Example Documents Using FOP

These examples have been rendered using FOP:

Generated examples
Description XSL-FO file PDF result
default font characters fonts.fo fonts.fo.pdf

Other basic examples on the use of XSL-FO can be found in the FOP distribution in the subdirectory xml-fop/examples/fo. You can start transformation of all fo files into pdf files by starting xml-fop/examples/fo/runtests (only source distribution). The resulting test files can be found in xml-fop/examples/fo/tests

At the moment the following files are part of the distribution:

Also, in the directory examples/fo/pagination you will find a suite of examples showing the use of XSL-FO pagination.

Developers will find the first steps to a test suite for all implemented formatting objects and properties in xml-fop/test/xml/.

Images Examples

Embedding images in FO:

Images in FO
description fo file pdf result
align in larger viewport align.fo align.fo.pdf
align in smaller viewport align2.fo align2.fo.pdf
scaling image size.fo size.fo.pdf

Look also into the directory examples/fo/svg. There you find some very extensive SVG examples.

Instream Foreign Object Examples

Instream Foreign Object images in FO, there are more on the SVG Page:

Embedding instream-foreign-object
description fo file pdf result
embedding svg in viewport embed.fo embed.fo.pdf