Auto-height block-containers produce fences block-container_space-before_space-after_3.xml Block-containers with no height currently don't create a fence for spaces as they should (they behave like a normal block). font-stretch NYI block_font-stretch.xml Font-stretch is not implemented, yet. linefeed-treatment block_linefeed-treatment.xml Preserved linefeeds in a fo:character are not handled correctly. white-space-treatment block_white-space-treatment_3.xml White space handling incorrectly stops at fo:inline boundaries when it comes to formatter generated line breaks. Empty blocks produce fences block_space-before_space-after_8.xml An empty block currently produces a fence for stacking constraints which it shouldn't. block white-space nbsp 2 block_white-space_nbsp_2.xml The nbsp given as an fo:character is not adjustable and therefore the justification does not work in this case. block word-spacing block_word-spacing.xml Word-spacing may not work as expected. block word-spacing text-align justify block_word-spacing_text-align_justify.xml Word-spacing may not work as expected. external-graphic don't shrink external-graphic_oversized.xml Images currently don't shrink so they fit on a page when they are too big and shrinking is allowed to happen (min/opt/max). Test case with HTTP URL external-graphic_src_uri.xml Doesn't work behind a proxy which requires authorization. Space Resolution in foot note area footnote_space-resolution.xml Space resolution does not work between footnote regions. NPE for table inside an inline inline_block_nested_3.xml Placing a table as a child of an fo:inline produces a NullPointerException. Keeps on inline-container are not implemented, yet. inline-container_keeps.xml The keep-with-previous and keep-with-next properties have not been implemented on inline-container yet. They will be treated as if they had the value "auto". Borders and padding inline-container are not implemented, yet. inline-container_border_padding.xml Borders and paddings on an inline-container will be ignored. inline letter-spacing inline_letter-spacing.xml Letter-spacing may not work as expected within fo:inline. inline word-spacing inline_word-spacing.xml Word-spacing may not work as expected within fo:inline. inline word-spacing text-align justify inline_word-spacing_text-align_justify.xml leader-alignment NYI leader-alignment.xml Leader-alignment is not yet implemented. leader-pattern="use-content": Problem with line height leader_leader-pattern_use-content_bug.xml Line height is not correctly calculated for use-content leaders whose height is larger than the rest of the line. Page breaking doesn't deal with IPD changes page-breaking_4.xml Page breaking currently doesn't support changing available IPD between pages of a single page-sequence. Element list generation has to be reset to redetermine line breaks in this case. Overflow handing is incomplete page-breaking_6.xml Line breaking is not 100% correct when there's too little space. Overflows are not detected and warned. Indefinite page height handling is imcomplete page-height_indefinite_simple.xml A RuntimeException is thrown for a page of indefinite height. Lots of warnings. page-number-citation: Problem with background-image page-number-citation_background-image.xml Background-images on page-number-citations are not placed correctly. IDs are not working on all FO elements page-number-citation_complex_1.xml The "id" attributes are not properly handled for all block-level FO elements. IDs are not working on all FO elements page-number-citation_complex_2.xml The "id" attributes are not properly handled for all inline-level FO elements. Footnotes in multi-column documents region-body_column-count_footnote.xml Footnotes may overlap with text of the region-body in multi-column documents. Column Balancing problems region-body_column-count_balance_4col.xml Situation in a 4-column document where the column balancing doesn't work and even causes some content to disappear. Column Balancing problems region-body_column-count_bug36356.xml Column balancing doesn't work as expected. table-cell empty area with marker.xml table-cell_empty_area_with_marker.xml A table-cell producing an empty area does currently not add any markers to a page. See TODO entry in AreaAdditionUtil. Border conditionality on table table_border-width_conditionality.xml The code should be ok, but the test case uses shorthands and therefore is probably not expressing the indended outcome according to the spec. The test case should be revisited. Page-keep not respected in multi-column layout keep_within-page_multi-column_overflow.xml The block should cause overflow in the last column on the page, rather than be broken. Block Container Reference Orientation Bug block-container_reference-orientation_bug36391.xml An assert is failing Writing mode problems simple-page-master_writing-mode_rl_region-body_writing-mode-lr.xml Test erroneously depends upon incorrect implementation of writing-mode trait derivation on fo:region-*. Footnotes and "id" property footnote_id.xml The "id" for fo:footnote and fo:footnote-body is properly processed, but implementation in the layout engine remains incomplete/