HOW TO UPDATE THE FOP WEBSITE Background -------------- 1. The FOP web site & documentation are generated using forrest ( 2. There are two general ways to update the FOP web repository, each described in more detail below: a. the forrestbot on the Apache server b. a local copy of Forrest 3. Files related to the web site reside in the following places: a. FOP source repository (cvs): b. interim web site (html, pdf, etc.) 1) if forrestbot is used: Location is unknown & unimportant to us. Content can be viewed, refreshed, and published at: 2) if local Forrest is used: Files will be generated on your local machine. c. FOP web repository (cvs): d. FOP live web site: somewhere on 3. The flow of data from our project committers to the actual web site is as follows: a. Source code changes are committed to the cvs repository by developers. b. An interim web site is built using one of two methods: manual/local or forrestbot. c. The interim web site is committed to the FOP web repository, again using one of two methods: manual/local or forrestbot. d. Every six hours (midnight, 6am, noon, 6pm Pacific time), a script copies the contents of the web site repository to the server for the FOP live web site. For support on this process: 1) The CVS update logs can be viewed at, where "x" is a number from 1-4, these four files being the updates done over the past 24 hours. Review the most recent log file for clues. 2) the script is maintained by Sam Ruby ( Contact him for further help. Forrestbot or Local Forrest? ---------------------------- By far, the easiest way to generate an interim web site and to update the FOP web repository is to use the forrestbot on the Apache servers. Advantages: 1. Easy to use. 2. Always using the "approved" versions of Forrest and supporting infrastructure. 3. No manual steps with attendant human error. Disadvantages: 1. Ties up server resources. 2. Requires a server login (see for instructions about how to obtain one). For minor or pure documentation changes, use the forrestbot. For major changes, such as sitemap building, that will require many edit/build/test/debug cycles, use a local Forrest instead. Also, even for major changes, it is probably better to do the final build and commit using the forrestbot, after all of the debugging has been completed on your local machine. Updating the Web Site Repository using the Forrestbot ----------------------------------------------------- To use the forrestbot, simply follow these steps: 1. Make sure your changes are committed to the FOP source repository. 2. Open in your browser. 3. Login. 4. In the "Select a module" box, select "xml-fop". 5. Click the "refresh" button to have the interim site built. On-screen instructions tell you how to view the log as the build progresses. 6. After the build has completed, click "xml-fop" in the list of preview sites. The interim site will be displayed in a frame. 7. After you are satisfied with the interim site, commit it to the FOP web repository by first making sure that "xml-fop" is still selected in the "Select a module" box, then clicking "publish". Again, you can watch the log as it is built. 8. Wait for the next 6-hour update cycle and check the live web site. Updating the Web Site Repository using a Manual/Local Forrest ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Note: Forrest needs to be run on a machine with a graphical environment (it will fail in a headless environment when it tries to use FOP to generate the PDF files). 2. checkout the xml-forrest module (same repository as xml-fop). 3. checkout the xml-site/targets/fop module (same repository as xml-fop). 4. you will also need access to a current xml-fop sandbox (you probably already have one) 5. cd to xml-forrest 6. run: dist to build forrest 7. set environment variable FORREST_HOME=~/xml-forrest/build/dist/shbat where ~ is the directory in which xml-forrest is installed (see for details) 8. set environment variable PATH=$PATH:$FORREST_HOME/bin 9. cd to xml-fop directory 10. run forrest(.bat), which will build the web-site documents in xml-fop/build/site. 11. To update the actual website, copy the generated documents (in xml-fop/build/site) to xml-site/targets/fop on your local machine. (This could also be done by sym-linking this destination before the build.) 12. Consider whether your final build and publish should be done using the forrestbot on the Apache servers (see discussion above). Otherwise, commit xml-site/targets/fop. Last Line of $RCSfile$