path: root/src/org/apache/fop/layout/BlockArea.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/org/apache/fop/layout/BlockArea.java')
1 files changed, 403 insertions, 342 deletions
diff --git a/src/org/apache/fop/layout/BlockArea.java b/src/org/apache/fop/layout/BlockArea.java
index 20e877f9b..e114cee52 100644
--- a/src/org/apache/fop/layout/BlockArea.java
+++ b/src/org/apache/fop/layout/BlockArea.java
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
/*-- $Id$ --
- The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
+ The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
- Copyright (C) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (C) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modifica-
tion, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must
- include the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software
- developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)."
- Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if
- and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.
+ include the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software
+ developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)."
+ Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if
+ and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.
4. The names "Fop" and "Apache Software Foundation" must not be used to
- endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior
- written permission. For written permission, please contact
- apache@apache.org.
+ endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior
+ written permission. For written permission, please contact
+ apache@apache.org.
5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache", nor may
- "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written permission of the
- Apache Software Foundation.
+ "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written permission of the
+ Apache Software Foundation.
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ import org.apache.fop.render.Renderer;
import org.apache.fop.fo.flow.*;
import org.apache.fop.fo.*;
import org.apache.fop.apps.*;
+import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.*;
// Java
import java.util.Vector;
@@ -63,332 +64,392 @@ import org.apache.fop.messaging.MessageHandler;
public class BlockArea extends Area {
- /* relative to area container */
- protected int startIndent;
- protected int endIndent;
- /* first line startIndent modifier */
- protected int textIndent;
- protected int lineHeight;
- protected int halfLeading;
- /* text-align of all but the last line */
- protected int align;
- /* text-align of the last line */
- protected int alignLastLine;
- protected LineArea currentLineArea;
- protected LinkSet currentLinkSet;
- /* have any line areas been used? */
- protected boolean hasLines = false;
- /*hyphenation*/
- protected int hyphenate;
- protected char hyphenationChar;
- protected int hyphenationPushCharacterCount;
- protected int hyphenationRemainCharacterCount;
- protected String language;
- protected String country;
- protected Vector pendingFootnotes = null;
- public BlockArea(FontState fontState, int allocationWidth,
- int maxHeight, int startIndent, int endIndent,
- int textIndent, int align, int alignLastLine, int lineHeight) {
- super(fontState, allocationWidth, maxHeight);
- this.startIndent = startIndent;
- this.endIndent = endIndent;
- this.textIndent = textIndent;
- this.contentRectangleWidth =
- allocationWidth - startIndent - endIndent;
- this.align = align;
- this.alignLastLine = alignLastLine;
- this.lineHeight = lineHeight;
- if (fontState != null)
- this.halfLeading = (lineHeight - fontState.getFontSize()) / 2;
- }
- public void render(Renderer renderer) {
- renderer.renderBlockArea(this);
- }
- public void addLineArea(LineArea la) {
- if (!la.isEmpty()) {
- this.addDisplaySpace(this.halfLeading);
- int size = la.getHeight();
- this.addChild(la);
- this.increaseHeight(size);
- this.addDisplaySpace(this.halfLeading);
- }
- // add pending footnotes
