formatting objects
fo:bidi-override overrides the default Unicode-bidirectionality algorithm direction for different (or nested) inline scripts in mixed-language documents (#PCDATA|%inline;|%block;)* common-aural-properties common-font-properties common-relative-position-properties color direction id letter-spacing line-height line-height-shift-adjustment score-spaces text-shadow text-transform unicode-bidi word-spacing
fo:block commonly used for formatting paragraphs, titles, headlines, figure and table captions (#PCDATA|%inline;|%block;)* common-accessibility-properties common-aural-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-font-properties common-hyphenation-properties common-margin-properties-block common-relative-position-properties break-after break-before color text-depth text-altitude hyphenation-keep hyphenation-ladder-count id keep-together keep-with-next keep-with-previous last-line-end-indent linefeed-treatment line-height line-height-shift-adjustment line-stacking-strategy orphans space-treatment span text-align text-align-last text-indent visibility white-space-collapse widows wrap-option z-index
fo:block-container generates a block-level reference-area (%block;)+ common-absolute-position-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-margin-properties-block block-progression-dimension break-after break-before clip display-align height id inline-progression-dimension keep-together keep-with-next keep-with-previous overflow reference-orientation span width writing-mode
fo:character represents a character that is mapped to a glyph for presentation EMPTY common-aural-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-font-properties common-hyphenation-properties common-margin-properties-inline common-relative-position-properties alignment-adjust treat-as-word-space alignment-baseline baseline-shift character color dominant-baseline text-depth text-altitude glyph-orientation-horizontal glyph-orientation-vertical id keep-with-next keep-with-previous letter-spacing line-height line-height-shift-adjustment score-spaces suppress-at-line-break text-decoration text-shadow text-transform word-spacing
fo:color-profile declares a color profile for a stylesheet EMPTY src color-profile-name rendering-intent
fo:conditional-page-master-reference identifies a page-master that is to be used when the conditions on its use are satisfied EMPTY master-name page-position odd-or-even blank-or-not-blank
fo:declarations groups global declarations for a stylesheet (color-profile)+
fo:external-graphic used for a graphic where the graphics data resides outside of the XML result tree in the fo namespace EMPTY common-accessibility-properties common-aural-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-margin-properties-inline common-relative-position-properties alignment-adjust alignment-baseline baseline-shift block-progression-dimension content-height content-type content-width display-align dominant-baseline height id inline-progression-dimension keep-with-next keep-with-previous line-height line-height-shift-adjustment overflow scaling scaling-method src text-align width
fo:float used when an area is intended to float to one side, with normal content flowing alongside (%block;)+ float clear
fo:flow container for the flow objects which contain the text/images/etc. for the resulting pages (%block;)+ flow-name
fo:footnote produces a footnote citation and the corresponding footnote (inline,footnote-body)
fo:footnote-body generates the content of the footnote (%block;)+
fo:initial-property-set specifies formatting properties for the first line of an fo:block EMPTY common-accessibility-properties common-aural-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-font-properties common-relative-position-properties color id letter-spacing line-height line-height-shift-adjustment score-spaces text-decoration text-shadow text-transform word-spacing
fo:inline is commonly used for formatting a portion of text with a background or enclosing it in a border (#PCDATA|%inline;|%block;)* common-accessibility-properties common-aural-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-font-properties common-margin-properties-inline common-relative-position-properties alignment-adjust alignment-baseline baseline-shift color dominant-baseline id keep-together keep-with-next keep-with-previous line-height line-height-shift-adjustment text-decoration visibility z-index
fo:inline-container generates an inline reference-area (%block;)+ common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-margin-properties-inline common-relative-position-properties alignment-adjust alignment-baseline baseline-shift block-progression-dimension clip display-align dominant-baseline height id inline-progression-dimension keep-together keep-with-next keep-with-previous line-height line-height-shift-adjustment overflow reference-orientation width writing-mode
fo:instream-foreign-object is used for an inline graphic or other "generic" object where the object data resides as descendants of the fo:instream-foreign-object common-accessibility-properties common-aural-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-margin-properties-inline common-relative-position-properties alignment-adjust alignment-baseline baseline-shift block-progression-dimension content-height content-type content-width display-align dominant-baseline height id inline-progression-dimension keep-with-next keep-with-previous line-height line-height-shift-adjustment overflow scaling scaling-method text-align width
