Have a look at the documentation pages on this site. You can find information on how to run FOP,
how to embed it, how to add custom fonts etc.
Consult the FAQ to see if your question has already been answered before.
If you have a question concerning XSL:FO that is not related to FOP directly, please consult the various
resources on the net. See Resources for some interesting links.
Before you post your questions to one of the mailing lists, please search the mailing list archives, since it's
possible that your question has already been answered but it may not have found its way into the FAQ. You'll
find links to the mailing list archive in the Resources.
If you still can't solve your problem subscribe to FOP's user mailing list and post your question there. Please
don't forget to supply the version you're using, detailed error messages etc. This makes it easier to help you.
The instructions on how to subscribe can be found in the Resources
You should probably read ESR's
"How to Ask Questions the Smart Way"
Please don't use Bugzilla to post questions and please ask on the user mailing list first, if you think you've
found a bug.