- if(pendingFootnotes != null) {
- for(Enumeration e = pendingFootnotes.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
- FootnoteBody fb = (FootnoteBody)e.nextElement();
- Page page = getPage();
- if(!Footnote.layoutFootnote(page, fb, this)) {
- page.addPendingFootnote(fb);
- }
- }
- pendingFootnotes = null;
- }
- }
- public int addPageNumberCitation(FontState fontState, float red,
- float green, float blue, int wrapOption, LinkSet ls,
- int whiteSpaceCollapse, String refid) {
- this.currentLineArea.changeFont(fontState);
- this.currentLineArea.changeColor(red, green, blue);
- this.currentLineArea.changeWrapOption(wrapOption);
- this.currentLineArea.changeWhiteSpaceCollapse(whiteSpaceCollapse);
- this.currentLineArea.changeHyphenation(language, country, hyphenate,
- hyphenationChar, hyphenationPushCharacterCount,
- hyphenationRemainCharacterCount);
- if (ls != null) {
- this.currentLinkSet = ls;
- ls.setYOffset(currentHeight);
- }
- this.currentLineArea.addPageNumberCitation(refid, ls);
- this.hasLines = true;
- return -1;
- }
- public int addText(FontState fontState, float red, float green,
- float blue, int wrapOption, LinkSet ls,
- int whiteSpaceCollapse, char data[], int start, int end,
- boolean ul) {
- int ts, te;
- char[] ca;
- ts = start;
- te = end;
- ca = data;
- if (currentHeight + currentLineArea.getHeight() > maxHeight) {
- return start;
- }
- this.currentLineArea.changeFont(fontState);
- this.currentLineArea.changeColor(red, green, blue);
- this.currentLineArea.changeWrapOption(wrapOption);
- this.currentLineArea.changeWhiteSpaceCollapse(whiteSpaceCollapse);
- this.currentLineArea.changeHyphenation(language, country, hyphenate,
- hyphenationChar, hyphenationPushCharacterCount,
- hyphenationRemainCharacterCount);
- if (ls != null) {
- this.currentLinkSet = ls;
- ls.setYOffset(currentHeight);
- }
- ts = this.currentLineArea.addText(ca, ts, te, ls, ul);
- this.hasLines = true;
- while (ts != -1) {
- this.currentLineArea.align(this.align);
- this.addLineArea(this.currentLineArea);
- this.currentLineArea =
- new LineArea(fontState, lineHeight, halfLeading,
- allocationWidth, startIndent, endIndent,
- currentLineArea);
- if (currentHeight + currentLineArea.getHeight() >
- this.maxHeight) {
- return ts;
- }
- this.currentLineArea.changeFont(fontState);
- this.currentLineArea.changeColor(red, green, blue);
- this.currentLineArea.changeWrapOption(wrapOption);
- this.currentLineArea.changeWhiteSpaceCollapse(
- whiteSpaceCollapse);
- this.currentLineArea.changeHyphenation(language, country, hyphenate,
- hyphenationChar, hyphenationPushCharacterCount,
- hyphenationRemainCharacterCount);
- if (ls != null) {
- ls.setYOffset(currentHeight);
- }
- ts = this.currentLineArea.addText(ca, ts, te, ls, ul);
- }
- return -1;
- }
- /**
- * adds a leader to current line area of containing block area
- * the actual leader area is created in the line area
- *
- * @return int +1 for success and -1 for none
- */
- public int addLeader(FontState fontState, float red, float green,
- float blue, int leaderPattern, int leaderLengthMinimum,
- int leaderLengthOptimum, int leaderLengthMaximum,
- int ruleThickness, int ruleStyle, int leaderPatternWidth,
- int leaderAlignment) {
- //this should start a new page
- if (currentHeight + currentLineArea.getHeight() > maxHeight) {
- return -1;
- }
- this.currentLineArea.changeFont(fontState);
- this.currentLineArea.changeColor(red, green, blue);
- //check whether leader fits into the (rest of the) line
- //using length.optimum to determine where to break the line as defined
- // in the xsl:fo spec: "User agents may choose to use the value of 'leader-length.optimum'
- // to determine where to break the line" (7.20.4)
- //if leader is longer then create a new LineArea and put leader there
- if (leaderLengthOptimum <= (this.getContentWidth() -
- this.currentLineArea.finalWidth -
- this.currentLineArea.pendingWidth)) {
- this.currentLineArea.addLeader(leaderPattern,
- leaderLengthMinimum, leaderLengthOptimum,
- leaderLengthMaximum, ruleStyle, ruleThickness,
- leaderPatternWidth, leaderAlignment);