fo:layout-master-set is a wrapper around all masters used in the document (simple-page-master|page-sequence-master)+
fo:leader generates leaders consisting either of a rule or of a row of a repeating character or cyclically repeating pattern of characters that may be used for connecting two text formatting objects (#PCDATA|%inline;)* common-accessibility-properties common-aural-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-font-properties common-margin-properties-inline common-relative-position-properties alignment-adjust alignment-baseline baseline-shift color dominant-baseline text-depth text-altitude id leader-alignment leader-length leader-pattern leader-pattern-width rule-style rule-thickness letter-spacing line-height line-height-shift-adjustment text-shadow visibility word-spacing z-index
fo:list-block container for a list (list-item+) common-accessibility-properties common-aural-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-margin-properties-block common-relative-position-properties break-after break-before id keep-together keep-with-next keep-with-previous provisional-distance-between-starts provisional-label-separation
fo:list-item contains the label and the body of an item in a list (list-item-label,list-item-body) common-accessibility-properties common-aural-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-margin-properties-block common-relative-position-properties break-after break-before id keep-together keep-with-next keep-with-previous relative-align
fo:list-item-body contains the content of the body of a list-item (%block;)+ common-accessibility-properties id keep-together
fo:list-item-label contains the content of the label of a list-item; typically used to either enumerate, identify, or adorn the list-item's body (%block;)+ common-accessibility-properties id keep-together
fo:marker is used in conjunction with fo:retrieve-marker to produce running headers or footers (#PCDATA|%inline;|%block;)* marker-class-name
fo:multi-case is used to contain (within an fo:multi-switch) each alternative sub-tree of formatting objects among which the parent fo:multi-switch will choose one to show and will hide the rest (#PCDATA|%inline;|%block;)* common-accessibility-properties id starting-state case-name case-title
fo:multi-properties is used to switch between two or more property sets that are associated with a given portion of content (multi-property-set+,wrapper) common-accessibility-properties id
fo:multi-property-set is used to specify an alternative set of formatting properties that, dependent on a User Agent state, are applied to the content EMPTY id active-state
fo:multi-switch wraps the specification of alternative sub-trees of formatting objects (each sub-tree being within an fo:multi-case), and controls the switching (activated via fo:multi-toggle) from one alternative to another (multi-case+) common-accessibility-properties auto-restore id
fo:multi-toggle is used within an fo:multi-case to switch to another fo:multi-case (#PCDATA|%inline;|%block;)* common-accessibility-properties id switch-to
fo:page-number represents the current page-number EMPTY common-accessibility-properties common-aural-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-font-properties common-margin-properties-inline common-relative-position-properties alignment-adjust alignment-baseline baseline-shift dominant-baseline id keep-with-next keep-with-previous letter-spacing line-height line-height-shift-adjustment score-spaces text-decoration text-shadow text-transform word-spacing
fo:page-number-citation references the page-number for the page containing the first normal area returned by the cited formatting object EMPTY common-accessibility-properties common-aural-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-font-properties common-margin-properties-inline common-relative-position-properties alignment-adjust alignment-baseline baseline-shift dominant-baseline id keep-with-next keep-with-previous letter-spacing line-height line-height-shift-adjustment ref-id score-spaces text-decoration text-shadow text-transform word-spacing
fo:page-sequence is used to specify how to create a (sub-)sequence of pages within a document; for example, a chapter of a report. The content of these pages comes from flow children of the fo:page-sequence (title?,static-content*,flow) country format language letter-value grouping-separator grouping-size id initial-page-number force-page-count master-name
fo:page-sequence-master specifies sequences of page-masters that are used when generating a sequence of pages (single-page-master-reference|repeatable-page-master-reference| repeatable-page-master-alternatives)+ master-name
fo:region-after defines a viewport that is located on the "after" side of fo:region-body region EMPTY common-border-padding-and-background-properties clip display-align extent overflow precedence region-name reference-orientation writing-mode
