
+ currentStream.add(x1 + " " + ym1 + " m " + x2 + " " + ym1 + " l S\n");
+ } else {
+ c = lightenColor(c, (startOrBefore ? 1 : -1) * colFactor);
+ currentStream.add(w + " w\n");
+ float xm1 = x1 + (w / 2);
+ setColor(c, false, null);
+ currentStream.add(xm1 + " " + y1 + " m " + xm1 + " " + y2 + " l S\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Constants.EN_HIDDEN:
+ break;
+ default:
+ setColor(toColor(col), false, null);
+ currentStream.add("[] 0 d ");
+ if (horz) {
+ currentStream.add(h + " w\n");
+ float ym = y1 + (h / 2);
+ currentStream.add(x1 + " " + ym + " m " + x2 + " " + ym + " l S\n");
+ } else {
+ currentStream.add(w + " w\n");
+ float xm = x1 + (w / 2);
+ currentStream.add(xm + " " + y1 + " m " + xm + " " + y2 + " l S\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
* Sets the current line width in points.
* @param width line width in points
@@ -720,6 +937,33 @@ public class PDFRenderer extends PrintRenderer {
+ * Moves the current point to (x, y), omitting any connecting line segment.
+ * @param x x coordinate
+ * @param y y coordinate
+ */
+ private void moveTo(float x, float y) {
+ currentStream.add(x + " " + y + " m ");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Appends a straight line segment from the current point to (x, y). The
+ * new current point is (x, y).
+ * @param x x coordinate
+ * @param y y coordinate
+ */
+ private void lineTo(float x, float y) {
+ currentStream.add(x + " " + y + " l ");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Closes the current subpath by appending a straight line segment from
+ * the current point to the starting point of the subpath.
+ */
+ private void closePath() {
+ currentStream.add("h ");
+ }
+ /**
* Draw a line.
* @param startx the start x position
@@ -915,7 +1159,15 @@ public class PDFRenderer extends PrintRenderer {
* @param height the height of the area
protected void clip(float x, float y, float width, float height) {
- currentStream.add(x + " " + y + " " + width + " " + height + " re W\n");
+ currentStream.add(x + " " + y + " " + width + " " + height + " re ");
+ clip();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clip an area.
+ */
+ protected void clip() {
+ currentStream.add("W\n");
@@ -1234,6 +1486,35 @@ public class PDFRenderer extends PrintRenderer {
+ * Establishes a new foreground or fill color. In contrast to updateColor
+ * this method does not check the PDFState for optimization possibilities.
+ * @param col the color to apply
+ * @param fill true to set the fill color, false for the foreground color
+ * @param pdf StringBuffer to write the PDF code to, if null, the code is
+ * written to the current stream.
+ */
+ private void setColor(Color col, boolean fill, StringBuffer pdf) {
+ PDFColor color = new PDFColor(col);
+ closeText();
+ if (pdf != null) {
+ pdf.append(color.getColorSpaceOut(fill));
+ } else {
+ currentStream.add(color.getColorSpaceOut(fill));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts a ColorType to a java.awt.Color (sRGB).
+ * @param col the color
+ * @return the converted color
+ */
+ private Color toColor(ColorType col) {
+ return new Color(col.getRed(), col.getGreen(), col.getBlue());
+ }
+ /**
* Establishes a new foreground or fill color.
* @param col the color to apply (null skips this operation)
* @param fill true to set the fill color, false for the foreground color
@@ -1244,7 +1525,7 @@ public class PDFRenderer extends PrintRenderer {
if (col == null) {
- Color newCol = new Color(col.getRed(), col.getGreen(), col.getBlue());
+ Color newCol = toColor(col);
boolean update = false;
if (fill) {
update = currentState.setBackColor(newCol);
@@ -1253,17 +1534,7 @@ public class PDFRenderer extends PrintRenderer {
if (update) {
- PDFColor color = new PDFColor((double)col.getRed(),
- (double)col.getGreen(),
- (double)col.getBlue());
- closeText();
- if (pdf != null) {
- pdf.append(color.getColorSpaceOut(fill));
- } else {
- currentStream.add(color.getColorSpaceOut(fill));
- }
+ setColor(newCol, fill, pdf);