- } else {
- //finish current line area and put it into children vector
- this.currentLineArea.align(this.align);
- this.addLineArea(this.currentLineArea);
- //create new line area
- this.currentLineArea =
- new LineArea(fontState, lineHeight, halfLeading,
- allocationWidth, startIndent, endIndent,
- currentLineArea);
- this.currentLineArea.changeFont(fontState);
- this.currentLineArea.changeColor(red, green, blue);
- if (currentHeight + currentLineArea.getHeight() >
- this.maxHeight) {
- return -1;
- }
- //check whether leader fits into LineArea at all, otherwise
- //clip it (should honor the clip option of containing area)
- if (leaderLengthMinimum <=
- this.currentLineArea.getContentWidth()) {
- this.currentLineArea.addLeader(leaderPattern,
- leaderLengthMinimum, leaderLengthOptimum,
- leaderLengthMaximum, ruleStyle, ruleThickness,
- leaderPatternWidth, leaderAlignment);
- } else {
- MessageHandler.errorln("Leader doesn't fit into line, it will be clipped to fit.");
- this.currentLineArea.addLeader(leaderPattern,
- this.currentLineArea.getContentWidth() -
- this.currentLineArea.finalWidth -
- this.currentLineArea.pendingWidth,
- leaderLengthOptimum, leaderLengthMaximum,
- ruleStyle, ruleThickness, leaderPatternWidth,
- leaderAlignment);
- }
- }
- this.hasLines = true;
- return 1;
- }
- public void addCharacter(FontState fontState, float red, float green,
- float blue, int wrapOption, LinkSet ls,
- int whiteSpaceCollapse, char data, boolean ul) {
- this.currentLineArea.changeFont(fontState);
- this.currentLineArea.changeColor(red, green, blue);
- this.currentLineArea.changeWrapOption(wrapOption);
- this.currentLineArea.changeWhiteSpaceCollapse(whiteSpaceCollapse);
- if (ls != null) {
- this.currentLinkSet = ls;
- ls.setYOffset(currentHeight);
- }
- int marker = this.currentLineArea.addCharacter(data, ls, ul);
- //if character didn't fit into line, open a new one
- if (marker == org.apache.fop.fo.flow.Character.DOESNOT_FIT) {
- this.currentLineArea.align(this.align);
- this.addLineArea(this.currentLineArea);
- this.currentLineArea =
- new LineArea(fontState, lineHeight, halfLeading,
- allocationWidth, startIndent, endIndent,
- currentLineArea);
- this.currentLineArea.changeFont(fontState);
- this.currentLineArea.changeColor(red, green, blue);
- this.currentLineArea.changeWrapOption(wrapOption);
- this.currentLineArea.changeWhiteSpaceCollapse(
- whiteSpaceCollapse);
- if (ls != null) {
- this.currentLinkSet = ls;
- ls.setYOffset(currentHeight);
- }
- this.currentLineArea.addCharacter(data, ls, ul);
- }
- this.hasLines = true;
- }
- public void end() {
- if (this.hasLines) {
- this.currentLineArea.addPending();
- this.currentLineArea.align(this.alignLastLine);
- this.addLineArea(this.currentLineArea);
- }
- }
- public void start() {
- currentLineArea = new LineArea(fontState, lineHeight, halfLeading,
- allocationWidth, startIndent + textIndent, endIndent, null);
- }
- public int getEndIndent() {
- return endIndent;
- }
- public int getStartIndent() {
- return startIndent + paddingLeft + borderWidthLeft;
- }
- public void setIndents(int startIndent, int endIndent) {
- this.startIndent = startIndent;
- this.endIndent = endIndent;
- this.contentRectangleWidth =
- allocationWidth - startIndent - endIndent;
- }
- public int spaceLeft() {
- return maxHeight - currentHeight;
- }
- public int getHalfLeading() {
- return halfLeading;
- }
- public void setHyphenation(String language, String country, int hyphenate, char hyphenationChar,
- int hyphenationPushCharacterCount,
- int hyphenationRemainCharacterCount) {
- this.language = language;
- this.country = country;
- this.hyphenate = hyphenate;
- this.hyphenationChar = hyphenationChar;
- this.hyphenationPushCharacterCount = hyphenationPushCharacterCount;
- this.hyphenationRemainCharacterCount = hyphenationRemainCharacterCount;
- }
- public void addFootnote(FootnoteBody fb) {
- if(pendingFootnotes == null) {
- pendingFootnotes = new Vector();
- }
- pendingFootnotes.addElement(fb);
- }
+ /* relative to area container */
+ protected int startIndent;