fo:region-before defines a viewport that is located on the "before" side of fo:region-body region EMPTY common-border-padding-and-background-properties clip display-align extent overflow precedence region-name reference-orientation writing-mode
fo:region-body specifies a viewport/reference pair that is located in the "center" of the fo:simple-page-master EMPTY common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-margin-properties-block clip column-count column-gap display-align overflow region-name reference-orientation writing-mode
fo:region-end defines a viewport that is located on the "end" side of fo:region-body region EMPTY common-border-padding-and-background-properties clip display-align extent overflow region-name reference-orientation writing-mode
fo:region-start defines a viewport that is located on the "start" side of fo:region-body region EMPTY common-border-padding-and-background-properties clip display-align extent overflow region-name reference-orientation writing-mode
fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives specifies a sub-sequence consisting of repeated instances of a set of alternative page-masters (conditional-page-master-reference+) maximum-repeats
fo:repeatable-page-master-reference specifies a sub-sequence consisting of repeated instances of a single page-master EMPTY master-name maximum-repeats
fo:retrieve-marker s used in conjunction with fo:marker to produce running headers or footers EMPTY retrieve-class-name retrieve-position retrieve-boundary
fo:root top node of an xsl formatting objects tree (layout-master-set,declarations?,page-sequence+) media-usage
fo:simple-page-master is used in the generation of pages and specifies the geometry of the page. The page may be subdivided into up to five regions (region-body,region-before?,region-after?,region-start?,region-end?) common-margin-properties-block master-name page-height page-width reference-orientation writing-mode
fo:single-page-master-reference specifies a sub-sequence consisting of a single instance of a single page-master EMPTY master-name
fo:static-content holds a sequence or a tree of formatting objects that is to be presented in a single region or repeated in like-named regions on one or more pages in the page-sequence. Its common use is for repeating or running headers and footers (%block;)+ flow-name
fo:table container for a table (table-column*,table-header?,table-footer?,table-body+) common-accessibility-properties common-aural-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-margin-properties-block common-relative-position-properties block-progression-dimension border-after-precedence border-before-precedence border-collapse border-end-precedence border-separation border-start-precedence break-after break-before id inline-progression-dimension height keep-together keep-with-next keep-with-previous table-layout table-omit-footer-at-break table-omit-header-at-break width writing-mode
fo:table-and-caption is used for formatting a table together with its caption (table-caption?,table) common-accessibility-properties common-aural-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-margin-properties-block common-relative-position-properties caption-side id keep-together keep-with-next keep-with-previous
fo:table-body contains the table body (table-row+|table-cell+) common-accessibility-properties common-aural-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-relative-position-properties id
fo:table-caption contains the caption for the table (only when using the fo:table-and-caption) (%block;)+ common-accessibility-properties common-aural-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-relative-position-properties block-progression-dimension height id inline-progression-dimension keep-together width
fo:table-cell contains content to be placed in a table cell (%block;)+ common-accessibility-properties common-aural-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-relative-position-properties border-after-precedence border-before-precedence border-end-precedence border-start-precedence block-progression-dimension column-number display-align relative-align empty-cells ends-row height id number-columns-spanned number-rows-spanned starts-row width
fo:table-column specifies characteristics applicable to table cells that have the same column and span. EMPTY common-border-padding-and-background-properties column-number column-width number-columns-repeated number-columns-spanned visibility
fo:table-header contains the table header (table-row+|table-cell+) common-accessibility-properties common-aural-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-relative-position-properties id
fo:table-row groups table-cells into rows (table-cell+) common-accessibility-properties block-progression-dimension common-aural-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-relative-position-properties break-after break-before id height keep-together keep-with-next keep-with-previous
fo:title is used to associate a title with a given document. This title may be used by an interactive User Agent to identify the document (#PCDATA|%inline;)* common-accessibility-properties common-aural-properties common-border-padding-and-background-properties common-font-properties common-margin-properties-inline baseline-shift color line-height line-height-shift-adjustment visibility z-index
