From cc32c1fab6bed6b6882d63795ef5f68b20a75138 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeremias Maerki
+ This section defines a number of extensions related to
+ prepress support.
+ fox:scale
defines a general scale factor for the generated pages.
+ fox:bleed
defines the
+ bleed area for a page.
+ fox:crop-offset
defines the outer edges of the area in which crop marks,
+ registration marks, color bars and page information are placed.
+ For details, please read on below.
Default: 1
+ fox:scale="sx [sy]"
attribute is used in fo:simple-page-master
element and specifies
+ the a scale operation by sx and sy. If sy is not provided, it is assumed to be equal to sx.
+ sx and sy should be a positive number. A scale factor smaller than 1 shrinks the page.
+ A scale factor greater than 1 enlarges the page.
+ Value: <length>{1,4} +
++ Default: 0pt +
++ If there is only one value, it applies to all sides. If there are two values, the top and bottom + bleed widths are set to the first value and the right and left bleed widths are set to the second. + If there are three values, the top is set to the first value, the left and right are set to the second, + and the bottom is set to the third. If there are four values, they apply to the top, right, bottom, and + left, respectively. + (Corresponds to +
++ This extension indirectly defines the BleedBox and is calculated by expanding the TrimBox by + the bleed widths. The lengths must be non-negative. +
++ Value: <length>{1,4} +
++ Default: 0pt +
++ Same behaviour as with fox:bleed. +
++ This extension indirectly defines the MediaBox and is calculated by expanding + the TrimBox by the crop offsets. The lengths must be non-negative. +
++ Value: (trim-box|bleed-box|media-box) +
++ Default: media-box +
++ The crop box controls how Acrobat displays the page (CropBox in PDF) or how the Java2DRenderer sizes + the output media. The PDF specification defines that the CropBox defaults to the MediaBox. This extension + follows that definition. To simplify usage and cover most use cases, the three supported enumeration + values "trim-box", "bleed-box" and "media-box" set the CropBox to one of those three other boxes. +
++ If requested in the future, we could offer to specify the CropBox in absolute coordinates rather + than just be referencing another box. +