$Id$ STATUS Things to do before releasing as 0.12.0: [DONE] Make sure Makefiles work Get images working [PARTIAL] Incorporate Arved Sandstrom's simple-link implementation [DONE] Switch to using Status object as return from layout() [PARTIAL] Implement basic keeps [DONE]Incorporate Eric Schaeffer's fix to tables in static-content [DONE] Incorporate Kelly Campell's fixes to GifJpegImage [PARTIAL] Incorporate Eric Schaeffer's further table fixes Incorporate Eric Schaeffer's background colour implementation Other Bugs to fix: colour not continued onto subsequent pages if coloured block goes over page Todo's and problems with AWT Previewer: - currently the layout process uses PDF fonts. This gives sometimes trouble with java.awt.Font - we need some progress messages even if the process itself is fast - GIF format is supported by the viewer, but disabled in FOP. BMP is not done, because there are no standard libraries. - more comments/english comments - print output using AWT - i18n for the user interface (yes, now we need this stuff) - toolbar images directory is not configurable - first preview is painted twice (flashing screen) - should "preview" be an option when calling FOP instead of having it's own main method?