fo:wrapper is used to specify inherited properties for a group of formatting objects. It has no additional formatting semantics (#PCDATA|%inline;|%block;)* id
formatting object content
%block; block block-container list-block table table-and-caption
%inline; basic-link bidi-override character external-graphic inline inline-container instream-foreign-object leader multi-toggle page-number page-number-citation
property groups
Common Accessibility Properties role source-document
Common Absolute Position Properties absolute-position top right bottom left
Common Aural Properties azimuth cue-after cue-before elevation pause-after pause-before pitch pitch-range play-during richness speak speak-header speak-numeral speak-punctuation speech-rate stress voice-family volume
Common Border, Padding, and Background Properties background-attachment background-color background-image background-repeat background-position-horizontal background-position-vertical border-before-color border-before-style border-before-width border-after-color border-after-style border-after-width border-start-color border-start-style border-start-width border-end-color border-end-style border-end-width border-top-color border-top-style border-top-width border-bottom-color border-bottom-style border-bottom-width border-left-color border-left-style border-left-width border-right-color border-right-style border-right-width padding-before padding-after padding-start padding-end padding-top padding-bottom padding-left padding-right
Common Font Properties Fonts and Font Data font-family font-selection-strategy font-size font-stretch font-size-adjust font-style font-variant font-weight
Common HyphenationProperties country language script hyphenate hyphenation-character hyphenation-push-character-count hyphenation-remain-character-count
Common MarginProperties-Block margin-top margin-bottom margin-left margin-right space-before space-after start-indent end-indent
CommonMargin Properties-Inline space-end space-start
Common Relative Position Properties relative-position top right bottom left
absolute-position auto | absolute | fixed | inherit
active-state link | visited | active | hover | focus
alignment-adjust auto | baseline | before-edge| text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge| text-after-edge | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical| <percentage> | <length>| inherit
alignment-baseline auto | baseline | before-edge| text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge| text-after-edge | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical| inherit
auto-restore true | false
azimuth <angle> | [[ left-side | far-left | left| center-left | center | center-right | right | far-right | right-side] || behind ] | leftwards | rightwards | inherit
background [<background-color> ||<background-image>|| <background-repeat> || <background-attachment> || <background-position>]] | inherit
background-attachment scroll | fixed | inherit
background-color <color> | transparent | inherit
background-image <uri-specification> | none | inherit
background-position [ [<percentage> | <length> ]{1,2} |[ [top | center | bottom] || [left | center | right] ] ] | inherit
background-position-horizontal <percentage> | <length> |left | center | right | inherit
background-position-vertical <percentage> | <length> |top | center | bottom | inherit
background-repeat repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit
baseline-shift baseline | sub | super | <percentage> | <length>| inherit
blank-or-not-blank blank | not-blank | any | inherit
block-progression-dimension auto | <length> | <percentage> | <length-range>| inherit
border [ <border-width> || <border-style>|| <color> ] | inherit
border-after-color <color> | inherit
border-after-precedence force | <integer> | inherit
border-after-style <border-style> | inherit
border-after-width <border-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit
border-before-color <color> | inherit
border-before-precedence force | <integer> | inherit
border-before-style <border-style> | inherit
border-before-width <border-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit
border-bottom [ <border-top-width> || <border-style>|| <color> ] | inherit
border-bottom-color <color> | inherit
border-bottom-style <border-style> | inherit
border-bottom-width <border-width> | inherit
border-collapse collapse | separate | inherit
border-color <color>{1,4} | transparent | inherit
border-end-color <color> | inherit
border-end-precedence force | <integer> | inherit
border-end-style <border-style> | inherit
border-end-width <border-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit
border-left [ <border-top-width> || <border-style>|| <color> ] | inherit
border-left-color <color> | inherit
border-left-style <border-style> | inherit
border-left-width <border-width> | inherit
border-right [ <border-top-width> || <border-style>|| <color> ] | inherit
border-right-color <color> | inherit
border-right-style <border-style> | inherit
border-right-width <border-width> | inherit
border-separation <length-bp-ip-direction> | inherit
border-spacing <length> <length>? | inherit
border-start-color <color> | inherit
border-start-precedence force | <integer> | inherit
