TODO TODO list for FOP

Core Features - these are the areas that are important to getting fop to be useable for general use.

Processing improvements - these are mainly things that can be improved in the way fop works, eg. resources usage, pdf output etc.

Enhancements - these are added functionality that might be useful, no comment is made about the suitability of these suggestions.

This is the crucial part to getting FOP to make it to the next step.

a demo using Java Webstart that runs the awt viewer and supports linking from an index

Need to improve the website to better demonstrate what fop is and can do. Examples, screenshots, pdf documents.

Currently all properties are in the xml file. We need to handle all default values properly (including ones that change depending on the element) and all possible values.

To see if a property is implemented then look in the src/codegen/foproperties.xml file.

To see if a particular element uses this property then look in the element code. This is generally found in the package*.

This is support for the functions in property values that evaluate some expression. Better support for resolution including support for "inherit" and values with lists.

Check the validity of children for a particular element to ensure there are no invalid children. Should help process the layout better.

Needs to be a bit more solid. Allow for direct insertion of jpeg images in svg into the pdf.

Support for avalon. Better multithread handling.

Support for streaming and linearized pdf to help with different deployement of pdf documents.

Use proper i18n handling for awt viewer.

put all common rendering processes into an abstract class that has no dependancies on any specific renderers.

Need better handling of font names, since a font can have several names.

A user agent (or some similar thing) is needed to handle adjustable values, such as setting dpi resolution.

be able to specify a url as the input fo (or xml, xsl) documents.

support (better) the direct rendering of text into pdf graphics and other similair outputs

Support for different encoding on different types of streams in pdf document. For example images and text.

Add support for the pdf graphic state for use with transparency in pdf 1.4.

Currently patterns and gradients are not generated properly