diff options
2 files changed, 128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fop-core/src/main/java/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr/list/ListItemLayoutManager.java b/fop-core/src/main/java/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr/list/ListItemLayoutManager.java
index ffc4e7c88..a15e58ad4 100644
--- a/fop-core/src/main/java/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr/list/ListItemLayoutManager.java
+++ b/fop-core/src/main/java/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr/list/ListItemLayoutManager.java
@@ -436,6 +436,15 @@ public class ListItemLayoutManager extends SpacedBorderedPaddedBlockLayoutManage
addedBoxHeight += boxHeight;
ListItemPosition stepPosition = new ListItemPosition(this, start[0], end[0], start[1], end[1]);
+ if (originalBodyPosition != null && originalBodyPosition.getLM() instanceof ListItemContentLayoutManager) {
+ // Happens when ListItem has multiple blocks and a block (that's not the last block) ends at the same
+ // page height as a IPD change (e.g. FOP-3098). originalBodyPosition (reset) position needs to be a
+ // Block so that BlockStackingLayoutManager can stack it. Lookahead to find next Block.
+ Position block = extractBlock(elementLists[1], end[1] + 1);
+ if (block != null) {
+ originalBodyPosition = block;
+ }
+ }
if (floats.isEmpty()) {
@@ -467,6 +476,37 @@ public class ListItemLayoutManager extends SpacedBorderedPaddedBlockLayoutManage
return returnList;
+ /**
+ * Extracts a block Position from a ListElement at a given index in a list of ListItem body elements.
+ * @param bodyElements The ListItem body elements.
+ * @param index The index of the ListElement containing the block.
+ * @return The required block Position as a LeafPosition or null on failure.
+ */
+ private Position extractBlock(List<ListElement> bodyElements, int index) {
+ ListElement listElement;
+ Position position = null;
+ Position retval = null;
+ do {
+ if (bodyElements == null || index >= bodyElements.size()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ listElement = bodyElements.get(index);
+ if (listElement != null
+ && listElement.getLayoutManager() instanceof ListItemContentLayoutManager) {
+ position = listElement.getPosition();
+ if (position != null
+ && position.getLM() instanceof ListItemContentLayoutManager) {
+ position = position.getPosition();
+ if (position != null
+ && position.getLM() instanceof BlockLayoutManager) {
+ retval = new LeafPosition(position.getPosition().getLM(), 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while (false);
+ return retval;
+ }
private boolean shouldWeAvoidBreak(List returnList, LayoutManager lm) {
if (isChangingIPD(lm)) {
if (lm instanceof BlockLayoutManager) {
diff --git a/fop/test/layoutengine/standard-testcases/float_9.xml b/fop/test/layoutengine/standard-testcases/float_9.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17bf5463e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fop/test/layoutengine/standard-testcases/float_9.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <info>
+ <p>
+ This test checks floats.
+ </p>
+ </info>
+ <fo>
+ <fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format"
+ font-family="Arial"
+ font-size="10pt">
+ <fo:layout-master-set>
+ <fo:simple-page-master master-name="A4-portrait"
+ page-height="297mm"
+ page-width="210mm"
+ margin="25mm 15mm 20mm 15mm">
+ <fo:region-body region-name="body" margin="0mm 0mm 0mm 0mm"/>
+ </fo:simple-page-master>
+ <fo:page-sequence-master master-name="pages">
+ <fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives>
+ <fo:conditional-page-master-reference master-reference="A4-portrait"/>
+ </fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives>
+ </fo:page-sequence-master>
+ </fo:layout-master-set>
+ <fo:page-sequence master-reference="pages">
+ <fo:flow flow-name="body">
+ <fo:block>
+ <fo:block font-size="13.5pt"
+ space-before="10mm"
+ space-before.precedence="20"
+ space-after="4mm"
+ font-family="Arial">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam</fo:block>
+ <fo:block space-after="10pt">
+ <fo:float float="right">
+ <fo:block>
+ <fo:external-graphic width="130pt"
+ height="130pt"
+ content-width="100pt"
+ content-height="100pt"
+ src="unknown-token"/>
+ </fo:block>
+ </fo:float>
+ <fo:inline font-size="12pt">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy
+ eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et
+ accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem
+ ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing e</fo:inline>
+ </fo:block>
+ </fo:block>
+ <fo:list-block space-before="0mm"
+ provisional-distance-between-starts="6mm"
+ provisional-label-separation="1mm">
+ <fo:list-item space-before="0mm">
+ <fo:list-item-label end-indent="label-end()">
+ <fo:block font-size="4pt"> </fo:block>
+ </fo:list-item-label>
+ <fo:list-item-body start-indent="body-start()">
+ <fo:block font-size="12pt">Yes, I would like to use all the options listed below in the sections
+ Individual Consent, XXXXXXXX-XXXX Ecosystem Consent and Further Individualization and give the
+ corresponding consent to the use of my dataX Plus another line of text Plus another line of text Plus
+ another line of</fo:block>
+ <fo:block>
+ 123456789
+ </fo:block>
+ </fo:list-item-body>
+ </fo:list-item>
+ </fo:list-block>
+ </fo:flow>
+ </fo:page-sequence>
+ </fo:root>
+ </fo>
+ <checks>
+ <!-- Check float dimensions -->
+ <eval expected="130000" xpath="//pageViewport/page/regionViewport//flow/block[2]/block/lineArea/viewport/@ipda" />
+ <eval expected="130000" xpath="//pageViewport/page/regionViewport//flow/block[2]/block/lineArea/viewport/@bpda" />
+ <!-- Check ipd of layout of content of first ListItemBody block, rendered alongside float. This unit test is
+ negated if the last word is wrapped. -->
+ <eval expected="380237" xpath="//pageViewport/page/regionViewport//flow/block[4]/@ipd" />
+ <eval expected="of" xpath="
+ //pageViewport/page/regionViewport//flow/block[4]/block/block[2]/block/lineArea[4]/text/word[last()]/text()" />
+ <!-- Check ipd and content of second ListItemBody block, rendered beneath float -->
+ <eval expected="510237" xpath="//pageViewport/page/regionViewport//flow/block[5]/@ipd" />
+ <eval expected="123456789" xpath="
+ //pageViewport/page/regionViewport//flow/block[5]/block/block/block/lineArea/text/word/text()" />
+ </checks>