border-start-style <border-style> | inherit
border-start-width <border-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit
border-style <border-style>{1,4} | inherit
border-top [ <border-top-width> || <border-style>|| <color> ] | inherit
border-top-color <color> | inherit
border-top-style <border-style> | inherit
border-top-width <border-width> | inherit
border-width <border-width>{1,4} | inherit
bottom <length> | <percentage> | auto | inherit
break-after auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit
break-before auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit
caption-side before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit
case-name <name>
case-title <string>
character <character>
clear start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit
clip <shape> | auto | inherit
color <color> | inherit
color-profile-name <name> | inherit
column-count <number> | inherit
column-gap <length> | <percentage> | inherit
column-number <number>
column-width <length> | <percentage>
content-height auto | scale-to-fit | <length> | <percentage> | inherit
content-type <string> | auto
content-width auto | scale-to-fit | <length> | <percentage> | inherit
country none | <country> | inherit
cue <cue-before> || <cue-after> | inherit
cue-after <uri-specification> | none | inherit
cue-before <uri-specification> | none | inherit
destination-placement-offset <length>
direction ltr | rtl | inherit
display-align auto | before | center | after| inherit
dominant-baseline auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size| ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical| inherit
elevation <angle> | below | level | above | higher| lower | inherit
empty-cells show | hide | inherit
end-indent <length> | inherit
ends-row true | false
extent <length> | <percentage> | inherit
external-destination <uri-specification>
float before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit
flow-name <name>
font [ [ <font-style> || <font-variant>|| <font-weight> ]? <font-size> [ / <line-height>]? <font-family>] | caption | icon | menu | message-box | small-caption | status-bar| inherit
font-family [[ <family-name> | <generic-family>],]* [<family-name> | <generic-family>] | inherit
font-selection-strategy auto | character-by-character | inherit
font-size <absolute-size> | <relative-size> | <length>| <percentage> | inherit
font-size-adjust <number> | none | inherit
font-stretch normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed| extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded |expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit
font-style normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit
font-variant normal | small-caps | inherit
font-weight normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200| 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | inherit
force-page-count auto | even | odd | end-on-even | end-on-odd | no-force| inherit
format <string>
glyph-orientation-horizontal <angle> | inherit
glyph-orientation-vertical auto | <angle> | inherit
grouping-separator <character>
grouping-size <number>
height <length> | <percentage> | auto | inherit
hyphenate false | true | inherit
hyphenation-character <character> | inherit
hyphenation-keep auto | column | page | inherit
hyphenation-ladder-count no-limit | <number> | inherit
hyphenation-push-character-count <number> | inherit
hyphenation-remain-character-count <number> | inherit
id <id>
indicate-destination true | false
initial-page-number auto | auto-odd | auto-even | <number> | inherit
inline-progression-dimension auto | <length> | <percentage> | <length-range>| inherit
internal-destination empty string | <idref>
keep-together <keep> | inherit
keep-with-next <keep> | inherit
keep-with-previous <keep> | inherit
language none | <language> | inherit
last-line-end-indent <length> | <percentage> | inherit
leader-alignment none | reference-area | page | inherit
leader-length <length-range> | inherit
leader-pattern space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit
leader-pattern-width use-font-metrics | <length> | inherit
left <length> | <percentage> | auto | inherit
letter-spacing normal | <length> | <space> | inherit
letter-value auto | alphabetic | traditional
line-height normal | <length> | <number> | <percentage> | <space>| inherit
line-height-shift-adjustment consider-shifts | disregard-shifts | inherit
line-stacking-strategy line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit
linefeed-treatment ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit
margin <margin-width>{1,4} | inherit
margin-bottom <margin-width> | inherit
margin-left <margin-width> | inherit
margin-right <margin-width> | inherit
margin-top <margin-width> | inherit
marker-class-name <name>
master-name <name>
max-height <length> | <percentage> | none | inherit
max-width <length> | <percentage> | none | inherit
maximum-repeats <number> | no-limit | inherit
media-usage auto | paginate | bounded-in-one-dimension | unbounded
min-height <length> | <percentage> | inherit
min-width <length> | <percentage> | inherit
number-columns-repeated <number>
number-columns-spanned <number>
number-rows-spanned <number>
odd-or-even odd | even | any | inherit
orphans <integer> | inherit
overflow visible | hidden | scroll | error-if-overflow | auto | inherit