+ protected int endIndent;
+ /* first line startIndent modifier */
+ protected int textIndent;
+ protected int lineHeight;
+ protected int halfLeading;
+ /* text-align of all but the last line */
+ protected int align;
+ /* text-align of the last line */
+ protected int alignLastLine;
+ protected LineArea currentLineArea;
+ protected LinkSet currentLinkSet;
+ /* have any line areas been used? */
+ protected boolean hasLines = false;
+ /*hyphenation*/
+ protected int hyphenate;
+ protected char hyphenationChar;
+ protected int hyphenationPushCharacterCount;
+ protected int hyphenationRemainCharacterCount;
+ protected String language;
+ protected String country;
+ protected Vector pendingFootnotes = null;
+ public BlockArea(FontState fontState, int allocationWidth,
+ int maxHeight, int startIndent, int endIndent,
+ int textIndent, int align, int alignLastLine, int lineHeight) {
+ super(fontState, allocationWidth, maxHeight);
+ this.startIndent = startIndent;
+ this.endIndent = endIndent;
+ this.textIndent = textIndent;
+ this.contentRectangleWidth =
+ allocationWidth - startIndent - endIndent;
+ this.align = align;
+ this.alignLastLine = alignLastLine;
+ this.lineHeight = lineHeight;
+ if (fontState != null)
+ this.halfLeading = (lineHeight - fontState.getFontSize()) / 2;
+ }
+ public void render(Renderer renderer) {
+ renderer.renderBlockArea(this);
+ }
+ public void addLineArea(LineArea la) {
+ if (!la.isEmpty()) {
+ this.addDisplaySpace(this.halfLeading);
+ int size = la.getHeight();
+ this.addChild(la);
+ this.increaseHeight(size);
+ this.addDisplaySpace(this.halfLeading);
+ }
+ // add pending footnotes
+ if(pendingFootnotes != null) {
+ for(Enumeration e = pendingFootnotes.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
+ FootnoteBody fb = (FootnoteBody)e.nextElement();
+ Page page = getPage();
+ if(!Footnote.layoutFootnote(page, fb, this)) {
+ page.addPendingFootnote(fb);
+ }
+ }
+ pendingFootnotes = null;
+ }
+ }
+ public int addPageNumberCitation(FontState fontState, float red,
+ float green, float blue, int wrapOption, LinkSet ls,
+ int whiteSpaceCollapse, String refid) {
+ this.currentLineArea.changeFont(fontState);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeColor(red, green, blue);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeWrapOption(wrapOption);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeWhiteSpaceCollapse(whiteSpaceCollapse);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeHyphenation(language, country, hyphenate,
+ hyphenationChar, hyphenationPushCharacterCount,
+ hyphenationRemainCharacterCount);
+ if (ls != null) {
+ this.currentLinkSet = ls;
+ ls.setYOffset(currentHeight);
+ }
+ this.currentLineArea.addPageNumberCitation(refid, ls);
+ this.hasLines = true;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // font-variant support : addText is a wrapper for addRealText
+ // added by Eric SCHAEFFER
+ public int addText(FontState fontState, float red, float green,
+ float blue, int wrapOption, LinkSet ls,
+ int whiteSpaceCollapse, char data[], int start, int end,
+ boolean ul) {
+ if (fontState.getFontVariant() == FontVariant.SMALL_CAPS) {
+ FontState smallCapsFontState;
+ try {
+ int smallCapsFontHeight = (int) (((double) fontState.getFontSize()) * 0.8d);
+ smallCapsFontState = new FontState(
+ fontState.getFontInfo(),
+ fontState.getFontFamily(),
+ fontState.getFontStyle(),
+ fontState.getFontWeight(),
+ smallCapsFontHeight,
+ FontVariant.NORMAL);
+ } catch (FOPException ex) {
+ smallCapsFontState = fontState;
+ MessageHandler.errorln("Error creating small-caps FontState: " + ex.getMessage());
+ }
+ // parse text for upper/lower case and call addRealText
+ char c;
+ boolean isLowerCase;
+ int caseStart;
+ FontState fontStateToUse;
+ for (int i = start; i < end; ) {
+ caseStart = i;
+ c = data[i];
+ isLowerCase = (java.lang.Character.isLetter(c) && java.lang.Character.isLowerCase(c));
+ while (isLowerCase == (java.lang.Character.isLetter(c) && java.lang.Character.isLowerCase(c))) {
+ if (isLowerCase) {
