<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!-- Download FOP --> <document> <header> <title>Download</title> <subtitle>Downloading FOP</subtitle> <authors> </authors> </header> <body> <s1 title="Downloading FOP"> <p>You can download the latest release version from the <jump href="http://xml.apache.org/dist/fop/">distribution directory</jump>. </p> <p>The file contains also the documentation (including some example fo files) and the source. </p> <p>If you want to work with the latest and nicest code, you can use the cvs version. See the section on AnonCVS in the <jump href="http://xml.apache.org/cvs.html">xml.apache.org documentation</jump> for details. Sometimes people have difficulties to access the cvs server; in this case you can download a snapshot from the cvs files <jump href="http://xml.apache.org/from-cvs/xml-fop/">here</jump>. In both cases you have to build Fop yourself - see <jump href="compiling.html">Compiling Fop</jump> for details. </p> <p>To run FOP from the command line, see <jump href="running.html">Running FOP</jump>. If you are interested in embedding FOP in a Java application of your own, see <jump href="embedding.html">Embedding FOP</jump>. </p> </s1> </body> </document>