path: root/docs/xml-docs/fop
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Diffstat (limited to 'docs/xml-docs/fop')
6 files changed, 27 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/docs/xml-docs/fop/bugs.xml b/docs/xml-docs/fop/bugs.xml
index b1fc88b70..a195e3bf2 100644
--- a/docs/xml-docs/fop/bugs.xml
+++ b/docs/xml-docs/fop/bugs.xml
@@ -6,15 +6,25 @@
<s1 title="Bugs">
<s2 title="How to report bugs">
- <p>Please use the bug reporting system <jump href="http://xml.apache.org/bugs/">bugzilla
- </jump>, which is part of xml.apache.org.</p>
+ <p>Please report bugs to the discussion list fop-dev@xml.apache.org and put
+ the word [BUG] in the subject line. </p>
+ <p>Please make sure, before you report a bug, that it is not mentioned in the FAQ or
+ in the list of open bugs in the file STATUS in the start directory of the Fop
+ distribution. </p>
+ <p>Please make your description as concise as possible and send an example fo
+ file with your report, which just demonstrates the problem. Thanks for your help!</p>
- <s2 title="Some bugs">
- <p>Colour not continued onto subsequent pages, if coloured block goes over page.
- </p>
- <p>Each page-sequence begins its page numbering with the number 1 (unless another integer is
- specified in the initial-page-number attribute). The W3C recommendations says that
- the default (auto) for initial-page-number is: The first page sequence starts with 1. For any further
- fo:page-sequence the initial number will be one greater than the last number for that sequence.</p>
+ <s2 title="Known bugs">
+ <ul>
+ <li>Colour not continued onto subsequent pages, if coloured block goes over page.</li>
+ <li>SVG linearGradients don't appear the same as in other SVG Viewers</li>
+ <li>colour not continued onto subsequent pages if coloured block goes over page </li>
+ <li>no SVG support in AWTCommandLine </li>
+ <li>keep-next doesn't work and doubles the text lines which should be moved to the next page</li>
+ <li>pdf files created with Fop don't print correctly on postscript printers</li>
+ <li>lists containing list do not keep their indentation correctly over a page boundary</li>
+ <li>id references are marked as illegally doubled, if they are first layouted at the bottom of a page
+ and then moved to the next page </li>
+ </ul>
diff --git a/docs/xml-docs/fop/compiling.xml b/docs/xml-docs/fop/compiling.xml
index e8f2f20b3..036f38533 100644
--- a/docs/xml-docs/fop/compiling.xml
+++ b/docs/xml-docs/fop/compiling.xml
@@ -33,14 +33,13 @@
setting. It is used by the compilation software.</p>
<s3 title="Settings in your classpath">
- <p>If you need PDFOutputHandler (an extension, which calls Fop from the XSLT processor XT) you also
- must have xp.jar and xt.jar (both can be found at <jump href="http://www.jclark.com/xml/">http://www.jclark.com/xml/
- </jump> in your classpath.
+ <p>If you want Fop to use the image library jimi, it should be in your classpath during
+ compilation.
<p>A CLASSPATH for a complete compilation of Fop could look like this, if all these jar files are in
a directory called jars (example uses windows syntax):
- <p><code>set CLASSPATH=\jars\xp.jar;\jars\xt.jar;\jars\xalan.jar;\jars\xerces.jar;\jars\bsf.jar
+ <p><code>set CLASSPATH=\jars\xalan.jar;\jars\xerces.jar;\jars\bsf.jar;\jars\jimi.jar;
diff --git a/docs/xml-docs/fop/examples.xml b/docs/xml-docs/fop/examples.xml
index f8b20c8d8..fbbf8c471 100644
--- a/docs/xml-docs/fop/examples.xml
+++ b/docs/xml-docs/fop/examples.xml
@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
<p>Examples for the use of xsl:fo can be found in the Fop distribution in
the subdirectory /docs/examples/fo.
- <p>Please be warned: At the moment FOP only supports the
- XSL Working Draft 21 April 1999 and the examples are also following this version.
- </p>
<p>At the moment the following files are part of the distribution:</p>
<li>normal.fo - a very simple file showing the use of a 2 level of headings, normal text and a header.
diff --git a/docs/xml-docs/fop/implemented.xml b/docs/xml-docs/fop/implemented.xml
index eb12c2beb..c5002baa4 100644
--- a/docs/xml-docs/fop/implemented.xml
+++ b/docs/xml-docs/fop/implemented.xml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<s1 title="Features">
<s2 title="What's Implemented?">
<p>The following formatting objects and properties of the xsl-fo
- working draft (21 Apr 1999) are implemented. Please have also a look at the
+ working draft (27 March 2000) are implemented. Please have also a look at the
section on <jump href="limitations.html">limitations</jump>
diff --git a/docs/xml-docs/fop/readme.xml b/docs/xml-docs/fop/readme.xml
index 5b5ca42d9..09c562b34 100644
--- a/docs/xml-docs/fop/readme.xml
+++ b/docs/xml-docs/fop/readme.xml
@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
the case of XT) SAX events.
<p>FOP is part of Apache's XML project. The homepage of FOP is
- <jump href="http://xml.apache.org/fop">http://xml.apache.org/fop</jump>.
+ <jump href="http://xml.apache.org/fop">http://xml.apache.org/fop</jump>. A list
+ of the committers to this project and the tasks they are working on can be found
+ in the file <jump href="http://xml.apache.org/websrc/cvsweb.cgi/xml-fop/">Status</jump>
diff --git a/docs/xml-docs/fop/specs.xml b/docs/xml-docs/fop/specs.xml
index 82fc8115a..b934a1e23 100644
--- a/docs/xml-docs/fop/specs.xml
+++ b/docs/xml-docs/fop/specs.xml
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
<s1 title="FOP Relevant Specifications">
<li><jump href="http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl/">Latest XSL-FO Working Draft (27 March 2000)</jump></li>
+ <li><jump href="http://www.renderx.com/Tests/validator/fo2000.dtd.html">A dtd for the XSL-FO Working Draft (27 March 2000) provided by N. Grigoriev from RenderX</jump></li>
<li><jump href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/WD-xsl-19990421/">XSL-FO Working Draft 21 Apr 1999 </jump></li>
<li><jump href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG">Latest SVG Working draft</jump></li>
<li><jump href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-SVG-20000629/index.html">Supported SVG Working Draf</jump></li>