+ data[i] = java.lang.Character.toUpperCase(c);
+ }
+ i++;
+ if (i == end)
+ break;
+ c = data[i];
+ }
+ if (isLowerCase) {
+ fontStateToUse = smallCapsFontState;
+ } else {
+ fontStateToUse = fontState;
+ }
+ int index = this.addRealText(fontStateToUse, red, green, blue, wrapOption, ls,
+ whiteSpaceCollapse, data, caseStart, i, ul);
+ if (index != -1) {
+ return index;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // font-variant normal
+ return this.addRealText(fontState, red, green, blue, wrapOption, ls,
+ whiteSpaceCollapse, data, start, end, ul);
+ }
+ protected int addRealText(FontState fontState, float red, float green,
+ float blue, int wrapOption, LinkSet ls,
+ int whiteSpaceCollapse, char data[], int start, int end,
+ boolean ul) {
+ int ts, te;
+ char[] ca;
+ ts = start;
+ te = end;
+ ca = data;
+ if (currentHeight + currentLineArea.getHeight() > maxHeight) {
+ return start;
+ }
+ this.currentLineArea.changeFont(fontState);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeColor(red, green, blue);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeWrapOption(wrapOption);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeWhiteSpaceCollapse(whiteSpaceCollapse);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeHyphenation(language, country, hyphenate,
+ hyphenationChar, hyphenationPushCharacterCount,
+ hyphenationRemainCharacterCount);
+ if (ls != null) {
+ this.currentLinkSet = ls;
+ ls.setYOffset(currentHeight);
+ }
+ ts = this.currentLineArea.addText(ca, ts, te, ls, ul);
+ this.hasLines = true;
+ while (ts != -1) {
+ this.currentLineArea.align(this.align);
+ this.addLineArea(this.currentLineArea);
+ this.currentLineArea =
+ new LineArea(fontState, lineHeight, halfLeading,
+ allocationWidth, startIndent, endIndent,
+ currentLineArea);
+ if (currentHeight + currentLineArea.getHeight() >
+ this.maxHeight) {
+ return ts;
+ }
+ this.currentLineArea.changeFont(fontState);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeColor(red, green, blue);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeWrapOption(wrapOption);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeWhiteSpaceCollapse(
+ whiteSpaceCollapse);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeHyphenation(language, country, hyphenate,
+ hyphenationChar, hyphenationPushCharacterCount,
+ hyphenationRemainCharacterCount);
+ if (ls != null) {
+ ls.setYOffset(currentHeight);
+ }
+ ts = this.currentLineArea.addText(ca, ts, te, ls, ul);
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /**
+ * adds a leader to current line area of containing block area
+ * the actual leader area is created in the line area
+ *
+ * @return int +1 for success and -1 for none
+ */
+ public int addLeader(FontState fontState, float red, float green,
+ float blue, int leaderPattern, int leaderLengthMinimum,
+ int leaderLengthOptimum, int leaderLengthMaximum,
+ int ruleThickness, int ruleStyle, int leaderPatternWidth,
+ int leaderAlignment) {
+ //this should start a new page
+ if (currentHeight + currentLineArea.getHeight() > maxHeight) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ this.currentLineArea.changeFont(fontState);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeColor(red, green, blue);
+ //check whether leader fits into the (rest of the) line
+ //using length.optimum to determine where to break the line as defined
+ // in the xsl:fo spec: "User agents may choose to use the value of 'leader-length.optimum'
+ // to determine where to break the line" (7.20.4)
+ //if leader is longer then create a new LineArea and put leader there
+ if (leaderLengthOptimum <= (this.getContentWidth() -
+ this.currentLineArea.finalWidth -
+ this.currentLineArea.pendingWidth)) {
+ this.currentLineArea.addLeader(leaderPattern,
+ leaderLengthMinimum, leaderLengthOptimum,
+ leaderLengthMaximum, ruleStyle, ruleThickness,
+ leaderPatternWidth, leaderAlignment);
+ } else {
+ //finish current line area and put it into children vector
+ this.currentLineArea.align(this.align);
+ this.addLineArea(this.currentLineArea);
+ //create new line area
