path: root/docs/examples/svg/BasicExamples.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/examples/svg/BasicExamples.xml')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/examples/svg/BasicExamples.xml b/docs/examples/svg/BasicExamples.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..883af57db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/examples/svg/BasicExamples.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE Document SYSTEM "Document.dtd">
+ <Title>Basic SVG Examples</Title>
+ <Description>
+ Shows some of the basic svg elements when placed in FO.
+ </Description>
+ <Chapter>
+ <Title>Examples</Title>
+ <Section>
+ <Title>Introduction</Title>
+ <Body>
+ <p>
+ These examples show the areas of SVG currently implemented.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ This is provided so that others can see how to write the svg elements
+ and the result to expect.
+ </p>
+ </Body>
+ </Section>
+ <Section>
+ <Title>Graphic Elements</Title>
+ <SubSection>
+ <Title>SVG Examples</Title>
+ <ExternalDiagram file="ex-diagrams.xml">examples</ExternalDiagram>
+ <Body>
+ <p>
+ The SVG xml data is capable of any type of drawing,
+ from simple lines and shapes to complex shading, colouring
+ and transformations.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Currently only a small set of the possibilities are implemented.
+ </p>
+ </Body>
+ </SubSection>
+ <SubSection>
+ <Title>Basic Shapes</Title>
+ <Body>
+ <p>
+ Lines can be draw, they map directly to PDF data.
+ <ExternalDiagram file="ex-diagrams.xml" showcode="true">ex-lines</ExternalDiagram>
+ The example above shows some lines.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The rectangle is a simple shape, which maps directly
+ to PDF data.
+ <ExternalDiagram file="ex-diagrams.xml" showcode="true">ex-rect</ExternalDiagram>
+ The example above is a simple rectangle, circle and ellipse.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The circle and ellipse are drawn by creating four curves
+ that make up the shape.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ All shapes can have style applied to them. Style can also
+ be inherited from a surrounding &lt;svg:g&gt; element.
+ </p>
+ </Body>
+ </SubSection>
+ <SubSection>
+ <Title>Curves and Paths</Title>
+ <Body>
+ <p>
+ <ExternalDiagram file="ex-diagrams.xml" showcode="true">ex-paths</ExternalDiagram>
+ Paths have no effect by themselves unless there
+ is some style applied. The default styling is set
+ by the svg area.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ There are many possible parts to a path. There are simple
+ moveto, lineto and closepath commands. There are also
+ a number of curve commands that create Bezier curves etc.
+ </p>
+ </Body>
+ </SubSection>
+ <SubSection>
+ <Title>Poly Elements</Title>
+ <Body>
+ <p>
+ <ExternalDiagram file="ex-diagrams.xml" showcode="true">ex-poly</ExternalDiagram>
+ Polylines and Polygons are multi-point lines
+ made up of straight lines. A polygon has a close path
+ at the end. <b>Note</b> how the numbers in the points
+ property can be over a number of lines to make it
+ easier to read.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The only difference between the polyline and the polygon
+ is that a polygon has a close path at the end.
+ </p>
+ </Body>
+ </SubSection>
+ <SubSection>
+ <Title>Styling</Title>
+ <Body>
+ <p>
+ <ExternalDiagram file="ex-diagrams.xml" showcode="true">ex-style</ExternalDiagram>
+ Most elements can have style. The style information
+ is a list of properties separated by a ';'. The
+ property name and value are separated by a ':'.
+ Notice how the style of the sub-element overrides that
+ of all the ones in the heirarchy, the element also inherits
+ all the other style data.
+ </p>
+ </Body>
+ </SubSection>
+ <SubSection>
+ <Title>G Element</Title>
+ <Body>
+ <p>
+ <ExternalDiagram file="ex-diagrams.xml" showcode="true">ex-g</ExternalDiagram>
+ The G element can contain any other graphic
+ element, including other G elements. The purpose
+ of this is to enable style and transform to apply
+ to a group of graphic elements. The elements have no
+ other relationship except they are drawn together.
+ </p>
+ </Body>
+ </SubSection>
+ <SubSection>
+ <Title>Transform</Title>
+ <Body>
+ <p>
+ The transform of an element can do all the usual
+ mathematical transforms. These can be represented by
+ a matrix for use in the pdf. The options include
+ translate, scale, rotate, shear etc.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The transform of an element is accumulative from
+ its ancestors. That is, if a transform is applied to
+ a &lt;svg:g&gt; element then any graphic element also
+ has that transform applied to it. If the child
+ element has a transform then its transform is also
+ applied after the transform of the parent.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <ExternalDiagram file="ex-diagrams.xml" showcode="true">ex-transform</ExternalDiagram>
+ </p>
+ </Body>
+ </SubSection>
+ <SubSection>
+ <Title>Text Elements</Title>
+ <Body>
+ <p>
+ <ExternalDiagram file="ex-diagrams.xml" showcode="true">ex-text</ExternalDiagram>
+ Text can be placed in any position and with style.
+ </p>
+ </Body>
+ </SubSection>
+ <SubSection>
+ <Title>Clipping, Masking</Title>
+ <Body>
+ <p>
+ Not yet implemented.
+ The SVG area is clipped to start with.
+ </p>
+ </Body>
+ </SubSection>
+ <SubSection>
+ <Title>Text Paths</Title>
+ <Body>
+ <p>
+ <ExternalDiagram file="ex-diagrams.xml" showcode="true">ex-textpath</ExternalDiagram>
+ The above example shows the &lt;svg:use&gt; and textPath
+ elements in action.
+ </p>
+ </Body>
+ </SubSection>
+ <SubSection>
+ <Title>Images</Title>
+ <Body>
+ <p>
+ <ExternalDiagram file="ex-diagrams.xml" showcode="true">ex-image</ExternalDiagram>
+ The above example shows the &lt;svg:image&gt; with position
+ and sizing elements in action.
+ </p>
+ </Body>
+ </SubSection>
+ <SubSection>
+ <Title>SVG Element</Title>
+ <Body>
+ <p>
+ <ExternalDiagram file="ex-diagrams.xml" showcode="true">ex-misc</ExternalDiagram>
+ Doing some silly stuff with svg elements.
+ </p>
+ </Body>
+ </SubSection>
+ </Section>
+ </Chapter>