<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>

<!-- Testing FOP -->

<s1 title="Testing FOP">
  <s2 title="">
Testing is an important part of getting FOP to operate correctly and conform to the
necessary standards.
A testing system has been set up that works with as a build target when developing
with FOP. A developer can run the tests after making changes to the code, the aim
is to have the tests run to verfiy that nothing working has been broken.
To setup the testing the developer must place a reference fop.jar in the
"&lt;cvs_repository>/test/reference/" directory. This jar will be dynamically
loaded to create the reference output.

  <s2 title="Writing a Test">
A test belongs to one of a few catagories. A basic test should excercise one
element in a number of situations such as changing a property. This should have
at least one normal value, one border value and one invalid value. If the property
can be of different types then this should also be included.
A bug test is a test that is specifically aimed at a problem with FOP. That is, the test
is not excercising the specification but rather a problem with FOP in handling a particular
situation that is not exposed with the other testing.
A system test is one that tests the abitlity of FOP to handle a number of different
elements together.
A test can consist of a complete fo document or a part of the document such as
some elements that will be placed into the flow of a standard document.

  <s2 title="Submitting a Test">
If you have a test which you think would be useful you should supply the
test and a diff to the appropriate test suite xml file. Make sure that the
test works as would be expected against the current build.

  <s2 title="How Testing Works">
The tests are stored in the "&lt;cvs_repository>/test" directory.
You can run the tests by specifying the build target "test" ie: <br/>
<code>build.sh test</code>
This will then compare the current code in the local src directory to a specified
release of FOP. Any differences between the current code and the output from
the reference version will be reported. If the test previously passed then the
test run will have failed.
The testing is done by reading a test suite xml file, which corresponds to the
standard testsuite.dtd supplied from w3c. This xml file contains a test xml
file and an xsl file (which may simply copy the file). It also contains information
such as if the test has passed and any comments.
For FOP the testing is done by rendering all the testing documents using the
XML renderer. The XML files are then compared to see if there are any differences.

  <s2 title="SVG Testing">
The testing of SVG is not part of this testing system. SVG is tested for its rendering
accuracy by using the transcoding mechanism via Batik. So that the only part that needs
testing is how the SVG image is embedded inside the flow of the fo document.