padding <padding-width>{1,4} | inherit
padding-after <padding-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit
padding-before <padding-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit
padding-bottom <padding-width> | inherit
padding-end <padding-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit
padding-left <padding-width> | inherit
padding-right <padding-width> | inherit
padding-start <padding-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit
padding-top <padding-width> | inherit
page-break-after auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit
page-break-before auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit
page-break-inside avoid | auto | inherit
page-height auto | indefinite | <length> | inherit
page-position first | last | rest | any | inherit
page-width auto | indefinite | <length> | inherit
pause [<time> | <percentage>]{1,2} | inherit
pause-after <time> | <percentage> | inherit
pause-before <time> | <percentage> | inherit
pitch <frequency> | x-low | low | medium | high| x-high | inherit
pitch-range <number> | inherit
play-during <uri-specification> mix? repeat? | auto | none | inherit
position static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit
precedence true | false | inherit
provisional-distance-between-starts <length> | inherit
provisional-label-separation <length> | inherit
ref-id <idref> | inherit
reference-orientation 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | inherit
region-name xsl-region-body | xsl-region-start | xsl-region-end| xsl-region-before | xsl-region-after | xsl-before-float-separator| xsl-footnote-separator | <name>
relative-align before | baseline| inherit
relative-position static | relative | inherit
rendering-intent auto | perceptual | relative-colorimetric | saturation | absolute-colorimetric | inherit
retrieve-boundary page | page-sequence | document
retrieve-class-name <name>
retrieve-position first-starting-within-page | first-including-carryover |last-starting-within-page | last-ending-within-page
richness <number> | inherit
role <string> | <uri-specification> | none | inherit
rule-style none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove| ridge | inherit
rule-thickness <length>
scaling uniform | non-uniform | inherit
scaling-method auto | integer-pixels | resample-any-method | inherit
score-spaces true | false | inherit
script none | auto | <script> | inherit
show-destination replace | new
size <length>{1,2} | auto | landscape | portrait| inherit
source-document <uri-specification> [<uri-specification>]* | none | inherit
space-after <space> | inherit
space-before <space> | inherit
space-end <space> | inherit
space-start <space> | inherit
space-treatment ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed |ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit
span none | all | inherit
speak normal | none | spell-out | inherit
speak-header once | always | inherit
speak-numeral digits | continuous | inherit
speak-punctuation code | none | inherit
speech-rate <number> | x-slow | slow | medium | fast| x-fast | faster | slower | inherit
src <uri-specification> | inherit
start-indent <length> | inherit
starting-state show | hide
starts-row true | false
stress <number> | inherit
suppress-at-line-break auto | suppress | retain | inherit
switch-to xsl-preceding | xsl-following | xsl-any | <name>[ <name>]*
table-layout auto | fixed | inherit
table-omit-header-at-break true | false
target-presentation-context use-target-processing-context | <uri-specification>
target-processing-context document-root | <uri-specification>
target-stylesheet use-normal-stylesheet | <uri-specification>
text-align start | center | end | justify | inside | outside| left | right | <string> | inherit
text-align-last relative | start | center | end | justify | inside| outside | left | right | inherit
text-altitude use-font-metrics | <length> | inherit
text-decoration none | [ [ underline | no-underline] || [ overline | no-overline ]|| [ line-through | no-line-through ] || [ blink | no-blink ] ]| inherit
text-depth use-font-metrics | <length> | inherit
text-indent <length> | <percentage> | inherit
text-shadow none | [<color> || <length> <length> <length>?,]* [<color> || <length> <length> <length>?] | inherit
text-transform capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit
top <length> | <percentage> | auto | inherit
treat-as-word-space auto | true | false | inherit
unicode-bidi normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit
vertical-align baseline | middle | sub | super | text-top |text-bottom | <percentage> | <length> | top | bottom | inherit
visibility visible | hidden | collapse | inherit
voice-family [[<specific-voice> | <generic-voice>],]* [<specific-voice> | <generic-voice> ] | inherit
volume <number> | <percentage> | silent | x-soft| soft | medium | loud | x-loud | inherit
white-space normal | pre | nowrap | inherit
white-space-collapse false | true | inherit
widows <integer> | inherit
width <length> | <percentage> | auto | inherit
word-spacing normal | <length> | <space> | inherit
wrap-option no-wrap | wrap | inherit
writing-mode lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit
xml:lang <country-language> | inherit
z-index auto | <integer> | inherit