This is the last planned release in the 0.20.x series (aka maintenance branch).
Important changes since the last release (0.20.4):
Some hyphenation patterns (cs, da, de, de_DR, el, en, en_US, fr, nl,
no, sk, tr) have been removed due to licensing reasons
(en_GB hyphenation has been renamed to en).
We're still working on this issue
Wiki for details).
Documentation is now built with
Forrest (version 0.4). You need to install Forrest if you want build the docs
yourself. (See
Using Forrest)
The following JARs have been updated:
Xerces to version 2.2.1, Xalan to version 2.4.1 and Batik to version 1.5beta4.
FOP has been compiled with Jimi support, but Jimi is not included in the
FOP distribution. To use it, first download
Jimi, then extract
the archive, then
copy to FOP's lib dir and rename it to jimi-1.0.jar.
FOP has been compiled with JAI support, but JAI is not included in the
FOP distribution. To use it, simply install
Links in PDF won't generate multiple link rectangles anymore. If this causes
a problem you can set the system property "links.merge" to "no".
FOP has been compiled with cryptography support. See
PDF encryption for details about installation and usage.
The behaviour of leader has changed. See
bug #19341,
bug #19465
and (examples).
For a more detailed list of changes, see the CHANGES file in the root of the
FOP distribution.
FOP 0.20.4
Important changes since 0.20.3:
FOP should now work with any JAXP1.1 compliant parser/transformer.
It has been successfully tested with Xerces/Xalan, Saxon and JDK1.4
(which includes Crimson and Xalan).
The following JARs have been updated:
Xerces to version 2.0.1, Xalan to version 2.3.1 and Batik to version 1.5beta2.
FOP has been compiled with Jimi support this time
but you still have to download
and copy it to lib/ to get PNG support (no need to build FOP yourself though).
Building FOP with JDK1.2 does not work. Running is ok except
support for additional truetype fonts in AWT Viewer.
Logging has been changed from LogKit to Avalon's Logger Interface.
(see Embedding for details).
Building under JDK 1.4:
You need to add a method in
(search for jdk1.4 and remove the comments)
To decrease the size of the distributions, ant, xml-docs, design-docs
and the hyphenation sources have been removed from the binary distribution.
Javadocs have been removed from the source distribution (use
build javadocs to generate them).
Documentaion generation is broken in the maintenance branch at the moment
(Stylebook needs xerces1). The docs for this release are generated from the trunk.
For a more detailed list of changes, see the CHANGES file in the root of the FOP distribution.
FOP 0.20.3
Important Information:
This version supports the
XSL-FO Version 1.0
W3C Recommendation syntax. So don't forget to update your
Just rename the master-name property to master-reference
on fo:page-sequence, fo:single-page-master-reference,
fo:repeatable-page-master-reference and
JDK 1.2 (or later) is required
Jimi has been removed for licensing reasons
If you need PNG support you have to download
copy it to lib/ and build FOP yourself
Building under JDK 1.4:
You need to add a method in
(search for jdk1.4 and remove the comments)
For a more detailed list of changes, see the CHANGES file in the root of the FOP distribution.