path: root/src/org/apache/fop/pdf/PDFDocument.java
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diff --git a/src/org/apache/fop/pdf/PDFDocument.java b/src/org/apache/fop/pdf/PDFDocument.java
index 7cbf8bd3f..042f8b1a8 100644
--- a/src/org/apache/fop/pdf/PDFDocument.java
+++ b/src/org/apache/fop/pdf/PDFDocument.java
@@ -50,611 +50,306 @@
/* image support modified from work of BoBoGi */
package org.apache.fop.pdf;
// images are the one place that FOP classes outside this package get
// referenced and I'd rather not do it
import org.apache.fop.image.FopImage;
// Java
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.Vector;
* class representing a PDF document.
* The document is built up by calling various methods and then finally
* output to given filehandle using output method.
* A PDF document consists of a series of numbered objects preceded by a
* header and followed by an xref table and trailer. The xref table
* allows for quick access to objects by listing their character
* positions within the document. For this reason the PDF document must
* keep track of the character position of each object. The document
* also keeps direct track of the /Root, /Info and /Resources objects.
public class PDFDocument {
/** the version of PDF supported */
protected static final String pdfVersion = "1.2";
/** the current character position */
protected int position = 0;
/** the character position of each object */
protected Vector location = new Vector();
/** the counter for object numbering */
protected int objectcount = 0;
/** the objects themselves */
protected Vector objects = new Vector();
/** character position of xref table */
protected int xref;
/** the /Root object */
protected PDFRoot root;
/** the /Info object */
protected PDFInfo info;
/** the /Resources object */
protected PDFResources resources;
protected int xObjectCount = 0;
protected Vector xObjects = new Vector();
* creates an empty PDF document
public PDFDocument() {
/* create the /Root, /Info and /Resources objects */
this.root = makeRoot();
this.info = makeInfo();
this.resources = makeResources();
* set the producer of the document
* @param producer string indicating application producing the PDF
public void setProducer(String producer) {
* make /Root object as next object
* @return the created /Root object
protected PDFRoot makeRoot() {
/* create a PDFRoot with the next object number and add to
list of objects */
PDFRoot pdfRoot = new PDFRoot(++this.objectcount);
/* create a new /Pages object to be root of Pages hierarchy
and add to list of objects */
PDFPages rootPages = new PDFPages(++this.objectcount);
/* inform the /Root object of the /Pages root */
return pdfRoot;
* make an /Info object
* @param producer string indicating application producing the PDF
* @return the created /Info object
protected PDFInfo makeInfo() {
/* create a PDFInfo with the next object number and add to
list of objects */
PDFInfo pdfInfo = new PDFInfo(++this.objectcount);
return pdfInfo;
* make a /Resources object
* @return the created /Resources object
private PDFResources makeResources() {
/* create a PDFResources with the next object number and add
to list of objects */
PDFResources pdfResources = new PDFResources(++this.objectcount);
return pdfResources;
* make a Type1 /Font object
* @param fontname internal name to use for this font (eg "F1")
* @param basefont name of the base font (eg "Helvetica")
* @param encoding character encoding scheme used by the font
* @return the created /Font object
public PDFFont makeFont(String fontname, String basefont,
String encoding) {
/* create a PDFFont with the next object number and add to the
list of objects */
PDFFont font = new PDFFont(++this.objectcount, fontname,
basefont, encoding);
return font;
public int addImage(FopImage img) {
PDFXObject xObject = new PDFXObject(++this.objectcount,
++this.xObjectCount, img);
return xObjectCount;
* make a /Page object
* @param resources resources object to use
* @param contents stream object with content
* @param pagewidth width of the page in points
* @param pageheight height of the page in points
* @return the created /Page object
public PDFPage makePage(PDFResources resources,
PDFStream contents, int pagewidth,
int pageheight) {
/* create a PDFPage with the next object number, the given
resources, contents and dimensions */
PDFPage page = new PDFPage(++this.objectcount, resources,
contents, pagewidth, pageheight);
/* add it to the list of objects */
/* add the page to the Root */
return page;
* make a stream object
* @return the stream object created
public PDFStream makeStream() {
/* create a PDFStream with the next object number and add it
to the list of objects */
PDFStream obj = new PDFStream(++this.objectcount);
return obj;
* get the /Resources object for the document
* @return the /Resources object
public PDFResources getResources() {
return this.resources;
* write the entire document out
* @param writer the PrinterWriter to output the document to
public void output(PrintWriter writer) throws IOException {
/* output the header and increment the character position by
the header's length */
this.position += outputHeader(writer);
/* loop through the object numbers */
for (int i=1; i <= this.objectcount; i++) {
/* add the position of this object to the list of object
locations */
this.location.addElement(new Integer(this.position));
/* retrieve the object with the current number */
PDFObject object = (PDFObject)this.objects.elementAt(i-1);
/* output the object and increment the character position
by the object's length */
this.position += object.output(writer);
/* output the xref table and increment the character position
by the table's length */
this.position += outputXref(writer);
/* output the trailer and flush the Writer */
* write the PDF header
* @param writer the PrintWriter to write the header to
* @return the number of characters written
protected int outputHeader(PrintWriter writer) throws IOException {
String pdf = "%PDF-" + this.pdfVersion + "\n";
return pdf.length();
* write the trailer
* @param writer the PrintWriter to write the trailer to
protected void outputTrailer(PrintWriter writer) throws IOException {
/* construct the trailer */
String pdf = "trailer\n<<\n/Size " + (this.objectcount+1)
+ "\n/Root " + this.root.number + " " + this.root.generation
+ " R\n/Info " + this.info.number + " "
+ this.info.generation + " R\n>>\nstartxref\n" + this.xref
+ "\n%%EOF\n";
/* write the trailer */
* write the xref table
* @param writer the PrintWriter to write the xref table to
* @return the number of characters written
private int outputXref(PrintWriter writer) throws IOException {
/* remember position of xref table */
this.xref = this.position;
/* construct initial part of xref */
StringBuffer pdf = new StringBuffer("xref\n0 " + (this.objectcount+1)
+ "\n0000000000 65535 f \n");
/* loop through object numbers */
for (int i=1; i < this.objectcount+1; i++) {
/* contruct xref entry for object */
String padding = "0000000000";
String x = this.location.elementAt(i-1).toString();
String loc = padding.substring(x.length()) + x;
/* append to xref table */
pdf = pdf.append(loc + " 00000 n \n");
/* write the xref table and return the character length */
return pdf.length();