+ this.currentLineArea =
+ new LineArea(fontState, lineHeight, halfLeading,
+ allocationWidth, startIndent, endIndent,
+ currentLineArea);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeFont(fontState);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeColor(red, green, blue);
+ if (currentHeight + currentLineArea.getHeight() >
+ this.maxHeight) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ //check whether leader fits into LineArea at all, otherwise
+ //clip it (should honor the clip option of containing area)
+ if (leaderLengthMinimum <=
+ this.currentLineArea.getContentWidth()) {
+ this.currentLineArea.addLeader(leaderPattern,
+ leaderLengthMinimum, leaderLengthOptimum,
+ leaderLengthMaximum, ruleStyle, ruleThickness,
+ leaderPatternWidth, leaderAlignment);
+ } else {
+ MessageHandler.errorln("Leader doesn't fit into line, it will be clipped to fit.");
+ this.currentLineArea.addLeader(leaderPattern,
+ this.currentLineArea.getContentWidth() -
+ this.currentLineArea.finalWidth -
+ this.currentLineArea.pendingWidth,
+ leaderLengthOptimum, leaderLengthMaximum,
+ ruleStyle, ruleThickness, leaderPatternWidth,
+ leaderAlignment);
+ }
+ }
+ this.hasLines = true;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ public void addCharacter(FontState fontState, float red, float green,
+ float blue, int wrapOption, LinkSet ls,
+ int whiteSpaceCollapse, char data, boolean ul) {
+ this.currentLineArea.changeFont(fontState);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeColor(red, green, blue);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeWrapOption(wrapOption);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeWhiteSpaceCollapse(whiteSpaceCollapse);
+ if (ls != null) {
+ this.currentLinkSet = ls;
+ ls.setYOffset(currentHeight);
+ }
+ int marker = this.currentLineArea.addCharacter(data, ls, ul);
+ //if character didn't fit into line, open a new one
+ if (marker == org.apache.fop.fo.flow.Character.DOESNOT_FIT) {
+ this.currentLineArea.align(this.align);
+ this.addLineArea(this.currentLineArea);
+ this.currentLineArea =
+ new LineArea(fontState, lineHeight, halfLeading,
+ allocationWidth, startIndent, endIndent,
+ currentLineArea);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeFont(fontState);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeColor(red, green, blue);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeWrapOption(wrapOption);
+ this.currentLineArea.changeWhiteSpaceCollapse(
+ whiteSpaceCollapse);
+ if (ls != null) {
+ this.currentLinkSet = ls;
+ ls.setYOffset(currentHeight);
+ }
+ this.currentLineArea.addCharacter(data, ls, ul);
+ }
+ this.hasLines = true;
+ }
+ public void end() {
+ if (this.hasLines) {
+ this.currentLineArea.addPending();
+ this.currentLineArea.align(this.alignLastLine);
+ this.addLineArea(this.currentLineArea);
+ }
+ }
+ public void start() {
+ currentLineArea = new LineArea(fontState, lineHeight, halfLeading,
+ allocationWidth, startIndent + textIndent, endIndent, null);
+ }
+ public int getEndIndent() {
+ return endIndent;
+ }
+ public int getStartIndent() {
+ return startIndent + paddingLeft + borderWidthLeft;
+ }
+ public void setIndents(int startIndent, int endIndent) {
+ this.startIndent = startIndent;
+ this.endIndent = endIndent;
+ this.contentRectangleWidth =
+ allocationWidth - startIndent - endIndent;
+ }
+ public int spaceLeft() {
+ return maxHeight - currentHeight;
+ }
+ public int getHalfLeading() {
+ return halfLeading;
+ }
+ public void setHyphenation(String language, String country, int hyphenate, char hyphenationChar,
+ int hyphenationPushCharacterCount,
+ int hyphenationRemainCharacterCount) {
+ this.language = language;
+ this.country = country;
+ this.hyphenate = hyphenate;
+ this.hyphenationChar = hyphenationChar;
+ this.hyphenationPushCharacterCount = hyphenationPushCharacterCount;
+ this.hyphenationRemainCharacterCount = hyphenationRemainCharacterCount;
+ }
+ public void addFootnote(FootnoteBody fb) {
+ if(pendingFootnotes == null) {
+ pendingFootnotes = new Vector();
+ }
+ pendingFootnotes.addElement(fb);
+ }