A list of unresolved reported bugs can be found at
Open Bugs (Bugzilla).
Reporting New Bugs
User reports of bugs and requests for enhancements are extremely
important parts of FOP development, and we appreciate the time you take to help
us track these issues down.
To help us ensure that the bug database is as useful as it should be, please
use the following checklist if you are considering reporting a new bug:
Is your issue really a request to comply with some aspect of the
XSL-FO standard?
If so, please do not enter a bug report.
The developers already carefully track which standard requirements have been
Other enhancement requests are welcome (although they are not technically
"bugs", they are entered and tracked in the same system -- just be sure to mark
the issue as an enhancement).
Is your issue addressed by an FAQ? If so, please do not
enter a bug report unless the FAQ did not adequately address your issue.
Has this bug already been reported?
See section above for a list of bugs that have already been reported.
If the bug has already been reported, please do not open a new bug report.
Reporting the same bug twice will only slow the development team down.
However, if you have insight that may help developers track an existing problem,
please add comments and/or file attachments to the existing bug.
Do you know how to write a good bug report?
Please review the
Apache Bug
Writing Guidelines before submitting your report.
If, and only if, you have passed all of the above steps, please
enter a new bug report at
FOP bug database (Bugzilla).
You will be asked to login to an existing Bugzilla account or to create a new
When entering the bug report, please make your description complete and concise.
If appropriate, attach a minimal fo file to your report which demonstrates the
After submission, a copy of your bug report will be automatically
sent to the FOP developer discussion list.